*picture taken 18 years ago by DH's Grandfather....
Today we celebrate 18 years of marriage.
That seems like a long time.....
last night we talked about this...
AWTM: "Does it feel like 18 years?"
DH: "I no longer have any concept of time."
AWTM: "It feels like 10 or so to me."
DH: "some days"
Happy Anniversary you two.
Happy Anniversary! Time flies. It is like someone stepped on the accelerator. Hold on!
Happy anniversayry.
For us, it usually goes like this:
The Mrs.: "Does it feel like "X" years?"
Me: "Every damn day."
The Mrs.: *whack*
Me: "Um... I Love you? Want some Ice cream?"
Oh, and I do love the pegged pants.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to a couple of newlyweds. Here's hoping you'll still be newlyweds on your golden anniversary.
happy happy!! and many many more wonderful years and memories!!!!
That's the picture I associate with the beginning.
Of course, it's the only picture I've seen of that period.
I love it, and I love scrolling up and down your blog to see you and him - then and now.
May the story continue ...
Happy Anniversary! A great looking couple. You have many life experiences to be thankful for and that many and more to look forward to.
Have a special day!
Happy anniversary!!! Naw, 18 years is not a lot of time.
I'm laughing because you even ASKED him that question. AND at how "salesman like" he answered.
You really are the perfect couple.
Congrats, and Happy Anniversary!!!
I tried to email you w/no luck. Did you change your address? I hope you won't mind my posting here - I figured that since you moderate the posts you wouldn't mind. Happy Anniversary!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AND A MESSAGE: Tell CNN and CNN viewers what's going on in your neighborhood schools
Hey Rachelle,
I hope you remember me – and that you had a lovely holiday and a great anniversary. I have literally been married TWICE as long – 36 years. It’s just as shocking as 18, believe it or not.
Rachelle I think this is an important thing or I wouldn’t bother you; you may have noted that I haven’t written in a while. But because you cover such a variety of information and reach an audience that moves around a lot and faces particular education issues, I think your readers would appreciate your letting them know about this opportunity to air either positive or negative feedback in the form of a video report about schools their (or your) kids, or your community, rely on. Are there stories you or your readers would like to tell? Take a look at this boilerplate invitation below, and pass it on if you can. I’d also be grateful to hear from you just to know how things are.
I am helping CNN iReport solicit video submissions that are right up your alley. Here’s a boilerplate version of the idea:
We all share so much about all parts of our lives, including our kids’ schools. If you’ve been involved in either making change or pushing for change that’s been difficult to implement, or are just very happy or unhappy with education in your community, this opportunity should interest you.
CNN’s Campbell Brown: No Bias. No Bull is asking its viewers to submit reports on the state of education in the U.S.
At iReport.com, CNN’s user-generated news community site, the show is inviting viewers to submit a video that describes their view of the state of our nation’s education system – whether it uncovers problems and shortcomings in the community, highlights success stories or proposes ideas for potential solutions. In some cases, the program will come to the iReporter’s town to do more reporting on the story!
You can find examples of iReports on other subjects here and can submit an iReport for consideration at www.iReport.com/ClassProject.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, feel free to contact me, (202-236-1844, csamuels@cobblestone-associates.com) and I’ll get the answers immediately. (I will however be “off the grid” Wednesday and Thursday so if you need quick help put some asterisks in the subject line and I’ll reply as soon as I’m back online.)
In the meantime, be well and thanks.
Cynthia Samuels, Partner
Cobblestone Associates LLP
202-236-1844 (M)
202-726-0435 (O)
Writing at:
My blog Don't Gel Too Soon (There’s always more.)
(http://dontgelyet.typepad.com/dontgeltoosoon )
Contributing Editor, Mid Life, BlogHer
Fifty-Something Moms
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Happy Anniversary!!
I'm late here, but I too love that photo of you two...
congrats, after 29 years and ten kids its hard to believe so much time has passed. enjoy every minute and make some great memories.
mike / ohio
:) This made me smile.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
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