Sunday, November 30, 2008
She thinks I am weird
I have been memed...
by Tammy of Household 6
It is a meme, called 7 weird things about you...
She has met me on more than one occasion. Heh....
Just 7?
1) I have a devil of a time getting to sleep, but once I am out if I know someone else is responsible for the kids...(I could sleep for like 15 hours) However, sleeping 15 hours, means that I would need no sleep for like 2 days, and it would lead to insomnia. Are you getting the picture here? So I sleep 6 hours.
2) I like my quiet time, I am selfish with it. When the kids go down at night, I luxuriate, in the fact that the tots are sleeping. I milk my time from 8pm-until I fall asleep.
3) I loathe creepy movies. Isn't life creepy enough? I do love Hitchcock, mostly for the fashion, but only will watch creepy movies, if I know DH is not going out of town for a month, which is rarely the case, so I do not watch them.
4) I am apocalyptic in thought, and even though I am Christian, and have tremendous faith in god, I am always planning for a disaster. I struggle with this a lot, and think it makes me a terrible Christian, and I work on it daily.
5) I cannot stand dead small animals, they freak me out. Eg: mouse, cat, dog. This seems strange, because large dead animals do not freak me out. Nor do dead humans. A dead mouse, can throw me into a month of the heebie jeebies.
6) I contend that I am living in the wrong era.
7) I hate for people to see my without my makeup, this gets worse as I age. My DH loves me without makeup and reminds me daily, that I do not need it. However, I feel icky if I am "public" without it. I did manage to forget it this year while I was visiting the White House, and Air force Wife, let me borrow some of hers, but it was not my usual spackle variety. ( I learned that I did not die) I have freckles, I like them covered.
Now who to tag?
Heck go ahead and do the darn thing, will ya, you know if you cannot think of anything to blog about....
Plus, I do not want to be the only person to flaunt my weirdness
by Tammy of Household 6
It is a meme, called 7 weird things about you...
She has met me on more than one occasion. Heh....
Just 7?
1) I have a devil of a time getting to sleep, but once I am out if I know someone else is responsible for the kids...(I could sleep for like 15 hours) However, sleeping 15 hours, means that I would need no sleep for like 2 days, and it would lead to insomnia. Are you getting the picture here? So I sleep 6 hours.
2) I like my quiet time, I am selfish with it. When the kids go down at night, I luxuriate, in the fact that the tots are sleeping. I milk my time from 8pm-until I fall asleep.
3) I loathe creepy movies. Isn't life creepy enough? I do love Hitchcock, mostly for the fashion, but only will watch creepy movies, if I know DH is not going out of town for a month, which is rarely the case, so I do not watch them.
4) I am apocalyptic in thought, and even though I am Christian, and have tremendous faith in god, I am always planning for a disaster. I struggle with this a lot, and think it makes me a terrible Christian, and I work on it daily.
5) I cannot stand dead small animals, they freak me out. Eg: mouse, cat, dog. This seems strange, because large dead animals do not freak me out. Nor do dead humans. A dead mouse, can throw me into a month of the heebie jeebies.
6) I contend that I am living in the wrong era.
7) I hate for people to see my without my makeup, this gets worse as I age. My DH loves me without makeup and reminds me daily, that I do not need it. However, I feel icky if I am "public" without it. I did manage to forget it this year while I was visiting the White House, and Air force Wife, let me borrow some of hers, but it was not my usual spackle variety. ( I learned that I did not die) I have freckles, I like them covered.
Now who to tag?
Heck go ahead and do the darn thing, will ya, you know if you cannot think of anything to blog about....
Plus, I do not want to be the only person to flaunt my weirdness
Possible white birthday...
I grew up in the midwest, so I know those folks at are untrustworthy sums of britches...
I cannot tell you how many times we have been at an event during this time of the year, a 3 hour banquet, or wedding, or Christmas something or other to exit the event only to find 6 inches of snow accumulation in that time.
This morning we left for church, and what was happening...flurries.
Flurries, to those of you that do not know what flurries are, they are little snowflakes, well sometimes big uns...
Here is the kicker, we have blessed with no snow to date. A skiff here and there, but none stuck.
DH is getting ready to leave town, for the week....
I might get my cardio after all.
I was worried about getting all smushy over the holidays, and hibernation...
I cannot tell you how many times we have been at an event during this time of the year, a 3 hour banquet, or wedding, or Christmas something or other to exit the event only to find 6 inches of snow accumulation in that time.
This morning we left for church, and what was happening...flurries.
Flurries, to those of you that do not know what flurries are, they are little snowflakes, well sometimes big uns...
Here is the kicker, we have blessed with no snow to date. A skiff here and there, but none stuck.
DH is getting ready to leave town, for the week....
I might get my cardio after all.
I was worried about getting all smushy over the holidays, and hibernation...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
We are home again, a wonderfully delicious meal, family and family....a double celebration.
My daughter actually had family sing Happy Birthday to her. She loved it. the cake was HUGE, and delicious. She recieved a lot of wonderful gifts, which was an added bonus.
5 years ago tonight, I was laboring with Pink Ninja, contractions that were strong, but not even, or regular. I called my girlfriend who is a Mother of 5, and an RN, she sat with me, and we timed them for no avail...(DH was gone)
I finally sent her home, climbed in the bath tub thinking it might make me feel better...only to find myself stuck, and horrified.
I called her crying at 11:30pm....frightened. Frightened to be alone, frightened to leave SR with her for the night, frightened my MIL would not be able to find a flight to help with SR. (She did) Sad my Husband was missing the birth of his daughter....
I walked into the hospital, and was warned I was 9 1/2 cm, and not to MOVE. They begged me to lie down, and I could not, I could only sit in lotus.
The delivery was fast, PN did not wait for a Dr. A nurse delivered her. the hospital was filthy, and I would not allow them to take her to the nursery, I was afraid she would get sick (she came home with RSV, after they snuck her out a couple of times for lab, while I was passed out).
She looked exactly like her Papa, when she arrived, however, she was sooo quiet I was worried about her. Pink, round, and sweet....and hungry. She was born at 1:30am November 30th.
It has been a very busy few days...
Tomorrow morning there will be a special birthday breakfast, which has become tradition. She chose french toast, and BACON! She wants to spend the day coloring with me, and would love to go out for Chinese noodles, and tea.
My blessings are many, I have sooo much to be thankful for.
*PS* the Feria hair color looks beautiful, I had many compliments, and my Brother told me it looked much better than any color I had from the salon. It took 25 minutes or so, and only cost $8.00. sure beats sitting at a salon for 4 hours, and $100 plus dollars! I will be doing this from now on.
My daughter actually had family sing Happy Birthday to her. She loved it. the cake was HUGE, and delicious. She recieved a lot of wonderful gifts, which was an added bonus.
5 years ago tonight, I was laboring with Pink Ninja, contractions that were strong, but not even, or regular. I called my girlfriend who is a Mother of 5, and an RN, she sat with me, and we timed them for no avail...(DH was gone)
I finally sent her home, climbed in the bath tub thinking it might make me feel better...only to find myself stuck, and horrified.
I called her crying at 11:30pm....frightened. Frightened to be alone, frightened to leave SR with her for the night, frightened my MIL would not be able to find a flight to help with SR. (She did) Sad my Husband was missing the birth of his daughter....
I walked into the hospital, and was warned I was 9 1/2 cm, and not to MOVE. They begged me to lie down, and I could not, I could only sit in lotus.
The delivery was fast, PN did not wait for a Dr. A nurse delivered her. the hospital was filthy, and I would not allow them to take her to the nursery, I was afraid she would get sick (she came home with RSV, after they snuck her out a couple of times for lab, while I was passed out).
She looked exactly like her Papa, when she arrived, however, she was sooo quiet I was worried about her. Pink, round, and sweet....and hungry. She was born at 1:30am November 30th.
It has been a very busy few days...
Tomorrow morning there will be a special birthday breakfast, which has become tradition. She chose french toast, and BACON! She wants to spend the day coloring with me, and would love to go out for Chinese noodles, and tea.
My blessings are many, I have sooo much to be thankful for.
*PS* the Feria hair color looks beautiful, I had many compliments, and my Brother told me it looked much better than any color I had from the salon. It took 25 minutes or so, and only cost $8.00. sure beats sitting at a salon for 4 hours, and $100 plus dollars! I will be doing this from now on.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Possible recipe for disaster...?
We are getting ready for a company drop in. DH's Aunt and Uncle swinging through today. Should be nice to see them, the last time I saw them was at DH's Uncles' benefit. It was an emotional evening....
So this morning, I am trying to catch up a few things around the house.
I also took the dive and decided to color my own hair (something I have NEVER done).
Coloring ones own hair, the day before family pictures, well it could be a recipe for disaster. However, a box of hair coloring for $8.92, as opposed to the $130.00 I would spend on a color and cut...well it just makes sense.
I am going to make a prediction that some stylists are going to have a rough go of it, with the economy as it is. I am also going to take a guess that there will be fewer blonds. Being blond is a lot of maintenance, and money to be sure...
