It is hot.
I need to paint.
I do not want to paint in the heat.
According to wikipedia Indian Summer is here.
The term Indian summer has been used for more than two centuries. The earliest known use was by French American writer St. John de Crevecoeur in rural New York in 1778. There are several theories as to its etymology:
* It may be so named because this was the traditional period during which early North Americans First Nations/Native American harvested their crops.
* In The Americans, The Colonial Experience, Daniel J. Boorstin speculates that the term originated from raids on European colonies by Indian war parties; these raids usually ended in autumn, hence the extension to summer-like weather in the fall as an Indian summer. Indeed, two of the three other known uses of the term in the 18th century are from accounts kept by two army officers leading retaliation expeditions against Indians for raids on settlers in Ohio and Indiana in 1790, and Pennsylvania in 1794.[1]
* It could be so named because the phenomenon was more common in what were then North American Indian territories, as opposed to the Eastern Seaboard.
* It may be of Asian Indian origin rather than North American Indian. H. E. Ware, an English writer, noted that ships traversing the Indian Ocean loaded their cargo most often during the Indian summer, or fair weather season. Several ships actually had an "I.S." on their hull at the load level thought safe during Indian summer.
* Others link the term to the racial stereotype of Indian giver, the practice of giving and then demanding back.
The term is also used metaphorically to refer to anything that blooms late, or unexpectedly, or after it has lost relevance. Compare to Renaissance.
Modern ideas on what an Indian summer constitutes vary, but the most widely accepted value for determining whether an Indian summer is occurring is that the weather must be above 21°C (70°F) for seven days after the autumnal equinox. [citation needed]
It is hot.
I have a list a mile long.
I am waiting for an important phone call.
The phone should have rang by now.
I might just work the worry off.
Because that is what you do in the Midwest, you go and mow the back 40, or you bale hay. Some things cannot be helped right?
You hand the over to the big guy, and then you fret anyway.
So I am off.
There is no hay to bale, there is no back 40 to mow. Besides I don't care for mowing.
I want to paint, and it is hot.
I want a decent nights sleep.
There is always bedding to wash.