Friday, September 05, 2008

off to Norfolk today...

SpouseBuzz Live is a go!

So if you are in the Norfolk, Va area we would love to see you.

Here is the schedule of the days events.

0845-0915 Registration

0915-0930 Opening Remarks

0930-0945 Virtual Tour of SpouseBUZZ and Military Spouse Network (MSN)

0945-1100 Panel One: A Humorous Look at the Milspouse Experience

1100-1130 Break (Exhibitor stroll)

1130-1300 Panel Two: Making the Most of the Milspouse Experience

1300-1315 Raffle Prizes/Closing Remarks

1315-15:00 Exhibitor Stroll

* Each attendee will receive a free gift bag
* Enter to win great prizes in our raffle!
* Meet the SpouseBUZZ authors

I will be on panel 2, and will discuss how to make the most of the Milspouse Experience.

But the best part of these events to me, is meeting the SpouseBuzz readers. The new/young wives. They are amazing! Some of them on the 3/4 deployments and doing an amazing job.

I always learn from them.

Off to organize my home, and pack...yeah still not packed.

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