The hilarious thing, I have such fine and thin hair, that I had about 1/2 of the hair color left. I decided to use Feria, deeply brown. I do not like the copper, or bronze tones my hair seems to think it needs to turn.
I will let you know how it turns out...
I wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings, and as we praise God, and give him glory, let us remember those who are fighting the good fight for us all so we may spend this time in our homes, safe, free to worship as we please with those we love. May they come home safe, and know how grateful we are for their courage.
We are getting ready for a company drop in. DH's Aunt and Uncle swinging through today. Should be nice to see them, the last time I saw them was at DH's Uncles' benefit. It was an emotional evening....
So this morning, I am trying to catch up a few things around the house.
I also took the dive and decided to color my own hair (something I have NEVER done).
Coloring ones own hair, the day before family pictures, well it could be a recipe for disaster. However, a box of hair coloring for $8.92, as opposed to the $130.00 I would spend on a color and cut...well it just makes sense.
I am going to make a prediction that some stylists are going to have a rough go of it, with the economy as it is. I am also going to take a guess that there will be fewer blonds. Being blond is a lot of maintenance, and money to be sure...
The hilarious thing, I have such fine and thin hair, that I had about 1/2 of the hair color left. I decided to use Feria, deeply brown. I do not like the copper, or bronze tones my hair seems to think it needs to turn.
I will let you know how it turns out...
I wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings, and as we praise God, and give him glory, let us remember those who are fighting the good fight for us all so we may spend this time in our homes, safe, free to worship as we please with those we love. May they come home safe, and know how grateful we are for their courage.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
SR is out of school today, so The Collective are both here.
The list of things to do today is amazingly longer than I would have thought.
We have a Thanksgiving to prepare for.
I am making this salad, because it is my favorite at Thanksgiving.
I also promised to take The Collective to play today. I am guessing we will end up at the indoor play center for a bit of time, while there I need to pick up coupons, so my Father and his girlfriend can take them when they are watching them for the 4 DAYS while we are in DC.
I must pack the 3 of us, for at least 3 days, with plenty of activities, etc, because we are headed to my Fathers house. All of us Thanksgiving in one place. This is a huge deal, and I cannot recall the last time we have been able to this. We are not having our celebration until the day after Thanksgiving, because of all of the in law celebrations. None of us care about the day, we are just thrilled that everyone will be together. So we are having it the day after, along with PN's birthday, and a Nebraska football game. There will be 13-14 of us. I will make the dressing when at Dads, the mashed potatoes, also the gravy. I am skipping pies, because we are also celebrating Pink Ninja's 5th birthday, and we will be having cake.
I have also talked my Dad into taking the annual family photos at this time. He has a beautiful yard, and a new camera. I am trying to figure out what we can wear for a Christmas card picture. I would have liked one at the new house, but this will be fine.
Ummmm....we have to shop tonight for PN's birthday gifts. I have not been able to do the shopping, because toodle bug is always with me. So DH has promised to take SR. I also have a small list of things needed.
I really should start schlepping boxes upstairs. I am not sure what I have in the way of Christmas things any longer. Our outdoor things, had to be put to rest last year...and all of my greenery is icky. My lights, I think are on their last legs, It should be interesting sorting through it all.
All of the neighbors have had their things up for weeks, and lit. That irritates me, can we wait to light up until after Thanksgiving? Seriously. I still have my fall things up and out.
Blogging will of course be lighter than normal....
Enjoy your holiday, and I will say, it is a delight to be "home"....
The list of things to do today is amazingly longer than I would have thought.
We have a Thanksgiving to prepare for.
I am making this salad, because it is my favorite at Thanksgiving.
Autumn Jewels Jell-o Salad Recipe
1 cup cranberries
2 apples
1/2 cup sugar
6 ounces red gelatin
15 ounces crushed pineapple
1 cup diced celery
1 cup diced apples
1/2 cup chopped nuts
2 cups boiling water
Chop the cranberries, apples and celery into small pieces. Drain the pineapple and save juice. Combine cranberries, apples and sugar; cover and refrigerate while preparing rest of salad.
Combine gelatin with boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add enough water or fruit juice (apricot nectar, strawberry nectar etc.) to pineapple juice to equal 1 cup. Add this to the gelatin mixture. Chill in refrigerator until slightly thickened.
Combine the cranberry-apple mixture with celery, drained pineapple and nuts. Stir into gelatin mixture. Pour into lightly greased mold or into individual serving molds. Chill until firm. Unmold and serve on a bed of lettuce or garnish with sour cream or slightly sweetened whipped cream and a very light sprinkling of cinnamon.
I also promised to take The Collective to play today. I am guessing we will end up at the indoor play center for a bit of time, while there I need to pick up coupons, so my Father and his girlfriend can take them when they are watching them for the 4 DAYS while we are in DC.
I must pack the 3 of us, for at least 3 days, with plenty of activities, etc, because we are headed to my Fathers house. All of us Thanksgiving in one place. This is a huge deal, and I cannot recall the last time we have been able to this. We are not having our celebration until the day after Thanksgiving, because of all of the in law celebrations. None of us care about the day, we are just thrilled that everyone will be together. So we are having it the day after, along with PN's birthday, and a Nebraska football game. There will be 13-14 of us. I will make the dressing when at Dads, the mashed potatoes, also the gravy. I am skipping pies, because we are also celebrating Pink Ninja's 5th birthday, and we will be having cake.
I have also talked my Dad into taking the annual family photos at this time. He has a beautiful yard, and a new camera. I am trying to figure out what we can wear for a Christmas card picture. I would have liked one at the new house, but this will be fine.
Ummmm....we have to shop tonight for PN's birthday gifts. I have not been able to do the shopping, because toodle bug is always with me. So DH has promised to take SR. I also have a small list of things needed.
I really should start schlepping boxes upstairs. I am not sure what I have in the way of Christmas things any longer. Our outdoor things, had to be put to rest last year...and all of my greenery is icky. My lights, I think are on their last legs, It should be interesting sorting through it all.
All of the neighbors have had their things up for weeks, and lit. That irritates me, can we wait to light up until after Thanksgiving? Seriously. I still have my fall things up and out.
Blogging will of course be lighter than normal....
Enjoy your holiday, and I will say, it is a delight to be "home"....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My children are fighting over liver and onions, and brussel sprouts....
DH does not get home until 7pm. He better hurry.
Monday, November 24, 2008
My baby turns 5....

My youngest PN turns 5 this week.
My youngest is 5.
I know I still call them my babies. I realize they are not.
For those of you that warned me time would FLY, I would blink and she would be a big girl, you were right. It has happened that quickly.
It is hard for me to imagine being able to lift her with one arm now...
She is light, bright, engaging, funny, and beautiful.
She loves numbers, art, people, and making them smile or laugh.
She wants to be a Mommy when she grows up, and used to say she was going to have 5 children. She no longer wants 5, and sees 5 as a lot of work. She wants one baby now.
Time has went by sooo fast, I cannot tell you.
There are days, I am as ready as she is to get back to work, and out of here, she is anxious as well. But today I am reminded how lucky I have been to manage to stay at home with them, I am blessed.
And the days are very limited now.
this week I promise to sit and color for longer, and play an extra game of cards, and be more patient...
The only thing she is requesting for her birthdayis this!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I miss my yoga...
and my pilates...and I am going to bite the bullet and do it here this week.
It does reverse age, well maybe not YEARS, but your body will look younger I promise...
OK OK...
Today was the longest day EVER. It really was, and I cannot figure it out.
The Collective were up at 6am. That did not help.
They spent the morning playing, and arguing. Whatever, I am done at this point. I do not recall that sort of drama at that age, but my Sister was 7 years my senior, and I was 4 years older than my I am sure that helped. We all thought the other was sooo uninteresting that we did not spend much time together at all.
So breakfast, and than church. It was a communion today, and that refreshed me...We have found a church, near the house, that we can agree on, however, I will say it does not excite me, like our last church...not that it is the churches job to excite me, or my spirit....but attending a church you LOVE, and worshipping as you love too, well it makes it difficult to transition. I am trying to be patient, and figure things out at the new church. We did sing a lot of wonderful songs, and I really enjoyed that part of the service. I loved the Pastors message. It is a continuation of our last Pastors message...Romans 8:15.
After church service PN, was sooooo exhausted she fell to pieces in the car. Why? Because she was tired. the girl needs sleep. However, she avoids it like the plague. She will sleep, but SR is so loud in the morning, we all wake. He requires very little sleep, and always has.
PN performs better with 12 hours of sleep, but also would benefit from a SERIOUS nap around lunch. Today her lack of sleep showed itself, and she was like an alley cat, moaning, and fussing, and crying. It was ridiculous. I made her come home, and climb into my bed (I figured no toys, dark...quiet), and she climbed out, and refused to lie down. There was no arguing with her either....and I cannot really MAKE her nap.
So the rest of the day was a struggle for the 3 of us after that.
