Friday, January 23, 2009

I am done, the goose is done cooked...$$ out the window literally.

I would say thank God it is Friday...but Friday sucked.

I went to pick up my son from school today, and whammo, got asked to go inside to talk to the teacher....SR's teacher. I have not had to do so for a LONG....time, he has been good and doing well.

Seems as though he decided to show his ass, abut 3 times today, no BIG infringement, cumulative problems through the day. OK problem solved, we talked about it, consequences were dealt, done. I also decided to take him off of his allergy medicine, because it makes the kid nutty. (I will call the Dr. this week and see if there is any alternative. ) He also is grounded from the Wii, until he can figure crap out.

Blah blah fast forward to tonight's bedtime. I note PN curtains all strange looking, not neat just sort of mussed. so I straighten them out and note that one of her windows has a big crack in it...seriously. I thought she was a peach all week, she was being so helpful, but I think she must have done it out of guilt.....

First off, I will say I am pissed as hell. Do you have any idea how many times I wrestled or threw a ball in the house, or played ball outside with about 9 other neighbor kids, and NONE of us ever managed to break a window.....NEVER. And we played baseball, soccer, football almost nightly for years on end. How my teeny 48 pound daughter managed to break the window I have no idea...

Oh sure I asked, but I never once got a clear or concise answer, and she clearly new she broke it, you could see it in her face. She mentioned jumping, and throwing a stuffed animal, This scenario does not add up in my book.

Pissed does not describe my mood right now. First off, it is like 14 degrees out. Windy as hell...not a good time to have a crack in a window. Second, I am disappointed in both of the kids and myself today..."what in the hell am I doing wrong?"

I do know the neighbor is a contractor, and I am hoping tomorrow he can tell me if he has to order it etc...

Unhappy as hell....teeth are clenched.

Plans for the weekend are shot. We were supposed to attend a pool party tomorrow, Sunday a movie...

I have explained to PN, the money for all family activities for the month is gone...literally out the window. I feel a little harsh for doing so...a part of me feels like a complete bad Mom, but frankly I am clueless how to handle this or this day...

I really was looking forward to Friday, and the weekend......



Anonymous said...

I just am stopping by and just wanted to let you know how much I like your blog and how thankful I am that for military families like yours!!! Happy Friday :)

Anonymous said...

Don't be hard on yourself. She is old enough for consequences and to understand them. I know you and also know you are not unnecessarily harsh. Windows are not cheap. Hope your weekend picks up dearie. hang in there, we all have Fridays like that.

Fermina Daza said...

Eh, you had a bad day. They had a bad day. It happens. Not to blow it off - both of them have to face the consequences of their actions. But bad days are not complete reflections of the people they truly are.

And they are good people. And you are a good parent.

You guys just had a bad day. Tomorrow will be better.

hugs to you and them!

Anonymous said...

You're in for the ride of you life. Hold on tight and enjoy. LOL! They will take you places (emotionally and psychologically) you'd never dreamed off.

Motherhood..nothing like it.

vet66 said...

Kids will be kids. They are the "Chaos Factor" in our lives. Just when thingg APPEAR to be going swimmingly, the bottom drops out.

Good that you reminded your SR and PN that there are unintended consequences for their actions. Sweat them a little then make some hot chocolate with marshmallows and maybe some whipped creme on top.

That is what family is all about. Keep up the good work. I hope you duct taped the offending window.

Allison said...

When I was 7 or so I broke a window by knocking on it with one knuckle. Although it was completely shattered. It was a super old house, though.

I got away with the lie, though, and clearly its better for her to have to own up to her actions. A stuffed animal? Eh.

It sounds like you dealt with all that the way they should be. I am totally going to take a leaf out of your book once I have kids. "Ok, what would AWTM do??"

Some Soldier's Mom said...

times like these, it is good to remember that yours are not the first (to do these things -- hell, my oldest set the school bathroom on fire the FIRST WEEK OF FIRST GRADE when he and 2 of his friends decided to test the lighter they found on the playground on toilet paper and managed to catch the whole roll on fire!);

next, remember that this is how children LEARN (and Lordy, they will give you plenty of opportunities for teaching & learning!!) this is where they learn the primary rule of everything in the universe: every action has a result (consequence). Good or bad... right or wrong... whether you anticipated it or not -- there is a result -- so it is important to think about it before you do it... and know that they will have to live with the consequences of doing it even when they knew it was wrong.

the fact that your children knew it was wrong is a clear indication that you are doing everything RIGHT. if you weren't -- your children would not have known the difference! keep on keeping on Adub!

Teresa said...

Ah those days when everything seems to go wrong. Glad to know you aren't raising saints though... really. Kids get into trouble, they learn what the consequences are (if they have good parents) and they are better people for it.

This does tend to drive one crazy while it's happening.

My son broke his bed - yep -the box springs - about 3 months after we bought it for him. My daughter broke the door to her room (it was off the hinges because she had slammed her brother's fingers in it - then once off the hinges and sitting against the wall, she knocked it over, it hit the edge of her dresser and knocked a hole right in the middle).

My son also broke the window on the front door of our first house. Don't remember how he did it - but he did. It was such an old thing my husband was able to replace it himself. Of course - it also meant it gave zero cold protection in winter... *sigh*

If I thought about it long enough I'm sure I could come up with numerous other stuff they did over all those years. LOL. Hang in there - this too shall pass.

Sarah said...

My brother put a soccer ball through the neighbor's window. That was fun for my parents...

Some Soldier's Mom said...

did I also mention that the same son at the age of 5 sliced open the back of the $1200 custom made couch THE DAY IT ARRIVED "just to see what was inside"?? uh-huh. yes he did.

Butterfly Wife said...

I almost burned the house down, while I was home alone. (This is why no one in my family owns regular slice toasters, just toaster ovens now.) At the age of 7 I had to pay the cost of replacing the kitchen cabinet door that was burned up. That was a whole lotta chores around the house for several months. And lesson learned and remembered almost 30 years later.