Monday, December 18, 2006

They know that Santas on his way....

Today I

paid all medical bills from all of the "vagina whisperers", radiologists, hospital...etc. DONE. That felt good.

I washed truck
Had oil changed in truck
Post Office
Let The Collective consume McDonalds
Went to a park for a picnic
spoke to an insane neighbor...

Ended up going Walgreens getting Christmas cards done, because it was DRIVING me batty. I ended up using one of the photos of The Collective in matching jammies under the Christmas tree, chapped lips, A&D and all. However, I feel soooo much better knowing they are done, and out...people know we are thinking of them.

The family potrait will get done. The studio is booked, people are grouchy, and DH just does not have time right now. So I suppose this will be something to do right after the New Year. Maybe I will look relaxed in this years portait.

While out today I noted that my left front wheel well is making a noise. Actually I just knew it was someone elses car...HA!! I am sure it is the guess where I get to spend the afternoon tommorow? Hell maybe I will take the wagon, and lug them to the park? Damn. Brakes at Christmas, and right after I mailed out a bunch of bills to vagina whisperers.....I am tired of things breaking, and replacing things. Honestly I am. Since July. I think I have had a major appliance die, or need repairing. Ughhh...this gets expensive. However, I guess I should thank my stars I have appliances that need fixing, and I should thank God, all of these things did not go to hell at once.

The Christmas shopping is almost done... ALMOST.

Every year I promise it will be done ahead of time, and every year, it goes undone until the last moment. I am ashmed, and I promise, I am not doing this next year...nope I will start early.

Tonight I tried to get my nieces a subscription to a magazine which they will LOVE...and no dice...I will have to call in the morning, and get that done after going to the gym. The subsription info will not load...for some reason.

There a couple of things I spent the evening looking for, and I did not find, so the search will continue.

On an exciting note, I have asked Santa to bring me podcasting equipment!!
I have a lot of projects I would like to do over at SpouseBuzz. I have several interviews lined up, I am ready to get going. However I know NOTHING about the podcasting equipment. I have put out feelers, to RSM, Andi, and Op-For...asking about equipment. Thank you all for the good advice. It is still very intimidating technology for me. Heck I might be able to use it here, at AWTM, perhaps the collective would tell a joke, or sing a song? However, with any luck I should have it up and running by 2008. HA. Thank you to my very generous Santa.

So think of me in the morning, rememeber I will be at the mechanic......oye, I would almost rather be trapped in a Toys R US with 50 children on pixie sticks during Christmas season..

*also if I have had your address, I most likely misplaced it, AGAIN. So please send it again. Oh and if you have moved, I need your new address....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is good. I'm so glad you got all that stuff done. Now if I just had your energy!