I showed up at the spa freshly bathed, sans makeup, and almost excited as a child on Christmas morning...
I immediately knew there was a problem when the receptionist stood there looking like someone from idiocracy.
I stood silent for about 5 minutes, and then I said is there a problem?
Idiocracy: "well we have you down for a pedicure and a facial, but no massage."
AWTM: "No, I specifically chose to do this today because you could fit all services in today"
Idiocracy: "Well you see our massage therapist is out with bronchial pneumonia, so we have no one here."
(You see where she conveniently tried to pretend it was not on the schedule, and then let me know the day spa, only has one person available for massages, out and she is sick, AND they did not have the decency to call me at home and notify me. Because as a consumer, I have all of the time in the World and no schedule)
Idiocracy: "Well we can do your pedicure and facial today."
AWTM: "Uhhhh...no." (Because I was pissed, as DH took off from work 3 hours early, because the salon said the only time they had this week was 2-6. I do not think a pissed off woman should get a pedicure, facial or any other relaxing service.)
Idiocracy: "When do you want to reschedule? I will give you 10% off when you return"
AWTM: "I have no idea, when I can do this again." (10% will not pay for childcare involved for 4 hours of services.
I left, frankly I was angry and did not want to call the lady a liar, so I left.
After I cooled off, I called the spa requesting a refund, as I do not want people I am pissed off at touching me sans clothes while I am trying to relax....Idiocracy answered the phone, and I told her I wanted the owner of the salon to call me ASAP, as I was requesting a refund.
The owner quickly returned the call, apologized that no one called me, etc.
Lets just say I do not negotiate with Vietnamese women well, she did some Jedi mind trick on me....
She did offer to pay for a sitter, although I am sure she will do the Jedi mind guilt thing so well again, that I will probably end up paying for the sitter myself.
End of story, I am not noodled out today, which was the plan. I wanted to be seriously noodled. Seriously. What was supposed to be a relaxing day turned into some sort of bucket of crap. The frequency of this sort of thing happening around here, well it is far too often for my taste.
When we first arrived here, I would have went ballastic, but after 3 years of being driven absolutely wacky by continued bad service, poor performance, in addition to it being delivered at a snails pace....well they have worn even the bitchiest part of me down...that "normal" person left after the first three years we lived down here. Being in a hurry, or demanding services, well it is just a moot thing here. I have seriously learned to sit back and ignore this sort of stuff, because frankly I would have been dead from a stroke the first month here....
I am done. I just want what I paid for, when I paid for it...
One more reason to get the hell out of Dodge...
Oh and if you have not watched Idiocracy, I would recommend doing so, it is almost like living in Arkansas. But what do you expect from a state that gave us "the Clintons" and Mike Huckabee?
I know your day had to be aggravating beyond words but I laughed out loud at the retelling... Jedi mind trick. Heh...
Well, that sucks. I'd have been pissed too.
And we've always said living in Arkansas is like living in a foreign country. *g*
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