Sunday, June 17, 2007

Large Shoes to fill

With Daddy gone, I am noting there are moments I shuffle around in his shoes.

There are some things I cannot do "like Daddy".

I do not smell like Daddy.

I cannot wrestle like Daddy.

I cannot kiss boo boos like Daddy does.

I cannot throw like Daddy.

I cannot catch like Daddy.

I cannot do the underwater voice in Green Eggs and Ham like Daddy.

I do not hug like Daddy.

My geographical knowledge is nothing like Daddy's.

The Collective miss Daddy.

A lot.

And last night as I sat here, thinking about the separation...

It struck me at once.

Daddy has been gone for almost 1/2 of Sir Rowland's life, even longer with Pink Ninja.

It has certainly given me a an inordinate amount of time to practice my Daddy skills.

It is for not.

Because he is irreplaceable.

Hurry home DH.

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