It was part of the temp crown that fell off, and luck have it, I had some food smushed in my what is left of my shell of a tooth...I knew something was wrong.
So I sat in the Dentists chair after work AGAIN.
Only to be given a blanket, and the remote. I fell asleep. Geesh. Who knew I needed to go to the Dentist for naps?
He replaced the temp crown, I did not require any novacaine, because I rule....
Lets hope this ordeal is over, it has made me real tired, pain will make you sleepy and not care.
On other fronts, I have a list here, that is growing, but no "oomph" to attack said list, I guess it can wait.
My son is turning 8 this week. 8.
I now have a 6 and 8 year old. Time goes too fast, and there is this horrid feeling in the pit of my stomach, that time will only speed up. Poof.
Unsure what to get SR for his Birthday. He has been enjoying the Wii, but he wants a Nintendo DSI. Frankly one game system is enough, and he only gets limited time on it, chores must be done etc. Maybe a chess set, so he can teach me to play? Maybe another science kit? He is hard to shop for.
PN has been coming home from Holiday camp WIPED out tired and GRUMPY. Not fun...I feel bad she gets so overdone. She is mean as a snake when tired.
I am off to bed, still working on my Christmas cards like a looser...
WE are expected to get more snow...MORE. The kids and I want it to stay above 26 degrees so we can build a snowman...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
This is the last blizzard from Dec 8...
I thought the person that made this did a great job!
imagine 11 more inches on top!
My Dad, and Sister's hometown was on Fox and Friends this morning, 20 inches of snow +. My Sister said, everyone showed up to work!
Check out this amazing photo album from my Father's hometown paper....some of the ice crystals are like NOThING I have ever ever seen...they look like feathers...amazing. No wonder Eskimos have so many different names for the stuff! Also there are some amazing drifts at the back end of this....very interesting tall drifts! There is one taller than a pickup truck, some homes are almost covered. You should take a look!
imagine 11 more inches on top!
My Dad, and Sister's hometown was on Fox and Friends this morning, 20 inches of snow +. My Sister said, everyone showed up to work!
Check out this amazing photo album from my Father's hometown paper....some of the ice crystals are like NOThING I have ever ever seen...they look like feathers...amazing. No wonder Eskimos have so many different names for the stuff! Also there are some amazing drifts at the back end of this....very interesting tall drifts! There is one taller than a pickup truck, some homes are almost covered. You should take a look!
I love what I got for Christmas!
DH got me knee high smartwool skiing socks! I have the toastiest feet EVER! Love them.
PN and Daddy bought me new perfume, it too.
The Wii fit, says I am at a healthy weight...I love it.
My MIL, sent me a griddle, love it, I can eat with everyone! also a new electric skillet that will fit a lot of food inside! I can make enough fried chicken for everyone now!
These socks rule...
PN and Daddy bought me new perfume, it too.
The Wii fit, says I am at a healthy weight...I love it.
My MIL, sent me a griddle, love it, I can eat with everyone! also a new electric skillet that will fit a lot of food inside! I can make enough fried chicken for everyone now!
These socks rule...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas, and never again...
I will be more organized next Christmas, I will be organized next Christmas, I will be organized next Christmas.
I adore celebrating the birth of our Savior, but loathe, the running I tend to do yearly, all because of my decision to wait to do my shopping. The worst part of shopping, other than spending money, is the driving everywhere. Driving all over wastes time indeed. NEVER again, I am proclaiming it here and now! With the kids busy, and the birthdays, me working 30 hours a week, and the schedules..never again. I know better.
Second, we have been snowed in since Thursday, forgive my nuttiness. I can handle the Husband, and the kids most of the time, and the dog when he wants to snuggle....but if any of these Universes collide..ick count me out. This is so far the third worst snow, and ice storms. The biggest problem, this storm system was SLOW. It started snowing and blowing Thursday, after a nice sheet of ice, and well it just keeps going.
Since we have been snowed in for 3 days I wish I would have bought extra storage containers for new toys, more hangers for the Christmas clothing.
On a personal note, I have been plagued with dental problems. I got a root canal the other day, it went fine, other than my freakishly long and curved roots, which btw i had an extra root! They dug around in my mouth for 2 1/2 hours, the Dr. numbed me up nicely, I took nothing prior and actually fell asleep in the middle of the thing. My guess is, I am never down for that length of time. Well alone anyway. I got to watch the news, in a recliner, with dental instruments in my mouth...who new I would have to go to the Dentist to get rest. Since the roots were wild, the Dentist has to do some work on the 13th, so he put a temporary crown in. WEll yesterday I woke with a pain in my left ear, and neck, lymph glands were swollen...and i instantly knew my abscess/ infection was not over, and I needed more antibiotics...The temporary crown also either got swallowed in the night or with my meals. I had to call my Dentist on Christmas at his home. I am thrilled he lives down the street, because I might have needed some urgent care due to the storm. I told him I suspected an infection, he agreed and threw me back on antibiotics. The biggest problem, was finding an open pharmacy, on Christmas in a blizzard. He located one, and then it was up to DH to Venture out and get my medicine...
I just kept thinking about how if it was 1890, I might be dead by now..Oral infections are nothing to mess with, and my sinuses were a mess from this tooth. Stupid thing has been causing problems for weeks...There is a technological thank you for telephones, medicines, 4WD, and so many other wonderful things yesterday...and the Dentist was a peach too. I should probably take something next time I go to see him, I felt like a horses ass for calling him on a Holiday.
So many lessons learned. Do not ignore a tooth EVER even if it is not bothering you, it will, and have a Husband nice enough to retrieve medicine for you when you feel like you will die without it..
DH, and his 4 WD saved the day.
I am thrilled I got a Wii fit, maybe that will motivate me to get to the gym?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
And so it goes...
Tonight we started the evening off with 4:30 pm candlelight service, it was lovely, and made me cry...
The four of us managed to get to church on time to actually get a candle to light, the four of sang hymns was lovely. Even in a near blizzard.
The wind is feirce, as is the ice, and the snow cannot seem to make up its mind.
Made it home to make oyster stew, which both children actually liked, although it was RICH indeed. I made a small relish tray, put out olives, pickles out, everyone got fancy wine glasses to drink out of. The collective toasted God.
It was wonderful, and makes me tear up ....
OK enough lady, go finish wrapping gifts, make a breakfast casserole, and clean up this mess.
Grammie sent pajamas, and in keeping with tradition, I let the kids open pajamas on Christmas Eve. She sent 2 pair per child, little button up coat type pajamas that I love soooo much. We are not leaving town, because of blizzard conditions, but i do wish MIL was here to share the holidays with us...
Every year we call her as soon as I perch on the sofa so she can hear the children open gifts!
The four of us managed to get to church on time to actually get a candle to light, the four of sang hymns was lovely. Even in a near blizzard.
The wind is feirce, as is the ice, and the snow cannot seem to make up its mind.
Made it home to make oyster stew, which both children actually liked, although it was RICH indeed. I made a small relish tray, put out olives, pickles out, everyone got fancy wine glasses to drink out of. The collective toasted God.
It was wonderful, and makes me tear up ....
OK enough lady, go finish wrapping gifts, make a breakfast casserole, and clean up this mess.
Grammie sent pajamas, and in keeping with tradition, I let the kids open pajamas on Christmas Eve. She sent 2 pair per child, little button up coat type pajamas that I love soooo much. We are not leaving town, because of blizzard conditions, but i do wish MIL was here to share the holidays with us...
Every year we call her as soon as I perch on the sofa so she can hear the children open gifts!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The witching hour
My Husband is amidst bringing the kids home...
SR is ill with a cold, and c/o no energy today, so DH took him to work. I guess he was a peach.
Then he picked up PN for me, and she had her daily case of the grumps.
He stopped at culvers, and picked them up concrete mixers as a treat. PN could be heard whining over the phone. complaining of too many m&m's and the fact that it was melting...
He is normally not around them @ this time of day. I told him i am far too familiar with the witching hour, which if I had 1/2 a brain should be followed by happy hour....
Ice cream, and complaining, and so close to Christmas.
They are both tired and will be going to bed early, otherwise they will be getting coal in shoes....
SR is ill with a cold, and c/o no energy today, so DH took him to work. I guess he was a peach.
Then he picked up PN for me, and she had her daily case of the grumps.
He stopped at culvers, and picked them up concrete mixers as a treat. PN could be heard whining over the phone. complaining of too many m&m's and the fact that it was melting...
He is normally not around them @ this time of day. I told him i am far too familiar with the witching hour, which if I had 1/2 a brain should be followed by happy hour....
Ice cream, and complaining, and so close to Christmas.
They are both tired and will be going to bed early, otherwise they will be getting coal in shoes....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tah Dah...
This birthday party right before Christmas idea is for the birds....
I did manage to get 1/2 Christmas shopping done today! Thrilled. The stores were not nearly as nightmarish as I would think. I asked every single cashier how their day was going, they all said "so far, so good"...that made me happy.
What did not make me happy was holding at least 5 doors open for men...REALLY? PN and I standing in the cold holding doors open for the elderly, or weighed down new Mothers, and men walking past us. I bit my tongue.
I managed to get 15 photos of the kids, and the dog last night, none of them terrific, but a couple good enough to print out. Ran them to Walgreens, and boooyawh, I had Christmas cards in an hour or two, and I also learned I did not print enough off, so my guess is, I will have to make another trip there.
We also managed a visit to Santa last night. This is good, because SR has changed his list a little over the last 3 weeks.
I will be getting him a chemistry experiment book, with a small chemistry set, and the ice cream maker...
Today PN and I had girls day, we had to get things for the birthday goodie bags, and order her store bought cake. SR wants a carrot cake home made, no frosting on half. I have to get this done tonight....
RSVPS keep coming in. SR is thrilled with every phonecall!
I am beat. Cannot drink anything ice cold because of the tooth...ouchie.
Wish me luck tomorrow. I have no idea how many guests are coming. WE can have 25, we will see, I think I have 24 RSVP...
I will charge my camera during church tomorrow....
I did manage to get 1/2 Christmas shopping done today! Thrilled. The stores were not nearly as nightmarish as I would think. I asked every single cashier how their day was going, they all said "so far, so good"...that made me happy.
What did not make me happy was holding at least 5 doors open for men...REALLY? PN and I standing in the cold holding doors open for the elderly, or weighed down new Mothers, and men walking past us. I bit my tongue.
I managed to get 15 photos of the kids, and the dog last night, none of them terrific, but a couple good enough to print out. Ran them to Walgreens, and boooyawh, I had Christmas cards in an hour or two, and I also learned I did not print enough off, so my guess is, I will have to make another trip there.
We also managed a visit to Santa last night. This is good, because SR has changed his list a little over the last 3 weeks.
I will be getting him a chemistry experiment book, with a small chemistry set, and the ice cream maker...
Today PN and I had girls day, we had to get things for the birthday goodie bags, and order her store bought cake. SR wants a carrot cake home made, no frosting on half. I have to get this done tonight....
RSVPS keep coming in. SR is thrilled with every phonecall!
I am beat. Cannot drink anything ice cold because of the tooth...ouchie.
Wish me luck tomorrow. I have no idea how many guests are coming. WE can have 25, we will see, I think I have 24 RSVP...
I will charge my camera during church tomorrow....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
When it is not what you thought it was...
The "sinus infection", was actually an abscessed tooth! Go team! This is what I get from growing up in a non-fluoridated community, and having an alcoholic dentist for the first 17 years of life.
So what does one want to do over the holidays? They want to drop hundreds of dollars on a root canal! The root canal is scheduled for Monday 10:15am. The Dentist told me, these things are not as painful as they used to be, and I should be able to go back to work right after....who knew? Root canal, sounds painful!
OK, so this morning, I dropped off presents for teachers, invites to party, paperwork for teachers to fill out, kids off, went to work, left work, went to Dentist, stopped at pharmacy, went back to work, left work, picked up kids from school, and picked up the drugs at the pharmacy...that is my day in a nutshell. MOTION. Throw a tooth, actually an entire head that hurts like the devil, and well it was a long day.
In good news, no more swooshing whiskey in my mouth, I have vicodin for the evenings, and more antibiotic to take 4 times a day..holy crud.
Amazing how much a tooth can hurt your entire body, and how bad it can make your breath. Ick.
In other news I am disappointed in the YMCA's everything for kids here, and I made a decision to pull the kids from the swim lessons, and gymnastics there. It is very expensive, and might be worth it, if I actually had time to use the gym, but sadly I do not, and do not see my time for excercise increasing anytime soon. So, I am going to put them in a private swim school, and music lessons. I must go explore these options in the next week or so, as the music school is enrolling now.
Let me see, what else. I am still packed from the visit to my Father's home 3 days ago. I am getting this project done in the next 36 hours, even if it kills me.
I love when I cook to much food, and freeze it fro a meal later, it is a time and money saver!
Oh and the dog chewed up my most awesome pair of camel colored own fault, I should have put them in my shoe bag...
