Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And here is SR giving his first presentation....

SR is 6, and in first grade. With the help of his Science mentor, he prepared, researched, and learned about the water cycle and was able to present it to his first grade classmates. (I was in Tacoma, so DH was gracious enough to film it!)

Not too bad for his first time out of the gate.

PN makes an appearance, but you can hear her through the entire presentation. She got a stern lecture from her Father on the arrival back home.


Anonymous said...

Uhhh, did I hear words like evaporation and condensation?

WOOT!! I lurve your brilliant baby boy!! (And your adorable, camera seeking pink ninja)

Guard Wife said...

Oh, AWTM...he is soooooooo precious. Hubs watched with me...we both loved his opening line. Hubs said, "What grade is he in?" I told him 'first' and that he's 'six.' He said, "Wow. That's amazing." Hubs is a fan of the water cycle himself so he was all over it & loved SR's circular hand gestures to signify the cycle. :) I think his Facebook campaign should have been taken more seriously...SR could DEFINITELY straighten shizz out.

Skyler said...


Good job for him getting up in front of people to do his presentation ... I still don't like doing that. He pulled it off really well.

Hope he's having fun learning all that cool stuff :)

(And I loved how PN's face randomly popped up in there!)

airforcewife said...

that presentation was better than ones I saw in college. SR is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

OK. First, and you know I'm gonna say this...he is so darned cute. (so is she, but I say that regularly).

That out of the way, he did GREAT! He's SIX! He's talking about the WATER CYCLE, for cryin' out loud. Not only that, but he is doing something that scares the crap out of the majority of adults.

I'm so proud of him. I cannot begin to tell you!! You tell him Aunt Tammi say's Way To Go!!!!!

Marc Miyake said...

I agree with airforcewife. Even some professors don't know how to present! I couldn't understand most of what was said, but what I saw was impressive enough. Although I love public speaking now, I couldn't have done this when I was 6 or even 16.

What will SR be doing in 5, 10, 15 years? I can't even imagine ...

Fermina Daza said...

I so just want to borrow him from you and have him come hang out here. He did a wonderful job! Way to go SR!

Some Soldier's Mom said...

awesome! he's a natural!

Richmond said...


Heidi said...

SR did a great job but PN just cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

OK, that was a riot and I'm really impressed. He doesn't look nervous at all. I love his expressions with the pen. "Around and around"

Teresa said...

OMG - not only are your kids so incredibly cute... that was an excellent presentation by SR.

The pen in the ear cracked me up. All in all terrific.