Sir Rowland's delivery seems to be shadowed by stressful events, and every year I recall those events, and I seriously think I managed fairly well considering.
6 years ago I was in labor and delivery, puking up my New Years dinner, because of labor pain. I think labor lasted a little over 10 hours.
Sir Rowland's delivery, was pending, and I cannot think of anything as painful. Seriously. I do not think I will forget that.
I ended up asking for some sort of bar that would fit over the bed, so I could just hang on, and let gravity help. I was paralyzed with pain, and could not move, how very "pioneer".
And the moment I saw his little face, even though he was about 22 days early.....I melted. Heck I still do.
I am blessed to have such a curious, and affectionate child.....blessed.
Where does time go?
Thank You to Sir Rowland for making all of the moments funny, sweet, and educational. I seriously have learned more from you than anyone else on the planet, and you have only been here 6 years.....I ought to be a parenting genius by now.
I love you.
Monday, December 31, 2007
I see your 10 acres and raise you another 10
So after much discussion here at Casa De Dust over the past several months, DH and I agree a move to the country just might be in order...
Another property found, this one with a whopping 20 acres, and a pond. Holy smokes.
Now we are spending romantic evenings talking about chicken coops, chicken poop, compost piles, gardening, and guinea birds. (fantastic chat, for someone that is bird phobic.) I am insisting on some fancy hens, if I am going to be out cleaning up after those things. And what about the coyotes that are sure to get in the coop? Well DH has promised to make me a coyote coat. Also I have learned the state of Nebraska, will give you pheasents to raise.
Holy Crap, 2008 will be the most entertaining of all.
A move, which will be sure to be terrible, after all we have been in this house for 7 years....
I am going to need a new blog name, and a pair of coveralls....
I already have a ton of ideas for next years Christmas Cards!! I am thinking American Gothic?
Another property found, this one with a whopping 20 acres, and a pond. Holy smokes.
Now we are spending romantic evenings talking about chicken coops, chicken poop, compost piles, gardening, and guinea birds. (fantastic chat, for someone that is bird phobic.) I am insisting on some fancy hens, if I am going to be out cleaning up after those things. And what about the coyotes that are sure to get in the coop? Well DH has promised to make me a coyote coat. Also I have learned the state of Nebraska, will give you pheasents to raise.
Holy Crap, 2008 will be the most entertaining of all.
A move, which will be sure to be terrible, after all we have been in this house for 7 years....
I am going to need a new blog name, and a pair of coveralls....
I already have a ton of ideas for next years Christmas Cards!! I am thinking American Gothic?
2007, AWTM a year in review
2007, a restful one.
I cannot say that much about years gone buy. But I am glad to report, there was little in the way of chaos. Good for us.
Here is a list of my 2006 resoloutions, with commentary.
-make exercise and nutrition a priority for the entire house
*I managed to do a fairly good job of this, until November, when it started getting dark early. Time to take this seriously again, I have worked very hard to be fit and want to stay that way, tis a slippery slope!
-go to church regularly
*DONE. The family managed to find a church we all agreed on, no easy task, and we all love it. We are at Church at least 3 times per week, and enjoy it, we look forward to it. I have learned a lot in Wednesday night Bible study and prayer group. I also have learned, I do not know nearly enough about Christianity. We will miss our Church, and our church family more than anything else when we leave. It has been a blessing.
-go through those piles of crap in the kitchen that drive you CRAZY!
* NOT done, however, with a pending move, it will HAVE to be done.
-photo albums, need to be done
*HA. Not done. I am proud, that I continue to take photos of The Collective very regularly. Ask for nice photo albums for your Birthday.
-projects for spousebuzz, organize them
*Done, and I managed to get Ben Stein (who was a peach) for an interview. This continues to be a group effort, and I am blessed to work with so many tough, gritty and smart women. It has been a great support, and they have inspired. 2008, brings me to work on a PTSD series that I feel is of uber importance.
-become an instillation ambassador for
*I cannot do, because the post/base that is near is not large enough.
-read at least one book per month for pleasure
*this has fallen to the wayside. Mostly because of the amount of reading I do for SB, a lot of military topic books, spouse books. Which are interesting, but I miss my usual reading.
-cook one new and different meal from a new recipe every week
*I actually did fairly good with this for about 6 months, and then fell make into my cook what you know. Cooking about 21 mealas a week at home, can get monotenous.
-clean out closets
*NOT DONE. I managed to get about 1/2 of items sorted. Not nearly enough. A work in progress.
-clean out drawers
*everyone's drawers look great except for mine.
-organize a garage sale for the neighborhood this spring
*DONE. I did not organize one for the neighborhood, but allowed neighbors to bring what they had over. It was a pain, but the kids had fun. I doubt if I will do a garage sale again.
-get children involved in the reading groups at the library
*done. The kids and I continue our love affair with our local library. We love it, and leave weekly with at least 30 books to read. PN is involved in the reading and craft group. DH takes her one night a month to a Father/ Daughter night out.
-the collective will take swim lessons this year
*not done for financial reasons. Both children are in classes, PN is in ballet, and SR is taking gymnastics.
-work on activating my nursing license for 2007
*done. I will be working SOON.
-prepare Sir Rowland socially as much as I can for kindergarten
*done. He has done pretty well this year. Academically he is doing well, socially he has moved mountains, he is caring, and gives more hugs than I have ever seen. He needs to learn about losing.
-make sure all paperwork for a possible looming deployment get done
*no looming deployment in sight. However, our personal paperwork is in shambles, and needs to be straightened out.
-visit family back in Nebraska
*done. All was well
-visit family in North Carolina
*done. All was well
-a family VACATION is in ORDER
*we managed a brief trip to Atlanta with DH while he was at 6 month training, we had a great time. We even got to swim outside on top of a hotel in Atlanta after dark...very cool.
-loose 15 pounds
*ha. Not done, but I have not gained weight. I am healthier than I was at 20. However, I continue to fail at daily excercise, which I have grown to NEED and crave.
-date with Husband one night a month (even if it is a ride on the bike!)
*not done. Mostly for financial reasons. Sitters are expensive. However we do manage to get the kids in bed early, and have alone time with one another nightly. We also broke down and have a Netflix account, which has been great fun. We have at least 2 movie nights per week. We volunteer together Sunday nights at church, which gives us more time to connect with one another. We also have Bible Studay and prayer group together on Wednesday nights.
All in all not to bad.
I need to think about the next year and my goals for myself and my family. I think one of the hardest things to do is balance. And I am sure that will get harder when I get to work.
It will be an interesting 2008 for us!
I cannot say that much about years gone buy. But I am glad to report, there was little in the way of chaos. Good for us.
Here is a list of my 2006 resoloutions, with commentary.
-make exercise and nutrition a priority for the entire house
*I managed to do a fairly good job of this, until November, when it started getting dark early. Time to take this seriously again, I have worked very hard to be fit and want to stay that way, tis a slippery slope!
-go to church regularly
*DONE. The family managed to find a church we all agreed on, no easy task, and we all love it. We are at Church at least 3 times per week, and enjoy it, we look forward to it. I have learned a lot in Wednesday night Bible study and prayer group. I also have learned, I do not know nearly enough about Christianity. We will miss our Church, and our church family more than anything else when we leave. It has been a blessing.
-go through those piles of crap in the kitchen that drive you CRAZY!
* NOT done, however, with a pending move, it will HAVE to be done.
-photo albums, need to be done
*HA. Not done. I am proud, that I continue to take photos of The Collective very regularly. Ask for nice photo albums for your Birthday.
-projects for spousebuzz, organize them
*Done, and I managed to get Ben Stein (who was a peach) for an interview. This continues to be a group effort, and I am blessed to work with so many tough, gritty and smart women. It has been a great support, and they have inspired. 2008, brings me to work on a PTSD series that I feel is of uber importance.
-become an instillation ambassador for
*I cannot do, because the post/base that is near is not large enough.
-read at least one book per month for pleasure
*this has fallen to the wayside. Mostly because of the amount of reading I do for SB, a lot of military topic books, spouse books. Which are interesting, but I miss my usual reading.
-cook one new and different meal from a new recipe every week
*I actually did fairly good with this for about 6 months, and then fell make into my cook what you know. Cooking about 21 mealas a week at home, can get monotenous.
-clean out closets
*NOT DONE. I managed to get about 1/2 of items sorted. Not nearly enough. A work in progress.
-clean out drawers
*everyone's drawers look great except for mine.
-organize a garage sale for the neighborhood this spring
*DONE. I did not organize one for the neighborhood, but allowed neighbors to bring what they had over. It was a pain, but the kids had fun. I doubt if I will do a garage sale again.
-get children involved in the reading groups at the library
*done. The kids and I continue our love affair with our local library. We love it, and leave weekly with at least 30 books to read. PN is involved in the reading and craft group. DH takes her one night a month to a Father/ Daughter night out.
-the collective will take swim lessons this year
*not done for financial reasons. Both children are in classes, PN is in ballet, and SR is taking gymnastics.
-work on activating my nursing license for 2007
*done. I will be working SOON.
-prepare Sir Rowland socially as much as I can for kindergarten
*done. He has done pretty well this year. Academically he is doing well, socially he has moved mountains, he is caring, and gives more hugs than I have ever seen. He needs to learn about losing.
-make sure all paperwork for a possible looming deployment get done
*no looming deployment in sight. However, our personal paperwork is in shambles, and needs to be straightened out.
-visit family back in Nebraska
*done. All was well
-visit family in North Carolina
*done. All was well
-a family VACATION is in ORDER
*we managed a brief trip to Atlanta with DH while he was at 6 month training, we had a great time. We even got to swim outside on top of a hotel in Atlanta after dark...very cool.
-loose 15 pounds
*ha. Not done, but I have not gained weight. I am healthier than I was at 20. However, I continue to fail at daily excercise, which I have grown to NEED and crave.
-date with Husband one night a month (even if it is a ride on the bike!)
*not done. Mostly for financial reasons. Sitters are expensive. However we do manage to get the kids in bed early, and have alone time with one another nightly. We also broke down and have a Netflix account, which has been great fun. We have at least 2 movie nights per week. We volunteer together Sunday nights at church, which gives us more time to connect with one another. We also have Bible Studay and prayer group together on Wednesday nights.
All in all not to bad.
I need to think about the next year and my goals for myself and my family. I think one of the hardest things to do is balance. And I am sure that will get harder when I get to work.
It will be an interesting 2008 for us!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Pros and Cons of living in the country....

I grew up in town, and later in the country...
Do I need 10 acres?
The price is right, and the taxes are less than if we live in town. The school system is good, and small.
I also have no idea what to do with a septic tank? Really no idea...
The nearest "metro" area is 23 miles away, the nearest "small town" is 4 miles away...
The house is fairly new, built in 2003.
What is a girl to do.
The looming question seems to be, what on Earth would I do with snow? What if DH is deployed, and I am stuck in the middle of nowhere with a lane full of snow?
I am sure I COULD manage...
Perspective for the new year
Amazing that 2007 is almost over.
Last night our family was tkaen to dinner by an old family friend that is here visisting from Nebraska...
I seriously felt like someone opened a window and let fresh air in.
It is very nice having dinner with people who KNOW you.
It was a pleasure.
Dinner was fair, altough I have realized that my Asian cooking kills have improved 10 times over the last year. I guess something can be said for living on a tight budget. My Indian food, and Asian food, is equally as tasty as when we go out to eat.
