"Step-Dad" exit stage right.
Dear Husbands "Step-Dad" got on his plane this afternoon and is gone. I keep putting "Step-Dad", I should just put Dad down. It is his Mothers second husband. She has been married since. So it is not REALLY his "Step-Dad". It is really his Dad, simply put. He has kept in touch, offered guidance, and has been more of a "Dad" than any other man. So I think I will just call him Dear Husbands Dad.
Dear Husbands "Dad", is an interesting guy. He has his a Masters degree in developmental Psychology. He is a Secular Humanist, and oddly enough a Democrat, he is quiet and very mild mannered. So I felt as though I had hired an "existential detective", Like in the movie I Heart Huckabees.
I might add here, I am burned out, on the "housewife" thing right now. The job I have always wanted, and never thought I would be able to have, "housewife". The Mom part is going ok, I LOVE it. However,the cleaning off the floor under Pink Ninja's highchair for the fourth time. It is the laundry that multiplies in the hamper overnight, it is the monotony of the chores. Chores which my own Mother ALWAYS had done, my Mothers home was always SPOTLESS, you could eat out of her toilets. However, I cannot remember my Mom EVER PLAYING with us. Hence I am trying to find the balance between being a good Mom, and keeping the perfect house, and being a gracious hostess, and I am finding it impossible. I think the 18 month deployment did not help matters, being alone well, well it just sucks. I am still recovering, and I was the one at home.
So, Husband's Dad is here, and he is an EASY guest. He is very laid back, does not demand anything. You could not ask for a better guest. The whole time he is here, I am paranoid about my parenting skills, and what irrevocable damage I am causing my children. I feel as though at the end of the day I should sit down and ask for child rearing device, ask what mistakes he has seen me make through the day, and realize I DO NOT want to know. I am sure the list is endless. So I sit here with Pink Ninja with a 5 pound cast on her right arm, and Dash who is not only 3 but a perfectionist, and wonder what he is thinking.
Instead we go to B.B. King, and eat ribs, and we dine on Tandori Chicken, and talk politics, economy, the differences between the South and the Midwest. We catch up on stories of relatives,we watch Season 2 Chapelle Show and we eat popcorn.
I never asked for a meeting with my existential detective. I do NOT want to know.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Hide your Ovaries....
Here comes the Karnival of Kidz #6!! So cute, you better hide your ovaries. Sissy, you did a great job!
Monday, May 30, 2005
How you should spend Memorial Day
Shakey Pete has returned from his first visit to the wall, I am so glad he made the trip. Go read about his experiance at the wall. I am glad you shared this with us Pete.
Dogtulsba, wife Jen and friends were in D.C. for the Memorial Day weekend. What a great place to be to honor all of those that have died in service to the United States. I think Washington D.C. should be a must stop on every Americans list. He mentions all of the bikers that were there for Rolling Thunder.
Mr. Blackfive, spent Memorial evening on MSNBC, discussing milblogs, and being a voice for his brothers, and sisters. You did us all proud again Matty. I hope you know we are all behind you.
Dogtulsba, wife Jen and friends were in D.C. for the Memorial Day weekend. What a great place to be to honor all of those that have died in service to the United States. I think Washington D.C. should be a must stop on every Americans list. He mentions all of the bikers that were there for Rolling Thunder.
Mr. Blackfive, spent Memorial evening on MSNBC, discussing milblogs, and being a voice for his brothers, and sisters. You did us all proud again Matty. I hope you know we are all behind you.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Memorial Day
In Flanders Fields
By John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly.
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
By John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly.
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Blues and the King
So I did manage to see the Mr. B.B. King Friday night. This is something I have wanted to do for years. The King of the Blues, I never thought I would be so lucky to have the honor.
B.B. King is now 79 years old, has diabetes, and honestly folks I wasn't expecting a "grand performance". I was SOOO wrong. Mr. King is a GRACIOUS performer, and wants to make his audience happy. He sang songs that would make the general audience happy. Standard King like "The Thrill is gone", and "Three-o-clock Blues".
Not only did his voice sound GREAT, which is hard to maintain with age, but LIVE. His voice sounded rich, and full. His guitar playing made me wish I had every recording by the King, and the time to listen to it 24 hours a day.
I was also amazed to hear "blues" being played by such a smiling man. I have NEVER seen anyone that loved their job like Mr. King. Mr. B.B. King loves to make people with the "blues" feel like they have company, and he likes making "happy" people wish they had the "blues". He looked like he was truly enjoying every second of this "odd gig" by a river in Arkansas where people only had to pay $15 for a 3 day pass.
B.B. King is now 79 years old, has diabetes, and honestly folks I wasn't expecting a "grand performance". I was SOOO wrong. Mr. King is a GRACIOUS performer, and wants to make his audience happy. He sang songs that would make the general audience happy. Standard King like "The Thrill is gone", and "Three-o-clock Blues".
Not only did his voice sound GREAT, which is hard to maintain with age, but LIVE. His voice sounded rich, and full. His guitar playing made me wish I had every recording by the King, and the time to listen to it 24 hours a day.
I was also amazed to hear "blues" being played by such a smiling man. I have NEVER seen anyone that loved their job like Mr. King. Mr. B.B. King loves to make people with the "blues" feel like they have company, and he likes making "happy" people wish they had the "blues". He looked like he was truly enjoying every second of this "odd gig" by a river in Arkansas where people only had to pay $15 for a 3 day pass.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Music I can't stand......
Blogging will be light, because of my hostessing duties. They are paramount to my social standing. Not really, I just like hanging out with Dear Husbands "Step-Dad.
Here is a great question for you.
Who is your least favorite recording artist?
I cannot stand George Thourogood, or Bob Segar, even if I am drunk off my ass, and with the coolest people, in the coolest bar. I just can't stand to hear either of them screeching and grunting. Makes my skin crawl to think of it. I really tried to pick one, but can't.
I can't stand both.
Here is a great question for you.
Who is your least favorite recording artist?
I cannot stand George Thourogood, or Bob Segar, even if I am drunk off my ass, and with the coolest people, in the coolest bar. I just can't stand to hear either of them screeching and grunting. Makes my skin crawl to think of it. I really tried to pick one, but can't.
I can't stand both.
Pimp My Blog
It is as if the Tech-Heavens opened and a geek was sent to my aide! Yes, The Ponytailed Conservative has offerred to "repair", my template. He is a self proclaimed geek, so I am hoping he can pimp this mother up, or is it pimp this mother out? I am soooo unhip on so many levels.
Go wish him well, he has a bit of a cold. Take some Airborne, I am telling you, it works.
Go wish him well, he has a bit of a cold. Take some Airborne, I am telling you, it works.
Stuck in Chicago
Dear Husbands "Step-Dad" is in Chicago overnight, due to some sort of mechanical problem. So I got to finish, "some" of my list. I sent Dear Husband to airport, with toddlers, and thought it might give me an hour to do my magic on the house.
My freaking crazy ass neighbor lady came running over here with her crazy assed Yorkshire Terriers. Seems her and her boyfriend got in an argument re: new neighbor that does "yardwork" shirtless. "I just had to get out of that house, his jealousy is going to kill this relationship." Go ahead and just vacuum around us." We are not friends, and have no idea why she chose my home, but whatever, I am too nice sometimes. I did not proceed with chores I had to listen to her "Dr. Phillsophize".
My freaking crazy ass neighbor lady came running over here with her crazy assed Yorkshire Terriers. Seems her and her boyfriend got in an argument re: new neighbor that does "yardwork" shirtless. "I just had to get out of that house, his jealousy is going to kill this relationship." Go ahead and just vacuum around us." We are not friends, and have no idea why she chose my home, but whatever, I am too nice sometimes. I did not proceed with chores I had to listen to her "Dr. Phillsophize".
If I were Emma Peel....

If I were Emma Peel Today, I would shoot my computer. I mean really.

So Jeff tells me, my blog looks all jacked up on FIrefox. For fucks sake, I mean really. I don't even know what FireFox is, because I am tech tarded. Apparently, correcting the problem will take at least an afternoon. What is an afternoon?
I am getting ready for our company today, trying to make sure the house is presentable, and there is a delicious dinner on the table, clean bedding on the bed, happy children, and a Mom with her hair done. Now that will take ALL AFTERNOON.
Bear with me folks....this might take months.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
20 Questions?
This is a follow up answer to this post, that did not exactly generate much traffic....
Air Force Family Wife, asked me what I could NOT LIVE without, if we were stationed somewhere with a crappy PX/BX/Commissary.
Well, I am currently a National Guardsman's spouse, so I am used to NOTHING. The closest post is 45 minutes away, and it is not a great "post". When we were active military and at Fort Bragg, I naturally thought all PX, etc would be that big. I was 20, give me a break.
I am honestly a low maintainance gal, although I can be high maintainance, if given the time, opportunity and money involved. I grew up in a very POOR working class home, so I can make do with whatever. This is a skill that has done me well, and has made life easier on Dear Husband.
What can't I live without? I will make a list of only 5 here, I am sure I could go on for days here.
1) Baths
My baths saved me night after night during husbands 18 months away. It was my quiet time, my soak time, my reading time, my cocktail time. My baths still save me, a glass of wine and a bath, AHHHH. Heavenly.
2) Coffee
I think I might be dead without it. I love the taste of it, the ritual of it, the smell of it.
3) Disposable Diapers
I won't even go into details.
4) Baby Wipes
I can't imagine the laundry involved without these things.
5) Wash Machine
Come on....I seriously could not manage without this wonderous appliance.
So tell me, is there something you just can't live without?
Air Force Family Wife, asked me what I could NOT LIVE without, if we were stationed somewhere with a crappy PX/BX/Commissary.
Well, I am currently a National Guardsman's spouse, so I am used to NOTHING. The closest post is 45 minutes away, and it is not a great "post". When we were active military and at Fort Bragg, I naturally thought all PX, etc would be that big. I was 20, give me a break.
I am honestly a low maintainance gal, although I can be high maintainance, if given the time, opportunity and money involved. I grew up in a very POOR working class home, so I can make do with whatever. This is a skill that has done me well, and has made life easier on Dear Husband.
What can't I live without? I will make a list of only 5 here, I am sure I could go on for days here.
1) Baths
My baths saved me night after night during husbands 18 months away. It was my quiet time, my soak time, my reading time, my cocktail time. My baths still save me, a glass of wine and a bath, AHHHH. Heavenly.
