~Gabba Gabba Hey
The Ramones
I just recieved this in an e-mail, forwarded from a friend.
Gabrriella Reece gives advice, on how to be hot.
1) Eat Real Food
2) Drink Water
3) Keep Stress to a Minimum
4) Do Resistance Training
5) Stretch or Do Yoga
6) Find Some Happiness, Laugh and Smile Regularly
AND The Finale
7) CRAP.
: This is a big deal. A lot of people have issues with this. A good diet and water will help you keep things moving. Going to the bathroom is especially good for flattening the lower ab area. Not to mention (I'm committing the ultimate sacrifice here) it will lower the number on the scale. It's been said that we walk around with 8 to 10 pounds of crap (literally) in our system. Move it on out.
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