Sunday, September 07, 2008

I can no longer consume scallops...

SpouseBuzz LIVE went fantastically. The logistics were so hard this trip, as DH had to work all weekend, my Father and his Girlfriend took on the Collective with little in the way of problems. The hurricane/tropical storm Hanah, just made me nervous. I have been in some doozy of storms in my day. (Blizzards, microbursts, tornadoes, even a 100 year flood one time in Vegas) So I kept thinking, a glass hotel, and hurricane make a bad mix, especially with me in the building. Particularly when a tree flew by the window at the registration desk. So I actually spent a large part of the day secretly hoping we would be safe. However, Hanah was a lady and just kicked up a little wind and rain....

I will blog most of the conference information over at SpouseBuzz, although I will say it was so nice as usual to have fellowship with EVERYONE.

I arrived in Norfolk at 11:30pm Friday night, and made it in to my humble abode at about 11:30pm last night. I should have made it sooner, but have terrible night blindness, which makes it tricky for me to drive in the wee hours.

Tonight I thought I would make a lovely dinner for The Collective, DH and My Father and his Girlfriend, so I made sauteed scallops with garlic and onion, made a green salad.

I had a small, but allergic reaction. And of course this would happen on the way to the store to get allergy medication for The Collective (ragweed season), and garbage bags.

I was in the car, and had uterine, and abdominal cramping, became diaphertic, and flushed, all while nauseated. I had no respiratory symptoms, but it scared the bejesus out of me. ( I keep benedryl in the car, for this never knows.) It was a lousy feeling. The only thing I can think of, was it had to be the scallops....the symptoms also only lasted about 30 minutes....but ick. It was one of those things, where you think..."if I could just puke I might feel better"...

No more scallops for me. And I liked the darn things...

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