Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Flying is like taking a public bus now...

I did not fly on a plane until I was in my 20's.

I recall being soooo excited to board, and when I got on the plane I was like..."huh, this is like a bus..."

I think it has gotten even worse.

There are a few things that bother me while flying.....

#1. Folks, why do you insist on boarding with so much crap? I mean full sized luggage? Are you serious? And then we all have to wait and wait for you to stow the crap...and why? Because you do not want to wait at baggage claim. FYI, do you have any idea the amount of time that is wasted waiting for you all to stow and unstow this luggage? I mean really. And you clunk around with it, and hit people in the head with it. We actually had so many people with sooo much crap that was carry on on the last flight, that there were no more bins left, and the airline had to take the time to make folks stow it anyway....

#2. Paying for my luggage. Just irritating because of number 1. I check my bag, out of politeness at this point. So I am charged for being being polite.

#3. No drinks unless you have cash on the flight. OK another problem, because now EVERYONE is packing a darn suitcase full of snacks to bring on the flight. Seriously. So now we have all of the bins full of full sized luggage, and ladies with enough food for a small army in these oversized bag lady bags. Which is another stowing problem. So now people bring stinky snacks, and the entire plane smells of doritos, or other stinky food.

Those are my top 3 peeves at this point.

I will say, on the flight out, I was exhausted, I had to wake at 2:30am to get to the airport on time Friday. And since I was on a large plane I was thrilled, big plane means I can sleep. I was seated on my exit flight in front of a 4-5 year old girl and and 8 year old girl. they bickered and fought, and kicked my seat for about 2 hours....

I kept looking behind me, It was Mom on the end, and the 2 small girls. I looked back as a "hint"...it did not work.

anywho....All of a sudden the Mom says "hey husband...blah blah"...and I look to my left, and I see her dear husband, sitting in complete peace and quiet reading and sleeping on the other side of the aisle.

I watched him for about an hour. Me sitting and getting jolted every couple of seconds....

I finally broke down. Because he had to know I was miserable, and there was an empty seat beside me.

AWTM: "Hey Husband" I yell across the aisle. "I do not mean to interrupt your reading, but I need to change places with you right now, you are moving here to my seat, and then you are separating these girls, one of them will sit with you, and the other with Mom...now"

Needless to say everyone stood up, and a game of musical chairs ensued.

and guess what?

I slept.

Mom and Dad managed to referee the entire trip. His book was not opened again.


Anonymous said...

WOW. Some people are so rude!

Stacy said...

Way to go...

twirldawg said...

You are my hero for the day!

Anonymous said...

Dude, that is awesome, but you shoulda also punched the dad in his junk just as a reminder that he helped create those kids and it's his responsibility to co-parent them!

Lee Ann said...

Wow, note to self, next time I have to fly, I'm taking you and Tammi with me!

And as for the nickel and diming you to death once you get on the plane...ugh, don't get me started. Just raise your prices, provide the service you're supposed to provide, be honest and up front about it and let's move on with our lives. This "ala carte" crap just makes my head explode! Besides just being dishonest! Pbbblllltttt to the airlines! ;P

vet66 said...

You go girl! OUTSTANDING. I just stand up and at 6'5", 225 lbs, I look down at the miscreant, whistle to get their attention and tell them;

"It will be in your best interest to sit quietly and not touch the back of my seat again. Any questions?"

After that they will pee in their seat before they make another sound.

Marc Miyake said...

Give me a bus any day. At least people don't bring those giant THINGS with them on the bus ... usually.

Whenever a family wants me to trade seats so they can be reunited, I'm always happy to do so. Now I have another reason to do it ... to avoid being caught in the crossfire. Yikes!

I applaud how you solved the problem. The husband thought he could hide from his daughters. Was he wrong!

RedLegMeg said...

Your telling of this story in the blog was good, but hearing it in person was hilarious! I haven't been in your situation, but am pretty sure I'd never have the "cahoneys" to do what you did...

Silentwarrior said...

Outstanding job! Glad you were able to relax at least a little.

orlane said...

Im in awe. i dont think id have even thought of doing that. But isnt it typical that the mum had the 2 'lovely' girls.

That 1 Guy said...

"Hey, Husband..."

I'm laughing my ass off, even though I realize it wasn't funny at the time. I can just picture it.

And the corker is, I envision other folks saying, in a voice similar to someone else I know (in Vegas), "I saw a foot in ass!"

Anonymous said...

That's good stuff. I would have laughed my butt off if I'd seen that, and probably thanked you for quieting down the kids.

Some Soldier's Mom said...

good on you, AW!!

I am one of those people who take their luggage on board. Haven't checked a bag since 9-11 (too much hassle and one too many lost pieces). but I am fast when I stow it and it's the only thing I bring besides my purse. It's the people with 5 pieces -- suitcase, carry on, pc, purse, back pack, etc. that slow the boarding process. If the airlines would just enforce the 2 pieces rule AND limit the size, it w/n/b so bad! (and I don't hesitate to ask the flight attendant to pull out people's coats and purses from the overheads... and they are usually happy to oblige)

if the two nasty looks to the parent behind me don't work, I do not hesitate to turn around and ASK the parent to make their children behave. (I have been told a number of times, "but he/she is only a child!" to which I do not hesitate to respond, "and apparently growing up without any manners!") if the parent still refuses or fails to control their child/ren, I call the flight attendant and make a scene. sometimes they tell the parent to make them behave (or stop kicking the chair - whatever), sometimes they move the kid/s & parent, sometimes I get upgraded right out of the situation. in any event, I usually get approving nods and vocal support of those around me. (now if it's a crying baby, I usually offer to help the parent... it's the badly behaved child that I don't tolerate.)

I figure I paid as much as they did for their tickets and I have a right to a quiet trip. And if more people would speak up in these cases, parents would quickly get the message that they will be held responsible for their children's conduct!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I wish I had the balls to do that on a flight!

Anonymous said...

..... I am continually amazed at how these men seem to think that they have ZERO obligations........ that just blows me away....

.... around here, men like that would be, well, I don't know.....

.... non-existent?..... mothballed?.... I just don't know.....

Jerry in Texas said...

Oh, it IS the bus. I refuse to wear anything but jeans and a comfortable shirt on a plane. You never know whose sippy cup's contents you will be wearing.