2008, will be a hard an exciting one for us for certain, I cannot wait to see what happens.
Last night our family was tkaen to dinner by an old family friend that is here visisting from Nebraska...
I seriously felt like someone opened a window and let fresh air in.
It is very nice having dinner with people who KNOW you.
It was a pleasure.
Dinner was fair, altough I have realized that my Asian cooking kills have improved 10 times over the last year. I guess something can be said for living on a tight budget. My Indian food, and Asian food, is equally as tasty as when we go out to eat.
2008, will be a hard an exciting one for us for certain, I cannot wait to see what happens.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Just plain ole fashioned busy
I have got the post holiday-pre birthday crazies today. Yes another Birthday to prepare for. Actually 3 Birthdays in the month of January....oye.
I also have 2 children here wanting Mommy.
So I am off the do the usual, laundry, dishes, make beds, dust, vacuum..
I thought I might have time to tackle yet another cupboard, or such nonsense, but I do not see it.
Yesterday I spent about 4 hours building the Tower of Rokmania. It took forever, because I had helpers. But also because I loathe following instructions. I do. Which is why I hate baking. I love cooking, but hate baking, because I hate instructions.
It took forever, I should get an award.
Today they are begging me to add on to it, and expand the current design.
So I am off, to wade through muk. It seems as though as soon as I get one project done, another raises its ugly head.
Oh and I have a tea party to attend.
I also have 2 children here wanting Mommy.
So I am off the do the usual, laundry, dishes, make beds, dust, vacuum..
I thought I might have time to tackle yet another cupboard, or such nonsense, but I do not see it.
Yesterday I spent about 4 hours building the Tower of Rokmania. It took forever, because I had helpers. But also because I loathe following instructions. I do. Which is why I hate baking. I love cooking, but hate baking, because I hate instructions.
It took forever, I should get an award.
Today they are begging me to add on to it, and expand the current design.
So I am off, to wade through muk. It seems as though as soon as I get one project done, another raises its ugly head.
Oh and I have a tea party to attend.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
When your bad you get coal, when you are good you get poop?
Sir Rowland got rubber doggie doo in his stocking from Santa. I guess Santa must know that Sir Rowland is a bit of a practical joker. I will give my Husbands side of the family credit on that feature.
However, I wish you could have seen his face when he opened his stocking, and was emptying it. Gold Nugget bubble gum, cherry Hersheys kisses, fruit leather, corn nuts, and poop. He held the poop in his hand, and looked at us, and looked at the poop. The expression on his face was one of....
"should I tell Mom and Dad, I just got poop in my stocking, cuz that cannot be a good sign"....
However, I wish you could have seen his face when he opened his stocking, and was emptying it. Gold Nugget bubble gum, cherry Hersheys kisses, fruit leather, corn nuts, and poop. He held the poop in his hand, and looked at us, and looked at the poop. The expression on his face was one of....
"should I tell Mom and Dad, I just got poop in my stocking, cuz that cannot be a good sign"....
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The morning after...
DH is back at work, Sir Rowland is on Christmas break from school, and Pink Ninja continues to think she is supervisor.
WE had a lovely Christmas, very quiet, and delightful. It was nice having DH home. One never knows.
The gifts are all open, and The Collective have new ways of spending free time. Hoorah, because AWTM continues to dig out of the Christmas things.
There are a couple of things on my mind this morning.
Manufacturers of children's toys. Could you please make the packaging condusive to storing said toy/or toys. There is one company that does this. Melissa and Doug. I really should not have to buy storage bins for EVERYTHING. To game manufacturers, that insist on cardboard boxes, STOP IT. You drive everyone nuts. Could you try wooden or tin boxes. I am tired of taped game box corners. Loathe the cardboard boxes.
The Mitt Romney Mormon saga. While I agree the folks on the Romney campaign failed to approach this with the sense of goats, it is getting tiresome to me. Debbie Schlussel, spoke about Obama's religious background about a year ago.
WE had a lovely Christmas, very quiet, and delightful. It was nice having DH home. One never knows.
The gifts are all open, and The Collective have new ways of spending free time. Hoorah, because AWTM continues to dig out of the Christmas things.
There are a couple of things on my mind this morning.
Manufacturers of children's toys. Could you please make the packaging condusive to storing said toy/or toys. There is one company that does this. Melissa and Doug. I really should not have to buy storage bins for EVERYTHING. To game manufacturers, that insist on cardboard boxes, STOP IT. You drive everyone nuts. Could you try wooden or tin boxes. I am tired of taped game box corners. Loathe the cardboard boxes.
The Mitt Romney Mormon saga. While I agree the folks on the Romney campaign failed to approach this with the sense of goats, it is getting tiresome to me. Debbie Schlussel, spoke about Obama's religious background about a year ago.
But, then, I decided to look further into Obama's background. His full name--as by now you have probably heard--is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali's son--Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.
And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that's not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he's a Christian, but they do not.
Then, there are the other items in his background. As best-selling author Scott Turow wrote in Salon, Obama went to a Muslim school for two years in Indonesia. His mother, Anna, married an Indonesian man (likely another Muslim, as Indonesia is Muslim-dominated and has the largest Islamic population in the world).
And Obama has a "born-again" affinity for the nation of his Muslim father, Kenya, and his Kenyan sister. (Although Kenya is largely Christian, it has a fast-growing Muslim population that has engaged in a good deal of religious violence and riots against Christians. And Kenyan courts will apply Sharia law, when the participants are Muslim.) Wrote Turow:
Obama's father died in a traffic accident in Nairobi in 1982, but while Obama was working in Chicago, he met his Kenyan sister, Auma, a linguist educated in Germany who was visiting the United States. When she returned to Kenya in 1986 to teach for a year at the University of Nairobi, Obama finally made the trip to his father's homeland he had long promised himself. There, he managed to fully embrace a heritage and a family he'd never fully known and come to terms with his father, whom he'd long regarded as an august foreign prince, but now realized was a human being burdened by his own illusions and vulnerabilities.
So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian, and even if he despised the behavior of his father (as Obama said on Oprah); is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father's heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?
Is that even the man we'd want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn't turn down)?
Monday, December 24, 2007
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas......
We are enjoying the day. WE are stuffed full of all kinds of yummies. The weather is glorious, so we managed to take The Collective to the park. I have spoke with most of my family on the phone, and a couple of friends....
We are tracking Santa on NORAD, and consuming shrimp.
We have thought a lot about those serving in our Armed Forces today. Those who are separated from those they love. I can recall how bittersweet those Holidays are for both sides...
We thank you today, and think of you, and will say a prayer to all of you tonight at Church service.
Enjoy your family and friends today, we are all blessed.
God's Blessings to you and yours.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Post appocolyptic Hell. AKA Toys R US
Yesterday, DH finished his shopping in the am. I took the afternoon shift....
First stop, Toys R Us. OMG. Can you say Blade Runner, or Mad Max? I seriously felt as though I had walked into some sort of post apocalyptic piece of fiction. Shelves empty, toys on the floor, being walked on, the store was an absolute mess, I have never seen anything like it in my life. Seriously. It was such a mess, I was freaking out walking through.
I left with a 3 items. I seriously, have never seen such a mess. I was reminded of the Super Dome after Katrina. People appeared to be like looters. No joke. I almost took pictures, but left before I hyperventilated. I could not believe my eyes.
Holy Moses, after that mess, I was seriously ready to go home, because I was thinking it was indicative of the day. The good news is I was wrong.
Traffic, was what I expected I sat at a light trying to make a left turn for 4 light changes. I paid very close attention to others, dying in Holiday traffic, well it is not how I want to go.
The rest of the stores were fine, walmart looked normal, in fact it was better stocked than it normally is. I have no idea what was going on at Toys R Us...none.
People are animals...
In good news, i got my shopping done. all of it, in like 3 hours. Including, paper, tape, batteries, and the like. I am done.
First stop, Toys R Us. OMG. Can you say Blade Runner, or Mad Max? I seriously felt as though I had walked into some sort of post apocalyptic piece of fiction. Shelves empty, toys on the floor, being walked on, the store was an absolute mess, I have never seen anything like it in my life. Seriously. It was such a mess, I was freaking out walking through.
I left with a 3 items. I seriously, have never seen such a mess. I was reminded of the Super Dome after Katrina. People appeared to be like looters. No joke. I almost took pictures, but left before I hyperventilated. I could not believe my eyes.
Holy Moses, after that mess, I was seriously ready to go home, because I was thinking it was indicative of the day. The good news is I was wrong.
Traffic, was what I expected I sat at a light trying to make a left turn for 4 light changes. I paid very close attention to others, dying in Holiday traffic, well it is not how I want to go.
The rest of the stores were fine, walmart looked normal, in fact it was better stocked than it normally is. I have no idea what was going on at Toys R Us...none.
People are animals...
In good news, i got my shopping done. all of it, in like 3 hours. Including, paper, tape, batteries, and the like. I am done.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
the house smells like smoked meat...
Yesterday, they ran the smoker at DH's workplace. We had 4 duck breasts, and one turkey breast smoked.
I finished the cooking off last night in the oven.
The house smells yummy this am.
Getting ready to make yeast rolls, so we can have sandwiches. Yummmy....
I finished the cooking off last night in the oven.
The house smells yummy this am.
Getting ready to make yeast rolls, so we can have sandwiches. Yummmy....
Friday, December 21, 2007
A funny thing happened on the way to parenthood...

*This is a photo of my MIL on her 3rd or 4th birthday. Looks almost exactly like PN....
although I try and keep quiet about the comparisons, when the kids are around....
Sir Rowland is like his Mom in the morning. We do not like idle chit chat, or sing song voices in the morning...
SHHHH....let us wake up.
Pink Ninja and her Father, wake talking and spirited.
If Sir Rowland and I are ill, leave us alone. Shhhhh...
If DH and Pink Ninja are ill, it seems to take them by surprise, they like to socialize when sick.
Pink Ninja reminds DH of my Mother, and his Mother OFTEN. Both of our Mothers were sort of prissy. Pink Ninja, although I am sure could fight her way out of a wolves den, is prissy. Yesterday she insisted on her pearls, and rings, and sat with her legs crossed and prissed. She reminded DH and I of his Mother the point it is spooky.
I am going to try and find photos of DH's Mother as a girl, and post them today, the resemblence is almost frightening....
the goose is getting phat...
Only 3 days until Christmas? Where in the heck does December go?
Yesterday I volunteered to take Sir Rowland's class to the local Long Term Care facility for Christmas caroling, with Pink Ninja in tow. I showed up about an hour early, but everyone was on the bus, loaded and ready to go by the time I go there.
All of the kids were in their Christmas finest, all looked adorable.
Sir Rowland did fantastic, I had some misgivings about the long term care center, because Sir Rowland has not been in one since he was 18 months or so, and I was working PRN in one.
He did great, he gave out plenty of hugs and kisses.
Pink Ninja reminded me of the horror movie starlets. All of these confused, older people wanting to touch her while she stood frozen in her taffeta dress. She wasn't thrilled.
While the kids were singing, one of the ladies was screaming, so we went over and talked with her.....I am still unsure what the conversation was about, but she stopped screaming. Which was good.
Pink Ninja, also refused to sing, she told me, it did not feel like caroling, it felt like a field trip. I suppose she is right.
Both did well considering.
I liked seeing Sir Rowland with his peers. I got a huge kick out of the older kids. 8-14. Half of them stopped me to make sure I was Sir Rowland's Mom, they also made sure to ask me if "I knew how smart he is."