I made a big pot of chilli, and when DH got home, I thought a trip to the park down the street was in order. WE have no snow yet, and come January I will kick myself if I did not take advantage of getting out of doors. I am unsure what the temp was today, it is tolerable. (However I will tell you I had 2 fleeces, a stocking cap, and gortex (for sub zero temps), and gloves on...) DH laughs, as he meanders around with a fleece on. There were kids at the park with shorts on, sweatshirts, one tween girl took her shoes off to socks...
And there is me with 3 coats on, a hat, and gloves, a turtle neck...
DH was teasing me when I complained about my legs being cold. I was discussing that I need flannel lined dungarees, or some long underwear....oh and a face mask. He said..."so let me get this, you just want a sub zero sleeping bag to walk around in."....
"YES, I actually think that would rule."
A subzero sleeping bag with little arms and legs....and holes for my eyes.
It is mind over matter...I know, I have seen monks at 30 below meditating and sweating, all while mainting a normal body temp.
We actually have a friend that runs 2 marathons a year, and does not train for them....he goes in cold for them. It freaks me out. When I ask him how he does it, he tells me, it is all in your mind.
MIND...a powerful thing, and I suppose he is right to a point.
It does reverse age, well maybe not YEARS, but your body will look younger I promise...
OK OK...
Today was the longest day EVER. It really was, and I cannot figure it out.
The Collective were up at 6am. That did not help.
They spent the morning playing, and arguing. Whatever, I am done at this point. I do not recall that sort of drama at that age, but my Sister was 7 years my senior, and I was 4 years older than my I am sure that helped. We all thought the other was sooo uninteresting that we did not spend much time together at all.
So breakfast, and than church. It was a communion today, and that refreshed me...We have found a church, near the house, that we can agree on, however, I will say it does not excite me, like our last church...not that it is the churches job to excite me, or my spirit....but attending a church you LOVE, and worshipping as you love too, well it makes it difficult to transition. I am trying to be patient, and figure things out at the new church. We did sing a lot of wonderful songs, and I really enjoyed that part of the service. I loved the Pastors message. It is a continuation of our last Pastors message...Romans 8:15.
After church service PN, was sooooo exhausted she fell to pieces in the car. Why? Because she was tired. the girl needs sleep. However, she avoids it like the plague. She will sleep, but SR is so loud in the morning, we all wake. He requires very little sleep, and always has.
PN performs better with 12 hours of sleep, but also would benefit from a SERIOUS nap around lunch. Today her lack of sleep showed itself, and she was like an alley cat, moaning, and fussing, and crying. It was ridiculous. I made her come home, and climb into my bed (I figured no toys, dark...quiet), and she climbed out, and refused to lie down. There was no arguing with her either....and I cannot really MAKE her nap.
So the rest of the day was a struggle for the 3 of us after that.
I made a big pot of chilli, and when DH got home, I thought a trip to the park down the street was in order. WE have no snow yet, and come January I will kick myself if I did not take advantage of getting out of doors. I am unsure what the temp was today, it is tolerable. (However I will tell you I had 2 fleeces, a stocking cap, and gortex (for sub zero temps), and gloves on...) DH laughs, as he meanders around with a fleece on. There were kids at the park with shorts on, sweatshirts, one tween girl took her shoes off to socks...
And there is me with 3 coats on, a hat, and gloves, a turtle neck...
DH was teasing me when I complained about my legs being cold. I was discussing that I need flannel lined dungarees, or some long underwear....oh and a face mask. He said..."so let me get this, you just want a sub zero sleeping bag to walk around in."....
"YES, I actually think that would rule."
A subzero sleeping bag with little arms and legs....and holes for my eyes.
It is mind over matter...I know, I have seen monks at 30 below meditating and sweating, all while mainting a normal body temp.
We actually have a friend that runs 2 marathons a year, and does not train for them....he goes in cold for them. It freaks me out. When I ask him how he does it, he tells me, it is all in your mind.
MIND...a powerful thing, and I suppose he is right to a point.
DC..impromptu blog meet?
All yawl.
We are in DC for 4 days...
And there are sooo many folks I would like to see.
Sooo many.
Anyone interested in a blog meet (cocktails).
I discussed with DH, one night would be good.
cocktails always good, I am unsure what night would be good....
let me know
We are in DC for 4 days...
And there are sooo many folks I would like to see.
Sooo many.
Anyone interested in a blog meet (cocktails).
I discussed with DH, one night would be good.
cocktails always good, I am unsure what night would be good....
let me know
Saturday, November 22, 2008
We were going to name them Arlington, and Holiday Inn
The funny thing about DH and I being locked up for 4 days...
I immediately started thinking about the last 2 times we spent any time alone in a hotel...
Both were for military functions. Officer Conventions to be exact. I can recall both.
I can even recall what I wore to each formal event. Etc...
The first Officer Convention, I had just got all of my hair cut off, and I recall being nervous. I had to take about 4 changes in clothes for a 2 day event. I do recall it being a gambling party (fake money of course), and I managed to play black jack with senior officers for about an hour and whipping all of them. I wore a black formal, with rhinestone straps, I bought off of a clearance rack for $45. I recall this incident, which was HORRIFYING.
We had a terrific time, and SR?
SR was born 8 1/2 months later...
The next event was a short time later.
PN arrived after a NCO Convention we had been invited to, plenty of margaritas, and nine months later, the Holiday Inn baby was born.
We are done having babies, and for that I am thankful, because Sheraton is a dumb name for a baby....
I immediately started thinking about the last 2 times we spent any time alone in a hotel...
Both were for military functions. Officer Conventions to be exact. I can recall both.
I can even recall what I wore to each formal event. Etc...
The first Officer Convention, I had just got all of my hair cut off, and I recall being nervous. I had to take about 4 changes in clothes for a 2 day event. I do recall it being a gambling party (fake money of course), and I managed to play black jack with senior officers for about an hour and whipping all of them. I wore a black formal, with rhinestone straps, I bought off of a clearance rack for $45. I recall this incident, which was HORRIFYING.
We had a terrific time, and SR?
SR was born 8 1/2 months later...
The next event was a short time later.
PN arrived after a NCO Convention we had been invited to, plenty of margaritas, and nine months later, the Holiday Inn baby was born.
We are done having babies, and for that I am thankful, because Sheraton is a dumb name for a baby....
Getting them to go to bed...
Many parents know the struggle of getting kids to go to bed, and stay there nightly. there is always a glass of water or a final trip to the restroom....
Thursday night, we had the kids ready for bed, games played, books read...and the pep talk began. This particular pep talk was with SR.
AWTM: "Dude, you really have to get to bed, you have school tomorrow, you will want to be fresh and ready to go!"
SR: "I know, I know school. I have to get through first grade, then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and then high school, and then college, and then I find a job, and I get married, and have kids, and then I die..."
DH: "poor kid"....
Thursday night, we had the kids ready for bed, games played, books read...and the pep talk began. This particular pep talk was with SR.
AWTM: "Dude, you really have to get to bed, you have school tomorrow, you will want to be fresh and ready to go!"
SR: "I know, I know school. I have to get through first grade, then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and then high school, and then college, and then I find a job, and I get married, and have kids, and then I die..."
DH: "poor kid"....
Friday, November 21, 2008
I continue my reign as the poop removal queen....
After all of this time spent blogging, the #1 search continues to be...
"how to get poop out of the carpet"
I get about 30 searches a day M-F
On the weekends, people must poop more on carpets.....
I get about 50-80 on Saturday. (More if it is a drinking holiday it seems...ick)
You can read the original post here
I just wish I was #1 for something cooler.
Like how to make 1 million dollars telling folks how to clean poop out of carpet.
Maybe a search for "who is the coolest person EVER?"
Nope I get poop...
See for yourself...
also #1 for poop carpet
"how to get poop out of the carpet"
I get about 30 searches a day M-F
On the weekends, people must poop more on carpets.....
I get about 50-80 on Saturday. (More if it is a drinking holiday it seems...ick)
You can read the original post here
I just wish I was #1 for something cooler.
Like how to make 1 million dollars telling folks how to clean poop out of carpet.
Maybe a search for "who is the coolest person EVER?"
Nope I get poop...
See for yourself...
also #1 for poop carpet
Is it Friday already?
I think it is....
OK, I have been slightly neglectful here this week.
I have some good news.
DH has been invited to Washington DC to accept an award. I too have been invited, which means my flight and hotel have been paid for. My Father and his girlfriend, have volunteered to watch the Collective for the entire 4 days!
This means, DH and I will be going on a trip ALONE for the first time in 7.5 years. The last time this happened I was pregnant, and flew on a teeny plane to Colorado Springs (puked on the flight, had to run through the airport with a HUGE belly, my Mom was sick, and I had been caring for her...I WAS sTREESEd).
DH and I have not been ALONE for 7.5 years. Oh sure maybe to a movie for a few hours or a motorcycle ride. But this is 4 days ALONE. I am seriously a little freaked out. I am actually worried about him finding me intriguing, interesting, and tolerable for 4 days. (I am note joking). Unless you adore me, which at this point is possible, I mean it has almost been 18 years of marriage.
4 days alone, in one of my favorite cities, Washington DC.
We can stay out late, we can stay in bed all day.
I can have a drink at lunch, and not be concerned that someone will call CPS.
We can totally make out...
OK, I have been slightly neglectful here this week.
I have some good news.
DH has been invited to Washington DC to accept an award. I too have been invited, which means my flight and hotel have been paid for. My Father and his girlfriend, have volunteered to watch the Collective for the entire 4 days!
This means, DH and I will be going on a trip ALONE for the first time in 7.5 years. The last time this happened I was pregnant, and flew on a teeny plane to Colorado Springs (puked on the flight, had to run through the airport with a HUGE belly, my Mom was sick, and I had been caring for her...I WAS sTREESEd).
DH and I have not been ALONE for 7.5 years. Oh sure maybe to a movie for a few hours or a motorcycle ride. But this is 4 days ALONE. I am seriously a little freaked out. I am actually worried about him finding me intriguing, interesting, and tolerable for 4 days. (I am note joking). Unless you adore me, which at this point is possible, I mean it has almost been 18 years of marriage.
4 days alone, in one of my favorite cities, Washington DC.
We can stay out late, we can stay in bed all day.
I can have a drink at lunch, and not be concerned that someone will call CPS.
We can totally make out...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
And here is SR giving his first presentation....
SR is 6, and in first grade. With the help of his Science mentor, he prepared, researched, and learned about the water cycle and was able to present it to his first grade classmates. (I was in Tacoma, so DH was gracious enough to film it!)
Not too bad for his first time out of the gate.
PN makes an appearance, but you can hear her through the entire presentation. She got a stern lecture from her Father on the arrival back home.
Not too bad for his first time out of the gate.
PN makes an appearance, but you can hear her through the entire presentation. She got a stern lecture from her Father on the arrival back home.
I have been tagged....
By Doc In The Box...
Here are the rules...
The rules are: Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!
I am currently reading 2 books...
This one was the closest, and I am almost finished...

As always Chuck Palahniuk is sweet and creepy all at the same time.
If you have never read a Chuck Palahniuk novel, you should.
OK now I have to tag 5 others, who I think are readers, and who will read interesting things.
Professor Kurgman PHD times 3
Rachel Lucas
Lt. Nixon
Learning To Live
Professor Chaos
OK....I want to ask more folks...
but if you feel inclined to join in...DO!
Here are the rules...
The rules are: Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!
I am currently reading 2 books...
This one was the closest, and I am almost finished...

Physical Contact. Flirting.
Just for the record, the weather today is partly suspicious with chances of betrayal.
And Angel says, "It's gin."
As always Chuck Palahniuk is sweet and creepy all at the same time.
If you have never read a Chuck Palahniuk novel, you should.
OK now I have to tag 5 others, who I think are readers, and who will read interesting things.
Professor Kurgman PHD times 3
Rachel Lucas
Lt. Nixon
Learning To Live
Professor Chaos
OK....I want to ask more folks...
but if you feel inclined to join in...DO!
Today is cleaning day...
I could not think of any other song that might be appropriate for the occasion.
Betty Wright, and her song "clean up woman"....which has nothing to do with cleaning at all...
but the hook, and base line are great!
I will have peeling hands, the house will smell like bleach, windex, and murphey's oil soap, and lysol bathroom cleaner....
Betty Wright, and her song "clean up woman"....which has nothing to do with cleaning at all...
but the hook, and base line are great!
I will have peeling hands, the house will smell like bleach, windex, and murphey's oil soap, and lysol bathroom cleaner....
Flying is like taking a public bus now...
I did not fly on a plane until I was in my 20's.
I recall being soooo excited to board, and when I got on the plane I was like..."huh, this is like a bus..."
I think it has gotten even worse.
There are a few things that bother me while flying.....
#1. Folks, why do you insist on boarding with so much crap? I mean full sized luggage? Are you serious? And then we all have to wait and wait for you to stow the crap...and why? Because you do not want to wait at baggage claim. FYI, do you have any idea the amount of time that is wasted waiting for you all to stow and unstow this luggage? I mean really. And you clunk around with it, and hit people in the head with it. We actually had so many people with sooo much crap that was carry on on the last flight, that there were no more bins left, and the airline had to take the time to make folks stow it anyway....
#2. Paying for my luggage. Just irritating because of number 1. I check my bag, out of politeness at this point. So I am charged for being being polite.
#3. No drinks unless you have cash on the flight. OK another problem, because now EVERYONE is packing a darn suitcase full of snacks to bring on the flight. Seriously. So now we have all of the bins full of full sized luggage, and ladies with enough food for a small army in these oversized bag lady bags. Which is another stowing problem. So now people bring stinky snacks, and the entire plane smells of doritos, or other stinky food.
Those are my top 3 peeves at this point.
I will say, on the flight out, I was exhausted, I had to wake at 2:30am to get to the airport on time Friday. And since I was on a large plane I was thrilled, big plane means I can sleep. I was seated on my exit flight in front of a 4-5 year old girl and and 8 year old girl. they bickered and fought, and kicked my seat for about 2 hours....
I kept looking behind me, It was Mom on the end, and the 2 small girls. I looked back as a "hint" did not work.
anywho....All of a sudden the Mom says "hey husband...blah blah"...and I look to my left, and I see her dear husband, sitting in complete peace and quiet reading and sleeping on the other side of the aisle.
I watched him for about an hour. Me sitting and getting jolted every couple of seconds....
I finally broke down. Because he had to know I was miserable, and there was an empty seat beside me.
AWTM: "Hey Husband" I yell across the aisle. "I do not mean to interrupt your reading, but I need to change places with you right now, you are moving here to my seat, and then you are separating these girls, one of them will sit with you, and the other with"
Needless to say everyone stood up, and a game of musical chairs ensued.
and guess what?
I slept.
Mom and Dad managed to referee the entire trip. His book was not opened again.
I recall being soooo excited to board, and when I got on the plane I was like..."huh, this is like a bus..."
I think it has gotten even worse.
There are a few things that bother me while flying.....
#1. Folks, why do you insist on boarding with so much crap? I mean full sized luggage? Are you serious? And then we all have to wait and wait for you to stow the crap...and why? Because you do not want to wait at baggage claim. FYI, do you have any idea the amount of time that is wasted waiting for you all to stow and unstow this luggage? I mean really. And you clunk around with it, and hit people in the head with it. We actually had so many people with sooo much crap that was carry on on the last flight, that there were no more bins left, and the airline had to take the time to make folks stow it anyway....
#2. Paying for my luggage. Just irritating because of number 1. I check my bag, out of politeness at this point. So I am charged for being being polite.
#3. No drinks unless you have cash on the flight. OK another problem, because now EVERYONE is packing a darn suitcase full of snacks to bring on the flight. Seriously. So now we have all of the bins full of full sized luggage, and ladies with enough food for a small army in these oversized bag lady bags. Which is another stowing problem. So now people bring stinky snacks, and the entire plane smells of doritos, or other stinky food.
Those are my top 3 peeves at this point.
I will say, on the flight out, I was exhausted, I had to wake at 2:30am to get to the airport on time Friday. And since I was on a large plane I was thrilled, big plane means I can sleep. I was seated on my exit flight in front of a 4-5 year old girl and and 8 year old girl. they bickered and fought, and kicked my seat for about 2 hours....
I kept looking behind me, It was Mom on the end, and the 2 small girls. I looked back as a "hint" did not work.
anywho....All of a sudden the Mom says "hey husband...blah blah"...and I look to my left, and I see her dear husband, sitting in complete peace and quiet reading and sleeping on the other side of the aisle.
I watched him for about an hour. Me sitting and getting jolted every couple of seconds....
I finally broke down. Because he had to know I was miserable, and there was an empty seat beside me.
AWTM: "Hey Husband" I yell across the aisle. "I do not mean to interrupt your reading, but I need to change places with you right now, you are moving here to my seat, and then you are separating these girls, one of them will sit with you, and the other with"
Needless to say everyone stood up, and a game of musical chairs ensued.
and guess what?
I slept.
Mom and Dad managed to referee the entire trip. His book was not opened again.
Long flight home....
OK, I have an entire post about is coming.
But, after reading this article.
Anywho, it is my luck, that I get sandwiched on the plane between a dermatologist, and a fireman. Which I thought was almost hilarious, because if there was some sort of emergency on the plane, the airline was staffed for it.
So the three of us are chatting, it is a nice little conversation, when the 70 year old dermatologist mentions, he does botox, at a reasonable rate, and hands me his card. So I ask if botox is at all prophylactic in nature, which he answers a "no, but you may benefit from it"....
holy crap, I hope he didn't mean what he said because the Sacramento newspaper article claims....
America’s capital of cosmetic surgery is San Francisco — not Los Angeles — and Sacramento ranks No. 3, according to the September issue of Men’s Health.
Honolulu is second and Los Angeles trails at No. 48, ranked on a per-capita basis by factoring in regional rates for common procedures and culling information from plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists and people who admitted treatment. Residents of Lincoln, NE. apparently like themselves the way they are; the metro area comes in dead last at No. 100.
