Friday, January 04, 2008

Hawkeye Cockeye

The Iowa Cauci was not shocking to me.....

I think if Fred Thompson looked like Romney he might have a better chance. seriously.

Huckabee, this choice suprises me. Not nearly as much as Obama.

I was dissapointed in the after the dog and pony show speeches.

Hillary came off pissed off, and I noted her campaign managers noted it was a great idea to put not only Bill Clinton behind her, but Madaline Albright. Eww....her after speech was lackluster indeed.

Obama, used his Martin Luther King "I have a dream" speech. He mentioned Selma at least once.'

Pretty boy Edwards speech should have had mass appeal to the socialists. His wife introduced him, which was a good move by his campaign managers.

But I must remember that as practical as I think Midwesterners are, I need to remember that the agrarian nature of the state means farm subsudies, and colleges....

But Nanny Huckabee, the yellow dog democrat in GOP clothing.

I was also bothered that his campaign managers insisted that the "Norris's" stand at his side. Huckabee also seems increasingly self congratulatory, which is wearing thin with some folks. The "aww shucks I am just a simple Pastor routine" is getting old. I am not sure if i want our President to be of the awww shucks variety. I think we tried that with Jimmy Carter and look where that got us.

I am waiting for Chuck Norris to come to his senses and beat Huckabee's ass....


I would like to see Fred Thompson pick McCain as a running mate....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when I ot to this line, "I am waiting for Chuck Norris to come to his senses and beat Huckabee's ass...." I just lost it. Too funny (and verrrry accurate)...