Friday, October 07, 2005

Someone's knockin' at the door...Someone's a ring wha?

I call my dad everyday, I have since my Mom passed. I am not sure if he likes it, or if it is a nuisance, but I do.

The other night I called to see how he was and he tells me, he and his girlfriend went out shopping for rings.

I am going to guess they will be married in December.

I like his friend, she is a thoughtful and funny lady. Dad seems happy to have her in his life. She has helped Dad crawl out of his dark place. He wan't happy sitting alone in that big house. His girlfriend and I talk almost daily too, I like her...I am happy for them, it is hard to fall in love once and loose that person, but to find love again is really a blessing. I could not have hand picked a better match for him.

My Father is happy, and ready for phase 2 of his life, almost ready to retire, and enjoy his hard work.....He deserves this. He deserves a person share his life with, to love.

However a part a small part of me feels a bit sad. That small part of me, that 5 year old girl that loved her Momma more than anyone on the Earth, thinks maybe just maybe, my Mom will call me, or walk through the door.

Yeah I know, the 35 year old me, keeps telling the 5 year old me, it is ok, and Mom is gone, but I am going to let the 5 year old have her moment.

She will be fine, children are resilient you know.

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