Common procedures nationwide include nose jobs, breast implants, liposuction, eyelid surgeries, wrinkle fillers and chemical peels. The most popular nonsurgical procedure among women and men is Botox, according to the magazine.
You know, I am thrilled with my return to this city, but this article made me smile on the walk to school and home
But, after reading this article.
Anywho, it is my luck, that I get sandwiched on the plane between a dermatologist, and a fireman. Which I thought was almost hilarious, because if there was some sort of emergency on the plane, the airline was staffed for it.
So the three of us are chatting, it is a nice little conversation, when the 70 year old dermatologist mentions, he does botox, at a reasonable rate, and hands me his card. So I ask if botox is at all prophylactic in nature, which he answers a "no, but you may benefit from it"....
holy crap, I hope he didn't mean what he said because the Sacramento newspaper article claims....
America’s capital of cosmetic surgery is San Francisco — not Los Angeles — and Sacramento ranks No. 3, according to the September issue of Men’s Health.
Honolulu is second and Los Angeles trails at No. 48, ranked on a per-capita basis by factoring in regional rates for common procedures and culling information from plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists and people who admitted treatment. Residents of Lincoln, NE. apparently like themselves the way they are; the metro area comes in dead last at No. 100.
Common procedures nationwide include nose jobs, breast implants, liposuction, eyelid surgeries, wrinkle fillers and chemical peels. The most popular nonsurgical procedure among women and men is Botox, according to the magazine.
You know, I am thrilled with my return to this city, but this article made me smile on the walk to school and home
Sunday, November 16, 2008
First off, what a gorgeous city. Seriously, art at every turn, which was easy considering we stayed HERE. Very funny too. The restaurant was called Bite. (which I thought was adorable, and the do not disturb signs said "tied up"....cute!) The lobby bar, made delicious drinks as well.
The SpouseBuzz event was a great one, lots of sharing and participation from the Tacoma ladies, and gentlemen. A wonderful, and welcoming crowd to be sure...I always hear one story, that stands out above all. This time, the award goes to a lovely wife, that tried to meet her DH for R&R, all "dolled up"...she was stopped at the post gate, for a car search...
holy crap, and if you could have heard the story as she told it....
I swear we need to get these ladies names, and make a book about hilarious stories.
I am really proud of what SpouseBuzz has done, as a group....I am. I am proud to be affiliated. Because the panelists share such personal and intimate stories, it gives others the freedom of judgement to do the provides a safe and understanding forum....
We had an interesting surprise guest come as well...When I was at the desk Friday, I saw him...and with no witnesses, and he popped in to the event Saturday...which I thought was VERY nice!
go to SpouseBuzz to see who!
I had a wonderful time, laughing, which was the BEST medicine....EVER.
Trying to Grok, has been using her deployment time, not only to knit, but to perfect her "terrget lady and surprise lady", and she had me in stitches, all of the ladies had me in stitches, and I needed it. I am very lucky to have such funny friends...
because life is just hard, unless you have something to laugh about...
The SpouseBuzz event was a great one, lots of sharing and participation from the Tacoma ladies, and gentlemen. A wonderful, and welcoming crowd to be sure...I always hear one story, that stands out above all. This time, the award goes to a lovely wife, that tried to meet her DH for R&R, all "dolled up"...she was stopped at the post gate, for a car search...
holy crap, and if you could have heard the story as she told it....
I swear we need to get these ladies names, and make a book about hilarious stories.
I am really proud of what SpouseBuzz has done, as a group....I am. I am proud to be affiliated. Because the panelists share such personal and intimate stories, it gives others the freedom of judgement to do the provides a safe and understanding forum....
We had an interesting surprise guest come as well...When I was at the desk Friday, I saw him...and with no witnesses, and he popped in to the event Saturday...which I thought was VERY nice!
go to SpouseBuzz to see who!
I had a wonderful time, laughing, which was the BEST medicine....EVER.
Trying to Grok, has been using her deployment time, not only to knit, but to perfect her "terrget lady and surprise lady", and she had me in stitches, all of the ladies had me in stitches, and I needed it. I am very lucky to have such funny friends...
because life is just hard, unless you have something to laugh about...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Not as grouchy...
On the drive home from getting SR from school....
SR:"Can I have computer time?"
AWTM: "You had a good day, 30 minutes dude"
SR: "Oh come on"
AWTM: "I heard you on this morning, at the break of dawn, you get 30 minutes, and that is it."
SR: OK, OK, 30 minutes, I am not a liar like Obama and this cutting taxes thing."
SR:"Can I have computer time?"
AWTM: "You had a good day, 30 minutes dude"
SR: "Oh come on"
AWTM: "I heard you on this morning, at the break of dawn, you get 30 minutes, and that is it."
SR: OK, OK, 30 minutes, I am not a liar like Obama and this cutting taxes thing."
If there is one thing I learned growing up...
I am mad today, and that is ok.
I have tried to use the anger, and do something productive with it.
I am angry at myslef for not crossing my t-s and dotting my is, making my LPN license of no use to me in my current state...although I thought I had done all of the work needed.
I will work on this, I am angry with myself.
I am going to step back though and try and give myself a pep talk today, because I need one.
My Son got his repart card yesterday. He has been working hard 3-4 on everything, 4 being the highest. I know this is particularly hard for him, in the areas of behaviors. He has not had note reporting anything strange or odd for 3 weeks.
He has a presentation tomorrow at school, on the water cycle. He has been working on researching, visual aids, and learning the information so he can present it. Sadly, I will not be there to cheer him on, as I will be in Tacoma. However, DH is going to record it for me. SR's Spanish language mentor called last night, and was impressed with what SR has accomplished in just 2 weeks, he knows the months of the year, and can count to 60, and can have small conversations in Spanish. Much better than his Mother!
He is trying hard.
PN, remains frustrated with no school, which I am trying hard to remedy. We do work here, but I promise you she is a social child, she is amazingly social, and loves people, and the craziness of life, she wants to be in the middle of it. She is amazing in her own light, and wonderful way. She is light in this house.
I did not fuss much yesterday after getting the rejection letter, within an hour I was back to sending resumes out, and filling out applications.
I have made a couple of calls this morning, a couple of them seem quite promising. We will see.
It is on the backburner until Monday morning. I have a radio show to prep for tonight, for SpouseBuzz Radio on a subject near and dear to my heart on reintegration.
I also will be traveling to Tacoma tomorrow quite early in the morning for SpouseBuzz Live.
I am hoping these two things, will help me see beyond my own selfish journey right now, and I am sure they will....
I will be doing yoga Saturday bright and early, anyone want to join me?
I am mad today, and that is ok.
I have tried to use the anger, and do something productive with it.
I am angry at myslef for not crossing my t-s and dotting my is, making my LPN license of no use to me in my current state...although I thought I had done all of the work needed.
I will work on this, I am angry with myself.
I am going to step back though and try and give myself a pep talk today, because I need one.
My Son got his repart card yesterday. He has been working hard 3-4 on everything, 4 being the highest. I know this is particularly hard for him, in the areas of behaviors. He has not had note reporting anything strange or odd for 3 weeks.
He has a presentation tomorrow at school, on the water cycle. He has been working on researching, visual aids, and learning the information so he can present it. Sadly, I will not be there to cheer him on, as I will be in Tacoma. However, DH is going to record it for me. SR's Spanish language mentor called last night, and was impressed with what SR has accomplished in just 2 weeks, he knows the months of the year, and can count to 60, and can have small conversations in Spanish. Much better than his Mother!
He is trying hard.
PN, remains frustrated with no school, which I am trying hard to remedy. We do work here, but I promise you she is a social child, she is amazingly social, and loves people, and the craziness of life, she wants to be in the middle of it. She is amazing in her own light, and wonderful way. She is light in this house.
I did not fuss much yesterday after getting the rejection letter, within an hour I was back to sending resumes out, and filling out applications.
I have made a couple of calls this morning, a couple of them seem quite promising. We will see.
It is on the backburner until Monday morning. I have a radio show to prep for tonight, for SpouseBuzz Radio on a subject near and dear to my heart on reintegration.
I also will be traveling to Tacoma tomorrow quite early in the morning for SpouseBuzz Live.
I am hoping these two things, will help me see beyond my own selfish journey right now, and I am sure they will....
I will be doing yoga Saturday bright and early, anyone want to join me?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
And the joy continues...
Today I found out I did not get the other job I REALLY wanted.
War on Terror...The Longest War
Hat Tip to XTNYODA,
who writes...
You can watch the video at his place...
who writes...
Following is a video from CBS news that demonstrates the depravity of freedom's current great enemy, radical Islam. Be warned, you will actually see a teenager radicalized by the militants kill himself and some of our coalition forces to the cheers of his despicable handlers. Their video.
You can watch the video at his place...
It is so cold....

How cold is it?
drum beat...