So what does one want to do over the holidays? They want to drop hundreds of dollars on a root canal! The root canal is scheduled for Monday 10:15am. The Dentist told me, these things are not as painful as they used to be, and I should be able to go back to work right after....who knew? Root canal, sounds painful!
OK, so this morning, I dropped off presents for teachers, invites to party, paperwork for teachers to fill out, kids off, went to work, left work, went to Dentist, stopped at pharmacy, went back to work, left work, picked up kids from school, and picked up the drugs at the pharmacy...that is my day in a nutshell. MOTION. Throw a tooth, actually an entire head that hurts like the devil, and well it was a long day.
In good news, no more swooshing whiskey in my mouth, I have vicodin for the evenings, and more antibiotic to take 4 times a day..holy crud.
Amazing how much a tooth can hurt your entire body, and how bad it can make your breath. Ick.
In other news I am disappointed in the YMCA's everything for kids here, and I made a decision to pull the kids from the swim lessons, and gymnastics there. It is very expensive, and might be worth it, if I actually had time to use the gym, but sadly I do not, and do not see my time for excercise increasing anytime soon. So, I am going to put them in a private swim school, and music lessons. I must go explore these options in the next week or so, as the music school is enrolling now.
Let me see, what else. I am still packed from the visit to my Father's home 3 days ago. I am getting this project done in the next 36 hours, even if it kills me.
I love when I cook to much food, and freeze it fro a meal later, it is a time and money saver!
Oh and the dog chewed up my most awesome pair of camel colored own fault, I should have put them in my shoe bag...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
How cold is it?
I used to love that bit by johnny Carson...
Yesterday was the last day of gymnastics, and swim until January. Thank goodness, I felt bad sticking SR in a swimsuit while it is 9 degrees out of doors. No scouts last night. CREW is done @ church until January.
Today was a busy day @ work, we are SWAMPED.
After school, which was let out early for a "planning day", I had to go to the Psychologist to meet re: SR. An appointment I set up about a month ago. We are not having much trouble with him @ home, but he is having bad days at school. The plan is for all to fill out paperwork, and then meet as a team. He is bored out of his mind....#1 problem. The Psychologist agreed that the kid is probably bored, and will get together with the school Psychologist who we adore...
Then I took the kids to get hair cuts, dropped next door to Papa Murphy's and picked up 2 thin crust pizzas.
Tonight, I am recharging lunch cards for the kids, writing out final birthday party invites, rounding up teachers gifts to take to school, along with paperwork for the teachers to fill out for the Dr.
I am tired.
To make matters more exciting, I have a bad tooth. Ouch I have been swishing whisky all night, for lack of any real drugs in the house. I hope to God they can get me in there in the afternoon.
I must finish shopping, Christmas cards, Santa visit, order birthday cakes, because if I try and make them I will go nutso...
Yesterday was the last day of gymnastics, and swim until January. Thank goodness, I felt bad sticking SR in a swimsuit while it is 9 degrees out of doors. No scouts last night. CREW is done @ church until January.
Today was a busy day @ work, we are SWAMPED.
After school, which was let out early for a "planning day", I had to go to the Psychologist to meet re: SR. An appointment I set up about a month ago. We are not having much trouble with him @ home, but he is having bad days at school. The plan is for all to fill out paperwork, and then meet as a team. He is bored out of his mind....#1 problem. The Psychologist agreed that the kid is probably bored, and will get together with the school Psychologist who we adore...
Then I took the kids to get hair cuts, dropped next door to Papa Murphy's and picked up 2 thin crust pizzas.
Tonight, I am recharging lunch cards for the kids, writing out final birthday party invites, rounding up teachers gifts to take to school, along with paperwork for the teachers to fill out for the Dr.
I am tired.
To make matters more exciting, I have a bad tooth. Ouch I have been swishing whisky all night, for lack of any real drugs in the house. I hope to God they can get me in there in the afternoon.
I must finish shopping, Christmas cards, Santa visit, order birthday cakes, because if I try and make them I will go nutso...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My Dad is going to be irritated that we have not gotten on the road yet...however I had to pack the kids, make breakfast, do dishes, finish up laundry...because after all I will not be here all weekend. DH hd to take the truck and get an oil change and run the dog.
I cannot help but think of pre children, when DH and I would pack ourselves in 2 minutes on a Friday night after work and head to Denver for the weekend.
Ha, that seems like eons ago.
Now it takes preparation.
As much as I love my family, I could have used the weekend at home, to get things done.
Hoping to take the kids sledding while there and get a GREAT photo for Christmas cards...yes indeedy I have not started them yet
I cannot help but think of pre children, when DH and I would pack ourselves in 2 minutes on a Friday night after work and head to Denver for the weekend.
Ha, that seems like eons ago.
Now it takes preparation.
As much as I love my family, I could have used the weekend at home, to get things done.
Hoping to take the kids sledding while there and get a GREAT photo for Christmas cards...yes indeedy I have not started them yet
Friday, December 11, 2009
Headed to my Pops
Tonight we enjoyed ourselves immensely, and went to the tour of Bethlehem down the road, very, very cool. My batteries in my camera were dead, so sad. We also attended our churches Handel's Messiah performance. Awesome, and the children got to watch a harpist in the vestibule. There are bot many nights in Lincoln Nebraska, where you get to see a camel, a harpist, eat figs, and watch an orchestra all in one night.
I will be up late doing laundry, and packing bags for the weekend...I could use some time here to organize myself, but thats not gonna happen for 13 more years or so.
SR did mention tonight that he would like to perform at the tour of Bethlehem next year, and I started thinking....he might like theater. He loves attention! He also has the best memory ever. He told me "I am sensitive, and you need to be sensitive to act..." great....
He is dramatic, I will give him that.
I will be up late doing laundry, and packing bags for the weekend...I could use some time here to organize myself, but thats not gonna happen for 13 more years or so.
SR did mention tonight that he would like to perform at the tour of Bethlehem next year, and I started thinking....he might like theater. He loves attention! He also has the best memory ever. He told me "I am sensitive, and you need to be sensitive to act..." great....
He is dramatic, I will give him that.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
those cookies were a pain
MIL warned me.
Those cookies were a pain in my backside.
SR has been saying "I am bored for almost 3 days" nice.
PN cleaned her room, and has been a tremendous help.
I am off to clean bathrooms, and do laundry. The laundry I thought was caught up! Ha.
I need to run to the church and drop off cookies.
I managed to get through a pile of mail, of which 4 things were actually important. Geesh, so much junk.
I need to locate a movie from the library, we have the case, but cannot find the movie...nice.
I also need to make a run to a mailbox.
We were supposed to go to my Dad's this weekend, but there was a 30,000 gal propane tank explosion, and the National Guard had to change the drill date. So I must take advantage of the weekend, and get as much as I can done. I have yet to get a Christmas card photo taken. The snow might make a good backdrop.
Enjoy your day....
Those cookies were a pain in my backside.
SR has been saying "I am bored for almost 3 days" nice.
PN cleaned her room, and has been a tremendous help.
I am off to clean bathrooms, and do laundry. The laundry I thought was caught up! Ha.
I need to run to the church and drop off cookies.
I managed to get through a pile of mail, of which 4 things were actually important. Geesh, so much junk.
I need to locate a movie from the library, we have the case, but cannot find the movie...nice.
I also need to make a run to a mailbox.
We were supposed to go to my Dad's this weekend, but there was a 30,000 gal propane tank explosion, and the National Guard had to change the drill date. So I must take advantage of the weekend, and get as much as I can done. I have yet to get a Christmas card photo taken. The snow might make a good backdrop.
Enjoy your day....
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Post Blizzard special
This is a photo of the street out front...uh yeah can't tell much from all of the white, but that is what 10 inches of snow looks like after 50 mph winds...
This is a part of the back yard, that is a 5 or so foot tall fence, and that is an amazing DRIFT.
Another snow day, thanks to 50 mph winds, and 10 inches of snow.
The kids are fine, but the dog is driving me CRAZY.
So far I am still in jammies.
A pan of lasagne is made, and how yummy will that be tonight?
I also have 2 batches of chocolate crinkle dough out on the front porch chilling. (The recipie says 3 hours to chill. The recipe writer did not count on 15 below temps!
Hopefully it will be done in an hour!
I have to have these made for Christmas on 84th Street tomorrow.
I actually almost have laundry caught up too!
We are headed outside...I think we are crazy. Yesterday there was no wind, and we managed a couple of hours. Today the wind is fierce, DH says he gives us 10 minutes...
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
It was a sinus infection, and I have been busy as a 3 legged cat covering poop
Christmas is upon us, and I find myself, making promises to myself AGAIN. Things like..."you must get this done earlier next year" mantra over and over in my skull.
Today I am home watching the snow accumulate. The school called off school today, work ok me being off. They say we could have a foot. Beef stew is on, laundry going (and going) , dishwasher empty, There is a list a mile long. Birthday party invites, Christmas cards, gift shopping, mailing packages. I need an elf.
It is one of those gorgeous snows though, soft, quiet, no wind. 8 degrees, and not that cold because there is no wind. The kids have been out with the dog once already, and I intend on sending them back out.
This past weekend was fantastic, and i wish I had the time to put photos up, and tell you all about it, maybe soon.
Oh and if you married folks have not seen the movie Fireproof, watch it.
Today I am home watching the snow accumulate. The school called off school today, work ok me being off. They say we could have a foot. Beef stew is on, laundry going (and going) , dishwasher empty, There is a list a mile long. Birthday party invites, Christmas cards, gift shopping, mailing packages. I need an elf.
It is one of those gorgeous snows though, soft, quiet, no wind. 8 degrees, and not that cold because there is no wind. The kids have been out with the dog once already, and I intend on sending them back out.
This past weekend was fantastic, and i wish I had the time to put photos up, and tell you all about it, maybe soon.
Oh and if you married folks have not seen the movie Fireproof, watch it.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Headache...a weird one
Have not had one of these weird headaches in old Dr. called these tension headaches. My imitrix not touching it...CRAP.
Hurts when I cough, bend and move...
Day 2 of it. Neck hurts like heck, and sometimes I feel like someone has a cattle prod on my neck. Zap, like electrical current.
Went to bed early last night, and tonight too...
Need to get better, list one mile long.
Tomorrow night: church, Thursday night: art center, Friday: train ride, Saturday: Holiday Parade, Sunday church and UNL Christmas music concert.
Cannot feel like this, if not better by Thursday I may have to go get a shot...something I have not needed to do in YEARS...
Yoga would help, I know, must find time for myself soon....
Hurts when I cough, bend and move...
Day 2 of it. Neck hurts like heck, and sometimes I feel like someone has a cattle prod on my neck. Zap, like electrical current.
Went to bed early last night, and tonight too...
Need to get better, list one mile long.
Tomorrow night: church, Thursday night: art center, Friday: train ride, Saturday: Holiday Parade, Sunday church and UNL Christmas music concert.
Cannot feel like this, if not better by Thursday I may have to go get a shot...something I have not needed to do in YEARS...
Yoga would help, I know, must find time for myself soon....
Sunday, November 29, 2009
My baby turns 6...
When I think of PN, this song seems to run through my head.
Her spirit, is one that I wish everyone could have. Sweet, kind, EXCITED, loves details, and is a peacemaker. She will go far I have no doubts.
I am off to make her an angel food cake in my mother's angel food cake pan...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Gorgeous OUT...
Tree is up, fluffed, lit, and decorated.
My hair has been colored, I hope well enough to cover the gray.
Lights outside are up as well.
I need my advent wreath, and candles.
I have been indoors, and it is gorgeous out. The plan was to finish cleaning up the Christmas mess, and bake.
So much for planning, it is gorgeous out.
The Collective have been wanting holes poked in lids all morning. PN has the seasons last grasshopper. A sad lad, is missing an antennae and a wing. SR has a worm. They are currently digging in dirt looking for more.
I am going to head out and finish up fall clean up. The rose bush up front needs to be removed.
There are butterfly bushes that need trimmed as well as about 2,000 sq feet of flower beds that need cleaning.
Wash machine, dryer, and dishwasher all running. I need extensions cords that are not bright orange for the front. I might convince DH to head out...oh and lightbulbs, we need light bulbs...
My hair has been colored, I hope well enough to cover the gray.
Lights outside are up as well.
I need my advent wreath, and candles.
I have been indoors, and it is gorgeous out. The plan was to finish cleaning up the Christmas mess, and bake.
So much for planning, it is gorgeous out.
The Collective have been wanting holes poked in lids all morning. PN has the seasons last grasshopper. A sad lad, is missing an antennae and a wing. SR has a worm. They are currently digging in dirt looking for more.
I am going to head out and finish up fall clean up. The rose bush up front needs to be removed.
There are butterfly bushes that need trimmed as well as about 2,000 sq feet of flower beds that need cleaning.
Wash machine, dryer, and dishwasher all running. I need extensions cords that are not bright orange for the front. I might convince DH to head out...oh and lightbulbs, we need light bulbs...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Had a good day..
Traveled West to spend the day with some of DH' family, it was lovely. I have eaten enough turkey in the past 7 days to turn into one...
