Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The great job hunt of 2008 is OVER....

I am now employed.

I will not blog about work.

I start next Tuesday.

The people are VERY NICE.


wifeunit said...


So exciting!

Some Soldier's Mom said...

whooohooo!!! all right!! congrats and a BIIIGGG {{HUG}}

Ellen said...

Congratulations! It sounded so good from your previous post, perfect!!

Reasa said...

WOOHOO!!! Yeah!!!

Butterfly Wife said...

Congratulations! Yay! I bet PN is super excited, too. :D

Richmond said...

Whoohoo!! Good for you!!

Anonymous said...

I'm STILL dancing......

I'm so happy for you. Now, relax and enjoy the time with your DH. You've more than earned it...

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Huge congrats!!

I'm really happy for you.

Tracy S said...

YAY!! I just went back to work part-time after being home with the kids for 9 years. It's an adjustment for sure, but I love my job and the work environment couldn't be better (I work in my church office) and that makes all the difference.


InsomniacSeeker said...

That is great news!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!

bx19 said...

Congratulations! Now r.e.l.a.x.!

Marc Miyake said...

Glad it all, uh, worked out!

Just don't stop blogging about other things!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can we ask what field your new job is in?

Melissa said...

Huzzah! You must be thrilled! Congratulations!

Caltechgirl said...


Piper Paradise said...


Piper Paradise said...


Guard Wife said...

I knew it! And, I'm so happy for you (as you know). You will be fantastic. Truly fantastic. :)

Stacy said...

Congratulations my friend...

Whitley and Tequila said...

Yeah!!!!! Good things come to those who wait!! I am so happy for you...stay warm!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad it worked out.

8675309 said...

Long-time "lurker," reader of your blog usually by RSS feed, but had to come out of Lurkdom to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Have a wonderful, peaceful, joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year....

jck said...

So very happy for you! Take a break, enjoy the time with DH, and get ready for the next adventures!

soldierdeb said...

Nice work, awtm!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations again!

.... said...

CONGRATS!!! I know its been a long haul on the job front for you. Enjoy your last few days off and really enjoy your first day back in the work force!


Anonymous said...

Dang I can't believe I missed this. WOO HOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

That's great AWTM, comgratulations.
