Wednesday, October 28, 2009


SR is currently fascinated by the periodic table. He is reading whatever he can get his hands on. Memorizing the table, and learning about them. I took chemistry 2 times, and he is doing better than I ever did. The amazing thing. He understands it on a level I never did. He currently has the first 15 memorized, and he starts mixing them up. IT is strange that at 7 he would even be interested.

PN, has been busy training the puppy with DH, while on break. She is doing well. The puppy makes SR nervous. The puppy does know the command whoa, and has learned to fetch. You can throw his toy, say whoa and he will wait until you say ok, before he goes after his toy. DH is trying to get some things around the house done while he is off. I think he is learning how hard it can be, especially with kids around.

Work is fair. I am nervous about starting school in January, and am sure I will be exhausted. I am not nervous about content, or learning, I am nervous about the time it will take from us...

My Father needs help cutting some trees out on his property, and this weekend would be a good time to do it. Finding adult children and spouses with similar schedules to help, is the problem.

He and his fiancee will be getting married soon, supposedly in the next month or so. they had planned to have it done by now, and the kidney stone thing happened. That required 3 surgeries, and put the kabosh on things. They are going to either church, or the judge, and just doing it....

PN wants to live in her princess costume and cannot wait for Halloween. I hope the weather is nice. SR could really care less.

Both children are getting tall! I notice this especially with SR, he hit a spurt.....


Unknown said...

I'm starting online classes monday..I'm sure it will take away from my sleep time but it's something us moms have to do. It will help once I start making money instead of relying on my husbands military pay which we both know is not enough..

Anonymous said...

Do check this out for your genius. Amazing and fun way to look at the table...

(Sorry if not a link - cut/paste?)