I was lucky enough to get the name of Ramzi Doany, last year. I will say the project made me nervous, as I wanted to do his memory well.....
I also heard from his Sister last year, and we had exchanged very brief e-mails. She was glad to see his memory was not lost......

On The morning of of September 11th, Ramzi Doany, 35, arrived on the 100th floor of North Tower of The World Trade Center. Ramzi, worked for Marsh and Mclennon as an auditor. We know, Ramzi logged into his computer that morning, and had sent a couple of e-mails out announcing his return to his office after being away on business....
We also know, he called his Mother , upon his return to his home in Bayonne, New Jersey the night before....
What I have learned about Ramzi Doany, through the written accounts of his life, I have certainly enjoyed.
Ramzi Doany, was born to Palestinian parents in Amman, Jordan. His Mother reports, him being a likeable and popular kid. When she would pick him up from school, he would be surrounded by a group of his peers, and he would be, telling them stories and making them laugh.
His Sister told the following story in an interview with a Jordanian news publication.
“As a child, Ramzi once dug a hole in our backyard for a terrible report card he had received and placed a headstone on top,”
“When our parents asked for the report card, Ramzi explained to them that, “it was dead and buried!”Ramzi Doany , attended high school in a London boarding school before coming to Milwaukee as an international student at age 19. With the goal of a career in international business, and earned a bachelor's degree in accounting at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1992. After working in a local accounting firm he moved on to a firm in Philadelphia. That firm was purchased by Marsh & McLennan, and Doany was assigned to their New York office.
His family and friends also give several accounts of his kind and generous spirit.
Ramzi, amassed friends. He amassed them with acts of kindness, like tutoring a woman with lupus, two children and no husband, to get her though college, or letting his college roommate and the roommate's wife live in his condo for two years so they could save money for a down payment on a home.
His Sister says, her brother never had trouble making friends.
“One conversation with our next door neighbors and Ramzi was instantly at ease,” she noted.
Ramzi Doany, loved family events and would take her children to play golf and soccer. "He also loved to cook for us whenever he came for a visit,” his Sister added. "He loved cooking for family, and even took to cooking Thanksgiving turkeys and had great pride in preparation, (even if they were a bit dry)."
Ramzi, also loved reading, and particularly enjoyed the works of Charles Dickens.
In one interview with his Sister, she reports Ramzi, was an adventurist, and Ramzi had put a down payment on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
“It was to have been delivered in April or May of this year,” his sister said.
Ramzi, was one of the persons killed in the attacks on September 11th.
His body was never recovered.
In a interview with a journalist, Ramzi's Mother stated....“He always kept in touch,” she said. “If a week went by without a call from him I would always worry, I'm going to miss that presence and energy”.
Friends and family remembered Ramzi Doany in two separate services of Memorial.
One at Milwaukee's St. George Melkite Catholic Church, and another at Al Fadi Anglican Church in Amman.
Ramzi, May you rest in peace, and may your family find comfort in the sweet memories of you....
A note to the Family. I am sure if you are looking for a tribute, or memory of your Son at some time, you might find this site. I truly wanted to honor your Son, and Brother. If there is information that is not correct, or inaccurate, please let me know, and I will change it. If you would like the photos removed, or would like to add photos, I will oblige. If there is any other information you would like for us to know about Ramzi, let me know. I will certainly add it. I am so sorry for your loss...
Thank You to the following sites, and memorial sites for providing me with information, and quotes.
The Jordan Times
Scholarhip in Ramzi Doany's name
Jordanian television
Milwaukee Journal
Remembering September 11th site
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