I assured them I did. They seemed more surprised that he had a Mother...
Today is the school Christmas party. The kids get to go in pajamas, they exchange gifts with one another. We had to go out last night, and it was decided the girls would each get water color paints, and the boys play doh. We also had to ge the teachers gifts. They got gift certificates to Sonic. I thought candles might be a good idea, but Sir Rowland, thought candles could potentially start a fire.
Today Pink ninja and I are making bread/cinnamon rolls for the neighbors.
3 days...
Yesterday I volunteered to take Sir Rowland's class to the local Long Term Care facility for Christmas caroling, with Pink Ninja in tow. I showed up about an hour early, but everyone was on the bus, loaded and ready to go by the time I go there.
All of the kids were in their Christmas finest, all looked adorable.
Sir Rowland did fantastic, I had some misgivings about the long term care center, because Sir Rowland has not been in one since he was 18 months or so, and I was working PRN in one.
He did great, he gave out plenty of hugs and kisses.
Pink Ninja reminded me of the horror movie starlets. All of these confused, older people wanting to touch her while she stood frozen in her taffeta dress. She wasn't thrilled.
While the kids were singing, one of the ladies was screaming, so we went over and talked with her.....I am still unsure what the conversation was about, but she stopped screaming. Which was good.
Pink Ninja, also refused to sing, she told me, it did not feel like caroling, it felt like a field trip. I suppose she is right.
Both did well considering.
I liked seeing Sir Rowland with his peers. I got a huge kick out of the older kids. 8-14. Half of them stopped me to make sure I was Sir Rowland's Mom, they also made sure to ask me if "I knew how smart he is."
I assured them I did. They seemed more surprised that he had a Mother...
Today is the school Christmas party. The kids get to go in pajamas, they exchange gifts with one another. We had to go out last night, and it was decided the girls would each get water color paints, and the boys play doh. We also had to ge the teachers gifts. They got gift certificates to Sonic. I thought candles might be a good idea, but Sir Rowland, thought candles could potentially start a fire.
Today Pink ninja and I are making bread/cinnamon rolls for the neighbors.
3 days...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thanking the Troops this Christmas
We are lucky to be spending another holiday together as a family. So I want to personally thank those who are currently deployed, or away from family this Holiday Season.
Pink Ninja, keeps wanting to make videos now....
watch out!
P.S. Thanks to Uncle Jimbo, the official t-shirt babe of AWTM, for all of his great idea, and editing
Pink Ninja, keeps wanting to make videos now....
watch out!
P.S. Thanks to Uncle Jimbo, the official t-shirt babe of AWTM, for all of his great idea, and editing
30 Helens agree
My Dad wore the same work boots for 36 years.
I am dead serious here.
The same pair.
He worked in a factory, and on concrete. He also wore them when he was doing some chores around the house.
After about 36 years, he started to complain of his feet hurting.
So after 36 years, Dad bought a new pair. He put the old pair in the back of his truck.
Someone stole the damn pair of boots around Christmas Season that year.
Christmas arrived, and my Aunt and Uncle graciously brought a package for him to open.
It was that darn pair of boots. It seems, one of the fellows from work stole them, wrapped them, and gave them to my Aunt and Uncle to give to my Dad.......
It may have been the vodka slush, but we laughed and laughed.
People in small towns, know what you do with your old pair of boots.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Small towns...
When Jerry from Back Home Again was here, we were engrossed in a conversation about being from a small town.....
There are some "romantic" things about being from a small town. Everyone knows everyone. But that, can prove to be as irritating as all get out too.
My Sister reads the obituaries, before the front page. She goes to about one viewing a week. And if the cause of death isn't in the paper, well be prepared to hear all sorts of amazing stories about how people died. I have sat at my Father's table and have heard 4 people argue over what the cause of death has been...really.
If you are seen driving anywhere, folks will call and say "Hey Marge saw you driving on the avenue, where were you headed?" "So and so saw you at the bank, what is going on?"
I am serious as a heart attack. All of your business becomes NEWS in a little town. Sometimes folks get bored, and a trip to the bank could mean you are filing bankruptcy, a simple trip to the Dr. can mean a diagnosis of cancer.
The smallness of a town makes everything so insular, that everyone thinks they KNOW EVERYTHING.
I do not miss any of this about being from a small town.
Plus, folks in small towns are like elephants. If you were the high school football star, well that title sticks. If you made any mistakes they stick. Whenever you are seen around town folks will whisper "Hey isn't that so and so, didn't she get drunk that one time"?
You are also perpetually someone's child. When I go back I immediately "So and So's Daughter, Sister. I am never myself. I always feel like I am 15.
Last night I was reminded of this when my Sister called.
My DH and I bought my Father a nice felt hat a few years ago. A Winter hat, it is very nice looking.
Well, my Dad has been wearing it around town, and it has made some sort of local headline news....
My Sister keeps getting phone calls about this hat.
"We thought we saw your Dad, but he had "this" hat on."
"When did your Dad start wearing a hat"
When I go back I might just wear a pirate costume, think of the great stories I can tell.
It is the silliest shit ever....
There are some "romantic" things about being from a small town. Everyone knows everyone. But that, can prove to be as irritating as all get out too.
My Sister reads the obituaries, before the front page. She goes to about one viewing a week. And if the cause of death isn't in the paper, well be prepared to hear all sorts of amazing stories about how people died. I have sat at my Father's table and have heard 4 people argue over what the cause of death has been...really.
If you are seen driving anywhere, folks will call and say "Hey Marge saw you driving on the avenue, where were you headed?" "So and so saw you at the bank, what is going on?"
I am serious as a heart attack. All of your business becomes NEWS in a little town. Sometimes folks get bored, and a trip to the bank could mean you are filing bankruptcy, a simple trip to the Dr. can mean a diagnosis of cancer.
The smallness of a town makes everything so insular, that everyone thinks they KNOW EVERYTHING.
I do not miss any of this about being from a small town.
Plus, folks in small towns are like elephants. If you were the high school football star, well that title sticks. If you made any mistakes they stick. Whenever you are seen around town folks will whisper "Hey isn't that so and so, didn't she get drunk that one time"?
You are also perpetually someone's child. When I go back I immediately "So and So's Daughter, Sister. I am never myself. I always feel like I am 15.
Last night I was reminded of this when my Sister called.
My DH and I bought my Father a nice felt hat a few years ago. A Winter hat, it is very nice looking.
Well, my Dad has been wearing it around town, and it has made some sort of local headline news....
My Sister keeps getting phone calls about this hat.
"We thought we saw your Dad, but he had "this" hat on."
"When did your Dad start wearing a hat"
When I go back I might just wear a pirate costume, think of the great stories I can tell.
It is the silliest shit ever....
Need a nut cracker?
GO here
I actually do not think Hillary is a ball buster.
In fact at the last democratic debate, she played the "school girl" getting picked on card quite well.
I actually do not think Hillary is a ball buster.
In fact at the last democratic debate, she played the "school girl" getting picked on card quite well.
I am disappointed in myself. The weather here has been glorious, compared to the Midwest.
However, I just cannot take cold like I used to.
I am a wussy.
I took my luxurious 1,200 thread count sheets off of my bed.
And put flannel sheets on my bed, like an old woman.
And if that is not enough, I also have my down comforter on.
For the love of Pete.
Go ahead roll your eyes, I will join you.
However, I just cannot take cold like I used to.
I am a wussy.
I took my luxurious 1,200 thread count sheets off of my bed.
And put flannel sheets on my bed, like an old woman.
And if that is not enough, I also have my down comforter on.
For the love of Pete.
Go ahead roll your eyes, I will join you.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Why doesn't the headline read...4 time felon shoots 7 year old. Crazy Mother, Lazy Judges, and local laws fail 7 year old girl....
One of the most @#$%ed up things I have read this week....
Prayers to this little girl who has a Mother that does not protect her.
Prayers to this little girl who has a Mother that does not protect her.
Girl, 7, shot 6 times saving mom
Norman Sinclair, Santiago Esparza and Jennifer Mrozowski / The Detroit News
DETROIT -- A 7-year-old-girl is being hailed as an "angel from heaven" and a hero for jumping in front of an enraged gunman, who pumped six bullets into the child as she used her body as a shield to save her mother's life.
Alexis Goggins, a first-grader at Campbell Elementary School, is in stable condition at Children's Hospital in Detroit recovering from gunshot wounds to the eye, left temple, chin, cheek, chest and right arm.
"She is an angel from heaven," said Aisha Ford, a family friend for 15 years who also was caught up in the evening of terror.
The girl's mother, Selietha Parker, 30, was shot in the left side of her head and her bicep by a former boyfriend, who police said was trying to kill Parker. The gunman was disarmed by police and arrested at the scene of the shooting, a Detroit gas station. Police identified him as Calvin Tillie, 29, a four-time convicted felon whom Parker had dated for six months.
Parker, who was treated and released at Detroit Receiving Hospital, is now at her daughter's bedside. She declined to comment Tuesday.
The drama began to unfold just before midnight Saturday, when Parker called Ford and asked if she and Alexis could spend the night at Ford's home.
"She said she had no heat and they were very cold, and I said , sure I'll come and get you," Ford said.
Ford said she drove her burgundy 1998 Ford Expedition to Parker's home on Dwyer. She said as Parker and Alexis walked up to her vehicle she saw a man on the porch, who she assumed was a furnace repairman. She said Alexis, who walks with a limp, slipped momentarily on the icy sidewalk and as she helped the girl up, she saw the man and recognized him as Tillie. He was holding a gun.
Tillie ordered them into the vehicle, cursed at the women and angrily told Ford to drive him to Six Mile Road, she said.
"He looked like he was enraged and didn't care what he did. I knew if we went to Six Mile, he would kill us," Ford said. Instead, she told him she needed gas and drove to the Fast Stop Gas station in the 5000 block of East Seven Mile Road, a station that requires customers to pay the attendant inside.
"I figured if he got out to pump the gas, I was going to take off," Ford said.
Instead, Tillie gave her $10 and told her put in $5 worth of gas.
Ford said she dialed 911 on her cell phone as she walked into the station.
"The first operator clicked off and I dialed again and told that operator a guy with a gun was holding me hostage with a mother and baby and threatening to kill us. I told her the name of the gas station and then she said they didn't have a unit to send."
Ford said she paid for $5 of gas and slowly returned to the vehicle, stalling for time as she handed Tillie the change. She said she kept stopping and starting the pump, hoping the police would show up.
"I told him I needed more gas and took money out of my purse and went back into the station," she said. The attendant, Mohammad Alghazali, 30, said he noticed Ford was crying and she told him what was happening. He called 911 as he heard shots coming from the vehicle.
"It was very scary. She (Ford) was scared and screaming when the guy was shooting. I was scared, too. I was on the phone talking to the police when he started shooting," he said
Parker told police that Tillie said Ford was taking too long
She said she pleaded with him but he pointed the gun at her and shot her in the side of the head. She told police she was shot in the arm as she lunged at Tillie.
Before Tillie could fire again, Alexis jumped over the seat between her mother and the gunman and begged him not to shoot her mother.
The police report said Tillie "without hesitation" pumped six shots into the child.
As police arrived, they saw Parker, covered in blood, running from the truck, screaming, "He just shot my baby."
The officers said Tillie came out to the vehicle holding a blue steel 9 mm semi automatic and dropped the weapon when ordered to do so. Officers said they found Alexis huddled on the floor under the steering wheel, covered in blood, surrounded by spent cartridge casings, a spent bullet on the floor and teeth on the seat. There were bullet holes in the windshield and blood inside.
