Saturday, April 21, 2007

Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home

I did manage to throw on a semblance of a face, and drove the collective on post to get a haircut.

$16 dollars for 2 haircuts, and that includes the tip...yowza.

We all feel horrible. Anytime i can tak a sudafed, and feel like a nap...yeah i am sick.

We have used a small box of tissue in les than 24 hours. We have 2 to go.

We will miss the guest speaker at church tonight.

And unless The collective stop with the nasal drainage, we will not go in the morning.

My head feels like an overripe watermelon. Sloshing echoing as I blow my nose again....

I hate being sick, but I really hate it, when I am "in charge and with other sickies with no reprieve."...

List of things to do this week

Pack for a month (pack for 3, for a month...from everything from beach to business)

Go through bills
Post Office
Damn Walmart (no not really damn them, but i do have to go)
Clean out truck
Pack truck
clean out fridge, and make sure all garbage is out
find USB cable
go through items for the church yard sale (there is a lot..a lot )

everyone has had a haircut, and the truck is ready for the road.


Sir Rowland: " I thought you were coming home with different hair?"

AWTM: "I did"

Sir Rowland: "It looks blonde to me"

AWTM: "really?"

Sir Rowland: "Really"

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