Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Night Rider

I finally got my first ride on the bike last night.......finally.

Between not being able to find a reliable sitter, and Dear Husband being out of town, it just hasn't happened.

Last night we got the children to bed. Dear Husband made Aunt Ne' a Chambord and cream, and we got our boots, helmets, and jeans on and went for a ride.

Ahhhhhh alone, just the two of us, and the sound of the Katy-dids, scent of magnolias, and the sight of the dark clouds rolling over the moon. It was a quiet night on the road. I have learned Monday nights are a great night for a ride. Not much traffic, quiet.

I didn't have to do a thing, I just had to hang on to Dear Husband's waist. I am ready to go again tonight.

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