Sunday, October 14, 2007

You can only console so many babies at one time......

Tonight, I think my DH thought I was insane for volunteering us for the church nursery....

Heck, I think I might have been temporarily insane after tonight.

Not a good night for the babies...

Oh no sirrrreeee.

Tired, teething, hungry, poopy, and one baby that never gets left with strangers...


Odd night in the nursery. Normally, most of the babies are cheerful, laughing, smiling, playful. Not tonight.

And as I changed diaper after diaper, and listened to the wails, and screaming.....knowing full well sometimes babies just cry.

I recalled the 18 months of deployment, I spent with a newborne and a fussy toddler.....and all of the crying. There is little on the planet thay pains me more than a baby inconsolable infant. That is tough.

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