Monday, April 07, 2008



I am tired and a little sore, and cannot imagine what my Father must be feeling at 30 years my senior.

The good news is, all of the "main painting' is done!!

I figured we spent about 4 days, give or take painting. Throw in all of the trips to Walmart, the paint store, taking The Collective to AWANA, school, MDO, giving Dad the tour of both of the children's schools, and church, and throw in the day we took the day off and went to Hot Springs, well we did not do too bad.

It was really horrible, and I have no intention of doing it again any time soon. At least a home exterior.

My few tips to painting on a budget are....,buy a very nice brush. NICE like a 2 inch slanted brush. Never let anyone else use your brush. Wash often, store with bristles moist and wrap in saean over ight. Also the roller is your friend. ROLL when and where you can, it saves a lot of time!! Buy decent paint. Practice seems to make perfect, the more you paint, the quicker and better you become. So start in a room that can afford some mistakes. If you need painters tape, use it... Oh and if you can afford to, use scaffolding. We did not (I did not want to spend the $$ on it) and it would have been nice, but heck I am not sure we could have used it up front anyway, as my flower beds were a hot mess from all of the rain. Painting from a ladder is a spooky job. Just because it cuts your range of motion.

The new color is lovely, and I am wishing I would have painted it years ago. It was hard finding a color that would compliment the brick, and the roof, and I did a good job. Photos might be up tomorrow night...if I can find some time.

Yesterday we had an inordinate amount of traffic. I forgot my neighbors house is probably still listed in all of the real estate books, so we had a l kinds of traffic. Sundays are open house days. At 4pm, I broke down and thought well, heck I might as well put my sign up. Today, Monday of all days I had 3 inquiries, and actually showed the house to young wife and her Mother (warts, boxes and all) as it is not really "READY" for show. but what the heck. This same young woman called about 20 minutes later asking if she could bring her Husband and they also did a walk through....they really liked it, and had that goofy first time home buyers smle, and really liked what they saw. We will see what they think. They were also curious to know when I could move, and if anyone else was interested. VERY quick.

We will see! Very exciting indeed.

I am actually glad my Dad came to help, it certainly cut my time painting. It really did.

It has been nice painting with my Dad, we are similar in a lot of ways. We prefer the quiet, no radio. We notice different has been nice.

Tomorrow, we are going to look around the interior and see what we can find......

Now I will sit and wait for phonecalls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great advice. My buddy Michelle has been riding my ass about painting my house. Unlike the Collective, my kids have been HELL on my walls. I figured I'd repaint after my daughter got out of the "drawing on walls" stage (about 5 or 6 years old). And when she was 6, I had the Boychild. Who is now 6. So this year is the year, I think. But there's a lot of repairs to the walls I have to make first. *sigh* So thanks for letting us watch you go through it.