Sunday, November 04, 2007

Manic Monday, and geesshh linking takes a lot of darn time doesn't it?

What a wild week here at AWTM, and honestly almost impossible to keep up with. Seriously.

First off, I have completed my CEU's, and my first responders courses. I have a small amount of paperwork to fill out and I am done. It felt very natural to hop back into that mode of thinking. I am still nervous...

Then, we have the Valour IT fundraiser. I would encourage all of you to join this effort, it is for a good cause. Run off some flyers and put them up in your gym, community center, church, VFW.

There is BLOG EXPO in VEGAS! I will be attending to be on the Homefront Panel with fellow SpouseBuzz contributors Andi, and Sarah(who is newly pregnant, and ill). SSM, will be joining us as well, and I will be thrilled to speak with her. And new military spouse blogger Butterfly Wife will be on the panel as well, we are all looking forward to meeting her. We ladies, will be on the milblogging track sponsored by I am looking forward to speaking on this panel, and nervous as well, because this will be my first non-military audience, and I will have to be very clear and concise, and represent us all well. I do wish DH could have came with, but he is going to keep the fires burning here, and take care of The Collective. The children are looking forward to having Daddy be "at home". As always I am looking forward to the fellowship that comes with mil-blogging community, as well as being entertained by Uncle Jimbo.

There are also The Weblog awards, in which SpouseBuzz was nominated as well as AWTM.

And there is more, but frankly I am beat.

I will finish this in the morning!

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