PN is ill with a cold, the cough started last night, this evening she had a full blown runny nose with sneezing. Poor little girl, I hope she is not ill on her 6th birthday!
So, tomorrow I am making this...

Coconut/ Walnut Shrimp
1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 Tbsp wine
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 egg
1/2 cup tapioca starch
1 tsp salt
3 Tbsp coconut milk
3 Tbsp mayo
1 Tbsp lemon juice
2-3 Tbsp honey
handful of glazed walnuts
1. Wash and dry shrimp thoroughly. Then mix with the wine and cornstarch and leave aside while preparing the rest of the ingredients.
2. Beat the egg with the starch and salt. Add enough cold water to form a smooth but slightly thick batter. Heat enough oil for deep frying to 350 F. Using chopsticks, dip each shrimp in the batter, then fry in the hot oil for a few minutes until golden and crispy. Drain on paper towels.
3. While the shrimps are frying, mix the sauce ingredients in a saucepan. After the shrimps are all done frying, place the shrimp on a plate and pour the sauce over. Sprinkle with the walnuts.
I also need to make room for Christmas items to be carried up, so the tree can be fluffed up and decorated.
I need to make an advent wreath, and the list continues to rock on.
More cookies need to be made, this time Russian tea crescents, and chocolate crinkles.
PN is ill with a cold, the cough started last night, this evening she had a full blown runny nose with sneezing. Poor little girl, I hope she is not ill on her 6th birthday!
So, tomorrow I am making this...

Coconut/ Walnut Shrimp
1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 Tbsp wine
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 egg
1/2 cup tapioca starch
1 tsp salt
3 Tbsp coconut milk
3 Tbsp mayo
1 Tbsp lemon juice
2-3 Tbsp honey
handful of glazed walnuts
1. Wash and dry shrimp thoroughly. Then mix with the wine and cornstarch and leave aside while preparing the rest of the ingredients.
2. Beat the egg with the starch and salt. Add enough cold water to form a smooth but slightly thick batter. Heat enough oil for deep frying to 350 F. Using chopsticks, dip each shrimp in the batter, then fry in the hot oil for a few minutes until golden and crispy. Drain on paper towels.
3. While the shrimps are frying, mix the sauce ingredients in a saucepan. After the shrimps are all done frying, place the shrimp on a plate and pour the sauce over. Sprinkle with the walnuts.
I also need to make room for Christmas items to be carried up, so the tree can be fluffed up and decorated.
I need to make an advent wreath, and the list continues to rock on.
More cookies need to be made, this time Russian tea crescents, and chocolate crinkles.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Silent night in a beehive
I can breath tonight, perhaps take a bubble bath, and not feel as though I am on the edge of the Earth sliding off.
SR made it through Monday, and today. No problems. He took his Spanish quiz today and ailed it, even though his time studying was 15 minutes. Ask me if I recall what we studied. All periodic is memorized, and he continues to educate us all! I might know 20 by the end of the month.
PN, is doing well, and although she is owly after her all day kindergarten, she is learning, to go to her room, work on her art, listen to music, and settle herself down after her snack. She then smiles, and is happy.
The Christmas program went well Sunday. The children sang and sang. WE went early to get good seats, but bam it was a full house! We had 10 people with us, and we ended up all in the front row! Which is great to see the children, but makes filming problematic.
PN is 3rd row, on the end in the black turtleneck. SR was in the middle, and I was unable to get good video of him. However I kept commenting to my sister during the program like the children reminded me of a darn beehive. Buzzing, and moving, and twisting the entire time.
WE have another Thanksgiving this week, and are looking forward to seeing some of DH's family. I have 2 extra days off this week and am hoping to use my time wisely.
Other things are in the works...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
COOKING, and FAMILY is good medicine.
The week was icky, and not much I can do about it now, I can just "be" right?
However, the week was so icky my eye started twitching Tuesday or Wednesday, and would not quit. When I addressed clients, the twitching would go WILD. It was weird. The last time I had that much twitching, my Mom was sick.
@ years ago, I would have been in a tree over this. I would have been on a branch and some dear friends, would have gotten phone calls and talked me off of my branch, you know who you are, and I owe you bunches. Because talking me out of my trees is silly.
My children are my Achilles heel if you will.
However cooking 2 huge meals, has cured me of my freak out, I am only on the trunk hanging on for dear life, and am too busy to start climbing branches and meowing about.
For the last 3 days I have cooked, and baked, and cooked.
tonight it was sweet roll dough, I kneaded and kneaded and smelled yeasty dough. I made a huge nutritious relish tray, cheese tray, tortilla roll ups, hot wings, bbq wings. I made cranberry relish last night for tomorrow. The treats for the Christmas Program, are made and attractively wrapped.
This week was not just stressful, because of SR. It is the holidays, there are programs, and obligations. Ours no different from other homes. WE are 3 days behind on our New Testament reading.
I will be honest with you I have never been one to read the Bible daily, but I am finding it sooo interesting, and learning new things all of the time. It has brought me peace, and I especially liked the night SR could not sleep, and he read an entire assignment, without trouble.
OK off folks...I am off to finish watching the Huskers play, finish watching this dough rise, so I can punch it down, and roll it out and make cinnamon rolls for my family in the morning....
I am lucky, and I know it, and this is a small bump. I need to smile, and treat others with care, and KNOW how could they know what my child needs, they are not his Mother...
However, the week was so icky my eye started twitching Tuesday or Wednesday, and would not quit. When I addressed clients, the twitching would go WILD. It was weird. The last time I had that much twitching, my Mom was sick.
@ years ago, I would have been in a tree over this. I would have been on a branch and some dear friends, would have gotten phone calls and talked me off of my branch, you know who you are, and I owe you bunches. Because talking me out of my trees is silly.
My children are my Achilles heel if you will.
However cooking 2 huge meals, has cured me of my freak out, I am only on the trunk hanging on for dear life, and am too busy to start climbing branches and meowing about.
For the last 3 days I have cooked, and baked, and cooked.
tonight it was sweet roll dough, I kneaded and kneaded and smelled yeasty dough. I made a huge nutritious relish tray, cheese tray, tortilla roll ups, hot wings, bbq wings. I made cranberry relish last night for tomorrow. The treats for the Christmas Program, are made and attractively wrapped.
This week was not just stressful, because of SR. It is the holidays, there are programs, and obligations. Ours no different from other homes. WE are 3 days behind on our New Testament reading.
I will be honest with you I have never been one to read the Bible daily, but I am finding it sooo interesting, and learning new things all of the time. It has brought me peace, and I especially liked the night SR could not sleep, and he read an entire assignment, without trouble.
OK off folks...I am off to finish watching the Huskers play, finish watching this dough rise, so I can punch it down, and roll it out and make cinnamon rolls for my family in the morning....
I am lucky, and I know it, and this is a small bump. I need to smile, and treat others with care, and KNOW how could they know what my child needs, they are not his Mother...
3 days?
Really, 3 bad days are possible?
Who knew?
First off there is nothing going on here, nothing new, or exciting. Frankly it is boring here. GO BORING. There is no drama in my house, it is not allowed. (Well other than me being upset about the dog)
Second, I think my suspicions are right. For those who have not been reading long. SR did go through IQ testing, he maxed it out. I also know IQ tests are one of those things that folks can argue all day about. However, until someone comes up with something better, it is a tool we decided to use to help our child. We did not use it to simply say WOW. We used it is a tool to show the educators what kind of child we are dealing with. We need to accommodate him, his learning style and his needs. Just like children who have other special needs.
Third it is almost painful to put anything down in the I am always waiting to defend myself or him.
As with all bloggers, this is where I cash my chips, it is a document of my life, and my feelings about it.
So with all of that said. I picked up SR today, this time in the principals office. Nothing bad, he told the teacher, he was sensitive, and headed down his bad path, and needed to leave the room. However I do not think he made it there nearly soon enough.
We will continue to work on this, and have a meeting with the school this week. The kid is BORED. He is sitting in a classroom in which he knows everything, they are going over. My request is simple. A science mentor.
The child needs confidence. He needs achievement, it is what drives him. Sitting with his peers is not working.
He is currently in swim, Cubscouts, and church activity. I think music lessons are next on the list.
3 bad days....I am exhausted, and I am not even him.
I will be busy this weekend, Thanksgiving here at the house, Christmas program at church, and PN's family birthday. Some company is already here...
Want to feel like a failure, become a mother. There are somedays, where even the best cheerleader wants to hang up her pom poms.
Who knew?
First off there is nothing going on here, nothing new, or exciting. Frankly it is boring here. GO BORING. There is no drama in my house, it is not allowed. (Well other than me being upset about the dog)
Second, I think my suspicions are right. For those who have not been reading long. SR did go through IQ testing, he maxed it out. I also know IQ tests are one of those things that folks can argue all day about. However, until someone comes up with something better, it is a tool we decided to use to help our child. We did not use it to simply say WOW. We used it is a tool to show the educators what kind of child we are dealing with. We need to accommodate him, his learning style and his needs. Just like children who have other special needs.
Third it is almost painful to put anything down in the I am always waiting to defend myself or him.
As with all bloggers, this is where I cash my chips, it is a document of my life, and my feelings about it.
So with all of that said. I picked up SR today, this time in the principals office. Nothing bad, he told the teacher, he was sensitive, and headed down his bad path, and needed to leave the room. However I do not think he made it there nearly soon enough.
We will continue to work on this, and have a meeting with the school this week. The kid is BORED. He is sitting in a classroom in which he knows everything, they are going over. My request is simple. A science mentor.
The child needs confidence. He needs achievement, it is what drives him. Sitting with his peers is not working.
He is currently in swim, Cubscouts, and church activity. I think music lessons are next on the list.
3 bad days....I am exhausted, and I am not even him.
I will be busy this weekend, Thanksgiving here at the house, Christmas program at church, and PN's family birthday. Some company is already here...
Want to feel like a failure, become a mother. There are somedays, where even the best cheerleader wants to hang up her pom poms.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Another rough day @ school for SR
Yesterday was yet another rough day for SR.
Once again I knew it when I picked him up. Head was down, etc.
First problem is boredom.
I got in touch with the school psychologist, the one who facilitated his IQ testing, she had a very good hold of things, as far as SR was concerned last year.
Hopefully we can get this sorted out. In good news his teacher is WONDERFUL, and on top of things, and doing what she can. The problem is, he is mainstreamed into his 2nd grade, and for now really that is the only alternative. His emotions have not caught up with his intellect, when this does happen maybe we will move him.
Right now the school system is doing what they can. He is the only student in the school system that has 2 mentors. Mentors are expensive and I do appreciate the assistance. We just need to find a science specialty, instead of the Spanish. He told me last night he LOVES his math. Spanish ok. Last year his 2nd mentor worked off of several things, she changed it up often. This year his math mentor, is challenging him in math, and he is 1/2 finished with the 4th grade book. As bad as he is wants to move forward I know he needs the fundamentals.
I am relieved his teacher is so understanding.
Say a prayer, we could use it.
Last night I was sooo exhausted from the day that I was wiped, and had dreams of dog doctors
Once again I knew it when I picked him up. Head was down, etc.
First problem is boredom.
I got in touch with the school psychologist, the one who facilitated his IQ testing, she had a very good hold of things, as far as SR was concerned last year.
Hopefully we can get this sorted out. In good news his teacher is WONDERFUL, and on top of things, and doing what she can. The problem is, he is mainstreamed into his 2nd grade, and for now really that is the only alternative. His emotions have not caught up with his intellect, when this does happen maybe we will move him.
Right now the school system is doing what they can. He is the only student in the school system that has 2 mentors. Mentors are expensive and I do appreciate the assistance. We just need to find a science specialty, instead of the Spanish. He told me last night he LOVES his math. Spanish ok. Last year his 2nd mentor worked off of several things, she changed it up often. This year his math mentor, is challenging him in math, and he is 1/2 finished with the 4th grade book. As bad as he is wants to move forward I know he needs the fundamentals.
I am relieved his teacher is so understanding.
Say a prayer, we could use it.
Last night I was sooo exhausted from the day that I was wiped, and had dreams of dog doctors
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Before I go to the much deserved bubble bath...
thought I would drop in.
The week is WILD, long days, long nights.
Work is soooo busy, the day is over before I know it. Poof.
PN helped me make the cookies, they turned out yummy.
SR missed the first word EVER on a spelling test, and absolutely fell apart today. Poor kid. When I picked him up, his head was down, and he was tearful. I stopped and talked to the teacher as she directed traffic...
The entire time we spoke, SR kept crying and saying "I am going to go home and lock myself in a box for an hour."
(The entire time he is saying this, I am thinking, holy crap, the teacher is going to think we punish him by putting him in a box)
I am not sure where he or why he was saying this. The teacher said the afternoon was very overwhelming for him....
He managed to collect himself on the drive home.
A perfectionist, inside and out...this is not a trait from DH and I, we also do not pressure him in academics. The kid just took it upon himself to memorize the entire periodic table in like 1 month. Alone, no help. He just was interested. We did not quiz him, or make flashcards. He even made a song out of the elements. He continues to study them, and is VERY interested. We have to google his questions to us, we are clueless.