Alghazali said a police car on a street nearby arrived in less than a minute after his call.
Marvin Bodley, a Detroit Public Schools attendance agent, spent two days at Alexis' hospital bedside and said it's miraculous that she's alive.
"What a courageous, courageous little girl," he said. "You see more bandages than child," he said. "It's a horrific sight."
Bodley said Alexis receives special education services at school, in part because of a weak left eye, which is the result of a massive stroke she suffered as an infant.
Ford said doctors at the time had predicted that when Alexis got older she would have trouble with tasks such as writing, but she is now able to write her name.
"She is a good little girl who is very protective of her mother," said Tonya Colbert, Parker's cousin.
Tillie is being held in the Wayne County Jail facing kidnapping, assault with intent to murder, child abuse, felony firearms and habitual criminal charges.
A preliminary examination is scheduled for Dec. 13.
Only a few hours left
For you to thank the troops!!
Mr. Blackfive says...
So, bloggers, send us your clips and send some love to the troops!
Mr. Blackfive says...
Uncle Jimbo and I would like to invite bloggers to send us a clip of themselves wishing the troops a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc. The videos will be put into one BlackfiveTV segment that should get wide distribution to give our troops the maximum opportunity to feel our support.
The rules:
1. Must be a blogger.
2. Video clip can be in standard formats (mpeg, wmv, quicktime, etc).
3. Clip must be of the blogger wishing the troops well. How you do that is up to you (except, mimes will not be used...I hate mimes).
4. Blogger must either send via email or upload to a file sharing site (url of file sharing site to be given upon request).
5. Please send me your URL of your blog. We will attempt to superimpose your url on your video clip.
6. Clip can be no longer than 30 seconds. "Hi! I'm Matt from and I wanted to wish all of you overseas a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for your service to our country. Stewie for Guvnor!"
7. Clips must be received by midnight CST, Tuesday, December 18th.
There might be more rules later.
If you have any questions, email me.
So, bloggers, send us your clips and send some love to the troops!
Monday, December 17, 2007
On the mend, well half way there.
The red tent is sort of a "lean to" today. Good for me.
I seem to have all sorts of half finished Christmas projects lying about. Can you say pet-peeve.
What is it about Christmas, that turns into a balancing act?
There are Christmas cards half done. I even cheated, and did not do a letter or a hand written note.
Baking-half done, and half eaten.
Thank goodness the tree is actually decorated.
But frankly, I did not go whole hog this year with the house. I did not even put all of the nativity sets up. (There is one in the bathroom, and I am beginning to think, that is just wrong).
The shopping, half done.
And I think I am out of paper and the like.
I did manage to go out this monring, and exchange the Crayola, Crappola Cutter. I let Pink Ninja pick out the replacements. She will be busy today, which is good.
Because laundry, dishes, dusting are all half done.
I swear December could make me crazy
I seem to have all sorts of half finished Christmas projects lying about. Can you say pet-peeve.
What is it about Christmas, that turns into a balancing act?
There are Christmas cards half done. I even cheated, and did not do a letter or a hand written note.
Baking-half done, and half eaten.
Thank goodness the tree is actually decorated.
But frankly, I did not go whole hog this year with the house. I did not even put all of the nativity sets up. (There is one in the bathroom, and I am beginning to think, that is just wrong).
The shopping, half done.
And I think I am out of paper and the like.
I did manage to go out this monring, and exchange the Crayola, Crappola Cutter. I let Pink Ninja pick out the replacements. She will be busy today, which is good.
Because laundry, dishes, dusting are all half done.
I swear December could make me crazy
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Old cookbooks
One of the best ways for me to relax is going through my Mother, Grandmother, or Great Aunt's cookbooks...I was looking for a recipe for a cookie recipe that could be used with Stacey Lees family's home canned figs. (which are delicious)
Anywho, I did find a recipe I might be able to use in a cookbook dated 1933.
I am unsure who was the owner of the cookbook.
But the best part of this cookbook is, what is written in the front and back cover.
For Example....
~Blood meal over plants, or corn, will keep coons away.
(I mean really, that is helpful advice.)
There is also a recipe for cough syrup.
~cough syrup
1 pint sage tea
2 TBS honey
2 TBS vinegar
1/2 cup white sugar
shake good, and take a swallow when coughing.
Oh and Mrs. Honzu, from the Bartlett, Nebraska drug store, I have your secret recipe for strawberry preserves. I do not know how my family managed to get this recipe, but it is written by hand twice!!
Anywho, I did find a recipe I might be able to use in a cookbook dated 1933.
I am unsure who was the owner of the cookbook.
But the best part of this cookbook is, what is written in the front and back cover.
For Example....
~Blood meal over plants, or corn, will keep coons away.
(I mean really, that is helpful advice.)
There is also a recipe for cough syrup.
~cough syrup
1 pint sage tea
2 TBS honey
2 TBS vinegar
1/2 cup white sugar
shake good, and take a swallow when coughing.
Oh and Mrs. Honzu, from the Bartlett, Nebraska drug store, I have your secret recipe for strawberry preserves. I do not know how my family managed to get this recipe, but it is written by hand twice!!
Whiskey Dundee is in the oven
Bourbon Dundee rather.
I let the fruit soak in Wild Turkey all night...
I should have drank it.
The house smalls like warm bourbon, cinnamon, and molasses.
I let the fruit soak in Wild Turkey all night...
I should have drank it.
The house smalls like warm bourbon, cinnamon, and molasses.
A post where I discuss "female trouble"
Yea, yea, left click if you do not want to talk about all things period.
First off Sir Rowland, who had to be carried into the Dr. the other day, for the FIRST time evah, is mended. He woke yesterday doing somersaults. No joke. It seems as though his 104.7 temp burned out whatever goblins were ailing him....
Frightening. It really was. sick children freak me out. However, frankly I am more shocked at his freakish immune system that could have him so down, and the next day he is acting normal. I mean WAY normal. That is some freakish biology. If that sort of illness struck an adult....I think it might have us down for a week.
In other mestrual news... I am living on advil, doubled over in pain, and spent half of my morning soaking in a hot bubble bath. I feel like crap. Red Tent is up, yoga pants are on, and I do not want to move. Damn period. If I take any more advil, I could die from overdose. If I piss and moan around any longer, my poor DH is gonna find someone less irritating to marry, or he might suffocate me in my sleep.
I skipped church...
First off Sir Rowland, who had to be carried into the Dr. the other day, for the FIRST time evah, is mended. He woke yesterday doing somersaults. No joke. It seems as though his 104.7 temp burned out whatever goblins were ailing him....
Frightening. It really was. sick children freak me out. However, frankly I am more shocked at his freakish immune system that could have him so down, and the next day he is acting normal. I mean WAY normal. That is some freakish biology. If that sort of illness struck an adult....I think it might have us down for a week.
In other mestrual news... I am living on advil, doubled over in pain, and spent half of my morning soaking in a hot bubble bath. I feel like crap. Red Tent is up, yoga pants are on, and I do not want to move. Damn period. If I take any more advil, I could die from overdose. If I piss and moan around any longer, my poor DH is gonna find someone less irritating to marry, or he might suffocate me in my sleep.
I skipped church...
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Project for Sunday
Whiskey Dundee
2 ounces Mixed peel, chopped
2 ounces Glace cherries, halved
4 ounces Currants
4 ounces Raisins
4 ounces Sultanas
4 tablespoons Single malt scotch whiskey
8 ounces Butter
8 ounces Light brown sugar
4 Eggs, well beaten
10 ounces All-purpose flour
1 teaspoon Mixed spice
1 Lemon rind, grated
3 ounces Almonds, blanched
Soak the peel and fruit in whisky in a large mixing bowl. Lightly grease a loose-bottomed 7- or 8-inch cake tin. Cream the butter and sugar together (if the butter is cut into pieces it will be easier). When the mixture is light and fluffy, add the beaten eggs very gradually, making sure each addition is absorbed before adding another. When the eggs are well incorporated, gradually fold in the sieved flour, mixed spice and lemon rind. Add the fruit and whisky mixture, mixing well, and 2 oz of the almonds. Spoon mixture into the cake tin and make a small depression in the centre. Decorate the top with the remaining blanched almonds. Bake at 160*C (325*F) Mark 3 for 2-2 1/2 hours. Check after the first hour and if top is browning too much, cover with foil. This cake will taste better the longer it is kept: like a fine whisky, it matures with age.
2 ounces Mixed peel, chopped
2 ounces Glace cherries, halved
4 ounces Currants
4 ounces Raisins
4 ounces Sultanas
4 tablespoons Single malt scotch whiskey
8 ounces Butter
8 ounces Light brown sugar
4 Eggs, well beaten
10 ounces All-purpose flour
1 teaspoon Mixed spice
1 Lemon rind, grated
3 ounces Almonds, blanched
Soak the peel and fruit in whisky in a large mixing bowl. Lightly grease a loose-bottomed 7- or 8-inch cake tin. Cream the butter and sugar together (if the butter is cut into pieces it will be easier). When the mixture is light and fluffy, add the beaten eggs very gradually, making sure each addition is absorbed before adding another. When the eggs are well incorporated, gradually fold in the sieved flour, mixed spice and lemon rind. Add the fruit and whisky mixture, mixing well, and 2 oz of the almonds. Spoon mixture into the cake tin and make a small depression in the centre. Decorate the top with the remaining blanched almonds. Bake at 160*C (325*F) Mark 3 for 2-2 1/2 hours. Check after the first hour and if top is browning too much, cover with foil. This cake will taste better the longer it is kept: like a fine whisky, it matures with age.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Welcome Military MBA
Many of you have noticed the new ad on the right hand sidebar. I would encourage you to visit them for all of your educational needs. Let me introduce you to them...
Our respect and thanks go out to all those who have previously served, are in reserve and currently serve in the military. Military MBA is an education resource network for military officers and NCOs who are interested in obtaining and applying their masters degree in business. During the past four years, we have qualified the top 40 MBA schools for military students such as MIT, USC, Duke and Penn State. All the schools we represent have previously educated officers/NCOs and would like to recruit future students from the military for their degree programs.
We have conducted many types of research which proves an MBA degree combined with military leadership results in more pay and better job assignments. You can find a multitude of free resources on our site,, which can take you start-to-finish through the process and allow you to determine if an MBA is right for you.
We encourage and welcome all types of feedback and questions. We are here to support you and your family. Please let us know how we can help.
Our respect and thanks go out to all those who have previously served, are in reserve and currently serve in the military. Military MBA is an education resource network for military officers and NCOs who are interested in obtaining and applying their masters degree in business. During the past four years, we have qualified the top 40 MBA schools for military students such as MIT, USC, Duke and Penn State. All the schools we represent have previously educated officers/NCOs and would like to recruit future students from the military for their degree programs.
We have conducted many types of research which proves an MBA degree combined with military leadership results in more pay and better job assignments. You can find a multitude of free resources on our site,, which can take you start-to-finish through the process and allow you to determine if an MBA is right for you.
We encourage and welcome all types of feedback and questions. We are here to support you and your family. Please let us know how we can help.
Funny how different children can be when they are feeling ill.
