Thursday, August 13, 2009

McCaskill...let them eat cake

I am working on a post re: this new proposed healthcare bill, but frankly get overexcited, and my points are not made clear...

As a person that has worked in the medical profession...I HAVE STORIES, lots of them.


vet66 said...

Great plan! 40-50 million new patients in the face of baby boom doctor's retiring, a nurse shortage, cut medicare by about 50M
in the face of aging boomers accounting for some 70% of total health costs, not a word from POTUS regarding tort reform and it's effects on malpractice premiums and they wonder why people are up in arms.

As the soup nazi would say;

"No pills for you!"

vet66 said...

By the way, don't you find it precious when McCaskill threatened to use her "Mom's voice" on the passionistas in the audience.

Give me a break. Talk about being totally out of touch...

Marc Miyake said...

"I HAVE STORIES, lots of them."

Please tell them! One at a time, if you have to. It can be hard to compress a career into a single post.

Guard Wife said...

Vet 66, I agree with you. That room was FULL of women probably old enough to use a Mom's voice on Sen. McCaskill. Very disrespectful to her elders and laughable to boot. I give her props for at least holding a meeting but the 'tsk-tsk' tone was over the top.

Harvey said...

Is she SURE that she wants to use Medicare as an example of a successful government health care program when it'll be insolvent in 8 years?: