I am up at midnight making a chocolate cream pie for my dinner guest tomorrow!
Today we had errands to run, and the DMV to visit (always a joy and efficient here! Even with a long line of 50 people, it took 20 minutes). I entertained myself by watching SR sit by two 15 year old girls for 10 minutes non-stop. They were sort of irritated, but he was in the mood for socializing today. He has much to say. We had to grocery shop too, and during this time SR started telling rabbit jokes. I have no idea what started it, but the kids had 3 hours of jokes to tell me. 3 hours of non-stop talking, I am sure they come by it naturally, but WOW. I suppose I know how my Husband feels.
Deb was right in the last comment, when she said, this learning to ride a bike this week means FREEDOM. when you are 5 and 7, and can ride a bike, it is HUGE. No one can tell you how fast to go, there is no holding on to hands. It is you and the open sidewalk, as far as the property line. Tonight I let them test their wings, by letting them go around the block, the the going back and forth is getting on SR last nerve. I of course followed them on foot. They did terrific. (I did happen to witness an argument between some teens lighting fireworks, and their neighbor across the road, it was not good....) SR and PN did well. However it will be no surprise to anyone, that I too will need a bike now. Just to keep up with them. In good news, there are bike TRAILS all over the city. I have never see so many bike trails. You can get from one end of the city to the other. So for my birthday which is around the corner I was asking for an ice cream maker, or an inexpensive food processor from DH and the kids, I have scratched those, and am asking for a bike. Nothing fancy for now, (I have not ridden in a long long time) but I would love to get this next year. I want a basket for it too, and a matching scarf! I mean really if I am going to ride, I may as well look insane right? I used to want the very elegant black and brown Amsterdam, but I changed my mind...

So the Collective are feeling free, and independent, and confident. Amazing what a couple of days on a bike can do......
One of the best things about parenting? Getting to do things twice, and seeing things from entirely different perspective, you get to see tiny people learn to walk, talk, run, swim, ride bikes, you get to jump on a trampoline, and shoot your kids high in the air, and laugh until you cry...
and you get 3 hours of rabbit jokes...most of them bad
Loved this post--not sure why, but it just made me smile. :)
As far as a bike, maybe try Craig's List or the classifieds--there are so many great bikes that people buy, use once, then put in their garage for two years...
Geesh- and all I asked for on OUR birthday was the ice/water fixed on my fridge door.....
My boss has a bike very similar to the Amsterdam one. It is gorgeous & I love it!
I wanted to run right out and get one when I saw it. There is also a little consignment looking shop on my way home from work that had a hot pink adult bike shaped very kid-like & I almost stopped to take it home!
Happy 4th. Hope you can be the proud owner of a bike so you can join the collective in cruising the neighborhood.
Don't forget the helmets!
I have a Townie my husband bought me two years ago, I love it. I am elderly and the bar comes down low enough I can easily get on and off. At my age being able to set my feet flat on the ground is important, and it might be to a younger mommy like you. If you can find a good used one you will love it. In a town of many bike trails you should have some luck getting a good one.
Bikes are the answer to many of the nation's transportation problems. 600 mpg, quiet, good exercise for the user, uses less road resources. One of finest inventions by man.
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