Friday, October 05, 2007


I have been dying to do a post on all this Halloween season, re: the costumes for very young girls, that are far more suggestive than those in the likes of Fredericks of Hollywood, for grown ass women....

However, my friend Guard Wife does it, 10 times better than I could have at her place...

a portion of her piece includes this...

Not even American icons are safe from sluttification.

Exhibit A: Midwestern Kansan, Dorothy Gale, no longer in a tea-lenght, gingham print dress looking for the way home. This street-wise, tarted up version of Dorothy (available in sizes 4-6,Slutty_dorothy_jpeg 8-10, and 10-12) is sure to set every perverted old man in the neighborhood's heart to racing when the "yellow brick road" is his driveway on trick-or-treat night. What mother in her right mind would put her daughter in this get up?! M1 went through a Dorothy phase just prior to M2's birth and was Dorothy for Halloween in the fall following M2's summer birth. She wore a real deal Dorothy costume I bought for her while in Vegas at the MGM Grand. I just don't understand why, if you want to dress as Dorothy, you don't just dress as Dorothy instead of her slutty cousin from the city, Delilah?! Seriously. Does this outfit NOT remind you of the ones dancers wear when they go to visit naughty, naughty boys for a bachelor party?!

Go over and read the rest...


and all I can say is shame ON the mother who BUYS ANY OF THESE COSTUMES FOR HER DAUGHTER.

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