I would look stylish in tweed, even while in hand to hand combat.
Day to day diary of a 40 year old working mother. Recipes, ocassional attempts at humor, family photos.
Industrial bigwigs invited to bid on a "new circuit element" are being murdered by what appears to be a karate expert. Steed and Emma eventually discover, however, that the killer is not flesh and blood, but a deadly robot built by a brilliant inventor for the purpose of obtaining exclusive rights to the new electronic product--a product that would allow him to create machines capable of replacing humans.
"If I'm not back by eleven-thirty, I'll stay for breakfast." Emma: "You don't eat breakfast."
According to ALA, at least 42 of the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century have been the target of ban attempts.
ISAAC TAYLOR (1829-1901), English philologist, eldest son of the preceding, was born at Stanford Rivers, 2nd May 1829. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and took the mathematical tripos in 1853. His interests, however, were linguistic rather than mathematical, and his earliest publication was a translation from the German of W. A. Becker's Charicles. Though of Nonconformist stock, Isaac Taylor joined the Church of England, and in 18J7 was ordained to a country curacy. In 1860 he published The Liturgy of the Dissenters, an appeal for the revision of the Book of Common Prayer "on Protestant lines," "as expedient for the material interests of the Church, and as an act of plain justice to the Dissenters." His studies in local etymology bore fruit in Words and Places in Etymological Illustration of History, Ethnology and Geography (1864). Between 1865 and 1869, when he was in charge of a Bethnal Green parish, his philological studies were laid aside, and he published only The Burden of the Poor and The Family Pen, a record of the literary work of his own family, the Taylors of Ongar. In 1869 he became incumbent of a church at Twickenham, and used his comparative leisure to produce his Etruscan Researches (1874), in which he contended for the Ugrian origin of the Etruscan language. In 1875 he was presented to the rectory of Settrington, Yorkshire, and began his systematic researches into the origin of the alphabet. His Greeks and Goths; a Study on the Runes (1879), in which he suggested that the runes were of Greek origin, led to a good deal of controversy. His most important work is The Alphabet, an Account of the Origin and Development of Letters (1883; new and revised edition 1899). Taylor points out that alphabetical changes are the result of evolution taking place in accordance with fixed laws. "Epigraphy and palaeography may claim, no less than philology or biology, to be ranked among the inductive sciences."
The area now known as "Hot Springs National Park" first became United States territory in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase. The first permanent settlers to reach the Hot Springs area in 1807 were quick to realize the springs' potential as a health resort. By the 1830s, log cabins and a store had been built to meet the needs (albeit in a rudimentary way) of visitors to the springs.
To protect this unique national resource and preserve it for the use of the public, the Arkansas Territorial Legislature requested in 1820 that the springs and adjoining mountains be set aside as a federal reservation (not to be confused with the Indian reservations being established around the same time). On April 20, 1832, President Andrew Jackson signed legislation to set aside "...four sections of land including said (hot) springs, reserved for the future disposal of the United States (which) shall not be entered, located, or appropriated, for any other purpose whatsoever." This makes Hot Springs National Park the oldest national park among current N. P. S. Parks, predating Yellowstone National Park by forty years.
The most famous visitor down through the ages was probably Al Capone. During the Prohibition Era, Capone came from Chicago to strike deals with bootleggers in Hot Springs to stock his clubs in Chicago with alcohol. Hot Springs was a remote town located in the middle of the Ouachita mountains, and the forest provided "cover" for the moonshine stills year round. Capone would ship his bootleg liquor in railroad cars, and for protection, he had the words "Mountain Valley Water" painted on the side of the railcars.
In Chicago, Detroit, New York - when the FBI and police were after criminals because of a robbery or murder, the gangsters knew where to come to relax in safety. Hot Springs was a sanctuary from both prosecution and enemies. Gangsters could enjoy the entertainment of gambling, and be pampered with the hot mineral baths and massages.
The history of Hot Springs acknowledges Maxine Temple Jones as the Brothel Queen. She was once touted as the richest madam in Arkansas, grossing $5,000 per night. From 1945 through 1962, Maxine hosted high-rollers from Dallas, Chicago, and Little Rock. In her book, Call Me Madam, Jones recalls that period of time, known as the Spa's hey-day, as being all about "gambling, girls, and whiskey."
A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children, ™ a national effort to promote family dinners as an effective way to reduce substance abuse among children and teens. Family Day is celebrated September 25th, 2006.
Music I can't stand......
Blogging will be light, because of my hostessing duties. They are paramount to my social standing. Not really, I just like hanging out with Dear Husbands "Step-Dad.
Here is a great question for you.
Who is your least favorite recording artist?
I cannot stand George Thourogood, or Bob Segar, even if I am drunk off my ass, and with the coolest people, in the coolest bar. I just can't stand to hear either of them screeching and grunting. Makes my skin crawl to think of it. I really tried to pick one, but can't.
I can't stand both.
Harley Momma?
Reunion after deployment is a tricky thing, especially after 18 months. I put on the best "good wife" face, highest heels, best levis.....and smile. I waited by the hotel elevator, with the 2 toddlers. Trying to look beautiful, and dreamy after a 7 hour drive. The 3 year old bouncing off of the hallways walls, and the 16 month old, not understanding this at all. He gets off and the 3 year old...is jumping and saying "I love you " and " I missed you so much" "I missed you so long". A heartbreaking scene for sure, but he is so damn cute, I can't cry. I will save it for later.....because I know it is coming.