2) Coffee
I think I might be dead without it. I love the taste of it, the ritual of it, the smell of it.
3) Disposable Diapers
I won't even go into details.
4) Baby Wipes
I can't imagine the laundry involved without these things.
5) Wash Machine
Come on....I seriously could not manage without this wonderous appliance.
So tell me, is there something you just can't live without?
Easy on Mom Cookies
1 (2-layer) pacakage chocolate cake mix
1/2 cup butter softened
2 eggs
Beat cake mix, butter, eggs, in mixer bowl until blended. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove to wire rack to cool. May add chopped nuts, raisins, candy coated candy, chocolate chips, or mint chips to dough.
makes 48 cookies!!
1/2 cup butter softened
2 eggs
Beat cake mix, butter, eggs, in mixer bowl until blended. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove to wire rack to cool. May add chopped nuts, raisins, candy coated candy, chocolate chips, or mint chips to dough.
makes 48 cookies!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The Movie Meme!!
Got this Meme from Katy, over at The Grass Isn't Greener.
I love reading Katy, and usually her 3 toddlers, prove to do something crazier than my 2. Go over and take a look. Blogging appears to be a "REAL LIFE" family affair with Katy and hers. Her mother-in-law runs the Hen House, her husband is Cowboy over at My Adventures in Life, Her Father-in-law runs Double Creek Limousine, and finally Katy's brother is Jack Army. No that is a link full.
Go visit them and tell them hello!
The Movie meme:
1) The number of DVD's I own:
Probably around 250. We never rent.
2) The last DVD I bought:
Dear Husband bought "Sideways" for me. We loved it.
3) The last DVD I watched:
4) Five movies that I watch a lot (in no particular order) that mean a lot to me:
Auntie Mame
Gone With The Wind
Grapes of Wrath
Yours, Mine, and Ours
5) Tag 5 other people with this Meme...
Tammi, my Blog Momma, Boudicca, Closet Extremist Teresa, and Donna. Enjoy!!
I love reading Katy, and usually her 3 toddlers, prove to do something crazier than my 2. Go over and take a look. Blogging appears to be a "REAL LIFE" family affair with Katy and hers. Her mother-in-law runs the Hen House, her husband is Cowboy over at My Adventures in Life, Her Father-in-law runs Double Creek Limousine, and finally Katy's brother is Jack Army. No that is a link full.
Go visit them and tell them hello!
The Movie meme:
1) The number of DVD's I own:
Probably around 250. We never rent.
2) The last DVD I bought:
Dear Husband bought "Sideways" for me. We loved it.
3) The last DVD I watched:
4) Five movies that I watch a lot (in no particular order) that mean a lot to me:
Auntie Mame
Gone With The Wind
Grapes of Wrath
Yours, Mine, and Ours
5) Tag 5 other people with this Meme...
Tammi, my Blog Momma, Boudicca, Closet Extremist Teresa, and Donna. Enjoy!!
Karnival of Kidz, sneak a peak.
The Karnival of Kidz is up and running at Practical Penumbra. I did go over today and took a look, simply adorable!!
On the mend
It has been a long day for the Pink Ninja. It appears all is well, "simple fractures" the Dr. Said. No surgical reduction, a cast for 2 weeks ONLY!! Thank GOD. She did well, seems to enjoy the medical process, and is not afraid of medical staff. She is wearing a multi-colored cast. I did not get the comment re: waterproof casts until I came home. I had no idea there was such a thing. Of course I bathed her tonight, after being in a hospital and a pediatrician office.....The GERMS.
Thank you all for your concern and thoughts, it is appreciated. She is fine, still smiling. She does not want to sleep tonight, her Daddy is rocking her right now.
Thank you all for your concern and thoughts, it is appreciated. She is fine, still smiling. She does not want to sleep tonight, her Daddy is rocking her right now.
Foul ball.
I am trying to get my "domestic engineering projects" complete this am. We have a busy afternoon ahead of us. 2 Drs. Appointments. Really. Pink Ninja sees the orthopedic surgeon today, as well as her regular pediatrician for her 18 month check up. I have tried to convince her a nap would be in her best interests, but she doesn't believe me. Of course these Drs. Appointments are right in the middle of nap time. So I have been tending to the house, and the children like mad. Trying to figure out what to cook for dinner, getting laundry done. I hate putting the laundry away, it is my LEAST favorite chore. I have no idea why, I just hate it. I would rather scrub the tub out.
One of our neighbors is vacationing, and her dog got loose, so I had to run over to her house, and see if the other dogs are ok. I also had to call husband and ask him to fix the fence when he gets home. I guess the dog found a "weak" spot.
Getting Miss Pink Ninja dressed these days is no easy feat. She loves to be naked, and HATES clothes. Protests heavily. She loves jewelry, hats, shoes, bracelets, necklaces, just doesn't want to wear other clothing. Dash is the opposite, HAS to be clothed.....And very rarely will keep a hat on.
Dash thinks Pink Ninja's cast is unusual. He also said "she needs one on the other arm, and her face." Isn't that just like a brother.
I am nervous about this Drs. Visit, and am hoping they can reduce these breaks without a surgical procedure. I am dreading the idea of her in an uncomfortable cast. No water, no sand. That is all we do around here, we go from the sprinkler, to the pool, to the sand.
I am also worried this reduction of breaks is going to be painful for her. Ugh. My least favorite sound is that of my babies crying in pain.
The other thought that keeps crossing through my brain..If we already have 2 broken bones at 18 months, what will happen to her by age 6. This has never been a worry with Dash. He is NOT reckless, he does not practice death defying feats, he is even scared to ride on his Father's shoulders. He is overly cautious......This is a new ballgame for me.
One of our neighbors is vacationing, and her dog got loose, so I had to run over to her house, and see if the other dogs are ok. I also had to call husband and ask him to fix the fence when he gets home. I guess the dog found a "weak" spot.
Getting Miss Pink Ninja dressed these days is no easy feat. She loves to be naked, and HATES clothes. Protests heavily. She loves jewelry, hats, shoes, bracelets, necklaces, just doesn't want to wear other clothing. Dash is the opposite, HAS to be clothed.....And very rarely will keep a hat on.
Dash thinks Pink Ninja's cast is unusual. He also said "she needs one on the other arm, and her face." Isn't that just like a brother.
I am nervous about this Drs. Visit, and am hoping they can reduce these breaks without a surgical procedure. I am dreading the idea of her in an uncomfortable cast. No water, no sand. That is all we do around here, we go from the sprinkler, to the pool, to the sand.
I am also worried this reduction of breaks is going to be painful for her. Ugh. My least favorite sound is that of my babies crying in pain.
The other thought that keeps crossing through my brain..If we already have 2 broken bones at 18 months, what will happen to her by age 6. This has never been a worry with Dash. He is NOT reckless, he does not practice death defying feats, he is even scared to ride on his Father's shoulders. He is overly cautious......This is a new ballgame for me.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Where is my mind?
Pink Ninja, appears to be on the mend. She is playing like her Pink Ninja self, and it is almost not noticeable she has broken 2 bones. She does get a little fatigued from toting the cast, but does not like the sling. She has adapted well to the "temporary plaster splint. We cannot get her into the Orthopedic surgeon until tomorrow, then we have her regular 18 month old check up. So I am waiting to be given "the look" tomorrow by everyone we come in contact with. It will be a LONG afternoon.
Has she "learned" anything about climbing, did her injury put any fear in her. No. Darn, I was really hoping it would have scared her a bit. She is still climbing onto anything "resembling anything to climb".
I am glad is was not Dash that hurt his arm, he would be in distress over having a cast on, he is very slow to adapt, and slow to transition. He would be a mess. SO I will thank God it is not him.
It is rainy out, so we are doomed to a life indoors. I am grateful I went out and bought craft supplies yesterday. Googly eyes, glitter, glue, pom poms, popsicle sticks, and I did manage to find the safety scissors the other afternoon.
I have a lot of things to catch up on around here. So I will be scrubbing toilets, and planing a menu suitable for guest. Not in that order. We are having husbands "Step-Dad" here this week. We will also be going to a few shows while he is here. BB King is going to be in town, as well as Hank Williams Jr. This will be a big treat for me. I really want to see BB King, and have never been in the right place at the right time. I am really looking forward to this show. I am trying to recall the last "show" I went to?
What was the last "show" you went to?
Has she "learned" anything about climbing, did her injury put any fear in her. No. Darn, I was really hoping it would have scared her a bit. She is still climbing onto anything "resembling anything to climb".
I am glad is was not Dash that hurt his arm, he would be in distress over having a cast on, he is very slow to adapt, and slow to transition. He would be a mess. SO I will thank God it is not him.
It is rainy out, so we are doomed to a life indoors. I am grateful I went out and bought craft supplies yesterday. Googly eyes, glitter, glue, pom poms, popsicle sticks, and I did manage to find the safety scissors the other afternoon.
I have a lot of things to catch up on around here. So I will be scrubbing toilets, and planing a menu suitable for guest. Not in that order. We are having husbands "Step-Dad" here this week. We will also be going to a few shows while he is here. BB King is going to be in town, as well as Hank Williams Jr. This will be a big treat for me. I really want to see BB King, and have never been in the right place at the right time. I am really looking forward to this show. I am trying to recall the last "show" I went to?
What was the last "show" you went to?
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Pink Ninja Training Camp, lesson #234.

Pink Ninja with her temporary splint on.....

This is recollection of events that occurred on Saturday May 21, 2005 as remembered by Pink Ninja....Transcribed by her Momma.
I was sitting at the kitchen table with an orange crayon, trying to draw a bird I recall seeing outside earlier in the day. Why I was handed an orange crayon is beyond me, I mean really an "orange mockingbird", really. Momma was unloading dishwasher, Dash was in his room building with his train tracks.