Heck I should show him my blog, and all of the spelling errors. Heck maybe he can edit the blog...
Our first rule is RESPECT others and yourself. RESPECT.
Heck no where in our top 50 list of things we want them to do is PERFECT GRADES. He has never been in trouble for grades. NEVER. Probably because he always gets 100% on things. He has been in trouble for acting on impulse, and not RESPECTING people.
Maybe I can get him a book about mellowing out?
OK off to my bath, I forgot I have to make more cookies for Sunday!! I also have 2 20 something turkeys thawing out....
Tis going to be a busy week.
DH informed me the basement needs to be CLEANED up, the kids have a mess going on down there...
he said I would be mad if I saw it in its current state.
I am going to make the kids straighten it up before I enter...
Puppy is getting HUGE. LONG LEGS
The week is WILD, long days, long nights.
Work is soooo busy, the day is over before I know it. Poof.
PN helped me make the cookies, they turned out yummy.
SR missed the first word EVER on a spelling test, and absolutely fell apart today. Poor kid. When I picked him up, his head was down, and he was tearful. I stopped and talked to the teacher as she directed traffic...
The entire time we spoke, SR kept crying and saying "I am going to go home and lock myself in a box for an hour."
(The entire time he is saying this, I am thinking, holy crap, the teacher is going to think we punish him by putting him in a box)
I am not sure where he or why he was saying this. The teacher said the afternoon was very overwhelming for him....
He managed to collect himself on the drive home.
A perfectionist, inside and out...this is not a trait from DH and I, we also do not pressure him in academics. The kid just took it upon himself to memorize the entire periodic table in like 1 month. Alone, no help. He just was interested. We did not quiz him, or make flashcards. He even made a song out of the elements. He continues to study them, and is VERY interested. We have to google his questions to us, we are clueless.
Heck I should show him my blog, and all of the spelling errors. Heck maybe he can edit the blog...
Our first rule is RESPECT others and yourself. RESPECT.
Heck no where in our top 50 list of things we want them to do is PERFECT GRADES. He has never been in trouble for grades. NEVER. Probably because he always gets 100% on things. He has been in trouble for acting on impulse, and not RESPECTING people.
Maybe I can get him a book about mellowing out?
OK off to my bath, I forgot I have to make more cookies for Sunday!! I also have 2 20 something turkeys thawing out....
Tis going to be a busy week.
DH informed me the basement needs to be CLEANED up, the kids have a mess going on down there...
he said I would be mad if I saw it in its current state.
I am going to make the kids straighten it up before I enter...
Puppy is getting HUGE. LONG LEGS
Monday, November 16, 2009
Gingerbread men recipe
* 1/2 cup butter, softened
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 2/3 cup molasses
* 2 eggs
* 4 cups all-purpose flour, divided
* 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
# Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
# In a large bowl, cream together the butter and brown sugar until smooth. Stir in the molasses and eggs. Combine 1 1/2 cups of the flour, baking soda, salt, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger; beat into the molasses mixture. Gradually stir in the remaining flour by hand to form a stiff dough.
# Divide dough into 2 pieces. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut into desired shapes using cookie cutters. Place cookies 1 inch apart onto ungreased cookie sheets.
# Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
* 1/2 cup butter, softened
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 2/3 cup molasses
* 2 eggs
* 4 cups all-purpose flour, divided
* 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
# Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
# In a large bowl, cream together the butter and brown sugar until smooth. Stir in the molasses and eggs. Combine 1 1/2 cups of the flour, baking soda, salt, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger; beat into the molasses mixture. Gradually stir in the remaining flour by hand to form a stiff dough.
# Divide dough into 2 pieces. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut into desired shapes using cookie cutters. Place cookies 1 inch apart onto ungreased cookie sheets.
# Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
Other than fresh bread, gingerbread is one of the best smells ever...
It is late. 10:00pm too late to be making 49 or so gingerbread boys and girls. However it is Monday.
Mondays. I am not sure if anyone likes Mondays. If you do, good for you. Our Mondays have been doused by activity. So there is no time really spent thinking how horrid it is, it is a day spent getting ready for the next hour. Our Mondays make the rest of the week look like a breeze.
I have friends who have this schedule EVERYDAY. Bless you, I have no idea how you do it.
I am not complaining, so much as I cannot believe the speed of the day. Seriously.
I will be glad to see Tuesday arrive!
Things here are ok. SR seems to be walking straight, PN is fine she is learning to read. This is exciting.
The birthday party is booked at the gymnastics place, for December, this could be bad, as some folks might be headed out of town. We do have 8 guests RSVP at this time. They were ok having a combined party! This will make things so much easier. SR wants a carrot cake, PN wants some Littlest Pet Shop Cake she saw at the grocery store...Those weird little bratz looking animals with big eyes. I do not understand the attraction. I am thankful she did not pick bratz.
I am hosting our Families Thanksgiving this weekend, and attached to that, will be a small celebration of PN's birthday with family. We also have the Children's Christmas church program. (All on Sunday) I would love to tell you I am going all out, and setting a beautiful table etc. However I am doing darn chinet this year...I really do not want to stand doing dishes all day. I am sure there will be plenty of dishes to do. I am pretty sure this will rate as tacky with many of my readers, but I think my meal will make up for it.
Wednesday night while the kids are at CREW, DH and I are going to get the holiday shopping done. I did manage to find turkey for 40 cents a pound, lovely hens around 20 pounds each. I am cooking both, so my guests can enjoy leftovers! I told them to bring tupperware!
Nothing unusual on the menu, all my favorites, and it is my favorite meal to prepare.
Check in later...
Need to take some photos of the darn dog, and the kids. SR and PN are getting TALL! I adore them.
Mondays. I am not sure if anyone likes Mondays. If you do, good for you. Our Mondays have been doused by activity. So there is no time really spent thinking how horrid it is, it is a day spent getting ready for the next hour. Our Mondays make the rest of the week look like a breeze.
I have friends who have this schedule EVERYDAY. Bless you, I have no idea how you do it.
I am not complaining, so much as I cannot believe the speed of the day. Seriously.
I will be glad to see Tuesday arrive!
Things here are ok. SR seems to be walking straight, PN is fine she is learning to read. This is exciting.
The birthday party is booked at the gymnastics place, for December, this could be bad, as some folks might be headed out of town. We do have 8 guests RSVP at this time. They were ok having a combined party! This will make things so much easier. SR wants a carrot cake, PN wants some Littlest Pet Shop Cake she saw at the grocery store...Those weird little bratz looking animals with big eyes. I do not understand the attraction. I am thankful she did not pick bratz.
I am hosting our Families Thanksgiving this weekend, and attached to that, will be a small celebration of PN's birthday with family. We also have the Children's Christmas church program. (All on Sunday) I would love to tell you I am going all out, and setting a beautiful table etc. However I am doing darn chinet this year...I really do not want to stand doing dishes all day. I am sure there will be plenty of dishes to do. I am pretty sure this will rate as tacky with many of my readers, but I think my meal will make up for it.
Wednesday night while the kids are at CREW, DH and I are going to get the holiday shopping done. I did manage to find turkey for 40 cents a pound, lovely hens around 20 pounds each. I am cooking both, so my guests can enjoy leftovers! I told them to bring tupperware!
Nothing unusual on the menu, all my favorites, and it is my favorite meal to prepare.
Check in later...
Need to take some photos of the darn dog, and the kids. SR and PN are getting TALL! I adore them.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I have posted this about 20 times in almost 5 years....
I adore the lyrics in this...
A man in my shoes runs a light
and all the papers lied tonight
but falling over you
is the news of the day
Angels fall like rain
And love - is all of heaven away
Inside you the times moves
and she don't fade
The ghost in you
She don't fade
Inside you the time moves
and she don't fade
A race is on
I'm on your side
And here in you
my engines die
I'm in a mood for you
Or running away
Stars come down in you
and love - you can't give it away
Don't you go
it makes no sense
when all your talk
and supermen
just take away the time
and get in the way
Ain't it just like rain
And love - is only heaven away
Friday, November 13, 2009
Counting Blessings....
Over the past couple of days I have had reminders of how blessed I am....
A friend I have not heard from for 2 years called last night, with horrid news. Her one son who is quite young was recently diagnosed with colon cancer that has spread to his liver, her other son was hit by an automobile while on his motorcycle, he is currently recovering. This has all happened in the last month. A gentleman I work with has a very young child is currently fighting cancer as well, he is 5 or 6 years of age....
Such devastating circumstances....and I cannot imagine.
Perspective in buckets within 48 hours. I must have needed it. Perspective.
I cannot imagine.
I asked the one gentleman how he is doing...and he smiled and said we are fine. I might add here, this young man is always smiling, always focused, always kind. And I told him we would be praying for him, and asked again how are you? He said he was fine, until he heard someone complain about a grumpy child, or a child that was up all night with the flu.
I understood immediately.
I will pray tonight for all of these folks. I will also remember not to complain and sweat over the small stuff.
A friend I have not heard from for 2 years called last night, with horrid news. Her one son who is quite young was recently diagnosed with colon cancer that has spread to his liver, her other son was hit by an automobile while on his motorcycle, he is currently recovering. This has all happened in the last month. A gentleman I work with has a very young child is currently fighting cancer as well, he is 5 or 6 years of age....
Such devastating circumstances....and I cannot imagine.
Perspective in buckets within 48 hours. I must have needed it. Perspective.
I cannot imagine.
I asked the one gentleman how he is doing...and he smiled and said we are fine. I might add here, this young man is always smiling, always focused, always kind. And I told him we would be praying for him, and asked again how are you? He said he was fine, until he heard someone complain about a grumpy child, or a child that was up all night with the flu.
I understood immediately.
I will pray tonight for all of these folks. I will also remember not to complain and sweat over the small stuff.
Operation Christmas Child
I am not sure how many of you have heard of Operation Christmas Child....This is our third year participating....
I would encourage each of you to participate, you have until the 23rd of November to get your boxes packed!
We are so BLESSED, pay it forward.
Go here and find out where you can drop off your box.
I would encourage each of you to participate, you have until the 23rd of November to get your boxes packed!
We are so BLESSED, pay it forward.
Go here and find out where you can drop off your box.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Laundry list
some big some little. I am putting it here, so i am accountable.
This week, take library books back AGAIN tomorrow.
Buy Aunt Renae her official gift from the kiddos...Warmest, softest jammies i can find in town.
Buy teachers Yankee Candles while coupon is still 2 for 1! Otherwise you will feel bad.
Buy PN a tote for her ART Tomorrow, otherwise I will go crazy from looking at it.
Got through bills.
Sounds like an expensive week... much for hitting it hard. DH worked late so I had to come home and take the dog for his crap and stroll...cut into my time to get crap done. I had to drive across town and book the gymanstics place for the Collective's birthday bash (they would not do it over the phone... Now to find everyone's address etc...
I have been out of normal commission for like 2 days because my red tent decided to pitch itself to close to the other red tent this month...I felt horrid. Pain sucks, and sucks the life out of you.
The week of dicombobulation continues.
This week, take library books back AGAIN tomorrow.
Buy Aunt Renae her official gift from the kiddos...Warmest, softest jammies i can find in town.
Buy teachers Yankee Candles while coupon is still 2 for 1! Otherwise you will feel bad.
Buy PN a tote for her ART Tomorrow, otherwise I will go crazy from looking at it.
Got through bills.
Sounds like an expensive week... much for hitting it hard. DH worked late so I had to come home and take the dog for his crap and stroll...cut into my time to get crap done. I had to drive across town and book the gymanstics place for the Collective's birthday bash (they would not do it over the phone... Now to find everyone's address etc...
I have been out of normal commission for like 2 days because my red tent decided to pitch itself to close to the other red tent this month...I felt horrid. Pain sucks, and sucks the life out of you.
The week of dicombobulation continues.
Today is Veteran's Day....
and I need a box of tissues.
I cry more every year.
This year I am crying harder than years past, all day off and on...
My Husband is home and safe, but several people I love are away. Away from home, and long to be "home", mowing the lawn, putting little ones to bed (even the cranky ones) ...
And it lends perspective.
We are blessed that so many do our fighting for us, so I can work behind a desk, and sleep in a warm house with a full tummy, and see my children so often that I will never know what it is like to be away.
I have not missed first crawl, first tooth, first smile.
And there are thousands of people who have done our fighting and have missed those things. And there is no making up for lost time.
What do they want in return?
I would venture to guess, a simple thank you would suffice.
If that does not make you tear up out of humility, really I have no idea what will move you....
To all of my family and friends that are serving our great Nation. I thank you, we thank you....
God's Blessings to each of you.
and I need a box of tissues.
I cry more every year.
This year I am crying harder than years past, all day off and on...
My Husband is home and safe, but several people I love are away. Away from home, and long to be "home", mowing the lawn, putting little ones to bed (even the cranky ones) ...
And it lends perspective.
