Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Going to the Chapel

You better get your bag of rice, dancing shoes, and whatever else you need for an old fashioned *shivaree. Run over to Seans, at Doc in the Box.

Sean gave me the following update!!

"74 hours 15 minutes but who's counting? Almost over this hump though,
whew, we'll be glad when it's done and over with!"

Sean, I won't say a word, but really...."over this hump"......I mean really.

*The Shivaree: shivaree' originally spelled as 'charivari,' The dictionary describes it as 'a noisy mock serenade to newlyweds. Shivaree also known as belling is a country tradition where the boys and men congregate around the honeymooners, hoot-and-holler, banging pans and what ever they could get their hands on. Sometimes they kidnap the groom and take him to an unfamiliar place to have him find his way back to his bride. The night before the wedding the groom is to gather some coins so he can toss them at his kidnappers so they will leave him alone. Sometimes that night or the following day the gang of noise makers would return and serenade with romantic music for the newlyweds.

At other Shivarees the friends and family do the clanging of pots and pans and making mischief outside of the newlyweds home. Then after a period of time the wedded couple would appear and invite all in the house for coffee that the bride provided. The friends and family provided sandwiches, cakes, and cookies.

Over the years the Shivarees has gone by the wayside. But a little bit of the tradition is still around. You see it in the way friends and family will decorate the bride and groom's car tying cans to the bumper creating loud noises not unlike the banging of pots and pans.

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