It is so cold...that I am trying to figure out how to look chic in a stocking cap! I am actually trying to look like some sort of international spy or something. Forgive me, I have no job yet, and the only excitement seems to be checking the mailbox and e-mail for rejection letters. So pretending to be an international spy on the drive to school... well it is crazy.
Brr...folks, and winter has not started yet.
In more exciting news, I have had to open the house up, yes doors and windows this morning...
Well as it is my "time of the month", thank you for sharing I know...I am in complete misery. COMPLETE. Yesterday I was in such pain I was nauseated. Not fun..
Anywho I was warming up one of those buckwheat/ warmer/ hot packy things in the microwave...uhhhh I set the time for too long, and started the damn thing on fire...(not complete fire, just a small smoldering one)
So this morning, the house smells like burnt popcorn. It is horrible.
DH was not thrilled with me trying to start a fire either..he kept sighing at me last night, out of exasperation.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I may have found my way out of this economic crunch
Anyone want to be locked in a room with the CEO of AIG?
Every American that wants to be alone with one of the big wigs from AIG, pays 100 bucks per minute....
For your $100, I would put you in a 4' 4 cement block room, and get you a switch from the back yard.
I am sure I would have plenty of takers after seeing...
yet another "party", with video....
Every American that wants to be alone with one of the big wigs from AIG, pays 100 bucks per minute....
For your $100, I would put you in a 4' 4 cement block room, and get you a switch from the back yard.
I am sure I would have plenty of takers after seeing...
yet another "party", with video....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Nebraskan Veterans share stories....
This one in partucular brought tears to my eyes...
I will be sharing more the next few days...
Most of my adult life has spent working in long term care settings, and I do wish I would have taken the time to write all of the stories I have heard down...
Sadly I did not.
I will be sharing more the next few days...
Most of my adult life has spent working in long term care settings, and I do wish I would have taken the time to write all of the stories I have heard down...
Sadly I did not.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
I wiff hivv toof be loofe...

*photo not of SR shark tooth, but some random photo I found online
The Collective and I went to church today.
PN, very excited to go to children's church, and of course SR, wanted to attend church with me.
So we are singing away, I look down, and note SR, has shark teeth. Well not exactly, but it appears to look that way, he is getting a permanent lower front tooth, before his baby tooth is even loose. I guess this is called lingual eruption.
Does the kid have to over excel in EVERYTHING, I mean really? Do we need EXTRA teeth?
Of course, I am worried. I found this, and found I should keep an eye on it for a few days, and than call a darn dentist.
For those of you that have seen me, my teeth are a mess, Particularly my top front teeth. They are crooked, and it was pointed out daily when I was in middle and high school. Adults are more polite, and it does not come up daily. Thank God.
I also read some folks have like 3 sets of teeth, nice.
I have had my darn fingers in this kids poor mouth today than I would like. Trying to wiggle the baby tooth, which is not even loose yet. I may put him on a diet of granny smith apples.
SR did call today, his man birthday for the rest of the day.
Boo Hiss? Or Hip, Hip Hooray? I am confused, anyone else?
OK, now about this appointment of Rahm...
It seems to get more interesting, with every new piece of information I read.
Boo Hiss, his ties to slime ball Chicago politics.
Hip Hip Hooray.
Hip Hip hooray
Can anyone clarify any of this for me?
It seems to get more interesting, with every new piece of information I read.
Boo Hiss, his ties to slime ball Chicago politics.
an American politician who has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 2003, representing Illinois's 5th congressional district, which covers much of the north side of Chicago and parts of suburban Cook County
Emanuel's father, the Jerusalem-born Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a pediatrician and former member of the Jewish militia Irgun, which operated from 1931 to 1948 during the British Mandate of Palestine, before the founding of Israel and was regarded as a terrorist group by the British authorities.
Hip Hip Hooray.
Emanuel was a civilian volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, repairing truck brakes in one of Israel's northern bases.
Emanuel was named to the Board of Directors for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("Freddie Mac") by then President Bill Clinton in 2000. His position paid him $31,060 in 2000 and $231,655 in 2001.[23] During the time Emanuel spent on the board, Freddie Mac was plagued with scandals involving campaign contributions and accounting irregularities.[24] The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) later accused the board of having "failed in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its attention." Emanuel resigned from the board in 2001 when he ran for congress.[25]
Hip Hip hooray
According to The Nation, Emanuel is "seen as a strong Israel partisan.”[35] In June 2007, Emanuel condemned an outbreak of Palestinian violence in the Gaza Strip and criticized Arab countries for not applying the same kind of pressure on the Palestinians as they have on Israel. At a 2003 pro-Israel rally in Chicago, Emanuel told the marchers Israel was ready for peace but would not get there until Palestinians "turn away from the path of terror".
Can anyone clarify any of this for me?
Saturday, November 08, 2008
"I solve problems"

I was reading this article on Rahm Emanuel ( PLEASE go read it), which I found over at Trying to Groks tonight. A story in The Telegraph, about President elect Obamas choice for Chief of Staff. (Who I might mention is handsome, but it seems rather short, and a douche)
Anywho, I am reading it, and I come across this...
One story, more than any other, sums up the intensity, loyalty and, at times, downright nastiness upon which Mr Emanuel's reputation is built.
At a dinner to celebrate President Clinton's first election victory, Mr Emanuel began to name those who he believed had earned his enmity. As he listed the names of those he saw as traitors, he grabbed a steak knife, stood up and began plunging the knife into the table and shouting "Dead! Dead! Dead!" after each name.
"When he was done, the table looked like a lunar landscape," one witness recalled. "It was like something out of The Godfather. But that's Rahm for you."
After reading that, , I could only think about this particular scene from Pulp Fiction....
But the story does not end there...
It seems as though this behavior is almost excusable, to those around Rahm.
Why you ask? Why would this sort of thuggery be acceptable?
Well according to Rahm's very own Mother...
Mr Emanuel's mother, Marsha, a retired hospital technician, believes his extraordinary drive and determination to succeed is the result of a childhood accident in which he almost lost his life.
Whilst working part-time in a fast-food restaurant, Mr Emanuel badly cut the middle finger of his right hand in a meat-slicing machine. The wound became badly infected and as he lay in hospital with a dangerously high temperature his parents were warned that antibiotics might not be enough to save him from blood poisoning. He survived after the top half of his finger was amputated.
"That was a big turning point in Rahm's life," said his mother. "It was touch-and-go, and finally when he came out of it he was more serious. I honestly think that was his existential moment of near-death and realising that you have to do something with life."
OK, OK, Wait, wait, wait one minute...
Does anyone recall President Clinton (who Rahm also worked for) telling EVERYONE
"It's just like if you know anybody who's ever been a POW for any length of time, you will see you go along for months or maybe even years, and then something will happen and it will trigger all those bad dreams and they will come back, and it may not last 30 seconds," he said.
So, although McCain, has never taken out a knife at a formal dining event, and stabbed it repeatedly into a paper, or mailed a dead fish to a pollster...
but Rahm has, it is excusable, because he worked at Arby's?
Winter begins
Winter is cold, for those of you who do not know.
I took my loudest wind chimes down yesterday, the metal was like ice.
I must go buy some rubber gloves, in order to do dishes. The winter skin is beginning already. Darn. (Although PN, has taken to doing the ddishes for me, and she does a good job. She washes, and I load them in the dish washer. She is earning $)
The wind continues to howl.
My Brother, his Wife, and my Niece are supposed to come today, I am getting ready to call them, I might make a potato salad, and a pork roast.
DH is gone, yet again. this new gig is the busiest of all gigs ever in his 19 years in. Who would have thought?
Not me.
It is a piddle day.
Tomorrow the big project is moving things from the garage to the basement, so I can go through them at my leisure. Most of it is not mine. Or will permanently, be in storage. Thank God for the huge storage room. Speaking of wich, I need to purchase some foam caulking. (write this down lady, or you will forget.)
Last night was movie night. DH was gone, so I thrw in frozen pizza, made popcorn, and let The Collective have root beer. WE watched a Veggie Tales movie, it was rather cute, I have never watched them before. PN passed out cold by 8pm. Which was needed. The child is growing several inches each day I swear, and is in a constant state of fussy. I am unsure what it is. Part of it boredom, although we do several projects and play all day. She really wants school. I do think her main problem is lack of rest. If she would nap at 11am, until 12 noon...we would get a long much better.
SR is building something, I can hear the Rokenbok unsnapping at speed levels.
I am not used to the freezing temps, and need to climatize quickly.
I did manage to turn the thermostat down to 69, and folks, that is as low as it is going to go.
The basement seems remarkably warm I guess the 2 '6 construction, and insulation are doing the trick.
Yesterday there were a few flurries, nothing crazy, the flakes melted as they hit the ground.
I must get creative in activities, games, and any ideas that will get us through the winter!
Plus, I need a job, because I am going to need to something like a gym membership, otherwise I am going to gain every once I lost hibernating.
Winter is cold, for those of you who do not know.
I took my loudest wind chimes down yesterday, the metal was like ice.