We are blessed that so many do our fighting for us, so I can work behind a desk, and sleep in a warm house with a full tummy, and see my children so often that I will never know what it is like to be away.
I have not missed first crawl, first tooth, first smile.
And there are thousands of people who have done our fighting and have missed those things. And there is no making up for lost time.
What do they want in return?
I would venture to guess, a simple thank you would suffice.
If that does not make you tear up out of humility, really I have no idea what will move you....
To all of my family and friends that are serving our great Nation. I thank you, we thank you....
God's Blessings to each of you.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
ton of bricks...
May they rest in peace.
Fort Hood weighed heavy on my hear this week.
IT was not shocking, and frankly it should have been. It hurt, more than it shocked me.
A cowardly act. An act that has been done before on a grander scale, on a smaller scale.
The immediate blame on "PTSD", the implications it was anything but what it was.
A cowardly Jihadist.
How many people have to die before it is called exactly what it is?
It worries me......
Why? Because cells of terrorism are broken all of the time in the United States.
What else weighed heavily this week? The health care bill. What is domed to be another epic fail of the United States. We have a government that now pays farmers, car manufacturers, and numerous other things.
Just for the record, we already have socialism in medicine.
I have worked in the medical field since I was 15. I work in an office now, and daily we treat people with no job, we treat people who have no money, no insurance. And if you can pay and do not have insurance, well you are paying for 4 patients to be seen, out of pocket. If you have insurance, you are paying for 2 patients to be seen. If you are not working, and do not have insurance you are paying for nothing...
Amazing really.
So now instead of folks paying for 2-4 people to have insurance, my guess is we will pay for 8.
We cannot pay for 8 people.
Very sad, and I have no idea how I will be able to look at my children in the face when they are 40
Fort Hood weighed heavy on my hear this week.
IT was not shocking, and frankly it should have been. It hurt, more than it shocked me.
A cowardly act. An act that has been done before on a grander scale, on a smaller scale.
The immediate blame on "PTSD", the implications it was anything but what it was.
A cowardly Jihadist.
How many people have to die before it is called exactly what it is?
It worries me......
Why? Because cells of terrorism are broken all of the time in the United States.
What else weighed heavily this week? The health care bill. What is domed to be another epic fail of the United States. We have a government that now pays farmers, car manufacturers, and numerous other things.
Just for the record, we already have socialism in medicine.
I have worked in the medical field since I was 15. I work in an office now, and daily we treat people with no job, we treat people who have no money, no insurance. And if you can pay and do not have insurance, well you are paying for 4 patients to be seen, out of pocket. If you have insurance, you are paying for 2 patients to be seen. If you are not working, and do not have insurance you are paying for nothing...
Amazing really.
So now instead of folks paying for 2-4 people to have insurance, my guess is we will pay for 8.
We cannot pay for 8 people.
Very sad, and I have no idea how I will be able to look at my children in the face when they are 40
Monday, November 09, 2009
PROOF. How much more is needed?
I pray to God, my children do not have to suffer at the ramifications of our silence as a generation of appeasers.
I do not care what religion you practice. If you do not practice it in a civil manner. If you shoot at unarmed people, if you shoot women in the back, if you use your children as a shield...
More horrific findings.
I do not care what religion you practice. If you do not practice it in a civil manner. If you shoot at unarmed people, if you shoot women in the back, if you use your children as a shield...
More horrific findings.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
And the list grows...
That list in my head I have been working on. What list? Oh you know the list. That ughhhhh LIST.
In good news, I am trying to combo activities. What do you mean?
Well for instance Thanksgiving, we are having it on Sunday November 22. Why? Well it just makes sense at this time. We have our Church Christmas program that night, no one in the extended immediate family has ever been to a Christmas program. It thought it would be so nice for the entire family to go and enjoy. So I invited all down for Thanksgiving/Christmas program/PN's 6 birthday combo.
Which leads me to this...holy cow, my BABY is 6. My baby. My itty 6. PN and SR both wanted birthday parties this year. In bad news, both children have birthdays around the holidays. This means...oye vey. Hard to book a place, hard to find anyone in town...etc...So I have asked the kids to have a combo party, and a local gymnastic joint down the road. This seemed to be an OK decision. Now I have to figure out how many kids, and if this idea will fly...Neither have had big parties before as we were pretty much separated from family, and frankly they were too small.
Must think on this one...
Next problem, Christmas break is around the corner which means we need to beg our employers to flex our schedules (not fun, or popular with coworkers) or put them in a "camp" for the break. Both said they would love "camp". It would include swimming, crafts, games, etc..not as expensive as I would have imagined. However, there are only 10 slots left. So now DH has to run down there early in the am to seal our spot...
This is the stuff that makes me nuts, just when we have our routine down, boom....
In good news, I am trying to combo activities. What do you mean?
Well for instance Thanksgiving, we are having it on Sunday November 22. Why? Well it just makes sense at this time. We have our Church Christmas program that night, no one in the extended immediate family has ever been to a Christmas program. It thought it would be so nice for the entire family to go and enjoy. So I invited all down for Thanksgiving/Christmas program/PN's 6 birthday combo.
Which leads me to this...holy cow, my BABY is 6. My baby. My itty 6. PN and SR both wanted birthday parties this year. In bad news, both children have birthdays around the holidays. This means...oye vey. Hard to book a place, hard to find anyone in town...etc...So I have asked the kids to have a combo party, and a local gymnastic joint down the road. This seemed to be an OK decision. Now I have to figure out how many kids, and if this idea will fly...Neither have had big parties before as we were pretty much separated from family, and frankly they were too small.
Must think on this one...
Next problem, Christmas break is around the corner which means we need to beg our employers to flex our schedules (not fun, or popular with coworkers) or put them in a "camp" for the break. Both said they would love "camp". It would include swimming, crafts, games, etc..not as expensive as I would have imagined. However, there are only 10 slots left. So now DH has to run down there early in the am to seal our spot...
This is the stuff that makes me nuts, just when we have our routine down, boom....
My son pointed out a gorgeous Harvest Moon tonight
and I am glad I have a child who notice such things...
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Impersonating a tooth fairy, and dog owner...
My son lost his third tooth tonight. He actually did not loose it, I helped extract it, with my fingers and a paper towel. He immediately went to the bathroom to see if he could shoot water out of the space. (Thanks Gramma)
I just remembered to put four quarter under his pillow, while in there I read a note that said, tooth fairy, do not take tooth.
Earlier tonight SR asked me if it was me "who impersonated the legend of the tooth fairy. I did not answer....
Also note to apply WD 40 the childrens door hinges soon, they squeak when you open the door trying to be sneaky. I never noticed this with putting laundry away, but did notice this evening...
PN doing well. Excited to have a puppy to rule about and boss, although it is much harder than she thought.
Poncho AKA bleach, is doing well, I think he doubled in size. He needs 2 long walks a day and DH has been taking him to the dog park in town. He is flying like the wind, and racing other dogs. His paws are huge, he looks like a clydesdale horse.
IF it was 60 degrees at night, I would not mind taking the dog out, I know i could use a long and brisk walk, but darn it is cool. I must find a balaclava for myself. Because the cold hits my ears, and then i feel like I have an earache for the rest of the day. I also think it is imperative that I do not volunteer to do much with the pup for about 40 days. That means everyoe here will have a routine, I am not sole part of.
Pooped, headed to is only Tuesday
I just remembered to put four quarter under his pillow, while in there I read a note that said, tooth fairy, do not take tooth.
Earlier tonight SR asked me if it was me "who impersonated the legend of the tooth fairy. I did not answer....
Also note to apply WD 40 the childrens door hinges soon, they squeak when you open the door trying to be sneaky. I never noticed this with putting laundry away, but did notice this evening...
PN doing well. Excited to have a puppy to rule about and boss, although it is much harder than she thought.
Poncho AKA bleach, is doing well, I think he doubled in size. He needs 2 long walks a day and DH has been taking him to the dog park in town. He is flying like the wind, and racing other dogs. His paws are huge, he looks like a clydesdale horse.
IF it was 60 degrees at night, I would not mind taking the dog out, I know i could use a long and brisk walk, but darn it is cool. I must find a balaclava for myself. Because the cold hits my ears, and then i feel like I have an earache for the rest of the day. I also think it is imperative that I do not volunteer to do much with the pup for about 40 days. That means everyoe here will have a routine, I am not sole part of.
Pooped, headed to is only Tuesday
Monday, November 02, 2009
This is for the dogs...
This is the second morning I am up before 6am.
Why? Barking.
I have a wide awake puppy @ my feet, that gets his rush from playing in the morning...
DH woke took him out to do his business, brought him in, put him in his kennel.
DH went into the bathroom and whammo bark city.
I of course got up.
The problem?
I think the puppy wakes and wants to play.
Because for the last 2 mornings this has repeated. The puppy wants to run, chew and cavort.
I am not happy....
I just wanted my other hour of sleep.
just an hour.
I am starting to dig sleep since I had none for years. It is documented partially on the blog.....
I only get 5-7 hours a night. Let me sleep.
DH got the stinkeye from me this morning after he got out of the shower and was headed out to church.
(This is part of the reason I was not thrilled with the idea) I want to sleep.
A well rested Mom is underrated. Mothers who have went through VAST amounts of sleep deprivation will agree.
That is my thing right now.
The children will sleep, I want my sleep.
I also MUST get up in the morning to deal with the barking or certainly the kids will awaken, unless I want 2 GRUMPY children by 3pm (which is already She is done by 1pm. When I pick her up, she is more alley cat than loverly sweet girl. I do not need the I wanna play barking to cause the children to rise at 5:40am....
No. Sleeping children are better behaved, than tired counter parts.
A conundrum to be sure...and I am letting DH fix this.
This is not going to work.
Why? Barking.
I have a wide awake puppy @ my feet, that gets his rush from playing in the morning...
DH woke took him out to do his business, brought him in, put him in his kennel.
DH went into the bathroom and whammo bark city.
I of course got up.
The problem?
I think the puppy wakes and wants to play.
Because for the last 2 mornings this has repeated. The puppy wants to run, chew and cavort.
I am not happy....
I just wanted my other hour of sleep.
just an hour.
I am starting to dig sleep since I had none for years. It is documented partially on the blog.....
I only get 5-7 hours a night. Let me sleep.
DH got the stinkeye from me this morning after he got out of the shower and was headed out to church.
(This is part of the reason I was not thrilled with the idea) I want to sleep.
A well rested Mom is underrated. Mothers who have went through VAST amounts of sleep deprivation will agree.
That is my thing right now.
The children will sleep, I want my sleep.
I also MUST get up in the morning to deal with the barking or certainly the kids will awaken, unless I want 2 GRUMPY children by 3pm (which is already She is done by 1pm. When I pick her up, she is more alley cat than loverly sweet girl. I do not need the I wanna play barking to cause the children to rise at 5:40am....
No. Sleeping children are better behaved, than tired counter parts.
A conundrum to be sure...and I am letting DH fix this.
This is not going to work.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
SR is currently fascinated by the periodic table. He is reading whatever he can get his hands on. Memorizing the table, and learning about them. I took chemistry 2 times, and he is doing better than I ever did. The amazing thing. He understands it on a level I never did. He currently has the first 15 memorized, and he starts mixing them up. IT is strange that at 7 he would even be interested.
PN, has been busy training the puppy with DH, while on break. She is doing well. The puppy makes SR nervous. The puppy does know the command whoa, and has learned to fetch. You can throw his toy, say whoa and he will wait until you say ok, before he goes after his toy. DH is trying to get some things around the house done while he is off. I think he is learning how hard it can be, especially with kids around.
Work is fair. I am nervous about starting school in January, and am sure I will be exhausted. I am not nervous about content, or learning, I am nervous about the time it will take from us...
My Father needs help cutting some trees out on his property, and this weekend would be a good time to do it. Finding adult children and spouses with similar schedules to help, is the problem.
He and his fiancee will be getting married soon, supposedly in the next month or so. they had planned to have it done by now, and the kidney stone thing happened. That required 3 surgeries, and put the kabosh on things. They are going to either church, or the judge, and just doing it....
PN wants to live in her princess costume and cannot wait for Halloween. I hope the weather is nice. SR could really care less.
Both children are getting tall! I notice this especially with SR, he hit a spurt.....
PN, has been busy training the puppy with DH, while on break. She is doing well. The puppy makes SR nervous. The puppy does know the command whoa, and has learned to fetch. You can throw his toy, say whoa and he will wait until you say ok, before he goes after his toy. DH is trying to get some things around the house done while he is off. I think he is learning how hard it can be, especially with kids around.
Work is fair. I am nervous about starting school in January, and am sure I will be exhausted. I am not nervous about content, or learning, I am nervous about the time it will take from us...
My Father needs help cutting some trees out on his property, and this weekend would be a good time to do it. Finding adult children and spouses with similar schedules to help, is the problem.
He and his fiancee will be getting married soon, supposedly in the next month or so. they had planned to have it done by now, and the kidney stone thing happened. That required 3 surgeries, and put the kabosh on things. They are going to either church, or the judge, and just doing it....
