Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just another first snow of the season.

I have figure out the mentality of Nebrakans after being one my entire life.

"Hurry, hurry no time to talk it is going to snow"

"Hurry, hurry get things done, we have a week before Spring"

Really that is it in a nutshell. With such a large agrarian based economy, it is hurry, hurry.

You get to chat when you are retired.

I woke this morning, to screaming, jumping, and shouting.

"It is a winter wonderland, it snowed, winter is here!!!!" Elation from The Collective. True excitement over the snow.

My first thought, OMG, I am trapped indoors with these people for the next 6 months. In my head I began making a mental list of crafts, science projects, supplies, etc to get us through the winter months.

Of course, I just ordered PN's new winter coat like 3 days ago, it is not yet here. Temps are well below 40 most of the coming week. I was planning on ordering snow boots on payday.....ughhh. Normally it blizzards on Halloween or around there so I was planning for that.

I did bundle up both kids, and sent them out. My Sissy is here, and we timed them, as it was about 32 and the wind was a bit harsh...they made it about 20 minutes before they were done. Not enough snow to sled. There was enough for them to scoop the deck, and throw in each others faces.

I threw some chicken, veggies, and rice in a pot and slow cooked it all day. I made popcorn and hot chocolate for the kids. I took My Sissy and The Collective to the YMCA and decided we should try our hands at basketball. I knew they had a kid's court and KNEW I wanted them to run. They had fun. PN a little frustrated, she made 12 baskets, SR actually can walk and dribble while chewing gum. He refused to shoot in the short hoops as a matter of principal. We had fun, even if my Sissy about died laughing when I did a lay up. (I did not think it was funny) Must have been though, it has been about 18 years since I have done one. I think this will be a fun thing for us to go and do, It was good exercise for me too. I can still dribble a ball run and not look down at the ball! (Also probably funny to watch)

We made a library run, and checked out a ton of books.

DH has to work all weekend AGAIN. I am beginning to hate the weekends. I would actually give anything to have a day ALONE in the house to CLEAN. It seriously needs some detailing, and it is driving me crazy. My Mother is rolling in her grave. (BTW my Mother would have been 68 on the 4th of this month, I was grumpy all day.)

Work is going well, I need to sit and do my nails at some point, they need to be filed, and painted with clear polish, cuticles are in dire need of attention.

Tonight SR told my Sister, "you know comedy is just tragedy happening to other people..." I am unsure who first said this quote, or where on Earth he picked it up. But I did try to explain, tragedy is not funny....small bumps in the road funny...tragedy never.

The reading of The New Testament is going well. We have spent 30 minutes each night starting in Matthew and Acts.


mariposa said...

Hey! I just happened upon your blog, and wanted to let you know I really like it & the way you write! Good luck with everything :)

Ivy T said...

I'm delurking to comment on the kids winter clothes. I live in Minneapolis and have three young kids. I get all of my kids' winter coats, boots, snow pants, etc from Once Upon a Child. I can get high quality pieces for really cheap. I can't remember if you live near Lincoln or Omaha, but I think they have at least one of those stores in each city. If second hand clothes is gross to you, just ignore the advice. Good luck!

Ellen said...

lol at being "stuck inside with these people for the next 6 months"... I'm starting to feel that way already about my family and we've been stuck indoors for, oh, three days?

I just got the dutchkid new boots at Sportsman's Warehouse of all places, I was there with the dh and saw the same boots I had wanted at REI for much cheaper (on sale).

Guard Wife said...

Oh, the lay up!!! How one ever looks cute doing one is beyond me! :) I'll bet you looked quite fetching.

We're waiting on UPS to bring us TWO boxes from Land's End. Not quite sure what the hold up is on one of them as it was ordered before the jackets & the jackets are on the way but the shirts are not yet.

Bou said...

"My first thought, OMG, I am trapped indoors with these people for the next 6 months." I LOL when I read that! Holy crap, that's funny!

We don't own winter clothes... 95 today, I think. There has to be a happy medium somewhere...