I must go buy some rubber gloves, in order to do dishes. The winter skin is beginning already. Darn. (Although PN, has taken to doing the ddishes for me, and she does a good job. She washes, and I load them in the dish washer. She is earning $)
The wind continues to howl.
My Brother, his Wife, and my Niece are supposed to come today, I am getting ready to call them, I might make a potato salad, and a pork roast.
DH is gone, yet again. this new gig is the busiest of all gigs ever in his 19 years in. Who would have thought?
Not me.
It is a piddle day.
Tomorrow the big project is moving things from the garage to the basement, so I can go through them at my leisure. Most of it is not mine. Or will permanently, be in storage. Thank God for the huge storage room. Speaking of wich, I need to purchase some foam caulking. (write this down lady, or you will forget.)
Last night was movie night. DH was gone, so I thrw in frozen pizza, made popcorn, and let The Collective have root beer. WE watched a Veggie Tales movie, it was rather cute, I have never watched them before. PN passed out cold by 8pm. Which was needed. The child is growing several inches each day I swear, and is in a constant state of fussy. I am unsure what it is. Part of it boredom, although we do several projects and play all day. She really wants school. I do think her main problem is lack of rest. If she would nap at 11am, until 12 noon...we would get a long much better.
SR is building something, I can hear the Rokenbok unsnapping at speed levels.
I am not used to the freezing temps, and need to climatize quickly.
I did manage to turn the thermostat down to 69, and folks, that is as low as it is going to go.
The basement seems remarkably warm I guess the 2 '6 construction, and insulation are doing the trick.
Yesterday there were a few flurries, nothing crazy, the flakes melted as they hit the ground.
I must get creative in activities, games, and any ideas that will get us through the winter!
Plus, I need a job, because I am going to need to something like a gym membership, otherwise I am going to gain every once I lost hibernating.
Friday, November 07, 2008
The great job hunt of 2008, "Bright, driven, sharp, and motivated women NEED EMPLOYMENT"....
First of, it is a little inspiring that I am in such good company right now.
The following women are all searching for work.
Might I add here, that these are all women who have tremendous skill, and ability.
Butterfly Wife
Most Certainly Not
I am going to be selfish for a moment and say THANK GOD I am not the only person I know searching for a job right now.
I have gotten rejection letters, and well frankly that is sort of hard on the ego after a time. What is worse, is when you get a rejection letter for a job that you are vastly over qualified for, it is a slap in the face. I assure you.
However, I have seemed to evolve a bit while in the process. What I want is becoming CLEARER. I need to be involved with a company, or employer that I love right now. I want stability. I am at no place where I want to be looking for a new challenge every couple of years. I need a company I can move around in, if I choose to do so.
I think I may actually head back to school in the next couple of years. Something I never thought I would say.
Good luck, my fellow women....
not bad company
First of, it is a little inspiring that I am in such good company right now.
The following women are all searching for work.
Might I add here, that these are all women who have tremendous skill, and ability.
Butterfly Wife
Most Certainly Not
I am going to be selfish for a moment and say THANK GOD I am not the only person I know searching for a job right now.
I have gotten rejection letters, and well frankly that is sort of hard on the ego after a time. What is worse, is when you get a rejection letter for a job that you are vastly over qualified for, it is a slap in the face. I assure you.
However, I have seemed to evolve a bit while in the process. What I want is becoming CLEARER. I need to be involved with a company, or employer that I love right now. I want stability. I am at no place where I want to be looking for a new challenge every couple of years. I need a company I can move around in, if I choose to do so.
I think I may actually head back to school in the next couple of years. Something I never thought I would say.
Good luck, my fellow women....
not bad company
24 degrees here this morning, wind whipping hard and fast.
I am taking my wind chimes down today, the sound is horrible, and irritating.
In Arkansas, they tinkled. Here, they are horrid, drives me nuts.
I read a lot of great plains pioneer diaries, and there are accounts of the sound of the wind making people insane....I understand that.
Our home is sturdy and sound, but the wind will blow hard and make the house creak and crack.
31 mph, is about a normal wind for this time of year. The current temp is 36 degrees, with the wind, it feels like 24.
The snow has blanketed the Midwest, and the only thing separating us from such a fate is barbed wire.
They say no snow today. I hope so. But they say rain, which will be worse, if it freezes. I do not think the ground is cold enough for anything to stick yet.
There is no sun. The trees in the back are naked, my glorious sumac which has been entertaining we with red hues is done. The grass is still green, but fading fast, winter is here.
We are lucky, it has been wonderful out, temperatures in the 70s.
I think I would have made a horrid pioneer wife, the sod house, and dirt floors, wind, no gas fireplace, no gortex?
I am taking my wind chimes down today, the sound is horrible, and irritating.
In Arkansas, they tinkled. Here, they are horrid, drives me nuts.
I read a lot of great plains pioneer diaries, and there are accounts of the sound of the wind making people insane....I understand that.
Our home is sturdy and sound, but the wind will blow hard and make the house creak and crack.
31 mph, is about a normal wind for this time of year. The current temp is 36 degrees, with the wind, it feels like 24.
The snow has blanketed the Midwest, and the only thing separating us from such a fate is barbed wire.
They say no snow today. I hope so. But they say rain, which will be worse, if it freezes. I do not think the ground is cold enough for anything to stick yet.
There is no sun. The trees in the back are naked, my glorious sumac which has been entertaining we with red hues is done. The grass is still green, but fading fast, winter is here.
We are lucky, it has been wonderful out, temperatures in the 70s.
I think I would have made a horrid pioneer wife, the sod house, and dirt floors, wind, no gas fireplace, no gortex?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I am turning down a job offer today...
OK, so I have 1 legitimate job offer at the moment, and desparately waiting to hear back from another. One of them called and offered me the position. For that I was thrilled.
I am calling them today to decline the position.
As much as I hate to say "no" after the time spent looking.
I actually sought this company out, and wanted a position in administration. They did not have anything open in that particular area, so they offered me another position.
The pay is not good. Especially when you consider the base pay minus taxes, and then minus the pre-school for PN, and then I have to arrange for an after school program to pick up my son, so he can attend in the morning and afternoon....
Makes no financial sense at all. And as much as PN WANTS to be in school at this time, I do not want to go in the negative to do so.
So I am turning it down. Plus frankly I do not want to get spit at, or hit at this point in my life. As an LPN this has happened enough in my life. No thanks. I am not game at this point.
So the one company that has actually took a bite, well I am going to have to say no.
And that my friends is difficult.
I have two more irons on the fire, both of which I am excited about. And about a trillion resumes out.
OK, so I have 1 legitimate job offer at the moment, and desparately waiting to hear back from another. One of them called and offered me the position. For that I was thrilled.
I am calling them today to decline the position.
As much as I hate to say "no" after the time spent looking.
I actually sought this company out, and wanted a position in administration. They did not have anything open in that particular area, so they offered me another position.
The pay is not good. Especially when you consider the base pay minus taxes, and then minus the pre-school for PN, and then I have to arrange for an after school program to pick up my son, so he can attend in the morning and afternoon....
Makes no financial sense at all. And as much as PN WANTS to be in school at this time, I do not want to go in the negative to do so.
So I am turning it down. Plus frankly I do not want to get spit at, or hit at this point in my life. As an LPN this has happened enough in my life. No thanks. I am not game at this point.
So the one company that has actually took a bite, well I am going to have to say no.
And that my friends is difficult.
I have two more irons on the fire, both of which I am excited about. And about a trillion resumes out.
Out of Africa...
My dear friend and recent student turned lawyer, and Mother needs help.
With all this happening, I still want to roll out all the adoption things ASAP and a job will definitely help. We need to have a completed homestudy to apply for adoption grants and/or loans. To apply to the agency and complete our homestudy, it will cost around $1,750. It's just so hard because we will have our adoption expenses reimbursed once it's finalized...we just have to come up with the money first. I'm thinking of launching a website where I ask 4,000 of my closest peeps and total strangers to loan me $5. :) I think it could work. Then,when I'm reimbursed, I'll send them their refund.
Something has to give soon with this whole job search. I'm giving myself another week or so and then I head to the Golden Arches. Seriously. I need to get our finances back on track AND start the adoption ball rolling faster. We're in a race against the clock with Hubs deploying. Aye, yie, yie.
I know you're already praying and I appreciate it much. Keep up the good work!
I would love for this family to make the adoption dream come true. She needs a web designer, and donations which will be returned after the adoption process has ended.
I will vouch for this gal, on every level.....
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The most horrible, disgusting, heartbreaking, news item I have read in months....
13 year old rape victim, tried under Sharia Law and was stoned to death after being forced into a hole and buried up to her neck....while 1,000 watched.
I encourage you to read the entire story....and pray
And the permeation continues...
I encourage you to read the entire story....and pray
And the permeation continues...
Abul Taher
ISLAMIC law has been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases.
The government has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.
Rulings issued by a network of five sharia courts are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court.
Previously, the rulings of sharia courts in Britain could not be enforced, and depended on voluntary compliance among Muslims.
