Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It feels like Monday...

DH had yesterday off, as did SR. It felt like Sunday all day.

DH was wiped after a week in Orlando for a work conference. Wiped.


I managed to get him de-toxed from work yesterday. It took all day.

I do not think he has a day off for weeks.


I applied for a yet another job yesterday.

This job as a "cashier"....M-F 9-5. Perfect.

Certainly I have the skill set to cashier...

I guess we will see, if they think I am qualified.

For the love of Pete.

I am still hoping to get on at the VA, but I am hearing it could take MONTHS...



Anonymous said...

Between you and Tammi I'm starting to get worried about the whole job hunting thing.

Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favor...go to the company website and see how their "performance" is year to date. That'll at least let you see if it will work out as a perm. job or just seasonal.

Whoda thunk Pepsi would be letting 3,300 folks go. ALL in sales and marketing. Oh, and shutting approx. 9 plants.


Anonymous said...

Heh. I worked for Winn Dixie part time at one point as a cashier - it was the MOST BORING JOB EVER!

Sorry. Just had to tell you that.
