Wednesday, October 26, 2005

They ALWAYS know....

--A great photo of Dash looking Crazy--

I swear the toddlers are beyond normal genius. They have a sixth and seventh sense that is incredible.

For the past few months I have been lucky enough to get "Toddlers" on a schedule. Which means most nights they are in bed by 7:30pm. Typically they sleep through the night. Normally arise at 7:00a.m. Although as of late they have both been up around 6:00 a.m.

However I have noted glitches in my said "schedule". Particularly if I have "an agenda".

While my Sister was here, Dear Husband and I had planned a night out. They sensed it, and didn't want to go to bed at the normal time.

How about when Mom is all foxyfied, and someone puts jelly hands, booger fingers, puke, or baby poop on Mom.

Well last night it was Dash. I have a pretty full day today. I have come to expect certain things from Dash. He has become a pretty good example of "good behavior". However he must have sensed I needed a good night of rest. I have a lot of baking, some shopping, must clean out my truck, lets just say I have a pretty good list of things to do today.

The kid must have sensed it. He was up at midnight, 1:15am, 3:00am, I think at 3:00, I told Dear Husband to let him in our room. The little wide awake muskrat tossed and turned, and rooted about in the blankets. Drove me nuts. I almost put him in the yard.

Thank God for Disney channel, for some reason they run cartoons and such round the clock. So I was kept awake with giggles, and commentary about Donald Duck. ALL NIGHT. Yep, the kid didn't sleep all night. Neither did I. So this morning, he has whined more than his Momma, unbelievable......I suppose he will crash out early, and there will be a couple more nights of this.

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