Sir Rowland is home from school today, I am not sure what is going on. Vague symptoms, and lethargy. Sir Rowland, is docile when ill. He wants to remain still, likes to snuggle and just wants to be left alone, no talking etc. He is low maintenance when ill, which is almost opposite of his nature when he is healthy. He does not have a temperature, but is complaining that he aches, and feels as someone is pulling on the little hairs all over his body, his throat hurts. He does not want to play.
He has not felt well since Wednesday evening at choir practice.
Last night he came in the house, removed his coat, and shoes, and laid in the hallway. I swooped him up and sat with bothe children in the recliner as they slept. Sir Rowland took a nap, that makes 5 since birth. He was simply exhausted.
The only thing that is running through my mind. They have been laying carpet at the school and started Tuesday. I do not do well with chemicals and am hoping this is unrelated. The school reeks with that horrid chemical smell of carpet and carpet glue....
The Principal has been out with migraine because of the carpet business.
Sir Rowland is home from school today, I am not sure what is going on. Vague symptoms, and lethargy. Sir Rowland, is docile when ill. He wants to remain still, likes to snuggle and just wants to be left alone, no talking etc. He is low maintenance when ill, which is almost opposite of his nature when he is healthy. He does not have a temperature, but is complaining that he aches, and feels as someone is pulling on the little hairs all over his body, his throat hurts. He does not want to play.
He has not felt well since Wednesday evening at choir practice.
Last night he came in the house, removed his coat, and shoes, and laid in the hallway. I swooped him up and sat with bothe children in the recliner as they slept. Sir Rowland took a nap, that makes 5 since birth. He was simply exhausted.
The only thing that is running through my mind. They have been laying carpet at the school and started Tuesday. I do not do well with chemicals and am hoping this is unrelated. The school reeks with that horrid chemical smell of carpet and carpet glue....
The Principal has been out with migraine because of the carpet business.
Crayola Cutter Crappola
Sir Rowland bought his Sissy a crayola cutter for her birthday.
It looked like a great gift while watching the commercial. Wow.
So we bought it, brought it home, and put batteries in it.
Firt off, it reminds me of a tattoo gun. Seriously. So if you have a child who wants to become a tattoo artist, this is the gift for them.
Second, this crayola cutter requires the patience of a 70 year old man that likes woodburning as a hobby. It does not cut easily, unlike the commercial which shows these kids running it along paper like a pencil and wa-lah. No it takes forever for this thing to cut through paper.
Seriously. It takes a long time to use it to cut. LONG, it drove me nuts. The kids did not like it one bit.
I am returning it today.
It looked like a great gift while watching the commercial. Wow.
So we bought it, brought it home, and put batteries in it.
Firt off, it reminds me of a tattoo gun. Seriously. So if you have a child who wants to become a tattoo artist, this is the gift for them.
Second, this crayola cutter requires the patience of a 70 year old man that likes woodburning as a hobby. It does not cut easily, unlike the commercial which shows these kids running it along paper like a pencil and wa-lah. No it takes forever for this thing to cut through paper.
Seriously. It takes a long time to use it to cut. LONG, it drove me nuts. The kids did not like it one bit.
I am returning it today.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The best Christmas gift ever?
With Christmas being right around the corner, I mean right around the corner. I have been thinking.
I have not done any shopping yet. It has to wait until next pay period. Ouch.
We do things as budget permits here at Casa De Dust. Being a SAHM, has put us in a different financial situation than a lot of my peers. One of which, I do not regret, but at Christmas, it makes me a bit weary. Some of those around me understand this, others do not.
However, we have always looked at it with it, as..."I will have plenty of time to work, once they are older, and I could not get the time with them back", and we would have regretted doing it differently. In fact. as many of the regular readers know, the time to go back to work is nearing. As Pink Ninja is asking to attend pre-k, and we could use the money to help us relocate to Nebraska.
So as Christmas approaches, I find myself as the primary juggler of the monthly budget.
The good news is, The Collective are not demanding, I have raised them not to be, they are still young to notice, we are on a budget, they are always thankful and excited.
We try and get them one thing they really WANT, something that they will not put down, something they will enjoy and get plenty of use out of.
For Sir Rowland, his request is simple. Rokenbok. Which is pricey, but frankly for the amount of time he spends building, and building and is worth it in the end. Rokenbok is also a well made toy, that you can build around, and get more enjoyment out of with additional pieces. Rokenbok, has also recently sent out an announcement that states the product is lead free, tested, and safe, and they stand behind the product.
Pink Ninja, will be easy as well this year. She likes art, and drawing, coloring, painting, cutting. Art supplies are easy. She is also the consummate caregiver to all of her animals, and babies she has adopted, so that will be easy as well.
They will also get winter pj's, socks, and long sleeved shirts, and heavier winter pants. Pink Ninja needs 2 nice dresses, and heavy tights for church. None of that will excite them much.
I was thinking this morning about my favorite Christmas gifts as a child.
One was an art set I received from my parents at age 8. I loved getting that. I also recall getting a table and chairs one year, that was a special gift and it lasted forever. I think it may still be in my Fathers possesion. There was also the Christmas I got a pair of tennis shoe skates, My Mom and Dad strung Christmas lights in the uncarpeted room in the basement, and made me my own roller rink. Very cool. I am guessing none of those gifts broke the bank, and I loved getting them.
I am keeping this in mind as I am shopping for my children. A lot of gifts, do not equal enjoyment. Picking out the item that they will remember is the secret.
So I am wondering what your favorite Christmas gifts were as a child?
I have not done any shopping yet. It has to wait until next pay period. Ouch.
We do things as budget permits here at Casa De Dust. Being a SAHM, has put us in a different financial situation than a lot of my peers. One of which, I do not regret, but at Christmas, it makes me a bit weary. Some of those around me understand this, others do not.
However, we have always looked at it with it, as..."I will have plenty of time to work, once they are older, and I could not get the time with them back", and we would have regretted doing it differently. In fact. as many of the regular readers know, the time to go back to work is nearing. As Pink Ninja is asking to attend pre-k, and we could use the money to help us relocate to Nebraska.
So as Christmas approaches, I find myself as the primary juggler of the monthly budget.
The good news is, The Collective are not demanding, I have raised them not to be, they are still young to notice, we are on a budget, they are always thankful and excited.
We try and get them one thing they really WANT, something that they will not put down, something they will enjoy and get plenty of use out of.
For Sir Rowland, his request is simple. Rokenbok. Which is pricey, but frankly for the amount of time he spends building, and building and is worth it in the end. Rokenbok is also a well made toy, that you can build around, and get more enjoyment out of with additional pieces. Rokenbok, has also recently sent out an announcement that states the product is lead free, tested, and safe, and they stand behind the product.
Pink Ninja, will be easy as well this year. She likes art, and drawing, coloring, painting, cutting. Art supplies are easy. She is also the consummate caregiver to all of her animals, and babies she has adopted, so that will be easy as well.
They will also get winter pj's, socks, and long sleeved shirts, and heavier winter pants. Pink Ninja needs 2 nice dresses, and heavy tights for church. None of that will excite them much.
I was thinking this morning about my favorite Christmas gifts as a child.
One was an art set I received from my parents at age 8. I loved getting that. I also recall getting a table and chairs one year, that was a special gift and it lasted forever. I think it may still be in my Fathers possesion. There was also the Christmas I got a pair of tennis shoe skates, My Mom and Dad strung Christmas lights in the uncarpeted room in the basement, and made me my own roller rink. Very cool. I am guessing none of those gifts broke the bank, and I loved getting them.
I am keeping this in mind as I am shopping for my children. A lot of gifts, do not equal enjoyment. Picking out the item that they will remember is the secret.
So I am wondering what your favorite Christmas gifts were as a child?
5 Year old shoots bear.
Tammi told me about this, this morning.
I hadn't heard about this, and it was in my own backyard here in Arkansas....
I hadn't heard about this, and it was in my own backyard here in Arkansas....
Dewitt - An Arkansas County boy killed a black bear Sunday weighing more than 400 pounds.
(Tre Merritt, Five-year-old Hunter) "I was up in the stand and I seen the bear. It came from the thicket and it was beside the road and I shot it."
Tre Merritt's grandfather was in the stand with him at the time. He says Tre did it all by himself.
(Mike Merritt, Tre’s Grandfather) "He came in about 40 to 50 yards, and when he got in the open. I whistled at him and he stopped and I said, ‘Shoot Tre.’"
And that’s just what Tre did--he fired his youth rifle.
(Mike Merritt) "I said, ‘Tre, you missed the bear.’ He said, ‘Paw-paw I squeezed the trigger and I didn’t close my eyes. I killed him."’
The bear turned out to be 445 pounds--twelve-times the size of Tre. Mike Merritt said tears rolled down his cheeks when he found out his grandson killed the enormous bear.
(Mike Merritt) "His 10th great-grandfather was Davy Crockett. And Davy supposedly killed him a bear when he was three. And Tre is five and really killed a bear. I really doubt if Davy killed one when he was three."
Tre’s dad says he started teaching his son to shoot when he was just 2 ½ years old. Last year, Tre killed three deer.
The family plans to get a life-sized mount of the bear, but they’re not sure right now where they’ll put it.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Living Nativity
Children bring new meaning to the word "living nativity".
You need to watch this and watch these kids with ants in their pants.
You can see Sir Rowland, getting bothered by the spotlight. You can also see him making shadow puppets...
You need to watch this and watch these kids with ants in their pants.
You can see Sir Rowland, getting bothered by the spotlight. You can also see him making shadow puppets...
Surveying the damage
I woke this morning, to The Collective sniffing and coughing...hope it is nothing. We just got healthy.
I then walked out the back door. Does anyone need fresh evergreen? Or a Christmas tree? If so, come on over. I have an approximately 100 foot Christmas tree for you.
In good news, it missed the neighbors house and ours by a few feet either way. That would have been horrible. Funny how it landed. In fact, I couldn't have asked the tree to land in a safer place. The tree is so darn huge, that when it fell, it pulled all of the roots right out of the ground. That is a heavy tree.
I haven't heard a peep from the neighbor yet. She might think it was my tree. Unsure what we should do now. I suppose I should take some photos. We do not have a chainsaw (this has been on the list of crap we need for 17 years...) We are also lucky it only took about 15 feet of fence out.
It landed on my crape myrtle tree, but it appears that only a couple branches broke.
Amazing how it landed. Now if I was crafty I could make enough garland to decorate the entire neighborhood.
I then walked out the back door. Does anyone need fresh evergreen? Or a Christmas tree? If so, come on over. I have an approximately 100 foot Christmas tree for you.
In good news, it missed the neighbors house and ours by a few feet either way. That would have been horrible. Funny how it landed. In fact, I couldn't have asked the tree to land in a safer place. The tree is so darn huge, that when it fell, it pulled all of the roots right out of the ground. That is a heavy tree.
I haven't heard a peep from the neighbor yet. She might think it was my tree. Unsure what we should do now. I suppose I should take some photos. We do not have a chainsaw (this has been on the list of crap we need for 17 years...) We are also lucky it only took about 15 feet of fence out.
It landed on my crape myrtle tree, but it appears that only a couple branches broke.
Amazing how it landed. Now if I was crafty I could make enough garland to decorate the entire neighborhood.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holy Moses.
It was a gorgeous day here. Almost 73 degrees.
Tonight, while working on some school work, we heard what sounded like branches falling on the roof.
DH went out and took a peek, he did not note anything on the roof. (I will check in the morning)
I opened the backdoor...and woooooosh, wind, noise falling branches. (Meanwhile on the television, it shows it being the perfect evening here)
We sat down to finish homework and BAMMMMM.
