Thursday, October 16, 2008

stupid irons...

Too many irons in the fire right now.

My resume that I had worked sooo hard on...seriously.

Was pretty much called crap by a prospective employer. Not good.


This resume stuff is seriously new to me. NEW.

Spending most of my life in health care or nursing meant, I NEVER needed one. I also relied on my reputation as a nurse for jobs.

Also the resume thing, is odd.... especially for someone that grew up in the Mid West.

Sell yourself. Just hard. Especially when you have a 6 year gap in employment, and are changing careers.

I know I can perform at this level, but now I need to convince them. And as I said before I can talk all day about myself, but boasting my skills. (YES I UNDERSTAND I NEED to) It is difficult.

I am all about proving myself.

So Tammi has offered her services, and she is trying to pimp it up.

The entire process makes my gut sick, it is very dog and pony.

In good news my Sister is here to see her niece and nephew, but has to leave tomorrow.

The Collective are THRILLED to have her.

Wish me luck on this resume.

The job I am applying for is PERFECT for me, and now I have to convince them of such....


Anonymous said...

you are in good hands. I adore you and believe in you! I pimp you out on a regular basis. Now I'll just put it in writing......


You're right. It is perfect for you. A perfect match as it were. And by the time you're done with them they'll know it too.....

Anonymous said...

"you can doooo it!" Good Luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't they have something/someone at the base that can help with that?

Guard Wife said...

I'm sure Tammy will do a great job. I have a pretty good track records with OTHER people's resumes landing them jobs so if you want a second pair of eyes, let me know. :)

Rachelle Jones said...

Base? What base?

There is no steenking base?