Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And now we are advocates

The school is clearly not following their talented and gifted policy. They are certainly not following the policy for "extremely highly gifted".

My dear husband, has been in the war room, our dining room table, with school and district written policies surrounding him.

We meet alone with the principal in the morning. Pray for me to shut my mouth, DH has this....

If it were up to me, there would be a lawsuit, and a loss of jobs, accredidation....

DH is far more diplomatic.


deblynne said...

I don't know all the background on this, but if that school doesn't recognize what a very gifted child Henry is, then the school is full of idiots! I am assuming this is Henry's school you are talking about. If it is Cora's, then they are idiots, too! She is one of the most creative children I have ever met! Hang tough! Fight for your children! I will be praying for you guys!

beth @ {expeditionaryfamily} said...

I really enjoy your blog, it's smartly written. Good luck with the school! ps, I left you a reader award:

Wife of a Sailor said...

Good luck! I hope you can get them to help instead of hurt!

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Sorry for the frustration. Things have not improved a whole lot since Thomas Edison's mother had to decide to home school. :(

Anonymous said...

So....what ended up happening with the school?