We opened the backdoor, only to note the neighbors very large tall pine is lying in my backyard. The fence crunched underneath.
The weather is still showing all is well. Unsure if it was a microburst, but something happened.
Sir Rowland's Christmas Performance...
This is a very poor quality video, mainly because I was crying, and trying not to all at once.
Sir Rowland is the blonde, with the red shirt on...
Amazing how much he has grown up!
Sir Rowland is the blonde, with the red shirt on...
Amazing how much he has grown up!
Christmas Program 2007, where Mom cried shamelessly....
Opportunity to say thank you
A great way to say thank you!
I would like to encourage people to forward the following information, to those in the National Guard, and Reserve.
Please go here to nominate a deserving employer.
I would like to encourage people to forward the following information, to those in the National Guard, and Reserve.
Please go here to nominate a deserving employer.
my side hurts
The Collective crack me up...
When I picked up Sir Rowland from school yesterday, he looked at me and said...."Mom do you think I am in good shape?" "Of course" I answered. I couldn't help but chuckle, and wonder where he had heard this, or why it was posed to me. However, upon tucking him into bed, he asked DH and I the same thing. "Am I in good shape?"
DH told him that he was in good physical, mental, and spiritual condition. I couldn't help but agree. Children are almost perfect....
Pink Ninja, and I were making cookies over the weekend, and listening to Christmas music, when Feliz Navidad came on. But Pink ninja was singing it as "Police Navidad". I thought it was so hilarious, I let her sing it that way 2 times, before correcting her. Police Navidad.
The other night after the Christmas program, we drove The Collective into sonic, and told them they could have a treat. Sir Rowland (who has a terrible time making any sort of decision) says..."Mom, I just don't know what to pick. Everything looks so appetizing." DH and I just stared at one another cracking up. Appetizing.
When I picked up Sir Rowland from school yesterday, he looked at me and said...."Mom do you think I am in good shape?" "Of course" I answered. I couldn't help but chuckle, and wonder where he had heard this, or why it was posed to me. However, upon tucking him into bed, he asked DH and I the same thing. "Am I in good shape?"
DH told him that he was in good physical, mental, and spiritual condition. I couldn't help but agree. Children are almost perfect....
Pink Ninja, and I were making cookies over the weekend, and listening to Christmas music, when Feliz Navidad came on. But Pink ninja was singing it as "Police Navidad". I thought it was so hilarious, I let her sing it that way 2 times, before correcting her. Police Navidad.
The other night after the Christmas program, we drove The Collective into sonic, and told them they could have a treat. Sir Rowland (who has a terrible time making any sort of decision) says..."Mom, I just don't know what to pick. Everything looks so appetizing." DH and I just stared at one another cracking up. Appetizing.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Daddy volunteers to take children to the Christmas tree farm!
I really like Sir Rowland's school. The one thing about moving, that hurts my heart is leaving this school.
The number of volunteers this school has is truly amazing. All ages, which I appreciate. The Grandmas of the church, spend almost every waking minute, trying to make sure these kids know how precious they are.
DH noted when leaving the school the other day, Sir Rowland told some of the big kids, "bye, I love you". And these big kids replied "love you too little dude".
It is not a school, it is family....
Pink Ninja turns 4 in photos
I am late getting Pink Ninja's birthday photos up.
Here are part of the Birthday celebration photos.
Birthday breakfast, which always includes a french toast casserole, and gift opening.
Santa Claus singing Happy Birthday.
And, the trip to Build a Bear.
She really had a great day, I only wish she would have been feeling better.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Full of joy, and all is right in my World
Tonight I sat watching the Christmas program, and literally shed some tears of joy. I never understood tears of joy, or sadness for that matter. I must be getting soft. Because I cried during other children's singing. I mean, I knew I would cry when I heard my kids. But I was shocked at the tears watching other kids.
I was also surprised to note neither of my kids were shy on stage, not a bit.
The Collective were great. Sir Rowland was actually the best behaved wise man in the bunch. If you do not mind a wise man that puts on a shadow puppet show while delivering frankincense. Pink Ninja made the sweetest sheep, she entered on cue, and took her place the baby Jesus very sweetly. She made a point to tell me that she was the quietest of all of the animals.
A bribe to go to Sonic if they behaved well worked. And it only cost one root beer float, and 1 twisty vanilla cone.
Pictures in the morning...
I was also surprised to note neither of my kids were shy on stage, not a bit.
The Collective were great. Sir Rowland was actually the best behaved wise man in the bunch. If you do not mind a wise man that puts on a shadow puppet show while delivering frankincense. Pink Ninja made the sweetest sheep, she entered on cue, and took her place the baby Jesus very sweetly. She made a point to tell me that she was the quietest of all of the animals.
A bribe to go to Sonic if they behaved well worked. And it only cost one root beer float, and 1 twisty vanilla cone.
Pictures in the morning...
Beep, Honk, Honk, Beep
Tonight is the Christmas pageant at Church. I cannot for the life of me find my camera....
What in the name of Gods green Earth?
I am looking high and low for it.
darn it...
If I have to call stores...I will die.
UPDATE: found it, DH had taken it to the Christmas Tree farm the other day. It was in his backpack....
What in the name of Gods green Earth?
I am looking high and low for it.
darn it...
If I have to call stores...I will die.
UPDATE: found it, DH had taken it to the Christmas Tree farm the other day. It was in his backpack....
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Weigh in
The Omaha shooting at Von Maur department store is still weighing heavily on my mind. It seems as though with most things, there is a 6 degree of separation involved in this....
Also the reminder, that some crazy, alienated teen can kill you while you are shopping, or at the bank, you name it. Anything you may be innocently doing.
With our impending move back to Nebraska, this has made me gasp. I know this can happen anywhere. I am aware, Nebraska is not immune to tradgedy.
I continue to hear stories from folks back home. My SIL's, folks were supposed to be at the mall, but ran into a time crunch, and had to bail out on the mall. that seems to be the case with a few folks I know. I am glad so many people ran out of time that day.
I continue to be saddened at the list of names of victims. It is too long. It is another cowards list. I hate that, for these people who had their time on this planet cut short. It was cut short by an absolute coward....
I am going to ask you to contact KETV, in Omaha and ask them to remove the images of the shooter aiming his gun while inside the mall. I find it very disrespectful, and disturbing. I would certainly hate to have any family see those images and note that it may have been the last thing their loved one saw....
KETV, it is not news, so please remove those horrific images.
KETV website
Also the reminder, that some crazy, alienated teen can kill you while you are shopping, or at the bank, you name it. Anything you may be innocently doing.
With our impending move back to Nebraska, this has made me gasp. I know this can happen anywhere. I am aware, Nebraska is not immune to tradgedy.
I continue to hear stories from folks back home. My SIL's, folks were supposed to be at the mall, but ran into a time crunch, and had to bail out on the mall. that seems to be the case with a few folks I know. I am glad so many people ran out of time that day.
I continue to be saddened at the list of names of victims. It is too long. It is another cowards list. I hate that, for these people who had their time on this planet cut short. It was cut short by an absolute coward....
I am going to ask you to contact KETV, in Omaha and ask them to remove the images of the shooter aiming his gun while inside the mall. I find it very disrespectful, and disturbing. I would certainly hate to have any family see those images and note that it may have been the last thing their loved one saw....
KETV, it is not news, so please remove those horrific images.
KETV website
did you just do that?
Today is day two of baking.
Uh, yeah what was I thinking. Baking Christmas goodies is just a lot of work. Especially when you have "extra help" in the kitchen.
I am in an apron today, as is my small female helper.
I am getting ready to ice the gingerbread house together, and am looking for a royal icing that turns to glue FAST!
For those of you on my Christmas card list, or want to be, email me your address! Per the usual, some of you have moved, and well i am horrid at keeping addresses together. I suck at it...
Uh, yeah what was I thinking. Baking Christmas goodies is just a lot of work. Especially when you have "extra help" in the kitchen.
I am in an apron today, as is my small female helper.
I am getting ready to ice the gingerbread house together, and am looking for a royal icing that turns to glue FAST!
For those of you on my Christmas card list, or want to be, email me your address! Per the usual, some of you have moved, and well i am horrid at keeping addresses together. I suck at it...
Friday, December 07, 2007
Birthday conversation with my Dad
AWTM: "Happy Birthday"
My Dad: "Thank you"
AWTM: "How old are you today?"
My Dad: "old"
AWTM: "You know 66 is closer to 100, than 65."
My Dad: "I am already living on borrowed time, the way I see it. I was dead once."
AWTM: "You have almost died a couple of times."
My Dad: "Did I tell you about the fox I had in my yard?"
AWTM: "You told me about him yesterday."
My Dad: "See, I am getting old, I can't even remember what I tell people from one day to the next."
AWTM: "If I were there, I would make you a cake."
My Dad: "I want to see my Grandkids."
AWTM: "I sent the Chirstmas picture with Santa, it should be there today."
My Dad: "I wish you were here."
AWTM: "We are trying, we all miss you."
My Dad: "You had better hurry, I don't know how much time I have left."
AWTM: "Well don't die yet, wait until we get there."
My Dad: "Thank you"
AWTM: "How old are you today?"
My Dad: "old"
AWTM: "You know 66 is closer to 100, than 65."
My Dad: "I am already living on borrowed time, the way I see it. I was dead once."
AWTM: "You have almost died a couple of times."
My Dad: "Did I tell you about the fox I had in my yard?"
AWTM: "You told me about him yesterday."
My Dad: "See, I am getting old, I can't even remember what I tell people from one day to the next."
AWTM: "If I were there, I would make you a cake."
My Dad: "I want to see my Grandkids."
AWTM: "I sent the Chirstmas picture with Santa, it should be there today."
My Dad: "I wish you were here."
AWTM: "We are trying, we all miss you."
My Dad: "You had better hurry, I don't know how much time I have left."
AWTM: "Well don't die yet, wait until we get there."
O Christmas Tree
DH took the day off today. He is going to help the teacher with the gaggle of 5-7 year olds go on a field trip to the Christmas tree farm. I think DH was more excited than Sir Rowland. I guess there is a hayrack ride, and hot cocoa. I am unsure what else they will do at the Christmas tree farm.
DH packed them a lunch, and made sure Sir Rowland was bundled up. I cannot wait to hear what 5-7 year olds are like for the day.
Pink Ninja and I are going to spend the morning making cookies. I need to locate my cookie cutters. This is a weekend long project. Tomorrow we are making gingerbread. Pink Ninja wants to make a house. Sir Rowland wants to make a train. It should be busy, and a mess if nothing else. It occurred to me, that this is possibly our last Christmas in our tiny home. Some of the Christmas's better than others. This year good, because Daddy is home.
Sunday, we celebrate the Christmas program. Sir Rowland is the green king. We were surprised to hear at Wednesday nights's service and prayer group that Pink Ninja had been picked to be a sheep. She was soooooo happy, because she had no part in the program until then.
Christmas is here......
On another note my Father is celebrating a birthday today. He was born December 7, 1941, in the sleepy town of Clearwater, Nebraska. Yes you read that right December 7, 1941. My Grandparents tried, and tried to have a baby for years. And I wonder often what they must have thought about such a blessing, on such a horrible day in history.
Maybe I will ask my Father about that today.
Please enjoy the season today.
DH packed them a lunch, and made sure Sir Rowland was bundled up. I cannot wait to hear what 5-7 year olds are like for the day.
