Tuesday, October 11, 2005

2 hours......

5am-7am--Trying to convince Dash it is still night...

7am-9am--I spent this morning chatting with my sister who is here visiting us, and helping out with Pink Ninja and Dash this week during all of the events. I drank coffee, made raisin toast and eggs. Made sure everyone ate. Washed dishes, unloaded dishwasher, loaded dishwasher. Folded a load of launndry. I then dressed children and myself.

9am-11am--Drive into town, deposit 2 checks. Drive to post office. Go to the park. Play and chase children. Go for a 1 1/2 mile walk, with Sister and Toddlers in the double stroller...my hamstrings better be doing something.

11am-1pm--Go to Mexican Restaraunt for lunch. (We have not been out to eat for at least a month) The children were great. Dash somehow reasoned through his 3 1/2 year old brain, that we were at "Mexican Restaraunt", and also that they speak Spanish. The Wait staff brings our lunch, and Dash says..."Gracias, this looks delicioso". We go to the grocery store, for a few groceries.

1pm-3pm--Unload children, and groceries. ALlow the children to pick a movie to watch...BTW was Cinderella. Get chidrens sleeping bags out, and pray they will anp for my Sister. Change clothes, and drive to beauty salon.

3pm-5pm--Got Hair did. I got it lightened, and trimmed, and straightened. A fantastic job. Probably the most fantastic haircut and style I have had. Thank You God. (One should NEVER get their hair done 1-2 days prior to an event). My Stylist has been out of Coutry so was unavailable.....

5pm-7pm--Get dressed, put on face, get dinner, get jammies on Dash who falls asleep eating. I clean him up and put him to bed. Try and dress Pink Ninja for bed, she awakes....I decide on chocolate sweater, below knee pencil denim skirt, chocolate brown boots....In case you have not noticed I am in love with these boots.......

7pm-9pm--Drive to Dear Husbands work place for closing ceremonies.......

Why did everything run in shifts today? I am exhausted, and have a similar day tommorow. I did entertain myself at the closing ceremonies....more on that later....

must go to bed....

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