Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I was asked yesterday by a waitress in a Huddle House outside of Hamilton Mississippi if it was hard being an Army Wife. (I think the Infantry t-shirt gave me away). She is currently engaged to an enlisted man who has been in Iraq for 2 months.

She really asked me in one of my weaker moments, as I was hitting hour 7 in travel time. I sat there over a steaming hot cup of mediocre coffee, with The Collective climbing around the booth like it was a jungle gym.

I tried to explain to her that certainly it was hard.

I am a war bride. Married for almost 16 years this week.

One week after my Husbands return from Desert Storm, we married.

10 years ago during non-combat times, not as hard.

A new Bride looking at deployment AFTER deployment certainly not something I can give advice on. As a 16 year veteran of an active duty marriage, one year? as civilians, and now as a National Guard Spouse....I am proud.

"Is it hard?" she asks....

And I recall those moments

A fresh faced man meeting me at the Omaha airport after Desert Storm with an engagement ring in his pocket.

Pinning my DH's rank on his shoulder after he was commissioned.

Getting phonecalls from other wives during the last deployment, in which they expressed relief that my Husband was serving with they're Husbands.

A Husband safely home, and holding his children for the first time in a year...

I guess it is hard, but I wouldn't trade one moment.....

And what was the other option?

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