taken in 2006, my how they have grown...
I love summer.
I love the smell of chlorine, sunscreen, grilled burgers, fireworks...
It has been a treat to be at home, although we seem to get little done. So far I have done none of what was on my traveling list. It is too darn hot now to be toting the kids all over the place.
We have been content to spend a few days at the pool. Last year the water felt so freezing to us, but this year, it is already lukewarm, but still a relief after weeks of 60 degree temps.
I was worried about down time, luck would have it, there is none. We have been quite busy. And RELAXED. That is the good part.
This week the kids are at VBS, at a different church than ours. Our VBS was from 6p-9p, and PN was not eligible. so I found a different church for VBS, so far the Collective have been loving it. Yes, even SR, who does not always fall in love with those types of things. They have actually had fun. So I thank the church for having such an engaging VBS. The kids have loved everything about it.
When I am at Yoga, they have been attending the YMCA kids quest, which they have also enjoyed.
The swimming, has been good for both of them. It has built confidence. Both children learned to swim last summer because we spent most of our time living in hotels, and at my Fathers home. The first day back to the pool, they were nervous, but by day 3 (and after we found goggles) They were both swimming under water. I will be enrolling them in the next swim class at the YMCA, as they have not had any formal lessons.
Dh continues to be busy lots of weekends working, lots of long hours. We try to squeeze every moment where we can, as the children are growing so fast. Both kids will be in school next year PN in kindergarten, SR in second grade. I have a second grader....Time has flown. When I started this blog, PN was barely walking, and SR was a little over 2....
When people tell you life happens fast, they are not kidding. There are moments like today, where it hits me hard. I look at the children, and it seems to happen with boom new eyes...where are my babies? Where are they? Who took them ad brought these children? They have changed, even though I have spent almost every single day with them.....
1 comment:
goggles! I remember teaching our kidlet to swim, he was a FROG with his goggles on - so the idiot "instructor" at the pool kept telling me to take them off him = so the entire class was spent with him screaming at the top of his lungs and clinging to me like a limpet. Told the instructor to pack sand, he wore his goggles and LIVED in my parent's pool - his hair turned green he was in there so much. Took the goggles off when HE was ready and swam happily.
glad they are happy in the water.
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