Then it occurred to me "I should stand in this chair". So I stood up as fast as I could, then I sat down real fast. My Momma said, "Pink Ninja, you better sit down, you will fall." My Mom is old, slow, and knows nothing of the lightening quick reflexes that my Ninja training has brought to me. So I try this feat again I stand fast and sit just as fast, in fact it was so fast I was sure this Momma of mine would never see it. She caught me midsit and said. "Pink Ninja, what did I say? No standing on furniture, you will fall and go boom." I smiled at her, with one of my prize winning smiles, I learned this smile trick from my Pink Ninja psychological training course, when I was 3 months. The smile works every time. I decided I would try this sit and stand thing one more time, this time I know I can do it without being noticed by Momma. So I stood up fast, and Momma turns her head, I lost my balance somehow. Like I said Momma is SLOW, and she let me hit the floor. I hit my head, and Momma got an ice pack and rocked me for an hour. I only cried for a second. I spent the rest of the day trying out my other Ninja skills, my right arm was a little tender, but I was still able to use it. I could even pull myself up onto the couch and other furniture with it.
Momma noticed my arm was swollen and took me to the hospital ER, Dash and Daddy came with. It was cool. I got to meet 2 young Drs. They did not think my arm was broken due to my ability to still use arm, and they were also surprised I was giggling and smiling the entire time. "If it was broken you would think she would cry". There were a lot of babies crying, many whose injuries and illnesses were not as severe. They have not learned the Ninja secret of stealth, they're cries were just giving away their position.
They had me go to radiology which was great, they had better toys than the ER, they also had more chairs to climb on. So I went into X-ray with my Momma, and they held my arm down. There is nothing worse than being restrained. This made me very upset, and the fact that my own Momma was helping these insane people expose me to these cancer causing x-rays was very upsetting.
The x-rays came back as positive for a fracture of both my ulna and radius. I must speak with my
"Ninja trainer" on strengthening my radius and ulna. I do not want to be in this precarious position again.
So the 2 physicians and my Momma, put my temporary plaster splint on. They thought I was being such a "good baby" and sat "so nicely". I was simply paying attention to how they splinted my arm. You will never know when medical skills are needed. I may have to use this skill at a later time.
The bad news, I can not wear my "Ninja" clothes, due to the nature of this temporary splint. I am doomed to a life in tank tops for the next few weeks I am afraid. I also have to go to an Orthopedic surgeon on Monday for a consultation. They may have to reduce the fracture and put a regular full cast on.
Oh, by the way this plaster splint is heavy and makes a great weapon, I am using it on Dash when the Momma isn't looking. I wonder if the full cast will be a better weapon?
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Armed Forces Day
Today, is a great day to thank those you know for their military service. Send a care package to a soldier with no family. Donate whatever you can afford to a great charity. . Help a deployed soldiers loved ones and mow the lawn, or fix a drippy faucet. Drop into a couple of military blogs and thank them for their service. Visit the VFW's Operation Uplink, and make a donation. Let all of our service members, and veterans, know you are thankful for their personal sacrifice.
Yeah, what she said....
Give them Hell Andi!! If you haven't visited Andi, you need to. She said exactly what I have been wanting to. There is a reason they call her "Hell on Heels". You have said what every Mother and Wife has been wanting to, and guess what lady, THEY are listening!
Stop in at Tammi's and relax a while
My Blog Mom Tammi, has the right idea today!! She posts a question every Saturday. Not only is this a great way to find out about other bloggers, it helps clear out the "blog-webs".
Carnival of Delish!!
You must go over to Jordana's . Take a look at all that is Delish!! There are several recipies here I need to try!
Friday, May 20, 2005
Karnival of Kidz...

Pink Ninja last summer, what a great smile.

Do not forget to send entries in. The Carnival Submission form is painless....just like Harvey is cool said.
Growing up
My "Dash" proved something to me yesterday, he possesses empathy. I was beginning to worry. He is 3, and with an 18 month old Sissy that thinks he is the WORLD, you don't see empathy often. I see a lot of hiding from her, taking toys away from her, bullying and the like. He spends a fair amount of time on the bad days in time out. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out where I went wrong.
It was gorgeous yesterday, so I took the toddlers to the park in the morning. I put both children in the toddler swings. They are having a great time with the breeze in their tiny faces. All of a sudden a tiny 2 year old comes up crying, and says "I want to swing". I was prepared to take "Pink Ninja" out even though she is smaller, just because I knew "Dash" would carry on with one of his over dramatizations. The trammels of being three. I hear "Dash" say, "Oh don't cry baby, you can swing in this swing." He puts his arms up and wants help getting out. I lift him out and he goes over to this little 2 year old girl, he hugs and kisses her, (much to her dismay). He says "Be happy, you can have my swing, don't cry."
I seriously about fainted. Seriously, I even called Dear Husband at work to tell him. I am sure it doesn't sound like much, sharing a swing. It is something a 3 year old should do. For one second I felt all was right in my little World, that I am a good Mommy. My "Dash" cares about little girls who cry, who would have thought?
It was gorgeous yesterday, so I took the toddlers to the park in the morning. I put both children in the toddler swings. They are having a great time with the breeze in their tiny faces. All of a sudden a tiny 2 year old comes up crying, and says "I want to swing". I was prepared to take "Pink Ninja" out even though she is smaller, just because I knew "Dash" would carry on with one of his over dramatizations. The trammels of being three. I hear "Dash" say, "Oh don't cry baby, you can swing in this swing." He puts his arms up and wants help getting out. I lift him out and he goes over to this little 2 year old girl, he hugs and kisses her, (much to her dismay). He says "Be happy, you can have my swing, don't cry."
I seriously about fainted. Seriously, I even called Dear Husband at work to tell him. I am sure it doesn't sound like much, sharing a swing. It is something a 3 year old should do. For one second I felt all was right in my little World, that I am a good Mommy. My "Dash" cares about little girls who cry, who would have thought?
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Taco Salad? It's What's for dinner.
Vegetable Taco Salad
This is a great and easy salad for the summer. This is also great to take to pot luck lunches, and picnics.
1-16 oz can kidney beans drained
1 large head iceberg lettuce-torn
3 cups romaine lettuce-torn
2 large tomatoes-chopped
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 small red bell pepper chopped
1/2 head cauliflower florets
1/2 head red cabbage chopped
8-10 scallions chopped
1-16 oz package Doritos
1-12 oz bottle of catalina dressing
Combine all vegetabes and beans in a large salad bowl and toss to mix.
Chill covered for 1 hour
Add broken chips and dressing just before serving.
Toss to mix
This is a great and easy salad for the summer. This is also great to take to pot luck lunches, and picnics.
1-16 oz can kidney beans drained
1 large head iceberg lettuce-torn
3 cups romaine lettuce-torn
2 large tomatoes-chopped
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 small red bell pepper chopped
1/2 head cauliflower florets
1/2 head red cabbage chopped
8-10 scallions chopped
1-16 oz package Doritos
1-12 oz bottle of catalina dressing
Combine all vegetabes and beans in a large salad bowl and toss to mix.
Chill covered for 1 hour
Add broken chips and dressing just before serving.
Toss to mix
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Is 9am to early for cocktails?
I am sure it is. Damn clock, you have betrayed me again.
Dash was up at 4:50am again. I am thinking of getting him a job, something for him to do with this early morning energy he has. Maybe he could pick cotton, although it is too early in the year. Maybe he could decorate donuts, he needs something that his 3 and 1/2 year old hands, and height could manage. By 7am, Dash already had foam letters, glue, paper, colors and various other items for "arts and crafts" time. Actually Dash is good, if you can find exactly what he wants to do, and keep sister away.
"MOMMY WHERE ARE MY SAFETY SCISSORS?" He SCREAMS and yells about these damn scissors all morning. (I have drug my sore and tired ass around all morning looking for these things.) So after all of this screaming, and my lecturing about loudness, and how we don't scream--- Pink Ninja is awake too.
She of course wants to be involved with arts and crafts time, but has no dexterity for it. So I put her in her highchair, and give her some foam letters and paper and crayons. Knowing I will be crawling around the floor picking them up in about 10 minutes. Telling her "no we don't eat crayons, we draw pretty" as I wipe green crayon off of her teeth.
yesterday, Dash was on the metal double swing. The kind that sits 2. Dash was swinging high and fast, and Pink Ninja ran in front of it, faster than my legs could get me 4 feet. So I stood and watched in horror as the swing crashed into her 18 month old face, and flattened her to the ground, only to scrape her back to bits before I could rescue her. UGHH I was just sick. I wish I was faster and had longer arms. She cried and cried, and said "ouch" in her little mouse voice. Heartbreaking. I sat and held her for an hour. Why did I put this sunsuit on her today, instead of a t-shirt.
I really don't need a cocktail, I need more coffee, to keep up with them. Maybe a Dr. Could transfuse my blood into them, and then we would have a level playing field. Today I feel old around them. They awaken with smiles, running, and climbing. I hurt from yoga and pilates the other night, my ass and arms feel like someone wrung me out. . The "substitute Nazi" was there and loves push ups. Since when are push ups a yoga move? I have class again tonight.
I need to take a picture of them today while they are crying and screaming at me, just so this story looks honest. I forget there are a lot of days like this. Sometimes they stretch into week or so. Sometimes they just last the day.
Most of the time I forget about all of the hours spent doing damage control, when they take my face in their hands and kiss me on my mouth and say "I love you"......
They better hurry. I could use a kiss this morning.
Dash was up at 4:50am again. I am thinking of getting him a job, something for him to do with this early morning energy he has. Maybe he could pick cotton, although it is too early in the year. Maybe he could decorate donuts, he needs something that his 3 and 1/2 year old hands, and height could manage. By 7am, Dash already had foam letters, glue, paper, colors and various other items for "arts and crafts" time. Actually Dash is good, if you can find exactly what he wants to do, and keep sister away.
"MOMMY WHERE ARE MY SAFETY SCISSORS?" He SCREAMS and yells about these damn scissors all morning. (I have drug my sore and tired ass around all morning looking for these things.) So after all of this screaming, and my lecturing about loudness, and how we don't scream--- Pink Ninja is awake too.
She of course wants to be involved with arts and crafts time, but has no dexterity for it. So I put her in her highchair, and give her some foam letters and paper and crayons. Knowing I will be crawling around the floor picking them up in about 10 minutes. Telling her "no we don't eat crayons, we draw pretty" as I wipe green crayon off of her teeth.
yesterday, Dash was on the metal double swing. The kind that sits 2. Dash was swinging high and fast, and Pink Ninja ran in front of it, faster than my legs could get me 4 feet. So I stood and watched in horror as the swing crashed into her 18 month old face, and flattened her to the ground, only to scrape her back to bits before I could rescue her. UGHH I was just sick. I wish I was faster and had longer arms. She cried and cried, and said "ouch" in her little mouse voice. Heartbreaking. I sat and held her for an hour. Why did I put this sunsuit on her today, instead of a t-shirt.