PN wants to live in her princess costume and cannot wait for Halloween. I hope the weather is nice. SR could really care less.
Both children are getting tall! I notice this especially with SR, he hit a spurt.....
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Why so reluctant about the puppy meanie...?
Oh the reluctance of becoming a pet owner.
First off, if you know me, I DO NOT LIKE SURPRISES. (Unless it is a windfall of cash or something, which is never bound to happen)
Second, I am a preparer.
Third, I am pooped most days.
Fourth, I really do a lot around here already. (Fixing toilets, wash machines, parenting etc)
Fifth, I take owning a DOG SERIOUSLY. My childhood was spent caring for other peoples discarded animals. Not a joke.
We had 16 cats at one time, because my neighbor had a cat ( sans tail because of severe frostbite) , they did not feed, spay etc. My Father and I took pity on her, and several kittens and cared for her for years. She was the best hunter, and best momma cat ever.....
I also had an old part Pomeranian adopted dog, that had 3 good legs. WE are unsure of why it only had 3 legs, he had either been beaten or hit by a car.
There was another cat that we had to care for a while, another stray that no one would care for.
So my childhood was a sort of isle of misfit animals if you will. I take pet ownership SERIOUSLY, I have seen what happens to animals when someone "thinks" a puppy or kitty sounds like fun for a minute.
I know it is serious.
Heck why do you think we waited 10 years to have babies...
DH has admitted that he went about bringing this puppy home as a surprise was not the wisest decision he ever made.
I am guessing he did it that way because for almost our entire marriage I have SAID no to one.
I have acquiesced. There are rules, and they WILL be followed.
The puppy is very affectionate, and loves to snuggle. He is not full of crazy puppy energy, although I am guessing that will come soon. He seems laid back for this breed, which can be a little excitable and high strung. He is learning new tricks and so are we.
In good news DH and the kids have the week off, I am working an actually week with overtime! Just in time for Christmas shopping I am sort of excited at the prospect of actually having money this Christmas!
Work is BUSY, and the days go by soooo amazingly FAST.
First off, if you know me, I DO NOT LIKE SURPRISES. (Unless it is a windfall of cash or something, which is never bound to happen)
Second, I am a preparer.
Third, I am pooped most days.
Fourth, I really do a lot around here already. (Fixing toilets, wash machines, parenting etc)
Fifth, I take owning a DOG SERIOUSLY. My childhood was spent caring for other peoples discarded animals. Not a joke.
We had 16 cats at one time, because my neighbor had a cat ( sans tail because of severe frostbite) , they did not feed, spay etc. My Father and I took pity on her, and several kittens and cared for her for years. She was the best hunter, and best momma cat ever.....
I also had an old part Pomeranian adopted dog, that had 3 good legs. WE are unsure of why it only had 3 legs, he had either been beaten or hit by a car.
There was another cat that we had to care for a while, another stray that no one would care for.
So my childhood was a sort of isle of misfit animals if you will. I take pet ownership SERIOUSLY, I have seen what happens to animals when someone "thinks" a puppy or kitty sounds like fun for a minute.
I know it is serious.
Heck why do you think we waited 10 years to have babies...
DH has admitted that he went about bringing this puppy home as a surprise was not the wisest decision he ever made.
I am guessing he did it that way because for almost our entire marriage I have SAID no to one.
I have acquiesced. There are rules, and they WILL be followed.
The puppy is very affectionate, and loves to snuggle. He is not full of crazy puppy energy, although I am guessing that will come soon. He seems laid back for this breed, which can be a little excitable and high strung. He is learning new tricks and so are we.
In good news DH and the kids have the week off, I am working an actually week with overtime! Just in time for Christmas shopping I am sort of excited at the prospect of actually having money this Christmas!
Work is BUSY, and the days go by soooo amazingly FAST.
Your name will be bleach
This evening my Father and his fiancee were here, after attending a terrible Nebraska Husker game.
We had eaten, and DH volunteered to run some errands.
I said, DH I need bleach.
When DH left, I sat in the recliner speaking to my Father and his fiancee about the dog conversation that occurred just the other night. Yeah there was a long and healthy debate over dogs. One in which SR and I did understand why PN and DH felt a dog was soooo Necessary. No overlap. A Venn Diagram with NO overlap. As I am trying to explain this to my Father...
DH returned 1 1/2 hours later with this...

Uh, yeah not bleach.
God has a good sense of humor and DH does too........
This is 8 week old Poncho, the newest member of Casa De Dust.
Poncho is a male German Shorthaired Pointer.
Uh, yeah not bleach.
It is a living and breathing puppy, who misses his siblings, and Mother tonight.
So far it seems as if he understand the word no, and has a healthy howl, and bark.
He also needs to be taking to whiz every 3-4 hours...
Not my job...I nursed humans for 15 months and survived 3 plus years sleep deprived.
We had eaten, and DH volunteered to run some errands.
I said, DH I need bleach.
When DH left, I sat in the recliner speaking to my Father and his fiancee about the dog conversation that occurred just the other night. Yeah there was a long and healthy debate over dogs. One in which SR and I did understand why PN and DH felt a dog was soooo Necessary. No overlap. A Venn Diagram with NO overlap. As I am trying to explain this to my Father...
DH returned 1 1/2 hours later with this...
Uh, yeah not bleach.
God has a good sense of humor and DH does too........
This is 8 week old Poncho, the newest member of Casa De Dust.
Poncho is a male German Shorthaired Pointer.
Uh, yeah not bleach.
It is a living and breathing puppy, who misses his siblings, and Mother tonight.
So far it seems as if he understand the word no, and has a healthy howl, and bark.
He also needs to be taking to whiz every 3-4 hours...
Not my job...I nursed humans for 15 months and survived 3 plus years sleep deprived.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Halo Moon...
Tonight there is a halo around the moon. This is an indicator of bad weather...ick.
Today was the kindergarten party. DH left work early and went to volunteer in SR's class, and showed up to find the kid in the Principals office. Oye. I am glad DH took the afternoon off, just in time to be there for this...Why was SR in the OFFICE? He pulled a chair out from under a kid in music. Yea, I know, the kid really could have gotten hurt.
WE are sensing a trend here. Homeroom teacher, we adore. He listens to her, respects her. Not a problem generally. The other day, I came home to a note from the art teacher. I guess SR thought it would funny to put his hand in front of the projector. He got into trouble, and then proceeded to say the following "Have Mercy on me", about 15 times. Today the chair thing happened in music. DH and Vice Principal (who also is the director of the gifted program, and KNOWS SR) had a chat. In good news, they are keeping on his tail, and are going to modify things a bit for him. Why? Because the minute anyone lets guard down with this kid, well it will be like a house of cards. I am glad they care enough to keep working on this with us. I think one of the culprits at this time might be boredom. He only gets mentors for a brief part of the day. He is currently doing algebra, basic 4th grade algebra, but he is 7. He doe not sho his work, he does it in his head. The other mentor is Spanish. Frankly, he is not excited about this...AT ALL. He can do it, no problem, it is a memorization game for him, but he does not care, is not excited about this. (You might be saying, big deal no one is excited about school or learning) Oh he loves learning. He is currently studying the periodic table and is EXCITED. He is talking about free radicals, etc. I think we need to get rid of the Spanish mentor, keep the math mentor, and add a science mentor.
I am disappointed in his choices right now. I am hoping this will pass. And quite frankly, we are in a better place right now than I would have thought 2-3 years ago.
Still, it is exhausting. And when I hear of other folks having similar problems, I am grateful we are not the only ones.
PN's fall party went off with out a hitch. Time FLEW. Seriously. The kids were well behaved. The boys loved pumpkin bowling. LOVED it! The craft, whatever. The boys used a lot of google eyes. The girls would have made spiders all day, and could have cared less about the bowling. I was lucky enough to have 4 Moms show up to help! It was actually nice. I do not have much experience with 23 kindergarten children at one time. It was lots of bouncing, jumping, nothing big. None of the kids were bad. The story was a hit. I had lots of left over crafting supplies to school. I promised her books this year. And I need to get that DONE ASAP.
I am pooped.
My Dad called tonight, he and his girlfriend are coming down for the football game. Now I need to clean tonight and tomorrow. Yuck...I did not want to hurry....
Today was the kindergarten party. DH left work early and went to volunteer in SR's class, and showed up to find the kid in the Principals office. Oye. I am glad DH took the afternoon off, just in time to be there for this...Why was SR in the OFFICE? He pulled a chair out from under a kid in music. Yea, I know, the kid really could have gotten hurt.
WE are sensing a trend here. Homeroom teacher, we adore. He listens to her, respects her. Not a problem generally. The other day, I came home to a note from the art teacher. I guess SR thought it would funny to put his hand in front of the projector. He got into trouble, and then proceeded to say the following "Have Mercy on me", about 15 times. Today the chair thing happened in music. DH and Vice Principal (who also is the director of the gifted program, and KNOWS SR) had a chat. In good news, they are keeping on his tail, and are going to modify things a bit for him. Why? Because the minute anyone lets guard down with this kid, well it will be like a house of cards. I am glad they care enough to keep working on this with us. I think one of the culprits at this time might be boredom. He only gets mentors for a brief part of the day. He is currently doing algebra, basic 4th grade algebra, but he is 7. He doe not sho his work, he does it in his head. The other mentor is Spanish. Frankly, he is not excited about this...AT ALL. He can do it, no problem, it is a memorization game for him, but he does not care, is not excited about this. (You might be saying, big deal no one is excited about school or learning) Oh he loves learning. He is currently studying the periodic table and is EXCITED. He is talking about free radicals, etc. I think we need to get rid of the Spanish mentor, keep the math mentor, and add a science mentor.
I am disappointed in his choices right now. I am hoping this will pass. And quite frankly, we are in a better place right now than I would have thought 2-3 years ago.
Still, it is exhausting. And when I hear of other folks having similar problems, I am grateful we are not the only ones.
PN's fall party went off with out a hitch. Time FLEW. Seriously. The kids were well behaved. The boys loved pumpkin bowling. LOVED it! The craft, whatever. The boys used a lot of google eyes. The girls would have made spiders all day, and could have cared less about the bowling. I was lucky enough to have 4 Moms show up to help! It was actually nice. I do not have much experience with 23 kindergarten children at one time. It was lots of bouncing, jumping, nothing big. None of the kids were bad. The story was a hit. I had lots of left over crafting supplies to school. I promised her books this year. And I need to get that DONE ASAP.
I am pooped.
My Dad called tonight, he and his girlfriend are coming down for the football game. Now I need to clean tonight and tomorrow. Yuck...I did not want to hurry....
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Maybe I wont have to be #1 for how to get dog poop out of the carpet, even if i might be now...
DH has the weekend off! Thank God! The amount of stuff to do on the amazing never ending list of things driving me crazy.
So instead of actually spending the day together, we separated into the boy team, and girl team and hit the town running.
Actually DH and the kids were peaches and cleaned my gardens out. Booo Hiss winter! Considering bringing my asparagus ferns that are on the front porch into the house. ( Has anyone done this?)
Errands commenced for 3-4 hours....seriously. Uck. In good news both of us enjoyed hanging with each child tremendously.
PN and I had to go to Micheal's craft store to buy some fall holiday items for the house, and supplies for the school fall party I agreed to head for PN's class. I had a terrible time with a fall party, because I did not want to offend anyone. I thought trick or treat bags might be fun to make, probably not a good idea. I thought a couple of other things might be fun, and nixed them as well. I settled on some spider door candy thing...which ended up evolving today into an entirely different project.
We had to run to the library to return books....
I decided since it is school, I should probably read a story, the Collective LOVE when we read nightly here.
SO I thought I should pick up a spider book.
I picked up this one.
So while shopping I decided to pick up pipe cleaners of different colors ( now called chenille stems I was TOLD, by the helpful but stern helper I needed to find all of my craft crap), different colored google eyes, different colors of tissue paper, paper plates,...tah dah! Spiders, that are not scary. I will let you know how they turn out, and if the kids had fun. WE are also pumpkin bowling.
DH is chaperoning the pumpkin trip (that got called off the other day because of weather) Monday! He has also said, if his day Friday goes well, he will help me Friday.
PN LOVED the craft store, probably because she creates all day. No joke. you folks have not seen the likes of this level of crafting from a child. If she is not painting, she is drawing, or making a book, or a bracelet.....I think she would move into Micheals.
It was off to the beauty salon to purchase hair care stuff, the grocery store....long day.
Watched the Huskers loose.
Ate dinner, and while dining, an impromptu meeting was called to order.
It was the "we need a dog meeting"....
Discussion time 1 hour.
The kids hilarious. They were serious as heart attacks. PN, and her Father on the Yea team. SR and I on the Nay. It was a long and serious debate. The kids soooo serious, DH and I had tears in our eyes from trying not to laugh. I wish i had it on video.....both children are soooo animated. I have no clue as to where they get it.