Pink Ninja and I are going to spend the morning making cookies. I need to locate my cookie cutters. This is a weekend long project. Tomorrow we are making gingerbread. Pink Ninja wants to make a house. Sir Rowland wants to make a train. It should be busy, and a mess if nothing else. It occurred to me, that this is possibly our last Christmas in our tiny home. Some of the Christmas's better than others. This year good, because Daddy is home.
Sunday, we celebrate the Christmas program. Sir Rowland is the green king. We were surprised to hear at Wednesday nights's service and prayer group that Pink Ninja had been picked to be a sheep. She was soooooo happy, because she had no part in the program until then.
Christmas is here......
On another note my Father is celebrating a birthday today. He was born December 7, 1941, in the sleepy town of Clearwater, Nebraska. Yes you read that right December 7, 1941. My Grandparents tried, and tried to have a baby for years. And I wonder often what they must have thought about such a blessing, on such a horrible day in history.
Maybe I will ask my Father about that today.
Please enjoy the season today.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Omaha news conference at 9:30CST
I am staying home, until after the news conference.
Please pray for the families that are affected by this horrific event...
The names of those killed have been released...
Please pray for the families that are affected by this horrific event...
The names of those killed have been released...
OMAHA, Neb. -- The victims of a mall shooting range in age from 24 to 66 and were both customers of Von Maur and employees.
Names of the victims were revealed by Police Chief Thomas Warren on Thursday.
They are: Gary Sharp, a customer and resident of Lincoln; John McDonald, 65, a customer and resident of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Angie Shuster, 35, an employee; Maggie Webb, 24, an employee; Janet Jorgenson, 66, an employee; Diane Trent, 55, an employee; Gary Joy, 56, an employee; and Becky Flynn, 47, an employee.
The wounded: are Fred Wilson, 61, and Michelle Oldham, 65, who were both critical but stable on Thursday morning.
Jeff Schaffert, 34, and Brad Stafford, 55, were both treated and released.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
continuing to give blondes a bad name
I saw this on a blog a few days ago, I forget where, and I have no idea what this show is or when it airs, but holy smokes....
It begs the question, would you rather be beautiful, rich, adn adle minded, or brilliant and fugly...
This scared the crap out of me today...
It is the Christmas Season, and I have family that might have been shopping...
10 Dead in Omaha Mall Shooting
By OSKAR GARCIA – 6 hours ago
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A gunman opened fire Wednesday at a busy Omaha shopping mall, killing nine people before taking his own life, police said. Five more people were wounded, two critically.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A gunman opened fire Wednesday at a busy Omaha mall, wounding at least one person and forcing police to lock down the shopping center while they searched for the shooter.
It was not immediately clear whether the shooter was still inside the Westroads Mall or whether other people were hurt. Police refused to confirm any injuries or arrests.
A witness, Todd Trimpe, told Omaha television station KMTV that he saw police apprehend a man who was hiding under a bus stop bench outside the mall. Trimpe said the man was dressed in camouflage.
Keith Fidler, a Von Maur employee, said he heard a burst of five to six shots followed by 15 to 20 more rounds. Fidler said he huddled in the corner of the men's clothing department with about a dozen other employees until police yelled to get out of the store.
Fidler said he did not see the shooting but saw a person lying still by an elevator as he was leaving the store.
A woman who answered the phone at an Old Navy store said 20 to 30 customers were huddled with employees in a back storeroom.
"All we know was people were running and screaming down the hallway by Von Maur saying there was a shooting, and then they locked us down," said the woman, who said her name was Heidi.
Police were allowing some people to leave the mall, but no one was permitted to enter. Shortly after the shooting, a group of shoppers came out of the building with their hands raised, Some were still holding shopping bags.
Officers swept the parking lot and peered into vehicles, keeping people at a distance. A sheriff's deputy would not say what authorities were looking for.
Kevin Kleine, 29, who was shopping with her 4-year-old daughter, said she hid in a dressing room with four other shoppers and an employee.
"My knees rocked. I didn't know what to do, so I just ran with everybody else," Kleine said.
A witness, Shawn Vidlak, said he heard four or five rapid shots "like a nail gun." At first he thought it was noise from construction work going on at the mall.
"People started screaming about gunshots," Vidlak said. "I grabbed my wife and kids we got out of there as fast as we could."
Shopper Chol Khor said he was shopping inside J.C. Penney when the shooting occurred.
"I heard something like a balloon pop," he said. "Then two women came running into the store and said there had been a shooting."
President Bush was in town Wednesday for a fundraiser in Omaha, but left about an hour before the shooting.
The sprawling, three-level mall has more than 135 stores and restaurants, according to the Web site for General Growth Properties, the manager of the mall. It gets 14.5 million visitors every year, according to the Web site.
Associated Press Writers Anna Jo Bratton, Josh Funk and Eric Olson contributed to this report.
Dr. Office
I loathe breaking down and taking The Collective to the Dr.
Before taking them, I have to play that game every other Mom plays. "Are they sick enough to warrant a Drs visit?
Is there fever? My children never run a fever. Oh I take that back Sir Rowland has run fever 1 time. I do not run fever. This may sound great, but I do not get it. Even when my own white count was 29,000 I should have had a fever. Nope.
Has said illness ran more than 7 days? 24 hours feels like 7 days, if your kid is whiney enough. So there.
Is mucus green, tenacious?
Is mood affected?
Is the illness affecting the daily activities of your child?
Anywho, that is the list I use when determining a trip to the Dr.
However, if your kid has a sore throat, and is complaining everytime he/she swallows. Ughhh....should you check it out and make sure it is not strept, before the entire family get it?
If it is Friday, and you have a sick child? Well I vote for take them in. If you do not, chances are you could spend Saturdy or Sunday in an ER for up to 8 hours.
Before taking them, I have to play that game every other Mom plays. "Are they sick enough to warrant a Drs visit?
Is there fever? My children never run a fever. Oh I take that back Sir Rowland has run fever 1 time. I do not run fever. This may sound great, but I do not get it. Even when my own white count was 29,000 I should have had a fever. Nope.
Has said illness ran more than 7 days? 24 hours feels like 7 days, if your kid is whiney enough. So there.
Is mucus green, tenacious?
Is mood affected?
Is the illness affecting the daily activities of your child?
Anywho, that is the list I use when determining a trip to the Dr.
However, if your kid has a sore throat, and is complaining everytime he/she swallows. Ughhh....should you check it out and make sure it is not strept, before the entire family get it?
If it is Friday, and you have a sick child? Well I vote for take them in. If you do not, chances are you could spend Saturdy or Sunday in an ER for up to 8 hours.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Pink Ninja, has not been "my learner". She is smart as a whip, but has not been interested in "learning ABC's" etc. I can't blame her. Plus it is a little difficult when your brother was born reading. I have not pushed matters, as I believe learning should be fun. You are only teeny once. While Sir Rowland has been my reader, and math person, she had leaning to drawing, and creating. Figuring out how to use scissors expertly at an early age. She also likes organizing things into catergories. She can identify all sorts of animals, and wants to know "who eats who." "Will a lion eat me? I know they like other animals, but do they like people." Sadly I have had the job of educating her on what cute animals will eat people. The other night while driving to church, she was telling me about how "bucks fight, and sometimes they loose horns, but they grow back, it is called regeneration." It knocked my socks off. I had no idea it was called regeneration.
Over the past 2 months, she has made leaps in the writing department. LEAPS. And out of nowhere, she not only knows her letters, but can write them. She is writing her name, brothers name, spelling things out loud. Amazing.
It is amazing to me as a Mother, that people can learn so differently.
amazing, my children amaze me daily.
Over the past 2 months, she has made leaps in the writing department. LEAPS. And out of nowhere, she not only knows her letters, but can write them. She is writing her name, brothers name, spelling things out loud. Amazing.
It is amazing to me as a Mother, that people can learn so differently.
amazing, my children amaze me daily.
It is quiet here.
Yesterday I had a very good friend suffer a loss. When it comes to a deep personal loss, I am never quite sure what to say, or what to do. I want to make a pie for her, brew some tea, and let her rest.
That is impossible with the distance. So I can sit here and pray, and am reminded of my good fortune......
Yesterday I had a very good friend suffer a loss. When it comes to a deep personal loss, I am never quite sure what to say, or what to do. I want to make a pie for her, brew some tea, and let her rest.
That is impossible with the distance. So I can sit here and pray, and am reminded of my good fortune......
Monday, December 03, 2007
Another reason Santa Rocks...
Santa: "Now kids, I have been looking in your windows, I see the toys on the floor."
Pink Ninja and Sir Rowland: Staring wide eyed at Santa, and then at DH and I in disbelief and horror.
DH and I: chuckling under breath hoping this buys at least a month of cleaner rooms.
Pink Ninja and Sir Rowland: Staring wide eyed at Santa, and then at DH and I in disbelief and horror.
DH and I: chuckling under breath hoping this buys at least a month of cleaner rooms.
Who said nothing happens on Sunday?
I was gone for a greater part of the afternoon. I came home to find this.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
It is nice out
It is nice outside right now. I mean nice and warm with a nice breeze. Odd.
DH has been exhausted for the last couple of days, I am afraid he is getting "the ug" from the kids.
So as soon as dinner has ended for the past couple of nights, I have sent him to bed. I do not need another sick person in the house.
I think Sir Rowland is on the mend.
Pink Ninja claims she feels great, but the stream of snot coming out of her nose=sick to me.
It looks like SpouseBuzz Live went well, I did manage to catch some choppy bits of it. A problem with bandwidth is my guess. However the folks at SyncLive are going to put the archive up SOON.
Frankly, what I saw was impressive. Lots of crowd participation as well.
When the archive goes up I will put a link up!
DH has been exhausted for the last couple of days, I am afraid he is getting "the ug" from the kids.
So as soon as dinner has ended for the past couple of nights, I have sent him to bed. I do not need another sick person in the house.
I think Sir Rowland is on the mend.
Pink Ninja claims she feels great, but the stream of snot coming out of her nose=sick to me.
It looks like SpouseBuzz Live went well, I did manage to catch some choppy bits of it. A problem with bandwidth is my guess. However the folks at SyncLive are going to put the archive up SOON.
Frankly, what I saw was impressive. Lots of crowd participation as well.
When the archive goes up I will put a link up!
SpouseBuzz Live 3 This morning, and yes you can be there!
Well Today is the day, and you can BE THERE, thanks to the folks at synchronicity the LIVE.
Come watch my Synchronicity Live show at 8:30 AM on 12/1/2007
There is a chat room, so log on!
Mission: to connect with other military spouses, normalize the "life" of military spouses in day where many of us are feeling the pressure of so many deployments, and separations. To join all service branches, and male and female spouses to connect, share stories, resources, and information so we can advocate for one another as a United effort.
I cannot attend this live event, because of my Husbands drill schedule, but we have connected with a company that will make it possible for us ALL to virtually attend and connect.
Go to SpouseBuzz for more information. Folks will need to register before the event to virtually attend!
The best thing about the Internet, no more isolation, and support for those that need it.
I am asking for those of you in the blogosphere to help remind people that they can attend this conference virtually.
Come watch my Synchronicity Live show at 8:30 AM on 12/1/2007
There is a chat room, so log on!
Mission: to connect with other military spouses, normalize the "life" of military spouses in day where many of us are feeling the pressure of so many deployments, and separations. To join all service branches, and male and female spouses to connect, share stories, resources, and information so we can advocate for one another as a United effort.