I really don't need a cocktail, I need more coffee, to keep up with them. Maybe a Dr. Could transfuse my blood into them, and then we would have a level playing field. Today I feel old around them. They awaken with smiles, running, and climbing. I hurt from yoga and pilates the other night, my ass and arms feel like someone wrung me out. . The "substitute Nazi" was there and loves push ups. Since when are push ups a yoga move? I have class again tonight.
I need to take a picture of them today while they are crying and screaming at me, just so this story looks honest. I forget there are a lot of days like this. Sometimes they stretch into week or so. Sometimes they just last the day.
Most of the time I forget about all of the hours spent doing damage control, when they take my face in their hands and kiss me on my mouth and say "I love you"......
They better hurry. I could use a kiss this morning.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
God is hilarious...
So, we have been waiting on the Harley to come in since my Dear Husbands return. It was supposed to be here April 13. Then April 24. Then April 28. You get the picture. We finally hear from the shop...It is done, pick it up TODAY!
So as the Universe and God would have it, Dear Husband is picking up his motorcycle TODAY, right before his urology consultation for his *whispering* vasectomy.
I am guessing he will not be able to ride his bike for a little while...Isn't that the way it goes.
So as the Universe and God would have it, Dear Husband is picking up his motorcycle TODAY, right before his urology consultation for his *whispering* vasectomy.
I am guessing he will not be able to ride his bike for a little while...Isn't that the way it goes.
Monday, May 16, 2005
The morning after
So Saturday and Sunday I spent thinking about my freak out. I was really concerned Friday night after I had been "outed" over cocktails. Concerned about my content, etc. Worried that things I have written could somehow adversely affect my husband professionally.
So my husband and I spent the morning after discussing the whys and what's of my blog.
I have given it a lot of thought, and I think I am ok here. I have not said anything that would hurt anyone. Although my brother would not want the world to know he is a pussy when he has a cold. I would also tell him that to his face.
The cheater, I mentioned no names, I spoke with the cheater and he knows my deal. He knows exactly what I think of his actions. I spoke at length with him.
I was worried about the language and I figured this, if people are put off my by foul mouth, they can exit my site.
I know my spelling, grammar, and punctuation are terrible. I will say that is the most embarrassing thing out of all.
I see most of these wives once a year, maybe. There is no information here that is damaging to anyone.
I asked my husband if he thought it could affect his career, he said no.
When he said "no", that was what I needed and wanted to hear. Looks like I got the green light.
I do appreciate everyone's input here. I am going to TRY and keep things as is. Although I am very self conscience now. Although I maintain the right to spell and punctuate like a first grader.
So I have decided to keep writing as I have been. I love it too much to quit.
So my husband and I spent the morning after discussing the whys and what's of my blog.
I have given it a lot of thought, and I think I am ok here. I have not said anything that would hurt anyone. Although my brother would not want the world to know he is a pussy when he has a cold. I would also tell him that to his face.
The cheater, I mentioned no names, I spoke with the cheater and he knows my deal. He knows exactly what I think of his actions. I spoke at length with him.
I was worried about the language and I figured this, if people are put off my by foul mouth, they can exit my site.
I know my spelling, grammar, and punctuation are terrible. I will say that is the most embarrassing thing out of all.
I see most of these wives once a year, maybe. There is no information here that is damaging to anyone.
I asked my husband if he thought it could affect his career, he said no.
When he said "no", that was what I needed and wanted to hear. Looks like I got the green light.
I do appreciate everyone's input here. I am going to TRY and keep things as is. Although I am very self conscience now. Although I maintain the right to spell and punctuate like a first grader.
So I have decided to keep writing as I have been. I love it too much to quit.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Please go visit her. This is a fellow military wife. She has been on a break for reason. Her family has been struck with the pain of war. She is kind enough to post this experience, and I am grateful. I think there will be a lot of men coming home changed by what they have seen.
Make sure and let her know you can say a prayer for her family, and let them know you are grateful for her husbands service.
Make sure and let her know you can say a prayer for her family, and let them know you are grateful for her husbands service.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Karnival of Kidz...
Boudicca, The soul-seek-a, is the hostess for all of the hilarity that comes with being a child, or parenting one. Please submit your photos or stories to her.

My Dash is looking like a little boy...where is my toddler?

My Dash is looking like a little boy...where is my toddler?

Ahhhhhh...Freak Out
The National Guard Officers convention......
So I ended up wearing turquoise sweater set with beading, blue jeans, and the very gorgeous chocolate boots. I also ended up having a handbag that kinda worked. I chose the boots because they have a 4 inch heel. I am 5'7 1/2 so I thought an extra 4 inches might help make me "appear thinner". The last time I saw most of these folks was about *cough* *mumble* pounds ago. Taller is always good.
I did see a lot of great women that I have missed over the last few years while I have been tending to young'uns. I also missed seeing a lot of great women I wanted to see. Everyone was great and friendly. I had 2 women who I had met before, but who I cannot recall names tell me I looked like I have put on some weight". I about died. I also wanted to put a boot up their ass. I cannot imagine saying that to ANYONE........
I did have a great chat with the female reporter that was embedded with the brigade. She is a very personable and interesting, and funny young woman. I really had a lot of questions for her. She is working on a book, and I really am excited to see it come out. I also met the photographer that was embedded with the brigade. I wanted to sit in a corner with them and question them to pieces. I wanted to hear about a "civilians perspective, and if they feel changed. If they think these men need "care" that we are not providing to them. I wanted to ask a lot of VERY personal questions that were not any of my business, and not appropriate for a "cocktail" situation.
Then BOOM. I see a woman who I have really grown to like over the years. (She is a great officers wife, with no pretentious. A really good example of how to treat each other. I have not seen her for ages.) SAYS, IN FRONT of everyone, hey I was looking something up on the 39th and ran across your site. I just froze, and fell into that odd panic. I was standing with 2 woman I am "friends with" who HAVE NO IDEA about this blog. Remember, no one knows about this except for Dear Husband, and people who happen to read this. So I fell into this odd panic. I was embarrassed about my shitty punctuation and spelling. My excessive use of the F word. We are in the bible belt here. I was freaked out wondering how many other people "I know" have read this....... I do not recall what she said about it, I was to stricken with panic. I think Dear Husband was also a little panic striken...although he is very quiet about all of this.
So I was up all night contemplating the existence of this blog. Wondering if I should stop while I am ahead. Wondering if I should start a new blog and hide there.
I started the blog to think things out, have a hobby, express myself creatively, work on my writing, work on my relationships with myself and others. For some egotistical reason I felt I needed an audience to do this.
The great part of the blog.I come to meet some of you by blog only. Most of you are hilarious.Which is hard to do through writing. HARD. I was looking forward to going to a blogmeet to actually see and meet some of you. Saving my money and waiting for the time to roll around. I already know more about some of you than I do "some of my real life people". I do feel more creative, and open.
Have I hurt anyone with this blog, or offended? Maybe I guess, which was not my intention. I haven't had a lot of hits, and I never really thought anyone I knew would stumble across. I am technologically naive. So now I need to struggle with "content and self censorship"....Not something I wanted to do.
So now I need to know, do you have any advice?
So I ended up wearing turquoise sweater set with beading, blue jeans, and the very gorgeous chocolate boots. I also ended up having a handbag that kinda worked. I chose the boots because they have a 4 inch heel. I am 5'7 1/2 so I thought an extra 4 inches might help make me "appear thinner". The last time I saw most of these folks was about *cough* *mumble* pounds ago. Taller is always good.
I did see a lot of great women that I have missed over the last few years while I have been tending to young'uns. I also missed seeing a lot of great women I wanted to see. Everyone was great and friendly. I had 2 women who I had met before, but who I cannot recall names tell me I looked like I have put on some weight". I about died. I also wanted to put a boot up their ass. I cannot imagine saying that to ANYONE........
I did have a great chat with the female reporter that was embedded with the brigade. She is a very personable and interesting, and funny young woman. I really had a lot of questions for her. She is working on a book, and I really am excited to see it come out. I also met the photographer that was embedded with the brigade. I wanted to sit in a corner with them and question them to pieces. I wanted to hear about a "civilians perspective, and if they feel changed. If they think these men need "care" that we are not providing to them. I wanted to ask a lot of VERY personal questions that were not any of my business, and not appropriate for a "cocktail" situation.
Then BOOM. I see a woman who I have really grown to like over the years. (She is a great officers wife, with no pretentious. A really good example of how to treat each other. I have not seen her for ages.) SAYS, IN FRONT of everyone, hey I was looking something up on the 39th and ran across your site. I just froze, and fell into that odd panic. I was standing with 2 woman I am "friends with" who HAVE NO IDEA about this blog. Remember, no one knows about this except for Dear Husband, and people who happen to read this. So I fell into this odd panic. I was embarrassed about my shitty punctuation and spelling. My excessive use of the F word. We are in the bible belt here. I was freaked out wondering how many other people "I know" have read this....... I do not recall what she said about it, I was to stricken with panic. I think Dear Husband was also a little panic striken...although he is very quiet about all of this.
So I was up all night contemplating the existence of this blog. Wondering if I should stop while I am ahead. Wondering if I should start a new blog and hide there.
I started the blog to think things out, have a hobby, express myself creatively, work on my writing, work on my relationships with myself and others. For some egotistical reason I felt I needed an audience to do this.
The great part of the blog.I come to meet some of you by blog only. Most of you are hilarious.Which is hard to do through writing. HARD. I was looking forward to going to a blogmeet to actually see and meet some of you. Saving my money and waiting for the time to roll around. I already know more about some of you than I do "some of my real life people". I do feel more creative, and open.
Have I hurt anyone with this blog, or offended? Maybe I guess, which was not my intention. I haven't had a lot of hits, and I never really thought anyone I knew would stumble across. I am technologically naive. So now I need to struggle with "content and self censorship"....Not something I wanted to do.
So now I need to know, do you have any advice?
A Must Read.....
Please go over to Shakey Pete's Shootin' Shack, and read this touching piece.
Why Pete has waited to write a blog is beyond me. This particular entry is well written. Take your time reading this, don't skim it as we often do when reading one anothers entries.
Thanks Pete, for your service, and this very gentle and loud reminder....
Why Pete has waited to write a blog is beyond me. This particular entry is well written. Take your time reading this, don't skim it as we often do when reading one anothers entries.
Thanks Pete, for your service, and this very gentle and loud reminder....
Friday, May 13, 2005
Boudicca-- The Soul Seek-a presents...ass widening recipies
Yes that is correct folks. Carnival of Recipies is up, go to Bous and sneak a peek. I do not know where she finds the time with work, watching her sons dance in only socks, being up all night with puking children,and dieting where does she find the time? She is quickly becoming my hero.
Freaky Friday, and fashion advice for a Troglodyte.
Today is just a big busy-ass day here at the house. Dear Husband has been out of town for 3 days with his job. We were up late last night "talking". *cough*
Of course after being up so late "talking", *cough*, the children want to wake at 6am. I am just plain tired.
Dear Husband is at work, and then off to Harley shop to take a final gander of the bike, and finish any paperwork on it.
He has to get here by 11:00 am because I must get my hair did for tonight. I need a color and a trim bad. I am amidst growing hair out (Always fun, am I right ladies?). When I got word of husband leaving, I had it all chopped off. Who has time to mess with hair when they are single parenting? No one was here to look at me anyway, except for the babies and they always think I am gorgeous. ( Dear Husband dislikes short hair.) I also must find time to do laundry, tend to these children, go through some mail, paint toenails and fingernails, bathe, shave, and get pretty for the Arkansas National Guard Officers Convention. Last time we were at convention some guy flew out of the elevator hit his head on a wall, started bleeding everywhere and pissed himself, so unless I can top that, I am probably ok.
I am sooo NOT excited about this, I would rather go out ALONE with Dear Husband, sit and be flirty and talk and laugh. I will be politicking all night. Which I can be great at if I am in the mood for it.
So my mantra for the evening will be "suck it up, smile, shut your mouth, act interested, and remember to be "good" for Dear Husbands sake. He has worked too hard for you act like a crazy bitch." This will be hard, it is hospitality night....Booze pouring everywhere.
Now for fashion advice from my readers. Tonight is a "casual night" I am wearing a very pretty turquoise sweater set with some lace at edges and beading and blue jeans. I was going to wear a skirt but reminded myself this is casual, I don't want to look like I am "trying to be super fancy"...Hence the jeans. Do I wear clear polish or a color. Also should I wear white open toe high heel sandal things, chocolate heeled boots, or black open toe heeled shoes?
Can you tell I rarely leave the house, and socialize anymore? I really could use your suggestions!!
Of course after being up so late "talking", *cough*, the children want to wake at 6am. I am just plain tired.
Dear Husband is at work, and then off to Harley shop to take a final gander of the bike, and finish any paperwork on it.
He has to get here by 11:00 am because I must get my hair did for tonight. I need a color and a trim bad. I am amidst growing hair out (Always fun, am I right ladies?). When I got word of husband leaving, I had it all chopped off. Who has time to mess with hair when they are single parenting? No one was here to look at me anyway, except for the babies and they always think I am gorgeous. ( Dear Husband dislikes short hair.) I also must find time to do laundry, tend to these children, go through some mail, paint toenails and fingernails, bathe, shave, and get pretty for the Arkansas National Guard Officers Convention. Last time we were at convention some guy flew out of the elevator hit his head on a wall, started bleeding everywhere and pissed himself, so unless I can top that, I am probably ok.
I am sooo NOT excited about this, I would rather go out ALONE with Dear Husband, sit and be flirty and talk and laugh. I will be politicking all night. Which I can be great at if I am in the mood for it.
So my mantra for the evening will be "suck it up, smile, shut your mouth, act interested, and remember to be "good" for Dear Husbands sake. He has worked too hard for you act like a crazy bitch." This will be hard, it is hospitality night....Booze pouring everywhere.
Now for fashion advice from my readers. Tonight is a "casual night" I am wearing a very pretty turquoise sweater set with some lace at edges and beading and blue jeans. I was going to wear a skirt but reminded myself this is casual, I don't want to look like I am "trying to be super fancy"...Hence the jeans. Do I wear clear polish or a color. Also should I wear white open toe high heel sandal things, chocolate heeled boots, or black open toe heeled shoes?
Can you tell I rarely leave the house, and socialize anymore? I really could use your suggestions!!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Food and embarrassment?
I see by the amount of questions awaiting me......You all feel I am as interesting as I do.
Bobo Blogger wants to know if I like it spicy.....Food that is.
I do like fairly spicy food. I love Indian food, and do not eat it as much as I would like. I like good Mexican food. I loathe mediocre Chinese food. I am not a great cook of "spicy foods" however. My heritage being half German, I can make great dumplings, spaetzel, egg noodles, hell I can even make head cheese. I am working on my "spicy foods".
Contagion wants to know about "crazy or embarrassing" things done while drunk.
The MOST embarrassing thing I have done drunk.........I could probably discuss this all day. I used to drink A LOT. When I was in college and high school (16-19) I was the girl that always brought her "own bottle". (Nice) um I have done lots of embarrassing things while drunk. Most of these are fairly typical. I have puked on my girlfriends shoes. I have danced on tables. I have broken chandeliers with nunchucks. I leaned into a candle one night at a bar and my hair went up in flames. I have fell down, passed out, locked myself in bathrooms, passed out and ended up in detox, because I was to drunk to even talk. Just didn't know when too much was too much. Maybe it was didn't care when too much was too much. There are no photos that I am aware of. I am sure if photo phones etc. were available at the time, there would be plenty. Thank God I am 34, and technology is new.
Bobo Blogger wants to know if I like it spicy.....Food that is.
I do like fairly spicy food. I love Indian food, and do not eat it as much as I would like. I like good Mexican food. I loathe mediocre Chinese food. I am not a great cook of "spicy foods" however. My heritage being half German, I can make great dumplings, spaetzel, egg noodles, hell I can even make head cheese. I am working on my "spicy foods".
Contagion wants to know about "crazy or embarrassing" things done while drunk.
The MOST embarrassing thing I have done drunk.........I could probably discuss this all day. I used to drink A LOT. When I was in college and high school (16-19) I was the girl that always brought her "own bottle". (Nice) um I have done lots of embarrassing things while drunk. Most of these are fairly typical. I have puked on my girlfriends shoes. I have danced on tables. I have broken chandeliers with nunchucks. I leaned into a candle one night at a bar and my hair went up in flames. I have fell down, passed out, locked myself in bathrooms, passed out and ended up in detox, because I was to drunk to even talk. Just didn't know when too much was too much. Maybe it was didn't care when too much was too much. There are no photos that I am aware of. I am sure if photo phones etc. were available at the time, there would be plenty. Thank God I am 34, and technology is new.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
ALMOST anything
I have gotten a couple of e-mails asking for the obligatory "about me" post. As far as I can tell, there is not anything unusual about me. So I have opted to have YOU, ask me ALMOST ANYTHING you would like. I will take the first 20 questions. If I find any question to "weird", I will skip and go to the next. So shoot.
The bike has arrived!
Well it is about fucking time. Our bike was supposed to be here about 2 weeks ago. It has finally arrived and is at the Harley dealer, getting the finishing touches.
Can't wait to see it, and go for a ride. I have been on the search for a helmet. Arkansas does not require a helmet, but I think I want one. I think I want a full helmet. I have tried on several, but end up feeling the bad end of sensory deprivation. Almost claustrophobic and a bit of the panic sets in. Any ideas people? I feel I need one, because people drive like shit here.
There is something about the South, everyone thinks they are Jeff Gordon. They drive fast and like shit. This doesn't make sense to me because once they get to their destination they certainly don't appear to be in a hurry.
Can't wait to see it, and go for a ride. I have been on the search for a helmet. Arkansas does not require a helmet, but I think I want one. I think I want a full helmet. I have tried on several, but end up feeling the bad end of sensory deprivation. Almost claustrophobic and a bit of the panic sets in. Any ideas people? I feel I need one, because people drive like shit here.
There is something about the South, everyone thinks they are Jeff Gordon. They drive fast and like shit. This doesn't make sense to me because once they get to their destination they certainly don't appear to be in a hurry.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Tonight is make your Wife or Sweetheart dinner night!!
These are delicious, I promise
Las Cruces Chicken Enchiladas
1 cup onion chopped
1/2 cup green pepper chopped
2 TBS butter
2 cups cooked chicken
4oz green chilies (may used canned if fresh not available)
3 TBS butter
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp fresh coriander
3/4 tsp salt
2 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups shredded mont. jack cheese
12 6 inch tortillas
You can bake, roast, or grill chicken....However you prefer. I typically use 4 split breasts for this.
Saute onion, green pepper in 2 tbsp of butter. Stir in flour, coriander and salt. Stir in chicken broth all at once. Cook and stir until the sauce thickens and is bubbling. Remove from heat, and stir in sour cream, and 1/2 cup of the mont. jack cheese.
Stir 1/2 cup sauce into your cooked chicken and mix in 1/2 cup mont jack cheese. Dip tortillas into remaining sauce to soften. Fill tortillas with 1/4 cup chicken mixture. Roll up, put in sprayed 9-11 baking dish. Pour remaining sauce on top and sprinkle with remaining cheese.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
Las Cruces Chicken Enchiladas
1 cup onion chopped
1/2 cup green pepper chopped
2 TBS butter
2 cups cooked chicken
4oz green chilies (may used canned if fresh not available)
3 TBS butter
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp fresh coriander
3/4 tsp salt
2 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups shredded mont. jack cheese
12 6 inch tortillas
You can bake, roast, or grill chicken....However you prefer. I typically use 4 split breasts for this.
Saute onion, green pepper in 2 tbsp of butter. Stir in flour, coriander and salt. Stir in chicken broth all at once. Cook and stir until the sauce thickens and is bubbling. Remove from heat, and stir in sour cream, and 1/2 cup of the mont. jack cheese.
Stir 1/2 cup sauce into your cooked chicken and mix in 1/2 cup mont jack cheese. Dip tortillas into remaining sauce to soften. Fill tortillas with 1/4 cup chicken mixture. Roll up, put in sprayed 9-11 baking dish. Pour remaining sauce on top and sprinkle with remaining cheese.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
Someone needs our help
Dear Readers, Mr. Johnny-Oh looks like he needs our help.