Looks like SR and I lost. Heck I had all kinds of animals growing up, and I loved them all. I had snakes, frogs, a mouse, turtles, fish, (in a jar, only for 3 days) cats, name it. I loved them all, they made good friends when people did not. I did warn folks about this entire arrangement. I will not wake up in the middle of the night to take a dog out to pee or poop....not MY JOB. I woke for 3 years alone with thanks, the sleep deprivation almost drove me insane. No feeding the dog human food, the minute I see anyone feed the dog from the table, the dog will be gone.
SR and I lost the is probably time......
So instead of actually spending the day together, we separated into the boy team, and girl team and hit the town running.
Actually DH and the kids were peaches and cleaned my gardens out. Booo Hiss winter! Considering bringing my asparagus ferns that are on the front porch into the house. ( Has anyone done this?)
Errands commenced for 3-4 hours....seriously. Uck. In good news both of us enjoyed hanging with each child tremendously.
PN and I had to go to Micheal's craft store to buy some fall holiday items for the house, and supplies for the school fall party I agreed to head for PN's class. I had a terrible time with a fall party, because I did not want to offend anyone. I thought trick or treat bags might be fun to make, probably not a good idea. I thought a couple of other things might be fun, and nixed them as well. I settled on some spider door candy thing...which ended up evolving today into an entirely different project.
We had to run to the library to return books....
I decided since it is school, I should probably read a story, the Collective LOVE when we read nightly here.
SO I thought I should pick up a spider book.
I picked up this one.
So while shopping I decided to pick up pipe cleaners of different colors ( now called chenille stems I was TOLD, by the helpful but stern helper I needed to find all of my craft crap), different colored google eyes, different colors of tissue paper, paper plates,...tah dah! Spiders, that are not scary. I will let you know how they turn out, and if the kids had fun. WE are also pumpkin bowling.
DH is chaperoning the pumpkin trip (that got called off the other day because of weather) Monday! He has also said, if his day Friday goes well, he will help me Friday.
PN LOVED the craft store, probably because she creates all day. No joke. you folks have not seen the likes of this level of crafting from a child. If she is not painting, she is drawing, or making a book, or a bracelet.....I think she would move into Micheals.
It was off to the beauty salon to purchase hair care stuff, the grocery store....long day.
Watched the Huskers loose.
Ate dinner, and while dining, an impromptu meeting was called to order.
It was the "we need a dog meeting"....
Discussion time 1 hour.
The kids hilarious. They were serious as heart attacks. PN, and her Father on the Yea team. SR and I on the Nay. It was a long and serious debate. The kids soooo serious, DH and I had tears in our eyes from trying not to laugh. I wish i had it on video.....both children are soooo animated. I have no clue as to where they get it.
Looks like SR and I lost. Heck I had all kinds of animals growing up, and I loved them all. I had snakes, frogs, a mouse, turtles, fish, (in a jar, only for 3 days) cats, name it. I loved them all, they made good friends when people did not. I did warn folks about this entire arrangement. I will not wake up in the middle of the night to take a dog out to pee or poop....not MY JOB. I woke for 3 years alone with thanks, the sleep deprivation almost drove me insane. No feeding the dog human food, the minute I see anyone feed the dog from the table, the dog will be gone.
SR and I lost the is probably time......
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Come to Jesus meeting 6pm...
work was fine today, busy, but fine...
I picked the kids up, both had coats, backpacks, smiling...ate spaghetti for lunch, all was ok...(well except for the fact that I needed to go home, and be greeted by a house that needs attention, which always seems to be the case. Even more pronounced, now that I am working)
SR says to me when he gets buckled in..."I did not have a good day, you will have an e-mail from my teacher."
ughh....he has more good days than bad right now. But ughhhh, how a part of me wanted to pretend I did not hear this. Seriously I am just tired. Parenting this child takes 6 times the energy the energy it does to parent PN. No joke. It used to take 10 times the energy, and even though it is better, well there was little comfort in that today.
What did he do?
Nothing serious.
Tried to burp a girl like a baby in PE, spoke out of turn and off topic in class, having trouble keeping his hands to himself, and not completing his work.
All impulse control things.
I am considering tying his hands behind his back, but am afraid he would start using his feet to do these things (joking I would not seriously do this)
But ughhh...seriously, the kid is almost 8. He is doing algebra and studying the periodic table, and physics....but cannot figure out what is socially acceptable. So must jump up the parenting to a 7-10 again...which is exhausting. For him, for me, for Dad, for is really exhausting.
The only comfort I have in this, is there are other parents I know with similar issues. Some bloggers, some not, all good parents, with "the one kid" that is just challenging. It boggles my mind. Seriously.
I have no idea what to send back his teacher...seriously. How do I explain that this is normal behavior for him, a bit regressive and I have no clue as to what spurred it, but we do not approve of such things and will have a come to Jesus meeting tonight at 6:00 with DH, myself, and SR....
What have I learned from this...over time I have learned to more accepting of children who have similar issues. I do not immediately think "if I was that child's Mom, that would not be a problem."...I have learned that. I have learned better parenting skills. I have learned that OUR family has a lot to learn from him, and he us.
I have learned how to rephrase things.
On good days, I have learned to say, "THAT is my SR, that is the kind of person you are!"...he smiles proudly. Because part of me wants to say, "see what happens when you act decent, instead of jumping around like a crazy person?"....
I have tried to change how I phrase things, which sounds small, but it really has helped.
Pray for me tonight, I need energy, and wisdom, and patience.....pray for SR. He needs to learn that people will like him for himself, and not this silly behavior. We need him to put all of that energy into other things...
work was fine today, busy, but fine...
I picked the kids up, both had coats, backpacks, smiling...ate spaghetti for lunch, all was ok...(well except for the fact that I needed to go home, and be greeted by a house that needs attention, which always seems to be the case. Even more pronounced, now that I am working)
SR says to me when he gets buckled in..."I did not have a good day, you will have an e-mail from my teacher."
ughh....he has more good days than bad right now. But ughhhh, how a part of me wanted to pretend I did not hear this. Seriously I am just tired. Parenting this child takes 6 times the energy the energy it does to parent PN. No joke. It used to take 10 times the energy, and even though it is better, well there was little comfort in that today.
What did he do?
Nothing serious.
Tried to burp a girl like a baby in PE, spoke out of turn and off topic in class, having trouble keeping his hands to himself, and not completing his work.
All impulse control things.
I am considering tying his hands behind his back, but am afraid he would start using his feet to do these things (joking I would not seriously do this)
But ughhh...seriously, the kid is almost 8. He is doing algebra and studying the periodic table, and physics....but cannot figure out what is socially acceptable. So must jump up the parenting to a 7-10 again...which is exhausting. For him, for me, for Dad, for is really exhausting.
The only comfort I have in this, is there are other parents I know with similar issues. Some bloggers, some not, all good parents, with "the one kid" that is just challenging. It boggles my mind. Seriously.
I have no idea what to send back his teacher...seriously. How do I explain that this is normal behavior for him, a bit regressive and I have no clue as to what spurred it, but we do not approve of such things and will have a come to Jesus meeting tonight at 6:00 with DH, myself, and SR....
What have I learned from this...over time I have learned to more accepting of children who have similar issues. I do not immediately think "if I was that child's Mom, that would not be a problem."...I have learned that. I have learned better parenting skills. I have learned that OUR family has a lot to learn from him, and he us.
I have learned how to rephrase things.
On good days, I have learned to say, "THAT is my SR, that is the kind of person you are!"...he smiles proudly. Because part of me wants to say, "see what happens when you act decent, instead of jumping around like a crazy person?"....
I have tried to change how I phrase things, which sounds small, but it really has helped.
Pray for me tonight, I need energy, and wisdom, and patience.....pray for SR. He needs to learn that people will like him for himself, and not this silly behavior. We need him to put all of that energy into other things...
Monday, October 12, 2009
In the morning my Husband will be a year older..
I am getting ready to hit the sack. I am beat tonight.
I did mange to make it to work early today, and stayed later. Thanks to DH, who took the day off to spend Columbus Day with the collective. I guess the day went well for them.
I did manage to get to the YMCA, for part of SR's swim lesson. He is doing well, and PN's swim lesson, she is too!! DH, and SR went to Scouts, where SR earned his 1st badge. Must get either thread out, or some dual tape to iron this on ASAP!! He was excited!
Tomorrow DH is 41, and I must try and bake his cake after work and school tomorrow, and I think we are going out to eat to celebrate. I then must return home to make at least 2 dozen rice krispie treats for CREW at church.
Today I recieved 2 calls from PTO begging me to host Cora's fall party at school on the 23rd. I broke down and accepted the challenge. It is only an hour, I can come up with something for a room of kids to do for an hour can't I?
DH is chaperoning the pumpkin patch trip Wednesday.
My mechanic called today, he has been driving my car all week, and it is fine, diagnostics fine....
He has no idea why it did what it did...
So looks like I am in the market for a trade in, and soon....I have no idea what I will be doing, or where I will find the time to screw around with this....I love my car, but seriously do not need mysterious problems popping up.....
I have been with DH for half of his life now.
1/2. Frankly he deserves a medal, for that...
Go to bed, that is where i am headed..Sleeping hard lately, since i was ill, no insomnia to speak of. Everyone is sleeping good here through the night.
I have a small naggy list of things I need to get done ASAP. I hate that.
I did mange to make it to work early today, and stayed later. Thanks to DH, who took the day off to spend Columbus Day with the collective. I guess the day went well for them.
I did manage to get to the YMCA, for part of SR's swim lesson. He is doing well, and PN's swim lesson, she is too!! DH, and SR went to Scouts, where SR earned his 1st badge. Must get either thread out, or some dual tape to iron this on ASAP!! He was excited!
Tomorrow DH is 41, and I must try and bake his cake after work and school tomorrow, and I think we are going out to eat to celebrate. I then must return home to make at least 2 dozen rice krispie treats for CREW at church.
Today I recieved 2 calls from PTO begging me to host Cora's fall party at school on the 23rd. I broke down and accepted the challenge. It is only an hour, I can come up with something for a room of kids to do for an hour can't I?
DH is chaperoning the pumpkin patch trip Wednesday.
My mechanic called today, he has been driving my car all week, and it is fine, diagnostics fine....
He has no idea why it did what it did...
So looks like I am in the market for a trade in, and soon....I have no idea what I will be doing, or where I will find the time to screw around with this....I love my car, but seriously do not need mysterious problems popping up.....
I have been with DH for half of his life now.
1/2. Frankly he deserves a medal, for that...
Go to bed, that is where i am headed..Sleeping hard lately, since i was ill, no insomnia to speak of. Everyone is sleeping good here through the night.
I have a small naggy list of things I need to get done ASAP. I hate that.
A case of the Mondays
Wow, what happened to the weekend?
Today is Columbus Day, which means neither of the children have school today. DH has managed to take the day off, so i did not have to pay someone to care for them today. He has also graciously volunteered to supervise a trip to the local pumpkin patch this Wednesday, because there were not enough adults! A peach.
I volunteered to go in early today, and stay later later than I normally do, as one of my coworkers had gall bladder surgery last week. I wonder what I was thinking when I volunteered to do that, because it feels terribly Monday.
The Collective were wild this weekend. Unsure of the root of this. My Sissy was here, so I suppose it could have been that. It seemed as though they had boundless energy, that could not be contained in their small bodies. That said, it might be a long winter. I must look into some physical classes for them, as swimming is over in 2 weeks. The weather will be bad, and time spent of out of doors will not be as much as i would like.
PN, has been great about entertaining herself. She is my artist, she spends hours (no joke) drawing, coloring, trying to write stories, making books, cutting things, taping things, gluing things, CREATING. Note to family, if you buy her anything for birthdays or holidays, make sure it is art related, as she will love it. Washable markers, stacks of plain white paper, paints, envelopes, beads, google eyes, craft get the picture.
SR on the other hand will be my tricky one. I must find him some science projects, etc, books of interest to keep him busy. Otherwise it will be a long winter. Of course he would play video games all day if I let him...however anything beyond 30 minutes a day , makes him act weird. So 30 minutes well it is what we try and limit it too. There is much gnashing of teeth etc. But he also knows 30 minutes is all he can handle.
I am already concerned about the Christmas break, and must arrange some sort of activity for them, day care or a day program while school is out on break....ughh dreading this. And school is actually out for an entire week the last of the month. Something called fall break. Seriously? DH had to be a peach and fit it into his schedule, as I sort of feel as though I was in no place to ask at work, since essentially they let me have the summer off....
Today is Columbus Day, which means neither of the children have school today. DH has managed to take the day off, so i did not have to pay someone to care for them today. He has also graciously volunteered to supervise a trip to the local pumpkin patch this Wednesday, because there were not enough adults! A peach.
I volunteered to go in early today, and stay later later than I normally do, as one of my coworkers had gall bladder surgery last week. I wonder what I was thinking when I volunteered to do that, because it feels terribly Monday.
The Collective were wild this weekend. Unsure of the root of this. My Sissy was here, so I suppose it could have been that. It seemed as though they had boundless energy, that could not be contained in their small bodies. That said, it might be a long winter. I must look into some physical classes for them, as swimming is over in 2 weeks. The weather will be bad, and time spent of out of doors will not be as much as i would like.
