Monday, November 24, 2008

My baby turns 5....

My youngest PN turns 5 this week.


My youngest is 5.

I know I still call them my babies. I realize they are not.

For those of you that warned me time would FLY, I would blink and she would be a big girl, you were right. It has happened that quickly.

It is hard for me to imagine being able to lift her with one arm now...

She is light, bright, engaging, funny, and beautiful.

She loves numbers, art, people, and making them smile or laugh.

She wants to be a Mommy when she grows up, and used to say she was going to have 5 children. She no longer wants 5, and sees 5 as a lot of work. She wants one baby now.

Time has went by sooo fast, I cannot tell you.

There are days, I am as ready as she is to get back to work, and out of here, she is anxious as well. But today I am reminded how lucky I have been to manage to stay at home with them, I am blessed.

And the days are very limited now.

this week I promise to sit and color for longer, and play an extra game of cards, and be more patient...

The only thing she is requesting for her birthdayis this!


Anonymous said...

That 2nd picture? My first thought was "What is her DH doin' wearin' a pink ribbon in his hair?!"

Those cheeks! Holy cow...we know where those came from.

5. She's 5. Five.

Happy Birthday PN.

(and you look fantastic btw)

Stacy said...

You could get by really cheap this year. She is so precious.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I love those cheeks! My son turns 5 this week too. It goes by so fast...

Anonymous said...

Love her! Love 5. Happy Birthday PN! Enjoy 5.

Guard Wife said...

Happy B-day, PN. My baby is 5 too...halfway to 6 already. It goes by entirely too fast. The thought that M1 will be in double digits come Saturday freaks me OUT!

She is beautiful...just like her Mommy.

Skyler said...

No way.

As someone who, admittedly, was poring through VERY OLD posts in this blog for hours last night ...

Yes, I used your blog to avoid homework ... what can I say, I can't resist the appeal of cute kids :)

but anyway, after that, this comes as a bit of a shock. how can she be that old?

I know it's cliche, but ... Damn they grow up too fast.

Ellen said...

She is so cute. Happy Birthday PN!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, PN! Enjoy that Baby Alive!

Anonymous said...

ohhhh I LOVED my Baby Alive!! The first picture is ADORABLE.
They do grow up fast, eh? I can't believe my baby is 8. They will always be my babies, no matter how old they are though.

Anonymous said...

She is precious! No one could possibly expect such a cutie to be a Ninja! ;-) Happiest of Birthdays to the sweet young thing! Glad my boys haven't met her yet!!

Anonymous said...

I have a quick question about your blog...if you would email me I'd appreciate it very much -

Happy birthday to your daughter!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, PN!!! Whoo hooo! What a FUN age!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Happy #5 Pink Ninja!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow!! PN is getting so big!
Mine turned 3 this year. :(
It's all happening too fast.
I'm cherishing this time, cause I know in a few years, she won't want me to sing her songs at bed time anymore.

Teresa said...

I just realized as I was reading this... my youngest turns 25 in January!!! Holy cats!