I was proud to be surrounded by such creative marketing types during my "female blogging event". I think all of that creativity needs to be put to use.
It seems Mr. Johnny-Oh, is considering a starting a lawn care service. His target group seems to be ladies that need lawn-care and other "home maintenance" done. However I think this business needs a catchy name, any ideas?
I was proud to be surrounded by such creative marketing types during my "female blogging event". I think all of that creativity needs to be put to use.
It seems Mr. Johnny-Oh, is considering a starting a lawn care service. His target group seems to be ladies that need lawn-care and other "home maintenance" done. However I think this business needs a catchy name, any ideas?
That Walmart is one hell of a matchmaker
Well, it sounds like my Dad and his new "friend", spent a lot of time together this past weekend. My Sister-in-law called with the "report". Thursday night dinner at a local restaurant. Saturday he called her and the spent the afternoon together, Saturday night date at a local restaurant. Sunday he had her for a family brunch, he even had a bottle of wine chilled. He calls her on the phone, and takes the phone to the garage for privacy. He wore his "good ranger cap". He said she has pretty eyes.
She also has reported, he seems happy and excited. His entire affect has changed. He seems happy about his life again. His bitterness is fading. He enjoyed my neices visit. He was asking questions about dating, where to go, etc.
This makes me smile.
He has been suffering with terrible depression since my Mothers diagnosis, and her slow decline in health. My Father was struggling with some sort of survivor's guilt.
Yeah for you DAD!!! Keep smiling we love to see you happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She also has reported, he seems happy and excited. His entire affect has changed. He seems happy about his life again. His bitterness is fading. He enjoyed my neices visit. He was asking questions about dating, where to go, etc.
This makes me smile.
He has been suffering with terrible depression since my Mothers diagnosis, and her slow decline in health. My Father was struggling with some sort of survivor's guilt.
Yeah for you DAD!!! Keep smiling we love to see you happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Butta'
Prochein Amy is this weeks hostess of Karnival of Kidz. She did a fantastic job of organizing the Karnival...it is like Butta'....
Monday, May 09, 2005
Husband deployed, pregnant?
One of the things that is frightening about being a military wife, is the possibility of having a baby alone. Guess what ladies you don't have to! Operation Special Delivery Will be by your side. Please forward this site to any pregnant military wives you know. Also, send them a note and let them know we appreciate this FREE service. Yes that is right...They provide this at no cost to these families.
If you can make a monetary donation, or if you or someone you know is qualified to donate their time, it is a great organization. Drop them a line and let them know....They are WONDERFUL!
If you can make a monetary donation, or if you or someone you know is qualified to donate their time, it is a great organization. Drop them a line and let them know....They are WONDERFUL!
How I spent my Mother's Day.....
I spent most of the day yesterday CLEANING and COOKING. How very Mom of me. Like I said in the previous post, Mother's Day is kind of hard on me...So I try and ignore it.
Dear husband knows this, so I did get showered with gifts. I got a new deep freezer, the upright kind. Now I can freeze more shit, and will be waiting for the ducks, turkey, and deer seasons! I also got a beautiful set of ScanPans. They are gorgeous, and if I had the dough, I would buy some for every cook I know. They cook things beautifully, and clean up quickly. They also have a lifetime warranty. I was in desperate need of new pans. I do enjoy cooking and am a great cook. I have been using the same pans for 14 years. I also got 2 CD's I have been wanting to replace. Somewhere over the 14 years of marriage and the 9 moves things get lost. So now why I am cooking dinner I can dance to the Pixies. I also got to go shopping Saturday for 4 hours. This would have thrilled me normally, but I need an outfit for the upcoming "National Guard Officers Convention". I do not like shopping, when I need something specific. I can never find "exactly" what I want. It was nice trying on clothes alone, and not having to chase the toddlers under the dressing room door. It was also nice, not having anyone announce that I "have boobies" for the whole place to hear.
Anyway yesterday I spent the day preparing a meal and our home for guests. We had one of my husbands soldier buddies over, and he brought his girlfriend. It was a nice meal of Prime rib, baked potatoes, salad, dinner rolls, and peach pie a la mode. Some delicious wine. I did good on dinner. The conversation was dull to me. Lots of "gun talk", his Army buddy is a full time Police Officer, 2nd generation. So there were a lot of cop stories and gun stories. Lots of trying to talk me into becoming more proficient with a shotgun instead of using my 22. I told them I wouldn't mind shooting someone more than once if I had to. Not exactly my cup of tea for more than an hour.
I let "Dash" and "Pink Ninja" entertain me, and let Dash impress our visitors with his "parlor tricks". He can locate several countries on the globe now. Australia, Japan, China, and the United States. He loves the globe, and is curious about it. He is curious beyond his 3 years.
I stayed up a little later than normal and cleaned up the kitchen, and was ready to be done with Mothers Day.
Dear husband knows this, so I did get showered with gifts. I got a new deep freezer, the upright kind. Now I can freeze more shit, and will be waiting for the ducks, turkey, and deer seasons! I also got a beautiful set of ScanPans. They are gorgeous, and if I had the dough, I would buy some for every cook I know. They cook things beautifully, and clean up quickly. They also have a lifetime warranty. I was in desperate need of new pans. I do enjoy cooking and am a great cook. I have been using the same pans for 14 years. I also got 2 CD's I have been wanting to replace. Somewhere over the 14 years of marriage and the 9 moves things get lost. So now why I am cooking dinner I can dance to the Pixies. I also got to go shopping Saturday for 4 hours. This would have thrilled me normally, but I need an outfit for the upcoming "National Guard Officers Convention". I do not like shopping, when I need something specific. I can never find "exactly" what I want. It was nice trying on clothes alone, and not having to chase the toddlers under the dressing room door. It was also nice, not having anyone announce that I "have boobies" for the whole place to hear.
Anyway yesterday I spent the day preparing a meal and our home for guests. We had one of my husbands soldier buddies over, and he brought his girlfriend. It was a nice meal of Prime rib, baked potatoes, salad, dinner rolls, and peach pie a la mode. Some delicious wine. I did good on dinner. The conversation was dull to me. Lots of "gun talk", his Army buddy is a full time Police Officer, 2nd generation. So there were a lot of cop stories and gun stories. Lots of trying to talk me into becoming more proficient with a shotgun instead of using my 22. I told them I wouldn't mind shooting someone more than once if I had to. Not exactly my cup of tea for more than an hour.
I let "Dash" and "Pink Ninja" entertain me, and let Dash impress our visitors with his "parlor tricks". He can locate several countries on the globe now. Australia, Japan, China, and the United States. He loves the globe, and is curious about it. He is curious beyond his 3 years.
I stayed up a little later than normal and cleaned up the kitchen, and was ready to be done with Mothers Day.
Guess who is pregnant?
Nope it ain't me.....It is the blogger with the best hair! Army Wife HOOOAH to you and yours. I would suggest baby-proofing now.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
If I could call heaven today.....
You know this is a hard holiday for me. Something about being a Motherless Mom, makes Mother's day really hard. I think, it is because the only person that really appreciates how hard being a Mom it is gone. Yeah being a Mom is much harder than I thought it would be.
I should be thankful you got to see Dash for the first 4 months of his life. Your first Granchild. 3 years after your death you have 3 gorgeous Grandbabies. They are the most gorgeous babies you have seen, and of course smart as whips. Whenever we all happen to be together, we cannot help but get a little teary and say, "wouldn't she have spoiled these babies rotten?"
You have missed what has been a hard year for me Mom, you have no idea how many times I picked up the phone to call you. I did have the dialog with you, and I could hear you saying this. "That's how life is, it isn't fair." "You had better buck up girl, you have babies to take care of." So that is what I did.
You were a good Mom, and I know it was hard for you. I know that being the oldest female daughter out of 12 children, was something you hated. Long days, chores on the ranch, chores in the house, with little free time can be hard on a little girl.
I recall having a conversation with you at about 3am in the morning when you were sick and neither of us could sleep. I asked you, if you ever had a baby doll. You quickly answered..."No, I already had enough babies to take care of, who would want a doll."
I learned some things after your death, I wish you just would have told us. I found out that your Uncle and Aunt came to the farm in the mail truck, and took you away. They knew if they did not take you, you would never get out of there. Why you kept all of these secrets I will never know. Finding out all of these important pieces of you, made that bitter part of your spirit make sense.
So, I want you to know I do love you, and I can hear you in my thoughts. You did the best you knew how. I forgive you for a lot of things. I hope you forgive me. I just wish you could see these babies.
I don't really like Mother's Day.
I should be thankful you got to see Dash for the first 4 months of his life. Your first Granchild. 3 years after your death you have 3 gorgeous Grandbabies. They are the most gorgeous babies you have seen, and of course smart as whips. Whenever we all happen to be together, we cannot help but get a little teary and say, "wouldn't she have spoiled these babies rotten?"
You have missed what has been a hard year for me Mom, you have no idea how many times I picked up the phone to call you. I did have the dialog with you, and I could hear you saying this. "That's how life is, it isn't fair." "You had better buck up girl, you have babies to take care of." So that is what I did.
You were a good Mom, and I know it was hard for you. I know that being the oldest female daughter out of 12 children, was something you hated. Long days, chores on the ranch, chores in the house, with little free time can be hard on a little girl.
I recall having a conversation with you at about 3am in the morning when you were sick and neither of us could sleep. I asked you, if you ever had a baby doll. You quickly answered..."No, I already had enough babies to take care of, who would want a doll."
I learned some things after your death, I wish you just would have told us. I found out that your Uncle and Aunt came to the farm in the mail truck, and took you away. They knew if they did not take you, you would never get out of there. Why you kept all of these secrets I will never know. Finding out all of these important pieces of you, made that bitter part of your spirit make sense.
So, I want you to know I do love you, and I can hear you in my thoughts. You did the best you knew how. I forgive you for a lot of things. I hope you forgive me. I just wish you could see these babies.
I don't really like Mother's Day.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Happy Anniversary to You!!
Go over and say happy anniversary to my blog sissy, and the love of her life. Lets hope they are staying in tonight. *wink*
Get your entries into the Karnival of Kidz.....

Dash....last summer on the slide!

Go over to Prochein Amy this weeks hostess with the mostest. ..Get your entries in by Sunday...psst...Mother's Day.
