Monday, September 15, 2008

Is it Monday already?

I am deeming my old skool PC as inconvenient. It really is.

My ghetto Mac, should be back today, and looking gorgeous as they can make her. Thanks to the young college students at the 501 building at UNL! The last time I was in that building was 1990? Holy Moses.

The weekend was odd. DH only had Saturday off. We had decided to enjoy what looks like "fall." It seems early to me, it is not even October yet, but yes it was a tropical 41 degrees this a.m. So we took The Collective to Antelope Park. It was gorgeous, simply gorgeous, blue jeans weather. We then decided to take The Collective and ourselves to a Nebraska Institution. Valentino's. We actually went out of our way to go to the original Valentino's. We were disappointed. The food was mediocre, (we expected nothing more), service was fine, our waitress was very attentive and sweet. It was a question of "the setting". I guess I sort of think of Valentino's as a Nebraska legacy. Indeed the food has never been great, but the atmosphere was lacking. I felt like I was in just any other "pretend Italian restaurant".....tis a shame. We will not be going back.

We came home and watched the Nebraska game, and drank red beers. (beer and tomato juice. I can hear the puke sounds now. Throw a little pepper and Tabasco in, and it really is yummy! I promise. And you are actually getting some vitamin C, never bad. I forget that people think this is gross, because it is a normal beverage choice here. But in Arkansas, when and if you could find beer, if you asked for tomato juice, you would be banished to the parking lot. It just was not done, without folks making a huge gross deal about it. So I insist you try it.

I am cleaning the house today, so I can make my exit at the end of the week....

Viva Las Vegas!

As some of you have read, The folks from Blackfive are having a wing ding at the Penthouse Club. First..DH is very jealous he cannot go. Second....what does a 38 year old woman wear to such a place? After all it is Vegas. Vegas is a weird place. Last year I saw sooo many hookers, trannies, and just women who were dressed as such, I lost track. I had intended on wearing a simple black pencil skirt and black blouse. (I loathe black, but want to BLEND) But then a jeans ban got lifted, and all seem to be thrilled with wearing jeans. Well except for me. I do not think jeans are comfortable, unless they are worn OUT beyond repair, and have been washed to death...The Penthouse club? huh...who knew.

Now if I can repair this darn camera so I have proof of the insanity. I would also like a photo of me and a PET, just for DH....not for the sake of comparison....but it might be a nice gift for his 40 birthday...Is Miss October going to be there?

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