I fixed a minor toilet issue today...
The flush lever broke. No big deal, unless of course you are me, I had no idea how to fix it etc....
I am learning how to take a deep breath, and take apart things. It seems to be the only way I can figure out how to put things back together again. Great...
My son video taped me fixing the toilet, you can see here. I was not really intending to, and am not sure if it is all that instructional. However I think it does show, that some things just sound like they might be huge projects when they are simple. (The video also reminded me of the project of painting the bathroom is left. that is the only room left and it needs to be done)
I did not grow up at my Father's knee watching him fix things. I am intimidated by mechanics. So the fact that i actually am able to fix anything amazes me. Thank God for the internets. Also a shout out to my friend RAVE, who actually googled fixing toilets as I was complaining about it on facebook.
Fixing stuff not my bag at all. I am beginning to think of making myself a SASH like Brownies get. I was never a Brownie, and I was sooooo jealous of little girls in Brownie uniforms. I might make myself a SASH, and make myself patches. Some military wives, can do it all with the grace and style...not me, I swear I would wear my SASH all over the place, even with my poorly designed patches.
"what is that one for?" Oh the baby's head exiting the womb, that one is laboring alone.
"what is this package of hamburger patch for?" Remembering to take meat out of the freezer.
Nope grace and being demure ain't my strong suit I am afraid.
I am learning how to build confidence in my abilities....and it is a good thing to know how it feels.
I am understanding what made The Collective feel like they were invincibile after learning to ride bikes!
DUDE!! I'm so, so proud of you. But did you really mention your manicure in that video? You're supposed to grunt like Tim, the Toolman Taylor!!
BTW, SK's hubby helped me replace that whole "innards" thing you were talking about. Walked me through it over the phone (in case you ever find yourself in that spot, I'll send along her phone number *grin*). Only problem was getting it out. Other than that, toilets are sooooo easy to fix. If they are constantly running, that flap either needs to be replaced or the chain is too short or the float has a hole. Stuff like that is inexpensive to fix yourself. Good on ya for saving that money and being brave enough to tackle it yourself!!
Love it! I think I got kicked out of Brownies, can't remember for what. Never been the organizational club kind of gal.
What's great about learning new skills, and wearing your sash everywhere: you won't be eating first in a survival situation. "You can't eat me! I'm the TOILET FIXER! Says so right here!".
You crack me up, gal.
I want a sash. I think that's a GREAT frickin' idea! There should be a plunger patch, the jump start the car patch (that one always scares me), the ER patch, the first day of school patch, the 'Mom, i need you to bake 4 dozen cookies for tomorrow's bake sale and I know it's 9PM' patch, oh and then the is the foray into my new world... the 'take your kid to a horrible rock concert' patch.
I'm serious. I think you'd make a killing. I have all sorts of patch ideas. Think of the endless possibilities for patches just dealing with barfing!
You could have multiple vomit patches, a clean floor patch, a fix the vacuum cleaner patch, a fix the washer/dryer patch... Oh I could so get into this! ;-)
it is endless...the lst of patches, the spent 8 hours in ER patch. After the Obama care thing goes through we can get a 15 hour one. the science fair patch, the pinewood derby patch. the i survived with 4 hours of sleep in 2 years patch...
We should go ahead to trademark your sash...and start selling them. We could afford the gulch then. :)
Yep. Count me in on the sash idea.
Ohhhh, I like the pinewood derby sash. And science fair! You have recital sash and an assortment of assanine school project patches. There's the puke in the car patch, the other commode patch that deals with some toddler flushing something, maybe a spinning commode, camping patch... Good Grief. If you market this, let me know. You think I'm joking... The sash for all mothers.
And how many times have I told expectant mothers, "Hey, I did it without drugs. Can you tell? NO. There is no medal for it. Drugs are good." Now! Now! I could say, "This is my 'child birth with no drugs' patch. This is what you get when you go drug free." Whoo hooo!
AWTM also gets the plaster of paris patch...
I think you get the washing machine patch with two oak leaves on it...
Speaking of toilets, a word to the wise. Don't put handi-wipes, etc. down the toilet. They don't break down on the trip to the main city sewer line. They tend to clump up and usually decided to back up the day you have company over; "Mommy, why is there water in the shower?" The other thing is tree roots seek out water then embrace your sewer/water line to the breaking point at the most inconvenient of times.
Watch your water bills to check for increased usage you can't account for know where your sewer line is and keep the trees off them if possible.
Ace Hardware, or whatever hardware store you have back east, will help you through the repair. Most flappers lose their suppleness over time especially if chlorine tablets, etc. are in the water tank.
Now if we can just get you to change the oil and filter in your car....
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