I'll take potpourri for 500
I call my Dad every night to see how his day went. I have done this ever since my Mom died 3 years ago. We are 12 hours away, so it is the only way to check on him. I wish I could have him for dinner, or sit on the deck with him, but the phone is it, for now. I wanted to talk to him about dating, and how I thought it was a great idea.
So in the middle of the conversation.....He tells me "WE were just headed out, to get something to eat." I smile sooooo big, and giggle, and say "We?" He tells me "who" is at the house, and that he called her and asked her to dinner. Then he gives her the phone (I know...It was a tad awkward) and we chat briefly and I tell them to have a good time.
I immediately call my Sister and tell her...Dad is going out to dinner...He is on a date. We giggle like teenagers. We discuss that we are ok with this, but wonder about our Brother. My Brother thought my Mother was the Queen of all Mothers. She spoiled him terribly. I call him and I can tell by his tone he does not like this one little bit, he is not excited.
This morning I called Dear Dad to ask how it went. Sounds like they had a good time, got in at 11:30pm. Dad said "she is a talker, I think she was as nervous as I was". He also says they went to her place. "she's got a little townhouse, she has potpourri everywhere. I told her it smells pretty girlie in here." I asked if he would ask her to dinner again, and he said "I think so". Sounds like they hit it off, I am smiling.
For the rest of the day, he will be at a cousins funeral saying goodbye. What 24 hours can bring, it is really amazing.
So in the middle of the conversation.....He tells me "WE were just headed out, to get something to eat." I smile sooooo big, and giggle, and say "We?" He tells me "who" is at the house, and that he called her and asked her to dinner. Then he gives her the phone (I know...It was a tad awkward) and we chat briefly and I tell them to have a good time.
I immediately call my Sister and tell her...Dad is going out to dinner...He is on a date. We giggle like teenagers. We discuss that we are ok with this, but wonder about our Brother. My Brother thought my Mother was the Queen of all Mothers. She spoiled him terribly. I call him and I can tell by his tone he does not like this one little bit, he is not excited.
This morning I called Dear Dad to ask how it went. Sounds like they had a good time, got in at 11:30pm. Dad said "she is a talker, I think she was as nervous as I was". He also says they went to her place. "she's got a little townhouse, she has potpourri everywhere. I told her it smells pretty girlie in here." I asked if he would ask her to dinner again, and he said "I think so". Sounds like they hit it off, I am smiling.
For the rest of the day, he will be at a cousins funeral saying goodbye. What 24 hours can bring, it is really amazing.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Hey Sissy, you have some splain'in to do
Ok Sissy, you sent me the dreaded "turd in a punchbowl" meme. Does my first meme have to be something based off of the word turd? Of course, this is typical. I am going to also include your word of the week, so you will know I take this seriously.
I have chose to write a Haiku. I don't recall ever writing a Haiku, but it seemed to balance this shitty idea.
Crystal Bowl
Empty bowl of glass
Slyph enters room sits quiet
Turd in a punchbowl
I am going to pass this meme to Graumagus, Laughing Wolf and Smiling Dynamite.
I have chose to write a Haiku. I don't recall ever writing a Haiku, but it seemed to balance this shitty idea.
Crystal Bowl
Empty bowl of glass
Slyph enters room sits quiet
Turd in a punchbowl
I am going to pass this meme to Graumagus, Laughing Wolf and Smiling Dynamite.
I don't mean to toot my own horn, but beep beep!!
Can you help a brother out?
Cpt 2Slick, is making the announcement that Desert Sky is finally available for purchase. It is the story of the 159th Aviation Brigade, and their year tour in Iraq. Proceeds from the documentary, will benefit the foundation. Go over visit the Captain, and wish them well.
News from the homefront..Or...My Dad is going on a date.
My sister called last night with the "weekly roundup". News from the town I grew up in, but she forgets I haven't lived there since I was 18. Half of the time I have no clue who or what she is talking about, but I sit and act interested and amazed. It is a small town. Last nights "weekly roundup", was different. My second cousin has been ill with lung cancer for 2 years, he passed away yesterday. Which is a blessing......He had suffered long and hard. A local law enforcement officer was arrested for making and distributing crystal meth....Nice. The finale was, "Dad called and asked how to spell "a certain ladies" name". (We are from a town that Germans settled, names can be hard) Oh really... I guess he ran into her at Walmart, and they talked. He wanted to call her and ask her out.
I am actually thrilled to hear this. My father has been widowed for 3 years. Everyone, in the family is finally realizing she will not be coming back. You cannot wish a person back. My Mothers death has changed the family dynamic, forever.
The certain someone in question is also a widow, who's husband was electrocuted right in the front yard as she was looking out the window. I have met this lady before, she is a nice Midwestern woman, never remarried. She is an attractive lady, flashier than most Midwestern ladies. She also worked with my Mom. They were "work friends".
I have not spoke with my Dad about this yet. I do not want to seem like I am disapproving, or snoopy. He is 63, and it is his business. He has been locked up in the house for tooo long. Unhappy, and misses my Mom terrible. They were married 41 years and one day.
I guess I should call and let him know I think it is a great idea. He needs a friend and companion and deserves to be happy.
I am actually thrilled to hear this. My father has been widowed for 3 years. Everyone, in the family is finally realizing she will not be coming back. You cannot wish a person back. My Mothers death has changed the family dynamic, forever.
The certain someone in question is also a widow, who's husband was electrocuted right in the front yard as she was looking out the window. I have met this lady before, she is a nice Midwestern woman, never remarried. She is an attractive lady, flashier than most Midwestern ladies. She also worked with my Mom. They were "work friends".
I have not spoke with my Dad about this yet. I do not want to seem like I am disapproving, or snoopy. He is 63, and it is his business. He has been locked up in the house for tooo long. Unhappy, and misses my Mom terrible. They were married 41 years and one day.
I guess I should call and let him know I think it is a great idea. He needs a friend and companion and deserves to be happy.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Plenty to Peruse.....
Upon Grampy Harvey's suggestion I entered Carnival of the Vanities this week. I am glad I did now, although it did have me very nervous. There is plenty to read this week with over 50 entries. I must thank Harvey as always for his encouragement, and The Carnival for putting my story up. I think I have plenty to read for the week.......
Keep moving, keep moving nothing to see here.......
So I had to go to the gynecologist yesterday. I know, I know I warned you. Keep scrolling down if you do not want to hear about my vagina..
Some of you know I am an LPN, so I have seen hundreds of humans naked, all shapes and sizes. Honestly, you never think twice about it. Seen one naked person, seen them all.
So why does it bother me to go to the gynecologist?
I arrived yesterday at the scheduled time, and was happy they were behind schedule. I can sit and read a magazine without being climbed on, telling children to stop climbing on the office chairs, chasing children down the hallways. (Dear Husband left work early to come home, and hold the fort down.) I am a lady of leisure reading a very old edition of Parents magazine. They call my name about 15 minutes later, and I walk in only to hear my Dr. Has been called away to a c-section. The nurse tells me "you will have to reschedule". I quickly answer "I am not rescheduling, it already took me 2 months to get in here today." So they find me an appointment with another Dr.
The first order of business is this.
Nurse: get on the scale hon."
Me: (*taking lint out of pockets, exhaling as much air, and thinking skinny.....Climb on)
Nurse: (*screws around with the scale for what seems like an eternity, then announces my weight with a bullhorn.)
Me: (*hearing cheers from the back,and money exchanging hands. Someone must have guessed my weight properly and won the office pool)
Nurse: Well you have lost weight, since your last visit.
Me: It was about 17 months ago, and I just had the baby...I certainly hope so.
Nurse: Come over here, and we will get your blood pressure.
Me: (*I am still freaking out about my weight, I haven't weighed myself for a year, and honestly expected a lower number....I am mourning my 123 pre-baby frame.)
Nurse: 120/70
Me: Great.
Nurse: Follow me.
Me: (*following)
Nurse: Take off your clothes, and put this gown on with the opening facing front, and put this little blanket over your lap.
Me: (*Feeling much better about myself now in this gown and thin blanket.)
Knock Knock.
In walks a male Dr.
Me: (*motherfucker.....I had stuff to discuss with the Dr. I am not sure if I want to discuss this with him)
Dr: Nice to meet you I am Dr. So and So, puts hand out.
Me: (* Try and act secure and professional as well, as I sit half naked on this huge roll of paper towels, on this elevated table.)
Dr: So you are here for your annual exam? Any other problems?
Me: Actually there are a couple of other things, I am having painful periods, and some painful intercourse around my period.
Dr: How painful are your periods?
Me: Well I was taking 800mg of Motrin 4 times a day, and 1000mg of Tylenol every 8 hours.
Dr: That is too much.
Me: I am aware.
Dr: When are you having the pain during intercourse?
Me: (*Trying to act professional and mature) It is positional.
Dr: Ok?
Me: (*Thinking...Oh come-on...You so know what I am going to say) Mostly when I am on top, but it only happens right before my period.
Dr: What kind of birth control are you on?
Me: Triphasal.
Dr: Have you thought about the shot, or the patch or the ring?
Me: (*Thinking ring? I don't think I want a "ring" in my vagina) No, I really hadn't thought of it.
Dr: Well the shot may just make your periods cease, with the patch, we can schedule it so you only have 4 periods a year.
Me: Side effects?
Dr: How old are you?
Me: (*crap, isn't it written in my chart?) 34
Dr: How much do you weigh?
Me: Didn't they write it down, after the announcement?
Dr: Oh I see it. Well lets go ahead with your exam, and I will let you think about this. Let me get a nurse in here.
Me: Ok,(* lying back on this table, wondering if I am far enough down, or if I will have to scoot 2 feet?)
Dr: Can you scoot your bottom down a bit?
Me: (*Scooting down with a 500 watt light shining on my business, legs in stirrups, how humiliating this is, and staring at the ceiling)
Dr: So how old are your children now?
Me: (*Staring at the ceiling, and flinching every once in a while) 3 years old and 18 months.)
Dr: Everything looks alright, you may have some bleeding today.
Me: (*still staring at ceiling.)
Dr: Go ahead and get dressed, and think about the birth control options I gave you, and try and make a decision.
Me: Ok, thanks. (Thanks.....)
So I dress as fast as possible, and wait for the next knock.
Knock Knock.
Me: Come in.
Dr: Have you decided on anything?