We enter the hotel room, and kiss and hug.....and I don't want to let go. I am afraid this is a dream and he will vanish into thin air, just like the all of the dreams.
After all of the kissing and hugging, and thanking God.....it justs seems so fucking awkward. He has a few gifts he has gotten us, a beautiful silver and gold and silver bangle for me, books, stuffed animals for the children.
What am I supposed to say now, what I am I supposed to ask?
He then says this........"I was going to surprise you for our anniversary in April, but I have to tell you.....I ordered us a Harley".
I smile and act excited.....in my head I am thinking..."What in the Fuck?"...don't get me wrong...I LOVE HARLEYS...always wanted one, but I can't even manage finding a sitter so I can go to yoga or get my hair done. Not to mention the $22,000 in question.
So I smile, and keep on my "good wife face".....and act excited and pleased.........wonder how long I can keep this up?
Tonight (morning for her) we had a talk we hadn't had before. I don't know why, but it never came up. She knows that I'm proud to be here in Iraq and that I have wanted to come here for a long time and do my part. I think every Soldier thinks that way. We don't enlist to sit at home and watch CNN. We made that commitment because we feel a strong desire to contribute to the greatness of our country and our time.
Monday, September 25th is Family Day.
SpouseBUZZ is your virtual Family Support Group, where we can celebrate and embrace the tie that binds us all -- military service. This blog exists because of you. We have authors and contributors to keep the conversation going here, but we need you to become an active participant. Submit your comments, questions and suggestions for topics you would like to see our authors address. SpouseBUZZ will make you think, make you laugh and make you cry. Most of all, we hope you feel instantly connected to the thousands of other spouses with whom you share a common experience.
Ok, we have finally received word back from the military. Hospice care is not covered. Which means, any home care we provide Ellicia here will be out of our own pocket.
This is going to be expensive. So, reluctantly, and humbly, we'd like to ask those of you who stop by...
Please help. Anything will be appreciated. Ellicia will likely need home care as her mind shuts down. And she wants to be at home, not in a hospital... home, surrounded by our children.
For more information or questions you may have, please contact me through the blog.
Thank you
Various myths exist to explaining the terrifying aspect of Medusa. The most famous and widely know is the one related to Athena. "She had once been a maiden whose hair was her chief glory, but as she dared to vie in beauty with Minerva, the goddess deprived her of her charms and changed her ringlets into hissing serpents. She became a monster of so frightful an aspect that no living thing could behold her without being turned into stone"
"Every lock of her golden hair had been changed into a venomous snake. Her eyes, that had once been the cradles of love, were turned into love's stony tombs. Her rosy cheeks were now of Death's own livid hue. Her smile, which drew the hearts of lovers from their bosoms, had become a hideous thing. A grinning mask looked on the world, and to the world her gaping mouth and protruding tongue meant a horror before which the world stood terrified, dumb"
The transformation was to be a punishment for Medusa's crime of hubri (excessive pride) against a god, according to some myths.
Cheshire-Puss," she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. "Come, it's pleased so far," thought Alice, and she went on. "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where-" said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.
"-so long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."
Rupture of an ovarian cyst may be asymptomatic or associated with the sudden onset of unilateral, lower abdominal pain . The onset of pain often occurs during strenuous activities, such as exercise or sexual intercourse. Light vaginal bleeding may also occur due to a drop in ovarian hormone levels.
Bleeding from the rupture site may seep into the ovary, which can cause pain from stretching of the ovarian cortex, or flow into the abdomen, which has an irritant effect on the peritoneum. The abdomen will become distended if rupture is associated with severe hemorrhage. Very large amounts of blood may be present in the abdomen, however, with no signs of rebound or rigidity and no nausea and vomiting. Anticoagulants increase the risk and magnitude of bleeding associated with hemorrhagic ovarian cysts.
Rarely rupture of dermoid cysts with spillage of sebaceous material into the abdominal cavity may occur. The sebaceous material causes a marked granulomatous reaction and chemical peritonitis, which is painful. Serous or mucinous fluid released upon cyst rupture is much less irritating, and the patient may remain asymptomatic despite accumulation of large volumes of intraperitoneal fluid.
“As a child, Ramzi once dug a hole in our backyard for a terrible report card he had received and placed a headstone on top,”Ramzi Doany , attended high school in a London boarding school before coming to Milwaukee as an international student at age 19. With the goal of a career in international business, and earned a bachelor's degree in accounting at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1992. After working in a local accounting firm he moved on to a firm in Philadelphia. That firm was purchased by Marsh & McLennan, and Doany was assigned to their New York office.
“When our parents asked for the report card, Ramzi explained to them that, “it was dead and buried!”
Ramzi, amassed friends. He amassed them with acts of kindness, like tutoring a woman with lupus, two children and no husband, to get her though college, or letting his college roommate and the roommate's wife live in his condo for two years so they could save money for a down payment on a home.
"Anyway, we went there and checked in. Doc sat us down and we briefed back and forth. He looked absolutely resigned and defeated. Spoke optimistically.
Surgery is Tuesday. It'll be the whole breast, and anything else they see while they're in there.
The biopsy came back positive for the breast tumors, but we pretty much knew that already."