I am thankful for many things this year. My Ninja Camp Training injuries, are healed. I did learn, that climbing, and jumping can be dangerous. I have learned stealth, invisibility, camouflage, night vision, diversion, improvised weaponry, and hand to hand combat, plausible deniability, mind control, and biowarfare. Out of these skills, I think Mind control has been the most thrilling and satisfying of all.
I am thankful for my brother, he is excellent to spar with, he also makes me look "great most of the time", he also works as a fantastic diversionary tool.
I am thankful for my Mom because she buys me tutu's and magic wands, these are great undercover clothing.....No one ever expects a "princess" to actually be a Ninja. She is also too old, and too slow to keep up with my youth and speed.....
I am thankful my Daddy is home from Iraq this Thanksgiving. He is the bestest Daddy in the World. He gives me piggy back rides, and rocks me to sleep. I like to practice mind control on him the most......
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