Military Spouses in the Fort Hood area are invited to attend a free event, SpouseBUZZ Live!, on Oct. 28, 2006. The event -- in connection with the new spouse blog SpouseBUZZ.com -- will feature panels discussing the joys and challenges of military life, deployment preparation and what to expect when a spouse returns from deployment. The event is free and will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. To learn more about SpouseBUZZ Live and to get free tickets, go to www.military.com/tickets.
Military.com is sponsoring SpouseBUZZ LIVE, an expo which will take place on Saturday, October 28 from 11:00 - 4:00 at The Plaza Hotel in Killeen, Texas. This expo will focus on topics and issues which are important to military spouses. Below, you'll find a list of panels/panelists.
THE MILSPOUSE EXPERIENCE: A warm-up discussion about the joys and challenges facing milspouses. This panel will feature a diverse group of spouses including active-duty, National Guard and a male spouse.
Moderated by Ward Carroll
Panelists: AWTM, Guard Wife, Sarah and Mike
DEPLOYMENT A-Z: A "potluck" discussion on a wide range of issues surrounding deployment.
Moderated by Vince Patton
Panelists: RedLegMeg, Airforcewife, Molly Pitcher, Love My Tanker
OVERCOMING LIFE CHALLENGES: How do you deal with the often-difficult reintegration period? What about PTSD? What happens if your spouse is wounded?
Moderated by Andi Hurley
Panelists: Joan D'Arc, Nancy Nuding (wife of Dadmanly), GBear, Ft. Hood representative
See you Saturday in Texas!!
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