PN, has been great about entertaining herself. She is my artist, she spends hours (no joke) drawing, coloring, trying to write stories, making books, cutting things, taping things, gluing things, CREATING. Note to family, if you buy her anything for birthdays or holidays, make sure it is art related, as she will love it. Washable markers, stacks of plain white paper, paints, envelopes, beads, google eyes, craft get the picture.
SR on the other hand will be my tricky one. I must find him some science projects, etc, books of interest to keep him busy. Otherwise it will be a long winter. Of course he would play video games all day if I let him...however anything beyond 30 minutes a day , makes him act weird. So 30 minutes well it is what we try and limit it too. There is much gnashing of teeth etc. But he also knows 30 minutes is all he can handle.
I am already concerned about the Christmas break, and must arrange some sort of activity for them, day care or a day program while school is out on break....ughh dreading this. And school is actually out for an entire week the last of the month. Something called fall break. Seriously? DH had to be a peach and fit it into his schedule, as I sort of feel as though I was in no place to ask at work, since essentially they let me have the summer off....
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Just another first snow of the season.
I have figure out the mentality of Nebrakans after being one my entire life.
"Hurry, hurry no time to talk it is going to snow"
"Hurry, hurry get things done, we have a week before Spring"
Really that is it in a nutshell. With such a large agrarian based economy, it is hurry, hurry.
You get to chat when you are retired.
I woke this morning, to screaming, jumping, and shouting.
"It is a winter wonderland, it snowed, winter is here!!!!" Elation from The Collective. True excitement over the snow.
My first thought, OMG, I am trapped indoors with these people for the next 6 months. In my head I began making a mental list of crafts, science projects, supplies, etc to get us through the winter months.
Of course, I just ordered PN's new winter coat like 3 days ago, it is not yet here. Temps are well below 40 most of the coming week. I was planning on ordering snow boots on payday.....ughhh. Normally it blizzards on Halloween or around there so I was planning for that.
I did bundle up both kids, and sent them out. My Sissy is here, and we timed them, as it was about 32 and the wind was a bit harsh...they made it about 20 minutes before they were done. Not enough snow to sled. There was enough for them to scoop the deck, and throw in each others faces.
I threw some chicken, veggies, and rice in a pot and slow cooked it all day. I made popcorn and hot chocolate for the kids. I took My Sissy and The Collective to the YMCA and decided we should try our hands at basketball. I knew they had a kid's court and KNEW I wanted them to run. They had fun. PN a little frustrated, she made 12 baskets, SR actually can walk and dribble while chewing gum. He refused to shoot in the short hoops as a matter of principal. We had fun, even if my Sissy about died laughing when I did a lay up. (I did not think it was funny) Must have been though, it has been about 18 years since I have done one. I think this will be a fun thing for us to go and do, It was good exercise for me too. I can still dribble a ball run and not look down at the ball! (Also probably funny to watch)
We made a library run, and checked out a ton of books.
DH has to work all weekend AGAIN. I am beginning to hate the weekends. I would actually give anything to have a day ALONE in the house to CLEAN. It seriously needs some detailing, and it is driving me crazy. My Mother is rolling in her grave. (BTW my Mother would have been 68 on the 4th of this month, I was grumpy all day.)
Work is going well, I need to sit and do my nails at some point, they need to be filed, and painted with clear polish, cuticles are in dire need of attention.
Tonight SR told my Sister, "you know comedy is just tragedy happening to other people..." I am unsure who first said this quote, or where on Earth he picked it up. But I did try to explain, tragedy is not funny....small bumps in the road funny...tragedy never.
The reading of The New Testament is going well. We have spent 30 minutes each night starting in Matthew and Acts.
"Hurry, hurry no time to talk it is going to snow"
"Hurry, hurry get things done, we have a week before Spring"
Really that is it in a nutshell. With such a large agrarian based economy, it is hurry, hurry.
You get to chat when you are retired.
I woke this morning, to screaming, jumping, and shouting.
"It is a winter wonderland, it snowed, winter is here!!!!" Elation from The Collective. True excitement over the snow.
My first thought, OMG, I am trapped indoors with these people for the next 6 months. In my head I began making a mental list of crafts, science projects, supplies, etc to get us through the winter months.
Of course, I just ordered PN's new winter coat like 3 days ago, it is not yet here. Temps are well below 40 most of the coming week. I was planning on ordering snow boots on payday.....ughhh. Normally it blizzards on Halloween or around there so I was planning for that.
I did bundle up both kids, and sent them out. My Sissy is here, and we timed them, as it was about 32 and the wind was a bit harsh...they made it about 20 minutes before they were done. Not enough snow to sled. There was enough for them to scoop the deck, and throw in each others faces.
I threw some chicken, veggies, and rice in a pot and slow cooked it all day. I made popcorn and hot chocolate for the kids. I took My Sissy and The Collective to the YMCA and decided we should try our hands at basketball. I knew they had a kid's court and KNEW I wanted them to run. They had fun. PN a little frustrated, she made 12 baskets, SR actually can walk and dribble while chewing gum. He refused to shoot in the short hoops as a matter of principal. We had fun, even if my Sissy about died laughing when I did a lay up. (I did not think it was funny) Must have been though, it has been about 18 years since I have done one. I think this will be a fun thing for us to go and do, It was good exercise for me too. I can still dribble a ball run and not look down at the ball! (Also probably funny to watch)
We made a library run, and checked out a ton of books.
DH has to work all weekend AGAIN. I am beginning to hate the weekends. I would actually give anything to have a day ALONE in the house to CLEAN. It seriously needs some detailing, and it is driving me crazy. My Mother is rolling in her grave. (BTW my Mother would have been 68 on the 4th of this month, I was grumpy all day.)
Work is going well, I need to sit and do my nails at some point, they need to be filed, and painted with clear polish, cuticles are in dire need of attention.
Tonight SR told my Sister, "you know comedy is just tragedy happening to other people..." I am unsure who first said this quote, or where on Earth he picked it up. But I did try to explain, tragedy is not funny....small bumps in the road funny...tragedy never.
The reading of The New Testament is going well. We have spent 30 minutes each night starting in Matthew and Acts.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
My mechanic here in town, says he does not think it is the transmission, he drove my car around yesterday, and said, holy heck it drove fine. so the puzzle continues...Hopefully it is a less expensive puzzle.
I ordered PN's winter coat last night, and 2 long sleeved blouses. I found a coupon code on line for Lands End and saved 10 plus in shipping. The coat was also on sale for 44$. Good enough. I will still need to get both kids snow boots, and PN needs snow pants.
It is freezing here this morning, literally. 30 degrees. PN coat is not here...oye. So I ill send her in a heavy sweatshirt, gloves, and a stocking cap. It is supposed to 68 by the end of the day.
Parent teacher conferences are tonight, we start with PN. Tomorrow is SR.
Veggie soup is in the crockpot, and ready to go for this evening. I heart veggie sou with cabbage.
Tonight is also CREW for the kids at church.
Things are busy, working outside of the home is quite busy. Even if I only work 30-40 hours a week. I do not know how folks do it with serious serious jobs.
School starts in January for me, and I have some loose ends to tie up.
all is well
I ordered PN's winter coat last night, and 2 long sleeved blouses. I found a coupon code on line for Lands End and saved 10 plus in shipping. The coat was also on sale for 44$. Good enough. I will still need to get both kids snow boots, and PN needs snow pants.
It is freezing here this morning, literally. 30 degrees. PN coat is not here...oye. So I ill send her in a heavy sweatshirt, gloves, and a stocking cap. It is supposed to 68 by the end of the day.
Parent teacher conferences are tonight, we start with PN. Tomorrow is SR.
Veggie soup is in the crockpot, and ready to go for this evening. I heart veggie sou with cabbage.
Tonight is also CREW for the kids at church.
Things are busy, working outside of the home is quite busy. Even if I only work 30-40 hours a week. I do not know how folks do it with serious serious jobs.
School starts in January for me, and I have some loose ends to tie up.
all is well
Sunday, October 04, 2009
and the wildness continues...
Swim bag packed. 2 towels, 2 goggles, 2 swimsuits.
Lunch packed, so the kids can eat in the car on the way from the school to swim.
DH is in charge of scout uniform.
Lunchcards recharged for the next 2 weeks.
Backbacks gone through. SR got 100% on his math, and spelling this week.
Reading minutes cards filled out.
the 6th load of wash done, and there is still bedding I will not get to.
No way am I gonna get my ironing done tonight, maybe tomorrow. I will wear a skirt, and blouse tomorrow that is ready to go.
SR dinner was yummy, and he did a good job, although the kid that lets his head wander while he is doing stuff, makes me nervous at the stove. He even helped with dishes, and proclaimed there is a lot to do, that he wasn't aware of because he is just busy doing kids stuff.
Lunch packed, so the kids can eat in the car on the way from the school to swim.
DH is in charge of scout uniform.
Lunchcards recharged for the next 2 weeks.
Backbacks gone through. SR got 100% on his math, and spelling this week.
Reading minutes cards filled out.
the 6th load of wash done, and there is still bedding I will not get to.
No way am I gonna get my ironing done tonight, maybe tomorrow. I will wear a skirt, and blouse tomorrow that is ready to go.
SR dinner was yummy, and he did a good job, although the kid that lets his head wander while he is doing stuff, makes me nervous at the stove. He even helped with dishes, and proclaimed there is a lot to do, that he wasn't aware of because he is just busy doing kids stuff.
Wild Sundays...
Sundays are prep day...
Now that I am back in the work force, time is even more precious than it was before.
So far, I have done 3 loads of wash, dishes, cleaned the kitchen, made piggy bricks for after school snacks, and carameld apples, cleaned a bathroom, and tried to dust.
Yesterday, DH took SR to get his Scout uniform, and for a haircut, I took PN to get hers, we went out for lunch, DH had to go to work. I took the kids to the park to shake the stink off of them, then it was off to the grocery store, and then we went looking for a winter coat for PN.
Not much in the grand scheme of things, which makes me sad. The list is never ending. I have never known what boredom is and I do not think I will any time soon.
We did manage to go to church this morning, and let the kids ride bikes to and from, hoping it would be good for little lungs, and legs. Soon there will be no bike riding. I have decided to read the New Testament before January 1, which will take 30 minutes a day.
The kids are not thrilled that I am making them keep selves entertained while I go to it around here..I have been told "you are not fun", several times today. Which, is the one bad thing about working again. Time has to be maximized and really used to benefit everyone in the week.
I am promising to take them out to play catch with the football this afternoon to make up for my lost time with them today.
SR has to set the table, prepare a meal, and do dishes tonight for Cub Scouts. He chose to prepare spaghetti, garlic bread and salad.
Tomorrow is our busiest day of the week. I was not aware Scouts would be Mondays, and signed the kids up for swim. (I will never sign up for Monday activities again.) Monday is wild enough without leaving the house early in the morning, only to return at 8pm. I guess it is known Mondays is a Scout night, I was not aware, but KNOW now. I will either have to pack a dinner for the kids and make sure to refridge @ work, or try and pick something up.
Tonight I must iron, otherwise I will look like McFrumpy at work all week.
My transmission gets replaced this next week, and I am waiting for a helicopter to dump a load of money in the back yard...
Now that I am back in the work force, time is even more precious than it was before.
So far, I have done 3 loads of wash, dishes, cleaned the kitchen, made piggy bricks for after school snacks, and carameld apples, cleaned a bathroom, and tried to dust.
Yesterday, DH took SR to get his Scout uniform, and for a haircut, I took PN to get hers, we went out for lunch, DH had to go to work. I took the kids to the park to shake the stink off of them, then it was off to the grocery store, and then we went looking for a winter coat for PN.
Not much in the grand scheme of things, which makes me sad. The list is never ending. I have never known what boredom is and I do not think I will any time soon.
We did manage to go to church this morning, and let the kids ride bikes to and from, hoping it would be good for little lungs, and legs. Soon there will be no bike riding. I have decided to read the New Testament before January 1, which will take 30 minutes a day.
The kids are not thrilled that I am making them keep selves entertained while I go to it around here..I have been told "you are not fun", several times today. Which, is the one bad thing about working again. Time has to be maximized and really used to benefit everyone in the week.
I am promising to take them out to play catch with the football this afternoon to make up for my lost time with them today.
SR has to set the table, prepare a meal, and do dishes tonight for Cub Scouts. He chose to prepare spaghetti, garlic bread and salad.
Tomorrow is our busiest day of the week. I was not aware Scouts would be Mondays, and signed the kids up for swim. (I will never sign up for Monday activities again.) Monday is wild enough without leaving the house early in the morning, only to return at 8pm. I guess it is known Mondays is a Scout night, I was not aware, but KNOW now. I will either have to pack a dinner for the kids and make sure to refridge @ work, or try and pick something up.
Tonight I must iron, otherwise I will look like McFrumpy at work all week.
My transmission gets replaced this next week, and I am waiting for a helicopter to dump a load of money in the back yard...
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