It has now emerged that sharia courts with these powers have been set up in London, Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester with the network’s headquarters in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Sheikh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, whose Muslim Arbitration Tribunal runs the courts, said he had taken advantage of a clause in the Arbitration Act 1996.
Under the act, the sharia courts are classified as arbitration tribunals. The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case.
Siddiqi said: “We realised that under the Arbitration Act we can make rulings which can be enforced by county and high courts. The act allows disputes to be resolved using alternatives like tribunals. This method is called alternative dispute resolution, which for Muslims is what the sharia courts are.”
Simple, I would rather live on my feet
Please take a moment to watch....
I woke this morning, and it was an ordinary day.
However, I woke thinking I must be a better Mother, and a better Wife, a better Friend, a better Sister, a better Neighbor.
I must be a better EXAMPLE.
We all must be, the movement to remain a free and just country has not simply started. It was passed to us, by brave men and women who passed the baton to us.
It is our job to pass it to those behind us.
Explaining to my son...
So this morning, I had to break the news to The Collective about the President elect.
AWTM: "Obama, got elected last night."
SR: "Well, there will be another election."
AWTM: "Yes there will be."
SR: "Well here is the good news, kids do not pay taxes."
AWTM: thinking I could explain to him, that in a roundabout way, he does, and decided against it."
SR: "What does the government think about those apples?"
AWTM: "Obama, got elected last night."
SR: "Well, there will be another election."
AWTM: "Yes there will be."
SR: "Well here is the good news, kids do not pay taxes."
AWTM: thinking I could explain to him, that in a roundabout way, he does, and decided against it."
SR: "What does the government think about those apples?"
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Teh Obama wins....
It proves one thing to me.
George Soros, has enough money, he can do almost anything.
That my friends is scary.
George Soros, has enough money, he can do almost anything.
That my friends is scary.
Just Breath.....
Nebraska Initiative 424:
End Affirmative Action
Nebraska Initiative 424:
End Affirmative Action
65% of precincts reporting
End Affirmative Action
Nebraska Initiative 424:
End Affirmative Action
65% of precincts reporting
I voted, with the daughter!
It took about 5 minutes, including the sign in...
off to lunch with a friend, so the kids can play!!
off to lunch with a friend, so the kids can play!!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Nebraskans will be voting on the following...
UPDATE: Nebraska ends racial, and gender bias!
Initiative Measure 424
Actual Wording
Proposed Amendment #1
Initiative Measure 424
Actual Wording
A vote FOR will amend the Nebraska Constitution to prohibit the state, and any public institution of higher education, political subdivision or government institution from discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to individuals or groups based upon race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in operating public employment, education, or contracting. Existing court orders would not be invalidated under the amendment
Bona fide qualifications based on sex reasonably necessary to normal operation of public employment, education or contracting, and actions necessary to obtain federal funds through federal programs would be permitted. A cause of action for violation would be created. The amendment would apply to actions after its adoption.
A vote AGAINST will not cause the Nebraska Constitution to be amended in such a manner.
Shall the Nebraska Constitution be amended to prohibit the State, and any public institution of higher education, political subdivision or government institution from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, individuals or groups based upon race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in operating public employment, education or contracting? Existing court orders are not invalidated, bona fide qualifications based on sex reasonably necessary to normal operation of public employment, education or contracting, and actions necessary to obtain federal funds through federal programs are permitted. A cause of action for violation is created. The amendment applies to actions after its adoption.
Vote for ONE
Proposed Amendment #1
A vote “FOR” this amendment will remove a requirement that cities and villages use only general tax revenue for economic and industrial development projects and programs.
A vote “AGAINST” this amendment will keep the requirement that cities and villages use only general tax revenue for economic and industrial development projects and programs
A constitutional amendment to change the powers of municipalities relating to fund sources for economic or industrial development.
Vote for ONE
before I do my dinner dishes....
The Collective just got tucked in bed, stories read as quietly and calmly as I could muster...
There are times I think I was born in the wrong year...
There are some things I like about 50-60 years ago, and somethings I do not care to relive.
I remember my Grandfather talking about when a "communist was a communist", a patriot was a patriot.
There were certain expectations of neighbors, and people.
There are some LITTLE things I get nostalgic for...
Having a sales associate help you, even when you shopped at Sears or Penny's. If we happened to go to a special shop downtown, the owner might come out and exchange niceties with my Mother, (even though he knew we could not afford to shop there). My Grandmother always wore a hat to church on Sundays, and she always had a handkerchief, with little embroidered flowers on them. I recall shopping in the 70's with my Mother, and having the bagger at the local grocery store not only bag your groceries like he was trained to do so, but carry them to your car. Watching an actual butcher cut your meat, to your specifications. Having someone pump your gas for you, wash your windows, check your tires, and oil....
When we arrived at church Sunday (we are shopping still), I noted how very overdressed we were(I had a simple black skirt, and a black and white blouse) ....some folks had flip flops and denim shorts on...and I am sure The Good Lord did not mind a bit. But I was taken off guard. I WAS OVERDRESSED...?
My Mother used to take me with her to every election she voted in. She always wore slacks and a blouse, and she explained to me that she felt bad, because women used to show up at polling places in dresses and hats, from the best she could remember...
Tomorrow I go to vote, and I will do it in jeans, I am taking my daughter, just as my Mother took me. I want her to remember going to vote with her Mother...
So, Starbucks is offerring a free coffee, while Obama is offerring some folks "free healthcare"! Let the entitlement begin!
Free krispy kreme
Even those capitalists, disguised as hippies who loathe capitalism at Ben and Jerry's are giving out ice cream.
One can never have enough hangers
Today, is a little groudhoggish in feel. Laundry, beds, dishes...I never seem to have enough hangers. Must put them on the master list, whiich seems to get longer and longer.
Elections are tomorrow. Folks are anxious, biting nails, lighting candles, and what not at this point. And I would like to say, "whatever, life will go on"....but I cannot. Living in the United States gets more complicated daily. And it is amazing to me, that sooo many folks complain about how horrid things are run here, but we find immigrants WANT to come here in droves. They come here for all kinds of reasons, political, religious and financial freedom.
Will any of us feel better tomorrow? I am doubting this, it seems as though there is a divide right now, and one that will not be forgotten any time in the near future.
Folks have labels now, and they will not disappear any time soon. the elections season has divided some households, neighborhoods, etc. No one wants to argue all day, well some folks like it...
I will cast my vote tomorrow, with my daughter at my side.
The other night at the benefit for DH's Uncle, I saw how generous people are. It was not mandated either....generosity is NEVER mandated, and it should not be.
So I will do my laundry, in my wash machine that costs 17$ a year to operate, even though folks would label me as not green because of the way I am voting,
Elections are tomorrow. Folks are anxious, biting nails, lighting candles, and what not at this point. And I would like to say, "whatever, life will go on"....but I cannot. Living in the United States gets more complicated daily. And it is amazing to me, that sooo many folks complain about how horrid things are run here, but we find immigrants WANT to come here in droves. They come here for all kinds of reasons, political, religious and financial freedom.
Will any of us feel better tomorrow? I am doubting this, it seems as though there is a divide right now, and one that will not be forgotten any time in the near future.
Folks have labels now, and they will not disappear any time soon. the elections season has divided some households, neighborhoods, etc. No one wants to argue all day, well some folks like it...
I will cast my vote tomorrow, with my daughter at my side.
The other night at the benefit for DH's Uncle, I saw how generous people are. It was not mandated either....generosity is NEVER mandated, and it should not be.
So I will do my laundry, in my wash machine that costs 17$ a year to operate, even though folks would label me as not green because of the way I am voting,
Sunday, November 02, 2008
And they are calling me "selfish?"
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Silver Lining Girl
My DH is actually off this weekend!!
Last night went well SR changed his mind about Trick or Treating at about 1pm yesterday. He decided to go as an Orange Juice Business owner....huh? Wonder where he got that idea?
Always the silver lining girl...
Halloween was a hit, and SR decided, he will go next year as well.
Also, I must say I needed a silver lining today, as we are headed out of town for a benefit, for my DH's Uncle who had several strokes months ago. He is not doing well.
This week has been a good one for several folks...
My dear friend passed her bar exam. I had no doubts.
Another friend is now a proud owner of a home....
And my dear friend is now wearing a ring on her finger...
In all of these situations, I have seen one common thread, and it has been a silver thread called patience, and hard work.
It is nice to see good work, and love and kindness being rewarded...
Last night went well SR changed his mind about Trick or Treating at about 1pm yesterday. He decided to go as an Orange Juice Business owner....huh? Wonder where he got that idea?
Always the silver lining girl...
Halloween was a hit, and SR decided, he will go next year as well.
Also, I must say I needed a silver lining today, as we are headed out of town for a benefit, for my DH's Uncle who had several strokes months ago. He is not doing well.
This week has been a good one for several folks...
My dear friend passed her bar exam. I had no doubts.
Another friend is now a proud owner of a home....
And my dear friend is now wearing a ring on her finger...
In all of these situations, I have seen one common thread, and it has been a silver thread called patience, and hard work.
It is nice to see good work, and love and kindness being rewarded...
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