My Brother In Law is now serving in Iraq, and sent this photo via e-mail a couple of days ago. I asked permission to post it, and he said feel free.
His last deployment was Afghan, and he is quite surprised at how civilized Iraq feels at this time. He mentioned it smelled of burning trash with plastic thrown in. Funny that DH made the same complaint while he was there.
Reminds me of the reason DH would be distracted by my perfume 18 years ago after Desert Storm.
Please keep my BIL in your prayers, he has 2 lovely twin daughters who are tweens, and I am sure they would love to have their Daddy home...
We would all appreciate those prayers.
I hope he sends more photos and updates soon.
I will be glad to pray for him. I have 2 close friends that were just deployed to Afghanistan this week.
Yes, I will keep him in my prayers as well as those girls of his, your MIL and, well all of you.....
Armed Forces Day! Prayers and thanks to BIL. Reminds me of burning tires and trash, hydraulic oil and JP-5.
His little girls will be proud of their warrior daddy. Keep us informed.
We will add your BIL to our list. And, my girls will be happy to pray for his. They understand.
Prayers up from here.
Your BIL is in my thoughts. My husband made it back safely from two deployments to Iraq (2003, 2005) and I am eternally grateful for that. The waiting isn't easy though- 4 years later I still remember that!
I'm hosting a giveaway for military wives on my blog, so feel free to check it out and pass it around if you like!
I will keep all of you in prayer.
Unfortunately because underdeveloped countries lack comprehensive or local trash disposal systems or plans, citizens simply burn their trash openly to get rid of it.
- michele from nyc
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