Me: I guess I will try the patch.
Dr: I will go get you some samples, and a prescription.
Me: Ok
Dr: Here you go, let us know how this works, and it was nice meeting you.
Me: Nice meeting you as well.
You know only a Dr. Could say nice meeting you, after hearing about your period, painful sex, and looking at your vagina under a 500 watt spotlight.
He hands me the package of samples, and the lady on the box is in some sort of yoga. Ballet pose. I am wondering if she is dancing because she only has 4 periods a year.
Some of you know I am an LPN, so I have seen hundreds of humans naked, all shapes and sizes. Honestly, you never think twice about it. Seen one naked person, seen them all.
So why does it bother me to go to the gynecologist?
I arrived yesterday at the scheduled time, and was happy they were behind schedule. I can sit and read a magazine without being climbed on, telling children to stop climbing on the office chairs, chasing children down the hallways. (Dear Husband left work early to come home, and hold the fort down.) I am a lady of leisure reading a very old edition of Parents magazine. They call my name about 15 minutes later, and I walk in only to hear my Dr. Has been called away to a c-section. The nurse tells me "you will have to reschedule". I quickly answer "I am not rescheduling, it already took me 2 months to get in here today." So they find me an appointment with another Dr.
The first order of business is this.
Nurse: get on the scale hon."
Me: (*taking lint out of pockets, exhaling as much air, and thinking skinny.....Climb on)
Nurse: (*screws around with the scale for what seems like an eternity, then announces my weight with a bullhorn.)
Me: (*hearing cheers from the back,and money exchanging hands. Someone must have guessed my weight properly and won the office pool)
Nurse: Well you have lost weight, since your last visit.
Me: It was about 17 months ago, and I just had the baby...I certainly hope so.
Nurse: Come over here, and we will get your blood pressure.
Me: (*I am still freaking out about my weight, I haven't weighed myself for a year, and honestly expected a lower number....I am mourning my 123 pre-baby frame.)
Nurse: 120/70
Me: Great.
Nurse: Follow me.
Me: (*following)
Nurse: Take off your clothes, and put this gown on with the opening facing front, and put this little blanket over your lap.
Me: (*Feeling much better about myself now in this gown and thin blanket.)
Knock Knock.
In walks a male Dr.
Me: (*motherfucker.....I had stuff to discuss with the Dr. I am not sure if I want to discuss this with him)
Dr: Nice to meet you I am Dr. So and So, puts hand out.
Me: (* Try and act secure and professional as well, as I sit half naked on this huge roll of paper towels, on this elevated table.)
Dr: So you are here for your annual exam? Any other problems?
Me: Actually there are a couple of other things, I am having painful periods, and some painful intercourse around my period.
Dr: How painful are your periods?
Me: Well I was taking 800mg of Motrin 4 times a day, and 1000mg of Tylenol every 8 hours.
Dr: That is too much.
Me: I am aware.
Dr: When are you having the pain during intercourse?
Me: (*Trying to act professional and mature) It is positional.
Dr: Ok?
Me: (*Thinking...Oh come-on...You so know what I am going to say) Mostly when I am on top, but it only happens right before my period.
Dr: What kind of birth control are you on?
Me: Triphasal.
Dr: Have you thought about the shot, or the patch or the ring?
Me: (*Thinking ring? I don't think I want a "ring" in my vagina) No, I really hadn't thought of it.
Dr: Well the shot may just make your periods cease, with the patch, we can schedule it so you only have 4 periods a year.
Me: Side effects?
Dr: How old are you?
Me: (*crap, isn't it written in my chart?) 34
Dr: How much do you weigh?
Me: Didn't they write it down, after the announcement?
Dr: Oh I see it. Well lets go ahead with your exam, and I will let you think about this. Let me get a nurse in here.
Me: Ok,(* lying back on this table, wondering if I am far enough down, or if I will have to scoot 2 feet?)
Dr: Can you scoot your bottom down a bit?
Me: (*Scooting down with a 500 watt light shining on my business, legs in stirrups, how humiliating this is, and staring at the ceiling)
Dr: So how old are your children now?
Me: (*Staring at the ceiling, and flinching every once in a while) 3 years old and 18 months.)
Dr: Everything looks alright, you may have some bleeding today.
Me: (*still staring at ceiling.)
Dr: Go ahead and get dressed, and think about the birth control options I gave you, and try and make a decision.
Me: Ok, thanks. (Thanks.....)
So I dress as fast as possible, and wait for the next knock.
Knock Knock.
Me: Come in.
Dr: Have you decided on anything?
Me: I guess I will try the patch.
Dr: I will go get you some samples, and a prescription.
Me: Ok
Dr: Here you go, let us know how this works, and it was nice meeting you.
Me: Nice meeting you as well.
You know only a Dr. Could say nice meeting you, after hearing about your period, painful sex, and looking at your vagina under a 500 watt spotlight.
He hands me the package of samples, and the lady on the box is in some sort of yoga. Ballet pose. I am wondering if she is dancing because she only has 4 periods a year.
Yeah, that's right. It happened again. "Dash"....Was up at an even earlier 5am. Once again I hear him crying. I go in and expect to hear much of the same discussion we had yesterday.
Me: What is wrong sweetie?
Dash: Nothing.
Me: Why are you crying.
Dash: I was sleeping, shhh. (still crying)
Me: I am sorry I will shh. (Dear Husband already gone had to leave house at 4:30am to take friends to airport)
Dash: Just be quiet, I am sleeping.
Me: Do you want to sleep in my bed? (Thinking: he wants to sleep, so we might both get 2 more hours)
Dash: (Runs to my bed, and climbs in) Cover me Mommy.
Me: (Thinking: great we are going to sleep, which is great. I had dreams all night that I was in Chicago taking pictures of the Sears tower, and someone took my purse. I chased these hooligans all night in my dreams)
Dash: Mommy I am not tired, I sure love you.
Me: I love you too. (Thinking...Oh crap here we go again)
Me: What is wrong sweetie?
Dash: Nothing.
Me: Why are you crying.
Dash: I was sleeping, shhh. (still crying)
Me: I am sorry I will shh. (Dear Husband already gone had to leave house at 4:30am to take friends to airport)
Dash: Just be quiet, I am sleeping.
Me: Do you want to sleep in my bed? (Thinking: he wants to sleep, so we might both get 2 more hours)
Dash: (Runs to my bed, and climbs in) Cover me Mommy.
Me: (Thinking: great we are going to sleep, which is great. I had dreams all night that I was in Chicago taking pictures of the Sears tower, and someone took my purse. I chased these hooligans all night in my dreams)
Dash: Mommy I am not tired, I sure love you.
Me: I love you too. (Thinking...Oh crap here we go again)
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Over at Mr. Blackfive's Place...
Mr. Blackfive was gracious enough to compile information on the 39th Brigade and put it up. I am thankful he did this. If you are interested in the day to to day of Iraq, read the blog by Amy Schlesing. She was a journalist embedded with them. She did a great job covering the things wives, husbands, moms and dads want to know.
As always thank you Mr. Blackfive. While you are over there, buy a shirt, not only will you look "hot", you will be supporting a great cause.
As always thank you Mr. Blackfive. While you are over there, buy a shirt, not only will you look "hot", you will be supporting a great cause.
The early bird gets the worm.
"Dash" the 3 year old was up at 5 this morning. He was crying...And I must never get deep sleep, because I heard him. I go in his room, and crawl into his little fire engine bed.
Me: What is wrong baby?
Dash: Why won't you let me drive?
Me: You are too little to drive honey.
Dash: I am not. I am big.
Me: Were you dreaming about wanting to drive?
Dash: No.
Me: It is still night, the moon is out...Go to sleep.
Dash: I love you Mom, why can't I drive?
Me: There is a rule that says you have to be 16.
Dash: I am not tired.
Me: Mommy is tired, everyone is still sleeping.
Dash: You have pretty hair.
Me: Sshhhhh, lets try and sleep.
Dash: OK Mommy.
He never did go back to sleep, and neither did I.
Me: What is wrong baby?
Dash: Why won't you let me drive?
Me: You are too little to drive honey.
Dash: I am not. I am big.
Me: Were you dreaming about wanting to drive?
Dash: No.
Me: It is still night, the moon is out...Go to sleep.
Dash: I love you Mom, why can't I drive?
Me: There is a rule that says you have to be 16.
Dash: I am not tired.
Me: Mommy is tired, everyone is still sleeping.
Dash: You have pretty hair.
Me: Sshhhhh, lets try and sleep.
Dash: OK Mommy.
He never did go back to sleep, and neither did I.
Party at Tammi's World......
Yeah there is a blog-warming at Tammi's new place. Actually it is already more than warm....Go over, and leave her a note. I guess there are NO Rules....At least that is what I hear.
Monday, May 02, 2005
You asked for it Sissy
It did not take me long at all, to use this weeks word. Posted by Sissy. Tonight while in my 1 hour of yoga and 1 hour of pilates, I had to stand behind a very sylph 19 year old. I wanted to beat her 19 year old sylph ass.
Harvey is cool
Harvey....Over at Bad Example helped me fix my tech-tard linking problem....With that phrase. "Harvey is cool". Thanks you are a dear. I owe you a million in graffiti currency.
Carnival of Kleenex
I spent most of the morning crying.....
Stopped by Tammi's place this morning to re-read her beautifully written account of leaving home. How things change, even when we hate it.
Then I stopped over at this Marines place to see things have changed at his house, and how hard it can be to watch babies grow into children.
I ended up at Some Soldiers Mom rereading her account of Vietnam, and how her life has been changed, and how others lives changed. How America changed.....and I cried I ended up drinking more tears than cream in my coffee.
Sometimes Monday mornings are just plain hard.
Stopped by Tammi's place this morning to re-read her beautifully written account of leaving home. How things change, even when we hate it.
Then I stopped over at this Marines place to see things have changed at his house, and how hard it can be to watch babies grow into children.
I ended up at Some Soldiers Mom rereading her account of Vietnam, and how her life has been changed, and how others lives changed. How America changed.....and I cried I ended up drinking more tears than cream in my coffee.
Sometimes Monday mornings are just plain hard.
So sweet, you need a trip to the dentist
The 2nd Karnival of the kids is up........very sweet. You must run quick to Whimsy Capricious to see all of the wonderful pictures and read all of the funnies .....
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