I cannot attend this live event, because of my Husbands drill schedule, but we have connected with a company that will make it possible for us ALL to virtually attend and connect.
Go to SpouseBuzz for more information. Folks will need to register before the event to virtually attend!
The best thing about the Internet, no more isolation, and support for those that need it.
I am asking for those of you in the blogosphere to help remind people that they can attend this conference virtually.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Santa gets cooler EVERY year!

*sorry about the poor quality, no scanner, so took the photo with my macbook.
First off, my suggestion to go see Santa right after picking up Sir Rowland from school was the most genius thing EVAH. I mean EVAH.
There was one tot sitting with Santa. One, and NO LINE. Can you believe that? No line.
This meant that Sir Rowland, and Pink Ninja got as LONG as they wanted with the big guy.
First photos. Done.
I might mention here, Pink Ninja remains under the weather. Ick...Sir Rowland is better. Pink Ninja, not so much. She is also grouchy and bossy when she is sick. Oye. So she was not so sure about Santa Claus. Sir Rowland, LOVES Santa, not a problem.
So photos taken. Not the greatest photo of Pink Ninja, but Sir Rowland...well look at his face. You also will note, Pink Ninja is all sick looking around the mouth, dry and pink from the constant stream of snot, and from tissues being smeared across her face.
So Santa gave them candy canes, and chatted with them for a bit about the wish list this year. I am not sure what Pink Ninja wants, but she did chat with him.
Before leaving I mentioned to Santa that today Pink Ninja was celebrating her birthday, and do you know what he did? He brought her over to his big chair and sang Happy Birthday to her. Santa sang Happy Birthday, loudly and proudly. He also gave her a tiny reindeer. WOW.
Then we went off to Build a Bear. A place frankly we have avoided as a one income home. But she had one request for her Birthday and it was a build a bear. Frankly we were ready to be hit pretty hard, due to the array of costuming and accessories these folks have to dress the darn bears with. But guess what? She picked out Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer. Guess what, Rudolph does not wear clothes. Easy and painless.
Then off to our favorite Chinese Eatery. It was horrible, no veggies. Ok a mushrrom and cabbage here and there, but no veggies. Ick. This is why I cook 21 meals a week at home. I swear.
We did have time to do a bit of window shopping, I found the snazziest skirt ever at Ann Taylor, Cream, and chocolate plaid. However they are out of their minds with the 98$ rich for my blood. do you know what I can do with $98 dollars? I can do some amazing stuff with that. I told the woman it had better be wool, which it was, but still. I will buy it when it goes on sale, or when someone knocks it off at a discount retailer.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tissue Issue, The Green King, and Pink Ninja Will be 4 in the morning.

November came in like a lion, and went out like a lion, did it not?
What happens this time of year, that makes time fly? I have been busy this week running around from here to there. With a child in school it seems as though there is always some paperwork that comes home that needs to be filled out. This week, it was the third field trip. This next one, is to a Christmas tree farm. It sounds like fun, and the day includes a hay rack ride, hot cocoa. DH will be going as a chaperone. Should be fun. There was also paying for the third quarter gymnastics for Sir Rowland and third quarter ballet for Pink Ninja.
I did manage to go through some of Pink Ninja's clothing. She has GROWN so quickly, it is amazing. She has outgrown all of her blue jeans, and is wearing her Brother's discarded 5T slims. She is a tall, and it is amazing. Normally I dress her in skirts and tights in the fall, and maybe I should continue to do so. Her little legs just keep growing.
Sir Rowland has been preparing for the Church's annual Christmas program. He had 3 songs to memorize, and is doing quite nicely, he loves singing. Last night we found out he will be the green King, and he has agreed to wear the costume, which includes a very ornate large hat. I am hoping to get a ton of photos. He will also be performing at the local long term care center in costume. I am pleased he has agreed to wear the costume, as he is not a fan of dressing up. He did so for AWANA, but declined to participate in trick or treating.
I got a call from Sir Rowland's teacher this morning, it seems as though he had a rough morning. Things have been going well for him, I am unsure what set him off in the wrong direction, but his mood is hard to turn when it is headed South. His Grammie sent him a big box of goodies yesterday, she included a little pack of Puffs tissue with Vicks in them. She wrote a note on the package that said "For Little Mans Backpack". Last night he took one out and smelled them and proclaimed his hatred for Vicks, and told me he did not want them in his pack. Well I guess he changed his mind at about 9am, when he was frantically searching for them while simultaneously having a meltdown about these Puffs with vicks. The teacher called for me to come get him, because he was so upset about these missing tissues. I explained to the teacher that they were currently on my table because he did not want them last night. I will tell you this, he processes things visually, so when he read the note on the pack, he probably forgot about the conversation with me, and just remembered that they should be in his backpack. Oye Vey.... I guess he settled down for the rest of the day, but geesh....Oh, and the tissues are in his backpack now.
Pink Ninja, turns 4 at around 3'ish this am. Funny, how I thought I would never forget the actual time. I will look it up in the morning. My baby is 4. She is 4, wearing a size 5T in clothing, and an 11 shoe. My baby is 4. She still looks teeny most of the time. Even with the new haircut she gave herself! Tonight i got to go Birthday shopping for her from her Grampanio. I managed to get a lot, with the money he sent. I even managed to get 2 pair fuzzy footed jammies! She will be toasty. She has been under the weather, and I am hoping she feels better in time for her birthday breakfast. There are big plans for the day. A trip to see Santa for the annual Santa photo and the "list". The one gift she will be getting from DH and I is a build a bear. That was actually her only request for months, and then a trip to the Chinese Restaurant for dinner, and home for strawberry cake and ice cream. She can write her name now, she can identify all letters. For a child of 4 I am amazed at her ability to read people's emotions. (I am guessing this is from living with a sibling whose mood dictates the mood of the house at times, which we try to avoid, but it happens). She can read emotions, and mood like no other 4 year old I know, she is also a very joyous child most of the time. She likes to run fast, and jump from high places, she has no sense of fear. And when I remind her of her that she has already broken her arms, and so she should be careful she will tell me...."Well I haven't broken my legs yet." Yeah she is going to give me a heart attack. and she remains one of the most gorgeous people I know, inside and out.
30 days
There are few moments in my life where I have sat back and soaked in what was going on. Probably out of self preservation, or just plain old fashioned being too busy. Idle hands and all of that...
There are a few moments I can recall where i have had to stop and soak. I have been reminded of them over the last couple of weeks.
This was during DH's absence, and I had gone back to my hometown to care for my Mother.
I was in the Suburban, and I cannot recall where I was going to or coming from. I was pregnant, very pregnant, and it was snowing. I am going to guess I was headed to the grocery store, or to see the midwife, as those were "the outings" in those days. But I can recall the moment, the intersection, the snow falling down in large wet flakes, and the traffic being heavy as it was Christmas and people were out running about shopping and preparing for the day.
A couple of weeks prior to this day, we had taken my Mother to yet another Dr. in another town to see what are options were. The options were running thin. She had just had her 4th or 5th MRI, the tumors that had disappeared miraculously, were now back. There were now 7 brain tumors to deal with. Radiation could no longer be done...and options. Well they just seemed far fetched and out of reach. Maybe we could go to MD Anderson and try the newest ablation therapy, but the cost involved was far beyond what all of us could manage, Plus I would have to pack up and live in a hotel with my ailing Mother who was requiring at least 2 of us to move her in and out of bed, or to the commode. There was no way I could cook for us in a hotel room, or afford living in a hotel. People kept sending us stories of miraculous treatments from all over the World. And frankly it was devastating, the logistics and financial part of curing my Mother...
The last Dr. told her in front of us all while staring at her X-rays that "you really need to make your final arrangements".....and we left his office. My Brother pushing my Mother in her wheel chair, my Mother swollen beyond recognition from all of the steroids to keep the inflammation of her brain down, allow fluids to flow from one ventricle to another. Her hair thinned, her color sallow and ashy. My Mother who had just turned beautiful Mom. And she looked at the Dr. and said.."well thank you". She looked at us and suggested a dinner out.
And as my Brother pushed her wheel chair, my Father and I lagged behind asking the Dr. exactly how much time we had. "30 days, maybe".
And I recall my Mother talking to my Brother and my Sister, my Father and I lagging behind eyes full of tears, unable to make anything out but shadows....but I could hear her voice. And I think I saw my Father's heart break, I saw his spirit sink, and I think we both could have cried for weeks.
And that moment in the car at the intersection, was one of the most painful I can recall. I had to realize that this Christmas would be the last with my Mother. There was no fixing 7 brain tumors. I had to sit at the intersection, and listen "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas"...and I literally had to hand all over to God. I had no choice. I felt like I was going to grow out of my skin from pain.
And so when I wonder where my melancholy comes from this time of year. I do not need to wonder for very long...Christmas is a bitter sweet time for many of us. A time to celebrate, and a time to reflect.
And we had longer than 30 days at the end.
There are a few moments I can recall where i have had to stop and soak. I have been reminded of them over the last couple of weeks.
This was during DH's absence, and I had gone back to my hometown to care for my Mother.
I was in the Suburban, and I cannot recall where I was going to or coming from. I was pregnant, very pregnant, and it was snowing. I am going to guess I was headed to the grocery store, or to see the midwife, as those were "the outings" in those days. But I can recall the moment, the intersection, the snow falling down in large wet flakes, and the traffic being heavy as it was Christmas and people were out running about shopping and preparing for the day.
A couple of weeks prior to this day, we had taken my Mother to yet another Dr. in another town to see what are options were. The options were running thin. She had just had her 4th or 5th MRI, the tumors that had disappeared miraculously, were now back. There were now 7 brain tumors to deal with. Radiation could no longer be done...and options. Well they just seemed far fetched and out of reach. Maybe we could go to MD Anderson and try the newest ablation therapy, but the cost involved was far beyond what all of us could manage, Plus I would have to pack up and live in a hotel with my ailing Mother who was requiring at least 2 of us to move her in and out of bed, or to the commode. There was no way I could cook for us in a hotel room, or afford living in a hotel. People kept sending us stories of miraculous treatments from all over the World. And frankly it was devastating, the logistics and financial part of curing my Mother...
The last Dr. told her in front of us all while staring at her X-rays that "you really need to make your final arrangements".....and we left his office. My Brother pushing my Mother in her wheel chair, my Mother swollen beyond recognition from all of the steroids to keep the inflammation of her brain down, allow fluids to flow from one ventricle to another. Her hair thinned, her color sallow and ashy. My Mother who had just turned beautiful Mom. And she looked at the Dr. and said.."well thank you". She looked at us and suggested a dinner out.
And as my Brother pushed her wheel chair, my Father and I lagged behind asking the Dr. exactly how much time we had. "30 days, maybe".
And I recall my Mother talking to my Brother and my Sister, my Father and I lagging behind eyes full of tears, unable to make anything out but shadows....but I could hear her voice. And I think I saw my Father's heart break, I saw his spirit sink, and I think we both could have cried for weeks.
And that moment in the car at the intersection, was one of the most painful I can recall. I had to realize that this Christmas would be the last with my Mother. There was no fixing 7 brain tumors. I had to sit at the intersection, and listen "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas"...and I literally had to hand all over to God. I had no choice. I felt like I was going to grow out of my skin from pain.
And so when I wonder where my melancholy comes from this time of year. I do not need to wonder for very long...Christmas is a bitter sweet time for many of us. A time to celebrate, and a time to reflect.
And we had longer than 30 days at the end.
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